Folks complaining about something free. Glad to see even if the boards change the posts from the users don't.
The problem isnt the fact of something Free. They offered the Champions Online crowd the same thing with the purchase of LTS. Then shortly after they opened up CBT to non LTS. They will do the same again. Just watch I bet soon they will be offering a contest on it (again) for keys and access to the CBT for neverwinter. The problem isnt things for Free. The problem is the twist behind it. Any non LTS will have access to this. The reason why we complain is its just Branflakes and PWE false promotion of actually giving us something.
Unless you have yet to set your title to the LTS title, I am assuming you have NOT dished out a bulk amount of money to a game to play. Meaning you have no reason to be pissed off. If you drop a few hundred on a game (299 not during a sale) then you Expect the money you paid for, the perks given to you, to affect the game you play. NOT a sad Promotion for there next game to try to sucker there Life time players over to.
Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
Folks complaining about something free. Glad to see even if the boards change the posts from the users don't.
I, too would be infuriated if I was invited into closed beta for a game a company was creating. Its the only rational reaction.
Sadly, being F2P means that I'm not subjected to this terrible outrage that's an affront to right-thinking people everywhere. I'll have to go back to being outraged about less important things like politics during an election year or something. :frown:
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
This is a joke right? I mean the real invitation is to test Season 7 (yes I mean 7) Before everyone else, right?
Seriously with this... this isn't a perk, this is cross game advertising. I blow enough money on this game as is what makes you think I want to spend it on a game I know nothing or even care about?
This isn't a perk. This is lame
Join Date: October 2009
STO Start Date: March 2010
June 2012, assimilated into the PWE collective. Resistance is futile.
Do you remember STO Closed Beta? People who bought LTS to Champs got closed beta access to STO as a perk. They then opened up access to others without making them pay. I'm sure the same thing will happen here.
Really? It cost me $60 to play in the open beta.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
YAAAAAAAY I paid 299 to get access to a Beta... that has nothing to do with the Lifetime Perks towards Star Trek Online. Yayyy.. Betas which every other company lets you in for FREEEE... yay.. Ya know typically I have no problems with the stuff you have given us.
I don't understand what's wrong with an additional perk (though a weak one).
There are people who paid 500 bucks (and more) for beta access to Diablo 3, various WoW Expansions, Warhammer Online etc.
Now, that's dumb
PWE you nearly got me with this one ... but I still won't buy a LTS :cool:
I don't understand what's wrong with an additional perk (though a weak one).
There are people who paid 500 bucks (and more) for beta access to Diablo 3, various WoW Expansions, Warhammer Online etc.
Now, that's dumb
PWE you nearly got me with this one ... but I still won't buy a LTS :cool:
I paid $0 to Beta Test D3, Got my access off of, Also got my STO beta access off Did not beta warhammer so can't comment about that.
Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
We are happy to announce that all Star Trek Online Lifetime Subscribers will be gaining access to the Neverwinter Closed Beta test*. Read more for full details.
Ya, I'm with the numerous others in this thread as NOT seeing this as a perk.
Cause I'm already Testing Season 6 for STO....
Since NWN is based off of tech from CO and STO, both of which work, then I already know that NWN works...
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
The problem isnt the fact of something Free. They offered the Champions Online crowd the same thing with the purchase of LTS. Then shortly after they opened up CBT to non LTS. They will do the same again. Just watch I bet soon they will be offering a contest on it (again) for keys and access to the CBT for neverwinter. The problem isnt things for Free. The problem is the twist behind it. Any non LTS will have access to this. The reason why we complain is its just Branflakes and PWE false promotion of actually giving us something.
Unless you have yet to set your title to the LTS title, I am assuming you have NOT dished out a bulk amount of money to a game to play. Meaning you have no reason to be pissed off. If you drop a few hundred on a game (299 not during a sale) then you Expect the money you paid for, the perks given to you, to affect the game you play. NOT a sad Promotion for there next game to try to sucker there Life time players over to.
I do have an LTS. Too lazy to find settings to change my name on the new board.
Sure they may offer this "perk" to other folks down the line but as a STO LTS you get first shot. Is it much of a perk? No its not, but its still a perk and not much of a reason to see so much out rage on the forum.
Make sure you never buy a car because you'll get perks from your car dealership all the time they don't send to regular folks. Life is tough I know, but sometimes you just gotta roll with it.
Well, if anything, those of us interested in the Foundry can compare NW's Foundry features to STO's - and once the NDA on the NW closed beta is lifted; come back and ask why doesn't/when will STO's Foundry be getting feature 'X'.
(I'm an old pencil and paper D&D player from WAY back - so if anything, it'll be interesting to see what they did to the D&D mileu.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Do you remember STO Closed Beta? People who bought LTS to Champs got closed beta access to STO as a perk. They then opened up access to others without making them pay. I'm sure the same thing will happen here.
Yep, this is par the course for Cryptic. Though all the game companies are doing something similar these days, buy this get that, betas, preorder offers.
Well, if anything, those of us interested in the Foundry can compare NW's Foundry features to STO's - and once the NDA on the NW closed beta is lifted; come back and ask why doesn't/when will STO's Foundry be getting feature 'X'.
(I'm an old pencil and paper D&D player from WAY back - so if anything, it'll be interesting to see what they did to the D&D mileu.)
Same here I used to be big on the muds back in the 80's and 90's but if they can go further with their tech and gameplay as far as world pvp goes and territory control as well as there should not be as much limitations on the foundry EULA with Neverwinter as with the IP of Star Trek.
So should work out pretty good to be able to have access for the LTS.
We are happy to announce that all Star Trek Online Lifetime Subscribers will be gaining access to the Neverwinter Closed Beta test*. Read more for full details.
Thats funny since I just bought my STO lifetime some days ago after 500 Days of loyal montly subbing (Got 500 today actually )
But honestly, I have absolutely no interest in the next so called Middle Age MMO, there have been tons of it already, what makes this MMO so awesome compared 2 the rest of them?
But, can the next one actually be something in STO? Like a free borgified ship skin that compliments the look of the Borg set? Or a Vulcan/Orion Love Slave pet I can run around with on ESD/First City that dances when not running?
luagh my TRIBBLE off a sto perk is beta to a fantasy game
you know for a second i thought you were going to give us a tier 5 connie which would relate to the picture you have on the site but no its to never winter (thanks ).
To be honest, i AM excited about Never winter beta and had actually signed up for it the day before PW ruined the forums and all, but the problem some might have is the fact that the last time cryptic promised lifers closed beta access a lot of people ended up not getting it until the last weekend of. People ARE excited, but like a lot of things Cryptic has promised lifers, people will probably doubt it will be fulfilled properly.
Considering this weekend I played House always win on max difficulty and received lock boxes 4 out of every 5 drops, PASS. until the lock boxes go away I will not drop one more penny into another Cryptic game. I am sure it will be fun but it's the principle of it all.
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
There are so many people complaining here. Here's the reasons why I'm happy:
1) Neverwinter recently won PAX Best in Show on
2) I've wanted more perks for my LTS. (Even though I still think we should get free keys)
3) Although some here are saying that closed betas are free, most are either too hard to get into or require you to prepurchase the game to get in. I prepurchased Guild Wars 2 and it cost me ?60, so I'm glad I get this for free.
YAAAAAAAY I paid 299 to get access to a Beta... that has nothing to do with the Lifetime Perks towards Star Trek Online. Yayyy.. Betas which every other company lets you in for FREEEE... yay.. Ya know typically I have no problems with the stuff you have given us. But Seriously.. BETA access to ANOTHER GAME should not be a LIFETIME perk for a game called STAR TREK ONLINE. Something that Actually counts towards STAR TREK ONLINE ( and no foundry options coming out of neverwinter DO NOT COUNT). A Temporary perk in a way to troll in members who have dedicated themselves to your company is not a Real perk. It is a way for you to try to troll in Life time members to testing out your future cash cow that will most likely Get more Attention in the future then STO. All of your competitors Give Beta testing out to those interested, To those that DO NOT have to dole out 299/199 for a preview access.
They did the Exact same thing for Champs LTS when STO was going into beta. We should get in alot sooner than others.
Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
The Problem I see is that the most complainers work it this way:
"Hi, we are PWE. We offer you Beta Access. Give 300 bucks for it."
(the same way DOFF pack complainers try to "argument")
And that's plain and simply not the case.
You have your LTS with all it's perks (if that is fair, or good enough depends on the individual user who buys/bought it). Now you get an additional one.
Don't want the Betaacess? Just ignore it, you still have your LTS with the perks.
(NOT: see above)
Same with GW2: You don't pay for Betaaccess, you pay for a (yet to be released) Game, and get a Bonus Perk for paying in advance. Don't want to spoil yourself? Don't play the Beta. You still have the final product on Releaseday.
The problem isnt the fact of something Free. They offered the Champions Online crowd the same thing with the purchase of LTS. Then shortly after they opened up CBT to non LTS. They will do the same again. Just watch I bet soon they will be offering a contest on it (again) for keys and access to the CBT for neverwinter. The problem isnt things for Free. The problem is the twist behind it. Any non LTS will have access to this. The reason why we complain is its just Branflakes and PWE false promotion of actually giving us something.
Unless you have yet to set your title to the LTS title, I am assuming you have NOT dished out a bulk amount of money to a game to play. Meaning you have no reason to be pissed off. If you drop a few hundred on a game (299 not during a sale) then you Expect the money you paid for, the perks given to you, to affect the game you play. NOT a sad Promotion for there next game to try to sucker there Life time players over to.
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
I, too would be infuriated if I was invited into closed beta for a game a company was creating. Its the only rational reaction.
Sadly, being F2P means that I'm not subjected to this terrible outrage that's an affront to right-thinking people everywhere. I'll have to go back to being outraged about less important things like politics during an election year or something. :frown:
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
Seriously with this... this isn't a perk, this is cross game advertising. I blow enough money on this game as is what makes you think I want to spend it on a game I know nothing or even care about?
This isn't a perk. This is lame
Join Date: October 2009
STO Start Date: March 2010
June 2012, assimilated into the PWE collective. Resistance is futile.
Really? It cost me $60 to play in the open beta.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I don't understand what's wrong with an additional perk (though a weak one).
There are people who paid 500 bucks (and more) for beta access to Diablo 3, various WoW Expansions, Warhammer Online etc.
Now, that's dumb
PWE you nearly got me with this one ... but I still won't buy a LTS :cool:
I paid $0 to Beta Test D3, Got my access off of, Also got my STO beta access off Did not beta warhammer so can't comment about that.
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
Yep, really. Numerous sites were giving out free keys, and Cryptic even had an application process to get one directly from them for free as well.
Cause I'm already Testing Season 6 for STO....
Since NWN is based off of tech from CO and STO, both of which work, then I already know that NWN works...
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
I do have an LTS. Too lazy to find settings to change my name on the new board.
Sure they may offer this "perk" to other folks down the line but as a STO LTS you get first shot. Is it much of a perk? No its not, but its still a perk and not much of a reason to see so much out rage on the forum.
Make sure you never buy a car because you'll get perks from your car dealership all the time they don't send to regular folks. Life is tough I know, but sometimes you just gotta roll with it.
(I'm an old pencil and paper D&D player from WAY back - so if anything, it'll be interesting to see what they did to the D&D mileu.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Yep, this is par the course for Cryptic. Though all the game companies are doing something similar these days, buy this get that, betas, preorder offers.
Commander, Starfleet Corps of Engineers • 7th Fleet
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. HEART OF OAK • NX-1759-B • Odyssey class Star Cruiser ( Lexington Tactical Configuration))
(Steam - feel free to follow/friend me : )
Same here I used to be big on the muds back in the 80's and 90's but if they can go further with their tech and gameplay as far as world pvp goes and territory control as well as there should not be as much limitations on the foundry EULA with Neverwinter as with the IP of Star Trek.
So should work out pretty good to be able to have access for the LTS.
Thats funny since I just bought my STO lifetime some days ago after 500 Days of loyal montly subbing (Got 500 today actually
But honestly, I have absolutely no interest in the next so called Middle Age MMO, there have been tons of it already, what makes this MMO so awesome compared 2 the rest of them?
But, can the next one actually be something in STO? Like a free borgified ship skin that compliments the look of the Borg set? Or a Vulcan/Orion Love Slave pet I can run around with on ESD/First City that dances when not running?
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
you know for a second i thought you were going to give us a tier 5 connie which would relate to the picture you have on the site but no its to never winter (thanks ).
hey ho back to any other mmo
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
1) Neverwinter recently won PAX Best in Show on
2) I've wanted more perks for my LTS. (Even though I still think we should get free keys)
3) Although some here are saying that closed betas are free, most are either too hard to get into or require you to prepurchase the game to get in. I prepurchased Guild Wars 2 and it cost me ?60, so I'm glad I get this for free.
They did the Exact same thing for Champs LTS when STO was going into beta. We should get in alot sooner than others.
STO Member Since November 2010 | Tribbles are Friends NOT Food!
"Hi, we are PWE. We offer you Beta Access. Give 300 bucks for it."
(the same way DOFF pack complainers try to "argument")
And that's plain and simply not the case.
You have your LTS with all it's perks (if that is fair, or good enough depends on the individual user who buys/bought it). Now you get an additional one.
Don't want the Betaacess? Just ignore it, you still have your LTS with the perks.
(NOT: see above)
Same with GW2: You don't pay for Betaaccess, you pay for a (yet to be released) Game, and get a Bonus Perk for paying in advance. Don't want to spoil yourself? Don't play the Beta. You still have the final product on Releaseday.
See the difference?
Will there be a similar Beta Access in the future for Golds and former subscribers (Semi-Silvers)?