Every ship I run has at least one Eng team and one EP2S.
I can't see not running those skills.
Totally with you there, i was thinking that for a sci ability at the start, "Jam sensors" served me well too. It came in handy to get a few cheap shots in on the enemy npc. :biggrin: :cool:
Totally with you there, i was thinking that for a sci ability at the start, "Jam sensors" served me well too. It came in handy to get a few cheap shots in on the enemy npc. :biggrin: :cool:
Jam sensors seems to be the default sci skill that comes with your initial sci bridge officer. I seem to get it whenever I start a new character. Works well enough, but it you are having trouble surviving, a heal like hazard emitters may be a better option. Especially if you go with emergency power to shields for your engineering ability. That way, you will have 1 shield heal, and 1 hull heal.
And Elizabeth, feel free to send me a friend invite as well (@Latinumbar). Be glad to help where I can. Oh and to change your bridge officer skills, there is a trainer at ESD (earth space dock). He is located by the entrance to sick bay. I think it costs EC (energy credits) to change their skills. If you don't have any, let me know, and I can get you some starter cash. I'm not ultra-rich, but a couple of hundred thousand EC is absolutely no sweat off my back if you want to upgrade your gear and such.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
Jam sensors seems to be the default sci skill that comes with your initial sci bridge officer. I seem to get it whenever I start a new character. Works well enough, but it you are having trouble surviving, a heal like hazard emitters may be a better option. Especially if you go with emergency power to shields for your engineering ability. That way, you will have 1 shield heal, and 1 hull heal.
I agree that Jam sensors seems to be the default SCI Boffs skill. I'm gonna disagree with Haz Emitters though. At low level you aren't seeing the lingering damage like Plasma fires and the like. The hull heal is so small and slow as to be almost unnoticable when you are getting actively fired upon. To combine a hull and a shield heal. Engineering Team and Science Team. But the shared Cooldown is a killer there.
I highly suggest SCI Team/Emergency to Shields to boost survivability.
I agree that Jam sensors seems to be the default SCI Boffs skill. I'm gonna disagree with Haz Emitters though. At low level you aren't seeing the lingering damage like Plasma fires and the like. The hull heal is so small and slow as to be almost unnoticable when you are getting actively fired upon. To combine a hull and a shield heal. Engineering Team and Science Team. But the shared Cooldown is a killer there.
I highly suggest SCI Team/Emergency to Shields to boost survivability.
That combo will work too, although you have no hull heal. The low level gorn ships, however, DO use eject warp plasma which hazard emitters will get you out of. Hazard emitters will also provide a damage resistance buff. Ultimately, there is no RIGHT answer, and it's a matter of preference. If you want another shield heal, transfer shield strength is actually better than sci team, plus it gives damage resistance as well.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
Welcome to the game. Its a pretty nice community and as a girl I'm sure plenty of folks will be extra nice to you. Sry if anyone comes off creepy but its sure to eventually with every game/MMO. Us guys with female toons even get it sometimes.
My advice is if you're a silver run your KDF toon even if you don't plan on playing as KDF. Level them up to unlock the Doff system then park them at the KDF acadamy and have them farm Doff assignments\Lore\Data chip missions. Its worth logging in for 5 minutes to earn the quick Dil, memory chip, contraband and EC that you'll earn off them.
That's for sure. I used to have a female captain up until the point where one very lonely Trekkie sent me a tell asking if he could look up my skirt in exchange for taking me out to Red Lobster for cheesy biscuits. Judging by his wording and the way he was coming on to me...I think he was serious and not just trolling me.
That's for sure. I used to have a female captain up until the point where one very lonely Trekkie sent me a tell asking if he could look up my skirt in exchange for taking me out to Red Lobster for cheesy biscuits. Judging by his wording and the way he was coming on to me...I think he was serious and not just trolling me.
I only play male characters now. x.x
That's strange right? You'd think a female toon with the word "KING" in it would tell you its a dude on the other side. The "gaming community" has so many bad eggs its crazy.
Firstly, thank you to all for the offer of help and tips and all the awesome stuff! I WILL be sure to holler ingame for stuff if needbe, which I'm sure I will need you guys.
Secondly, thank you all for being really nice to me. I really appreciate it.
Thirdly, Dang! I didn't realize how many people out there can be idiots ingame! Wow!
I had a little bit of time before biology (which, firearms was AWESOME!), so I thought I'd come on and see if there were any replies.
10:30-11:00 PM? I might be able to talk to you for just a few minutes then...
LOL Depends on if I speed home or not... ;P I may be able to make it home around 9:45-10pm-ish, but I shall either post or hit you up ingame to let you know.
This has got to be a massive troll... geeze nerds, you think you're going to get laid? Stop bumping this thread and let the real ones shine.
Uncalled for.
Thus far this thread has been a bright spot of people , ya know, being nice to each other.
Maybe *gasp* that happens with no ulterior motive.
And I find it very rich that someone posting in the Star Trek Online forums is calling the rest of us nerds ....
Good conversation, with friendly, happy people and you have to come in and drop a TRIBBLE popsicle.
Peace be with you man. Sorry you don't know how to just appreciate when the community is honestly friendly and helpful. It must be a sad life, the whole not recognizing the good side of people.
Seriously, though ? Poster in these forums calls me a nerd ? Pot , I'd like you to meet this Kettle.
I believe the phrase "It takes one to know one" is appropriate here.
I have to admit though, my suspicions really sky rocketed after seeing a number being thrown out in a public forum like this. Not a smart move, or just playing the field? :eek:
...my suspicions really sky rocketed after seeing a number being thrown out in a public forum like this. Not a smart move ...
Gotta say , I am feeling suspicious of that whole bit as well, but truth is, whatever the intention of the Original poster here, this thread is full of friendly, happy, helpful people, and that alone makes it fine by me.
Gotta say , I am feeling suspicious of that whole bit as well, but truth is, whatever the intention of the Original poster here, this thread is full of friendly, happy, helpful people, and that alone makes it fine by me.
Gotta say , I am feeling suspicious of that whole bit as well, but truth is, whatever the intention of the Original poster here, this thread is full of friendly, happy, helpful people, and that alone makes it fine by me.
Thank you all, for speaking your mind.
To the one who posted the... insult, I am merely a human being who likes to make friends. I LOVE Star Trek. So, why not post on the forums? That's what they're here for...
And perhaps, if you don't like my thread, you don't have to come to it.
I haven't done anything to you, and I've never asked that you complain about my posting.
And I am not a troll or whatever you've said the term is... frankly, if you want to know who I am, you can contact ME personally about it.
Don't go posting stuff like this on MY thread.
Thank you.
I only ask that you and anybody else refrain from making rude comments on my thread, and I'm asking nicely.
And if I have overstepped my boundaries by posting this, I apologize.
I believe the phrase "It takes one to know one" is appropriate here.
I have to admit though, my suspicions really sky rocketed after seeing a number being thrown out in a public forum like this. Not a smart move, or just playing the field? :eek:
Hey Rayus!
I only gave out the number, because it's really just an iPod app, called textfree.
I've been told that I shouldn't have given it out, but honestly, nobody is gonna find me, track me down and kill me. I've had the number as a way to free text, as I don't get cell service where I live.
I really would just like to make friends who like Star Trek as much as I do, because my other friends don't.
I just recommend you refrain from posting details of your personal life on this forum for anyone to see Elizabeth. You might have the best intentions here, but while the STO community is generally far more mature and helpful than other MMO communities, it's just not a good idea to post things like that on a public forum.
I just recommend you refrain from posting details of your personal life on this forum for anyone to see Elizabeth. You might have the best intentions here, and while the STO community is generally far more mature and helpful than other MMO communities, it's just not a good idea to post things like that on a public forum.
Friendly advice. Nothing more
Of course
I just don't want people to think I'm a troll, fake or whatever it is these days. I haven't been much in gaming besides WoW but, tbh, I didn't even know what a troll was until... well, a couple months ago. Whoops. LOL.
But yeah, I get everyone's point. I wouldn't recommend personal info put on here either, even though I uh, did. lol.
Just wanted to say that it was a pleasure to hang out with you last night at Starfleet Academy, Elizabeth. After you logged off, I realized that I should have worn my TOS uniform. Oh well, some other time perhaps.
Anyway, I also picked up something that I really didn't need, but I thought you might find a use for it. If not, you can give it to one of your bridge officers. I sent it to you through the mail system. To pick it up, you need to go to a mail terminal. There is one at earth spacedock by the banks, and there is also one at the academy by the bank and exchange.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
Just wanted to say that it was a pleasure to hang out with you last night at Starfleet Academy, Elizabeth. After you logged off, I realized that I should have worn my TOS uniform. Oh well, some other time perhaps.
Anyway, I also picked up something that I really didn't need, but I thought you might find a use for it. If not, you can give it to one of your bridge officers. I sent it to you through the mail system. To pick it up, you need to go to a mail terminal. There is one at earth spacedock by the banks, and there is also one at the academy by the bank and exchange.
It was a pleasure as well!! Of course, anytime.
I'll definitely take a look at it tonight, when I get online. I haven't been on anything since I was at the academy with you, as I've had the wedding to put together, reception, take pictures, and then I had to go back to work on Monday, and I've been sick since Sunday. My acid reflux has came back and then it set off my many panic attacks, so life has not been exactly normal.
All I've been wanting to do, is sleep, because when I sleep, I can't have really bad anxiety, nor do I wake up for much.
Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz, Ellie, or whatever you'd like.
I've been a Trekkie for years. While I was nowhere near being born when TOS aired, (My mother was born in 62, I was born 92) The Original Series and TNG are both absolutely my favorite. Hence why I picked ElizabethKirk.
My favorite characters are Kirk, Spock, Bones, Picard, Crusher (both).
I'm also a huge fan of the reboot. Chris Pine is undoubtably hot. Can't forget Quinto.
I was on Youtube when I came across this, a small video playing in the corner and its like OMGREALLY!? When I saw the little video for it, I got a big high.
So taking a small break from reading 2009/TOS fanfiction on Fanfiction.net, I just had to do it.
Anyways, I don't know anybody here. So, if you'd like to talk, I'm here!
your title caught my attention. i have been a ST fan since the original series aired. yes i watched it first run. i use to play video games in a place called an "arcade" back in the early 80's, but after graduating from college i left games behind. since then i have not played any games at all until one day i stumbled across STO. i really enjoy the game way more than i thought i would and consequently play way too much.
i have enjoyed all of star trek with the exception of DS9 which was basically a soap opera imho and the latest star trek movie. it was just not up to par in my opinion.
my favorite will always be TOS and i really thought Voyager was done very well.
i do my best to ignore all the negativity you see around here. Hope you have fun.
Totally with you there, i was thinking that for a sci ability at the start, "Jam sensors" served me well too. It came in handy to get a few cheap shots in on the enemy npc. :biggrin: :cool:
Starter ship has only 1 engineering ability. Can't have both Eng team AND EP2S (emergency power to shields).
Jam sensors seems to be the default sci skill that comes with your initial sci bridge officer. I seem to get it whenever I start a new character. Works well enough, but it you are having trouble surviving, a heal like hazard emitters may be a better option. Especially if you go with emergency power to shields for your engineering ability. That way, you will have 1 shield heal, and 1 hull heal.
And Elizabeth, feel free to send me a friend invite as well (@Latinumbar). Be glad to help where I can. Oh and to change your bridge officer skills, there is a trainer at ESD (earth space dock). He is located by the entrance to sick bay. I think it costs EC (energy credits) to change their skills. If you don't have any, let me know, and I can get you some starter cash. I'm not ultra-rich, but a couple of hundred thousand EC is absolutely no sweat off my back if you want to upgrade your gear and such.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
Understand that. Was mainly just indicating that like Drunkenguyver, even at max level I am running those skills, because they are so damned useful.
I agree that Jam sensors seems to be the default SCI Boffs skill. I'm gonna disagree with Haz Emitters though. At low level you aren't seeing the lingering damage like Plasma fires and the like. The hull heal is so small and slow as to be almost unnoticable when you are getting actively fired upon. To combine a hull and a shield heal. Engineering Team and Science Team. But the shared Cooldown is a killer there.
I highly suggest SCI Team/Emergency to Shields to boost survivability.
That combo will work too, although you have no hull heal. The low level gorn ships, however, DO use eject warp plasma which hazard emitters will get you out of. Hazard emitters will also provide a damage resistance buff. Ultimately, there is no RIGHT answer, and it's a matter of preference. If you want another shield heal, transfer shield strength is actually better than sci team, plus it gives damage resistance as well.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
My advice is if you're a silver run your KDF toon even if you don't plan on playing as KDF. Level them up to unlock the Doff system then park them at the KDF acadamy and have them farm Doff assignments\Lore\Data chip missions. Its worth logging in for 5 minutes to earn the quick Dil, memory chip, contraband and EC that you'll earn off them.
Also buy the Collectors edition off Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Online-Collectors-Edition-Pc/dp/B002V1PTO8
Its less then 15 bucks and you get a month of gold (for slot unlocks) and some cool free stuff plus the book and Pin.
That's for sure. I used to have a female captain up until the point where one very lonely Trekkie sent me a tell asking if he could look up my skirt in exchange for taking me out to Red Lobster for cheesy biscuits. Judging by his wording and the way he was coming on to me...I think he was serious and not just trolling me.
I only play male characters now. x.x
Mine Trap Supporter
That's strange right? You'd think a female toon with the word "KING" in it would tell you its a dude on the other side. The "gaming community" has so many bad eggs its crazy.
Firstly, thank you to all for the offer of help and tips and all the awesome stuff! I WILL be sure to holler ingame for stuff if needbe, which I'm sure I will need you guys.
Secondly, thank you all for being really nice to me. I really appreciate it.
Thirdly, Dang! I didn't realize how many people out there can be idiots ingame! Wow!
I had a little bit of time before biology (which, firearms was AWESOME!), so I thought I'd come on and see if there were any replies.
Be back soon, trekkies! :biggrin:
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
Of course I don't mind!! :biggrin:
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
LOL Depends on if I speed home or not... ;P I may be able to make it home around 9:45-10pm-ish, but I shall either post or hit you up ingame to let you know.
What Timezone/area are you from?
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
And yet here you are.
Uncalled for.
Thus far this thread has been a bright spot of people , ya know, being nice to each other.
Maybe *gasp* that happens with no ulterior motive.
And I find it very rich that someone posting in the Star Trek Online forums is calling the rest of us nerds ....
Good conversation, with friendly, happy people and you have to come in and drop a TRIBBLE popsicle.
Peace be with you man. Sorry you don't know how to just appreciate when the community is honestly friendly and helpful. It must be a sad life, the whole not recognizing the good side of people.
Seriously, though ? Poster in these forums calls me a nerd ? Pot , I'd like you to meet this Kettle.
I have to admit though, my suspicions really sky rocketed after seeing a number being thrown out in a public forum like this. Not a smart move, or just playing the field? :eek:
Gotta say , I am feeling suspicious of that whole bit as well, but truth is, whatever the intention of the Original poster here, this thread is full of friendly, happy, helpful people, and that alone makes it fine by me.
Agreed. :cool:
Thank you all, for speaking your mind.
To the one who posted the... insult, I am merely a human being who likes to make friends. I LOVE Star Trek. So, why not post on the forums? That's what they're here for...
And perhaps, if you don't like my thread, you don't have to come to it.
I haven't done anything to you, and I've never asked that you complain about my posting.
And I am not a troll or whatever you've said the term is... frankly, if you want to know who I am, you can contact ME personally about it.
Don't go posting stuff like this on MY thread.
Thank you.
I only ask that you and anybody else refrain from making rude comments on my thread, and I'm asking nicely.
And if I have overstepped my boundaries by posting this, I apologize.
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
Hey Rayus!
I only gave out the number, because it's really just an iPod app, called textfree.
I've been told that I shouldn't have given it out, but honestly, nobody is gonna find me, track me down and kill me. I've had the number as a way to free text, as I don't get cell service where I live.
I really would just like to make friends who like Star Trek as much as I do, because my other friends don't.
If anybody would like to even follow me on twitter, I'm www.twitter.com/randomacts_kind
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
Aww, yay! BIG HUGS!!! ::Hug:: *insert awesome smilie*
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
Friendly advice. Nothing more
Of course
I just don't want people to think I'm a troll, fake or whatever it is these days. I haven't been much in gaming besides WoW but, tbh, I didn't even know what a troll was until... well, a couple months ago. Whoops. LOL.
But yeah, I get everyone's point. I wouldn't recommend personal info put on here either, even though I uh, did. lol.
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
Anyway, I also picked up something that I really didn't need, but I thought you might find a use for it. If not, you can give it to one of your bridge officers. I sent it to you through the mail system. To pick it up, you need to go to a mail terminal. There is one at earth spacedock by the banks, and there is also one at the academy by the bank and exchange.
Come join the 44th Fleet.
It was a pleasure as well!! Of course, anytime.
I'll definitely take a look at it tonight, when I get online. I haven't been on anything since I was at the academy with you, as I've had the wedding to put together, reception, take pictures, and then I had to go back to work on Monday, and I've been sick since Sunday. My acid reflux has came back and then it set off my many panic attacks, so life has not been exactly normal.
All I've been wanting to do, is sleep, because when I sleep, I can't have really bad anxiety, nor do I wake up for much.
Thanks for your post!! :biggrin:
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
Got my massive speakers plugged in, ready for take off!
Only... does anybody know how to turn off the patches temporarily? They're buggers.... lol.
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.
your title caught my attention. i have been a ST fan since the original series aired. yes i watched it first run. i use to play video games in a place called an "arcade" back in the early 80's, but after graduating from college i left games behind. since then i have not played any games at all until one day i stumbled across STO. i really enjoy the game way more than i thought i would and consequently play way too much.
i have enjoyed all of star trek with the exception of DS9 which was basically a soap opera imho and the latest star trek movie. it was just not up to par in my opinion.
my favorite will always be TOS and i really thought Voyager was done very well.
i do my best to ignore all the negativity you see around here. Hope you have fun.
Live Long and Prosper
=^= ElizabethKirk =^=
To Boldly Go.