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IT'S OFFICIAL: The New Forums = FAIL



  • nikkyvixnikkyvix Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    A blatant self-quote just to allow a few seconds of lightened mood.
    nikkyvix wrote: »
    For my own entertainment, just to break the negativity a moment:

    I would like to envision Cryptic as the Ghostbusters,
    I would like to envision PWE as Walter Peck,
    And I would like to envision the Event as...well, you know..

    < http://youtu.be/8vxEimC3HME >
    The Artist Formerly Known As Nikotaka ][ Join Date: Jan 2010
    "Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers...?"
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Is there a way to set the time to my current time zone?
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • mkilczewskimkilczewski Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2012
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    Is there a way to set the time to my current time zone?

    Really. I was 9 months old, the last time I visited.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Oh would you look at that. Now you have to log in to actually look at the forums.

    Now back to the topic.

    To those people who don't care about the change or say that the rest of us complaining is uncalled for. You are entitled to your opinion. But for the rest of us... our identity was lost. All of our previous posts and discussions are lost to history as "Archived". As for me, when I first registered for STO it duped me and made my account PWE instead of a Cryptic one so my name remaines the same. But you just have to understand it from our point of view... everything we have done in the forums is GONE. Our identity is GONE. And the fact that this new blocky and clumsy layout was not tested first to get feedback from us is just infuriating. This whole new thing does NOT work, it is NOT going to help the game because our pocket books were scared away.

    This is my opinion and you don't have to agree with it but you're not changing it.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Really. I was 9 months old, the last time I visited.

    I wasn't born for a few more decades when I last visited.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • angelsilhouetteangelsilhouette Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2012
    adblock plus can get rid of alllllll that TRIBBLE at the top of the page, just right click and block it. ;)
  • lordchaoticlordchaotic Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    PWE, CRYPTIC, little advice, REVERT THIS BULL. I hate it. I lost my siggy, i lost my Avatar. this is not cool
    ==^^==Admiral Thrus'Helm Sarbin==^^==
    ==^^==U.S.S. Guardian-X Arbiter Battlecruiser (T6)==^^==
    ==^^==FLEET STATUS: STO Trading Corporation CONFIRMED==^^==
  • thoroonthoroon Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    boorman73 wrote: »
    I know many people put a lot of work into this.

    A professional would have done this for (alone of course):
    new Design - 150
    DB Transfer - 50
    Alterations to DB - 100
    QA - 200

    This makes a total of 500 bucks (double it if you like) to get a much much better version, which doesn't forget about design principles, smileys etc. etc. etc. (2 days workload max)
    Add another 2K (if well documented, otherwise ramp up a lot) for changes to Cstore-Code to incorporate into new design. (workload 1+ days, depends on documentation)

    And this makes it even worse to be honest ...
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If there is a plus to all of this, it has to be that the ban-hammer has developed (temporary?) amnesia.

    Not that I am here posting or anything. Nope. Not me. Nothing to see here.
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The new forum and website layout reminds me of Super Hero City on FB with promo's for free FB points if Peanut Labs surveys are taken. It remains annoying. The Zen point offer layout is obtrusive, please make it small.

    It would be nice to link my prior forum account to this new one.

    I rarely use emotcons but... :mad:
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • commodoreshrvkcommodoreshrvk Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    We all joined PWE at the same time, Cryptic join dates are irrelevant.

    Well, look at it this way all the past failures and past feedback are now swept under the rug of archived posts.

    Unfortunately we lost a lot of history in the forced forum merge. As far as the join date, I was apparently last ont he forums on 12/31/1969. It is great to be part of something before I was born and before they were created (I smell a temporal paradox)!!! So I presume we are taking a step from JJ Trek? The prime forums are dead, viva la alternate timeline forums!!!!
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Here is a away to get rid of the annoying Ads

    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • darthpanda16darthpanda16 Member Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Would one or some of you please put together a thorough list of broken features and changed things, then post them here?: http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=2261
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • helmsmn2helmsmn2 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I realize that I'm not adding anything new to this, but I need to vent.

    I linked accounts already so I got to keep my name and that's the only high point for me. The rest of this leaves me underwhelmed to say the least. No warning at all regarding the change - no opportunity to grab or backup anything that may get wiped during the transfer. Nice. Zen ads EVERYWHERE!!! My God that's annoying. The account settings page links me to some weird PWE thing; apparently I have tokens for something called the "Token Shop" full of gaming extras like Bunny People and Lion mounts. None of these ridiculous things are useable in STO, thank the Lord. I'm not sure why this went down like it did or what what they are attempting to do, but I swear if I ever see anyone in DS9 wearing a bunny suit and riding a lion, I'm quitting the game never to return.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Cleverly disguised as myself - Helmsmn2
  • dabeastiedabeastie Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well this is a whole extra dimension of fail. :mad:

    No Nausicaan avatar! *grumble*
  • bumperthumperbumperthumper Member Posts: 513 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Even the "Fail" failed, so I needed to put in this spacer.

    ...don't mind me. just testing the sig. Oh, on-topic, see above.
    A proud member of The Collective ARMADA
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    IT's a TrAp! :biggrin:

    couldn't help myself :redface:
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012

    * Bulleted lists don't show bullets (case in point...)
    * No warning as to forum and infrastructure migration
    * Possible new forum handle due to migrating to an already-populated forum (case in point...)
    * Forum names might not match in-game @Global handles
    * Non-customizable avatars (outside of the generic pre-loaded ones)
    * 1987-style forum buttons
    * No way to set the number of posts to view per page
    * Can't use BB Code in signature (bold, italics, colors... forget about it. Also, GL linking to any web pages or promoting your Foundry stuff outside of using a tiny signature picture)
    * Tiny signature pics are tiny
    * Forum PMs aren't integrated with in-game PMs / Mail. Can't check in Core Connect either.
    * Forum searches return a database error. Basic functionality? Not a chance.
    * Impossible to return to previous posts without first subscribing to a thread (especially since the Search feature i bugged).
    * If all these changes weren't enough, you also have to learn PWE's Core connect (with a completed different avatar and an Achievement system irrelevant to STO)
    * Nothing on Core Connect interoperates with STO, including Friends and Guilds (Fleets)
    * Finding any of your fleet mates and friends in the new forums is probably an exercise in futility, given all the changes to forum handles and friends lists.

    Best of all...

    * No "Report to Moderator" function (none at all; start posting whatever flame wars and qusestionable URLs you want)

    I'll be updating this as I come across other things that are missing.

    As an aside, when I was a CoH Player, us vet players got to test the new forums before we migrated to them. You know, instead of piling all the people onto a train and and dumping them in Manza... I mean, someplace less desirable than from whence they came.

    Edit: here's another thread that lists a lot of issues too.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    voicesdark wrote: »

    Actually, you did, it's part of the Facebook ToS ;-)
  • mrlee9569mrlee9569 Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hehe this is funny. And there is no more elite-ism to see who is a Lifetime member anymore? :P
  • bradtuckerbradtucker Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    mrlee9569 wrote: »
    Hehe this is funny. And there is no more elite-ism to see who is a Lifetime member anymore? :P

    at least others have the chance to access their lifetime accounts
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    suricatta wrote: »
    Actually, you did, it's part of the Facebook ToS ;-)

    okay maybe you didn't understand this.....I NEVER GAVE PWE authorization to link to my facebook account nor did I give PWE authorization to use anything from my facebook account including but not limited to my picture. ALSO on my facebook account in the privacy section I have it set to NOT share my photo or other selected personal in formation with anyone, I HAVE checked and the option to share with PWE is CLEARLY UNCHECKED!!!
  • greedo42greedo42 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Our Entire History has been buried in ARCHIVED FORUMS.

    The new Forums offer ZERO additional functionality over the old forums.

    They actually have FAR LESS functionality: no custom avatars, no ignore button, no mail access etc.

    And to top it all off, no one was informed in advance that this was takign place.


    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]PWE Web Team is bound for Gre'Thor.....:mad:
  • kimmerakimmera Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    voicesdark wrote: »
    okay maybe you didn't understand this.....I NEVER GAVE PWE authorization to link to my facebook account nor did I give PWE authorization to use anything from my facebook account including but not limited to my picture. ALSO on my facebook account in the privacy section I have it set to NOT share my photo or other selected personal in formation with anyone, I HAVE checked and the option to share with PWE is CLEARLY UNCHECKED!!!

    Silly question, but where is anything from FB showing up here?
  • bronbron Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It wouldn't be so bad if I could actually see a forum profile for myself. I want to be able to go to my profile and search posts i made. That's gone and it takes me to my PW profile. Don't like this.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • fazemladaiyafazemladaiya Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The only two issues I have with the forums:
    1. User name. My PWE account was also under Faelandaea. Somehow they randomly pulled one of my alt character names from the game and made it my username here. I distinctly remember when I registered and linked my account using Faelandaea for both their forums and for my username. Yet one of my alt character names is now used. Interesting.
    2. No ability to customize forum experience. The posts in STO forums can get VERY long. So it was important to me to have a way to display more posts per page in a thread. 3 pages = easier to find something that 50 pages.

    I also call BS on what they are saying about "we can;t change display names on the forums". I am actually an expert in this area. I moderate and own multiple forums on multiple websites and on ALL of them - even the cheap free-to-use PhpBB forums, admins cam EASILY change a user's name with a simple edit and click "save". Unless this forum was custom built to EXCLUDE that feature, there is NO forum package out there that is distributable that does this. It has to be PURPOSEFULLY excluded by the users of the forum by editing the code extensively. In other words, PWE went through great lengths to either exclude this OR they just do not feel like helping out the users with this unannounced clown-fest for a forum change.

    And why fix something that was not broken? The old forums functioned, had features, were easy to manage by the mods AND still fit the STO theme. Couldn;t the devs have just made an agreement with PWE to slap this new "skin" onto the other forum for the new look? JUST as easy. And PWE staff could have just as easily made an agreement for admin access to these forums. I know . . . I make agreements like this all the time with the people I partner with for forum hosting solutions.

    NOW is the part where I will get flamed but . . . hey, PWE . . . here's a carrot in front of the donkey's nose: Make a commercial bit out of this, because I'd HAPPILY pay a few bucks for a fee for you to at least provide a service for username changes on the forum. And again, unless you went through EXTENSIVE means to exclude that ability, it IS possible in your admin panel. BUT . . hey . . if it ISN't . . . then good luck moderating accounts that have inappropriate or suggestive content for usernames. LOL.

    ((EDIT)) To add: We cannot subscribe to threads any more when we post? Add that to my list LOL.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Actually the over all look of the forum wouldn't be bad if there was some tweaking. Not sure what ads people are talking about that show up but that's because I've got an extension to deal with those.

    Not at all happy about all the forum features we lost though. Luckily I had a copy of my old forum avatar so in protest I just made it a Signature now, which I never had before because I think they just clog up the threads with unnecessary stuff, I give it a week or two and everyone will make up for the lack of custom avatars which will just make the forums a mess...brilliant move PWE.

    Have to give it to PWE, their bloody brilliant in not fixing the "too many redirects" loop error with Customer Support, so they don't get flooded with all the hate tickets over the new forums. Of course people will still try to send hate mail through e-mail but hey now they can just do a "select all" and "delete selected" instead of the support tickets getting overloaded so good on them for that. lol

    Think most of all I'm going to miss Tumerboy's Taco face avatar.

    PS: In regards to my previous posts, when I first logged into this new forum mess next to my "welcome voicesdark" it was displaying my profile pic from facebook which I never authorized the two to be linked. Upon checking on facebook it seems a PWE app was added to my facebook account when I logged in here (even though I didn't login with facebook but entered my PWE account and username). IF anyone else has this happen, just go to facebook and delete the PWE app and it will no longer show your facebook default pic on here.

    PSS: Seriously with how simple it is to create emoticon and button graphics you'd think they could atleast take the few minutes to get rid of the white artifacts around those.

    PSSS: You can still subscribe to threads, someone had mentioned that you couldn't. I forgot to select it the before I originally posted this (always do) and when I went into edit I just had to select advanced and then the subscribe option showed up.

    <Sorry for yet another edit, just trying to see if it'll actually add my signature now.>
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    greedo42 wrote: »
    Our Entire History has been buried in ARCHIVED FORUMS.

    The new Forums offer ZERO additional functionality over the old forums.

    They actually have FAR LESS functionality: no custom avatars, no ignore button, no mail access etc.

    And to top it all off, no one was informed in advance that this was takign place.



    If you go to the forum's User CP (user control panel) you can still send mail through there.
  • piwright42piwright42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    We all joined PWE at the same time, Cryptic join dates are irrelevant.

    Not true. I tried Perfect World while waiting for ST. This PWE account is older than my STO account. Look at the join date. That's right I R noob again.
    If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
    They taste the same.
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