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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Solais V, Riva City, Sam's cell. Sam sits in the cell when she hears phaser fire outside. She stands up as Hawk runs in, shutting down the forcefield so Sam can escape.*

    Sam: You sure took your sweet time!

    Hawk: You're welcome.

    *He throws her a phaser pistol as he seals the doors.*

    The maintenance crawl ways should get us outside. O.S.S. have already set up a safe house underground.

    Sam: Oh no. I've got to get back to the Republic.

    Hawk: We can't make contact with anyone off-world. I don't even know if the Republic is still in orbit. It's being broadcast that you assassinated the First Minister.

    *The two enter the crawl ways and start making their way out.*

    Sam: What's our strategy gonna be?

    Hawk: Well... I have no idea.

    Sam: Oh... fun...

    Hawk: We've been in tighter spots.

    Sam: Name one.

    Hawk: Well...

    Sam: Exactly.

    Who's Daro Jenn?

    *Hawk glances back at her before continuing.*

    Hawk: She's a Bajoran terrorist. She believes that all worlds should have a form of isolation from each other.

    Sam: How do people like that get taken seriously?

    Hawk: You'd be surprised.

    Sam: Anything else I should know?

    Hawk: Nothing I'm allowed to tell you.

    Sam: Naturally.

    Hawk: Okay, how do you feel about signing another NDA?

    Sam: I could live with it. I've already signed 3.

    Hawk: Daro used to be Assault Ops. She was assigned to the Black Ops unit. She infiltrated a Romulan terror cell last year. That's when she actually became a terrorist.

    Is she behind this?

    Sam: Yeah.

    Hawk: TRIBBLE. Then this is much worse than I thought.

    *OOC: A bit of Homeland isn't it? Forgive me if the reference goes over your head I will explain. But I do have an idea as I do intend to have someone come in as another small cameo.*

    *James leans back, *

    James: Hmm broke it huh. OSS is no slouch that is for sure. But do they know it?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry leans his head back stretching a little bit. *

    Terry: The Galaxy is at its crucible. What comes out on the other side is up to all of us. This war Joral is waging is a symptom of this world of greed and desperation and corruption that world is dying. With this galaxy nearly mapped out entirely we need to move forward not backwards. That means letting go of the past and what we think works. As it clearly doesn't now.

    Even the Elibisi are part of this problem..

    Do I know how to fix it? Break the mold. Clear change of intentions and remembering that this galaxy is not the same galaxy as it was over a century ago. Trying to emulate the past does nothing but make small problems bigger.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: A bit of Homeland isn't it? Forgive me if the reference goes over your head I will explain. But I do have an idea as I do intend to have someone come in as another small cameo.*

    *James leans back, *

    James: Hmm broke it huh. OSS is no slouch that is for sure. But do they know it?

    Matt: Yep.

    *OOC: Actually, the reference does go over my head.*

    *U.S.S. Odyssey, Bridge. A lieutenant at the Ops Station turns to Wax.*

    Lt: Commander, we've got a transmission coming in from Starfleet Command. Admiral Hammond is asking to speak with the captain.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Yep.

    *OOC: Actually, the reference does go over my head.*

    *U.S.S. Odyssey, Bridge. A lieutenant at the Ops Station turns to Wax.*

    Lt: Commander, we've got a transmission coming in from Starfleet Command. Admiral Hammond is asking to speak with the captain.

    James: *smirks* See this is why you don't share that kind of knowledge or else the situation would have been taken care of easily. But hey since when is it ever easy. If you don't mind me Matt, I will be working on something.

    Captain Allen to Odyssey one to beam back.

    Transporter chief: Aye sir.


    Wax: I will inform him Lt transfer it over to his call waiting.

    James: Inform me of what Commander..

    Wax: Admiral Hammond is on the other line for you.

    James: *Sighs* I will take it in my Quarters.

    *He enters his quarters and begins working on something as he brings up Hammond on the terminal.*

    James: Yes Admiral you called?

    *He is tapping away on a pad remembering his advanced computer classes and programming.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry leans his head back stretching a little bit. *

    Terry: The Galaxy is at its crucible. What comes out on the other side is up to all of us. This war Joral is waging is a symptom of this world of greed and desperation and corruption that world is dying. With this galaxy nearly mapped out entirely we need to move forward not backwards. That means letting go of the past and what we think works. As it clearly doesn't now.

    Even the Elibisi are part of this problem..

    Do I know how to fix it? Break the mold. Clear change of intentions and remembering that this galaxy is not the same galaxy as it was over a century ago. Trying to emulate the past does nothing but make small problems bigger.

    *OCC: Nothing on this?*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Developing*
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Been in the er will post when I can.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry leans his head back stretching a little bit. *

    Terry: The Galaxy is at its crucible. What comes out on the other side is up to all of us. This war Joral is waging is a symptom of this world of greed and desperation and corruption that world is dying. With this galaxy nearly mapped out entirely we need to move forward not backwards. That means letting go of the past and what we think works. As it clearly doesn't now.

    Even the Elibisi are part of this problem..

    Do I know how to fix it? Break the mold. Clear change of intentions and remembering that this galaxy is not the same galaxy as it was over a century ago. Trying to emulate the past does nothing but make small problems bigger.

    Vornak: I'm not sure about having the galaxy charted. There's still a lot to discover out on the outer rim. None of Joral's actions in this war are out of greed or corruption; they're out of misguided patriotism and desperation to keep our people alive.

    Terry, change is slow. Your history is the illustration of this. Whenever change is rushed, it leads to catastrophe. Change needs to happen, yes, but not all at once. Earth wasn't built in a day, a child doesn't learn to walk in an hour - it's a cycle that has to be carried through with care.

    Q *in Terry's mind*: This is something I tried to explain to Northman's a century ago. Humanity was not supposed to evolve for another hundred years - your great-grandfather was just the first.

    And, as I quickly confirmed over the next decade, you were not ready. New-types were not ready to handle that power and normals were not ready to answer the existential questions that came with them. It almost led to a repeat of the greatest conflict in your world's history.

    Vornak: In the game of bringing change, patience is a necessary virtue.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    James: *smirks* See this is why you don't share that kind of knowledge or else the situation would have been taken care of easily. But hey since when is it ever easy. If you don't mind me Matt, I will be working on something.

    Captain Allen to Odyssey one to beam back.

    Transporter chief: Aye sir.


    Wax: I will inform him Lt transfer it over to his call waiting.

    James: Inform me of what Commander..

    Wax: Admiral Hammond is on the other line for you.

    James: *Sighs* I will take it in my Quarters.

    *He enters his quarters and begins working on something as he brings up Hammond on the terminal.*

    James: Yes Admiral you called?

    *He is tapping away on a pad remembering his advanced computer classes and programming.*

    *James sees the face of Admiral Davis Hammond appear onscreen. He's wearing a period-standard Starfleet uniform with red shoulder bar and four gold pips within a black, gold-rimmed box on either side of his collar. He has short buzz-cut greying hair.*

    Hammond: Captain Allen, I just received a report from the U.S.S. Asimov and your own. Am I correct in my understanding that the R.S.S. Republic is out of danger?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Been in the er will post when I can.

    Nothing serious, I hope?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Pegasus Galaxy. S.S. Tora Zhiyal, Deck 4. The Zhiyal is now en route to chase down the Bi'frost'a. Mortana is going through the archives in his quarters. Luke and Jack are handling Tara's training, with Luke training her on maintenance with the Elim.

    Tara walks down the corridor carrying a large metal object with complicated coil structures as a Gorn walks past her.*

    Gorn: Misss Forressterrr.

    Tara: Lieutenant S'krit.

    Oh, S'krit!

    *S'krit turns to face her. His razor sharp teeth, small slit reptilian eyes and dark green scale would make anyone shake in fear - the fact he's nearly 4 meters tall doesn't help either - luckily, being raised on Khitomer, Tara's used to Gorn.*

    Have you seen Drake?

    S'krit: He'sss in Cargo Bay Three.

    Tara: Thanks.

    S'krit: Of courssse

    *Tara carries on to Cargo Bay 3. She walks in to find Drake working on a small streamlined craft with a ball-shaped window. It has a large impulse drive at the back with small slots on either side concealing winglets. She can see a docking collar at the top. She can also see a dozen missing panels and RCS modules.

    Drake hears her come in and slides off the hull of the craft.*

    Drake: Tara, what can I do for you?

    Tara: Well, I was hoping you could give me access to the industrial replicator.

    *She lifts up the object in her hands.*

    Drake: Did that... come off the Elim?

    Tara: Luke did a pre-flight and we couldn't get the Elim off the deck without the thrusters. We checked and...

    Drake: And one of the mag-lifters failed.

    *He motions her over to the workbench and she sets it down. Drake has a look around the mag-lifter unit, looking for an easy fix.*

    It's not the coils...

    I assume you and Luke checked the power connections?

    Tara: Worked fine.

    Drake: Then it has to be something else. TRIBBLE.

    Tara: What is it?

    Drake: Whenever we have to do repairs on the Elim, I'm praying the mag-lifters are fine. The Elim's a one-of-a-kind. She was a gift from the Turanian Alliance for an emergency medical supply run I did for them a few years ago. They designed and built it specifically for the Zhiyal.

    Do you know why the Turanians still have a military separate from ours?

    Tara: The technology and protocols.

    Drake: The technology mainly. The electro-magnetic lifting drives can't be replicated by anything except Turanian replicators.

    It'll take weeks to get a replacement.

    Tara: So...?

    Is that what I think it is?

    *She nods behind her to the shuttle pod behind them. Drake smiles and leads her over.*

    Drake: OTV K42 Starfleet shuttle pod. You can only find them in museums now, but I managed to get a hold of the schematics to build a replica. This girl has been my pride and joy for the past year. Just have to finish mounting the external panels, kit out the cockpit give her some paint and she's ready!

    Tara: I remember going on a trip to the Starfleet museum at Earth when I was a kid and walking around the NX-01. I loved stepping into one of these.

    Drake: Well, when it's finished, you can come along for the test flight.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: I'm not sure about having the galaxy charted. There's still a lot to discover out on the outer rim. None of Joral's actions in this war are out of greed or corruption; they're out of misguided patriotism and desperation to keep our people alive.

    Terry, change is slow. Your history is the illustration of this. Whenever change is rushed, it leads to catastrophe. Change needs to happen, yes, but not all at once. Earth wasn't built in a day, a child doesn't learn to walk in an hour - it's a cycle that has to be carried through with care.

    Q *in Terry's mind*: This is something I tried to explain to Northman's a century ago. Humanity was not supposed to evolve for another hundred years - your great-grandfather was just the first.

    And, as I quickly confirmed over the next decade, you were not ready. New-types were not ready to handle that power and normals were not ready to answer the existential questions that came with them. It almost led to a repeat of the greatest conflict in your world's history.

    Vornak: In the game of bringing change, patience is a necessary virtue.

    Terry: Patience is exactly what I am saying. Joral I did not say was corrupt but he will have to make similar choices that we will. But a simple choice will need to be made and consistency. Inspiration.

    *OOC: You do know I wasn't saying instant change just a change in how to do things. *
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *James sees the face of Admiral Davis Hammond appear onscreen. He's wearing a period-standard Starfleet uniform with red shoulder bar and four gold pips within a black, gold-rimmed box on either side of his collar. He has short buzz-cut greying hair.*

    Hammond: Captain Allen, I just received a report from the U.S.S. Asimov and your own. Am I correct in my understanding that the R.S.S. Republic is out of danger?

    James: Oh the Asimov is in the area? Did not realize that Captain Herbert is keeping reconnaissance in the area. Sir the situation is not exactly defused as reported it is a lull before danger comes back. If you are concerned that I will break the highest law, I won't. I will be back in observing the situation as it unfolds as it concerns me that terrorism is a foot here and not what is being said per se. That is what my gut tells me.

    *His hands are typing away on the pad clearing up and reprogramming something*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Alright lets tie this one up.*

    *Citadel lower wards*

    Danny: Alright if I remember right my old contact should be right around here somewhere. We need to find him and talk to him.

    *Elsewhere on the Citadel, Harks is sitting outside Mason's office. His nose is still wrapped up as is his cheek*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    James: Oh the Asimov is in the area? Did not realize that Captain Herbert is keeping reconnaissance in the area. Sir the situation is not exactly defused as reported it is a lull before danger comes back. If you are concerned that I will break the highest law, I won't. I will be back in observing the situation as it unfolds as it concerns me that terrorism is a foot here and not what is being said per se. That is what my gut tells me.

    *His hands are typing away on the pad clearing up and reprogramming something*

    Hammond: Captain, just remember that this is, by definition, an internal affair of the Republic. Unless they officially request Federation assistance, the Prime Directive requires you to stay out of it.

    That includes any form of electronic aid, captain. The Federation has to remain neutral - at least for now.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Alright lets tie this one up.*

    *Citadel lower wards*

    Danny: Alright if I remember right my old contact should be right around here somewhere. We need to find him and talk to him.

    *Elsewhere on the Citadel, Harks is sitting outside Mason's office. His nose is still wrapped up as is his cheek*

    Blake: I still think we'd be better off talking to Sergeant Mayce.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Patience is exactly what I am saying. Joral I did not say was corrupt but he will have to make similar choices that we will. But a simple choice will need to be made and consistency. Inspiration.

    *OOC: You do know I wasn't saying instant change just a change in how to do things. *

    *OOC: Sorry, but it did sound like it.*

    Vornak: What would you su--?

    Underground member: Vornak, one of the orbital dry docks just exploded!

    *Vornak looks at her in shock before snapping back to Terry, rising fury on his face. He then storms into the next room, finding Torin before storming up to him and punching him, sending him flying over the table.*

    Vornak: I said NOT to blow up anything with civilians!

    Torin: And just sit back while Joral hunts us down?! I don't think so!

    Face it, Vornak! You can't make the tough decisions! I did!
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Hammond: Captain, just remember that this is, by definition, an internal affair of the Republic. Unless they officially request Federation assistance, the Prime Directive requires you to stay out of it.

    That includes any form of electronic aid, captain. The Federation has to remain neutral - at least for now.

    James: Of course Admiral. Just so you know our ship counter measures are in need of retooling especially since the Republic some how did break them. Oddly enough aren't you the head of that department sir?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Blake: I still think we'd be better off talking to Sergeant Mayce.

    Danny: There is a reason I want to find my old contact first, because that is the first person he would talk to. Afterwards, yes when we have something firm.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Sorry, but it did sound like it.*

    Vornak: What would you su--?

    Underground member: Vornak, one of the orbital dry docks just exploded!

    *Vornak looks at her in shock before snapping back to Terry, rising fury on his face. He then storms into the next room, finding Torin before storming up to him and punching him, sending him flying over the table.*

    Vornak: I said NOT to blow up anything with civilians!

    Torin: And just sit back while Joral hunts us down?! I don't think so!

    Face it, Vornak! You can't make the tough decisions! I did!

    Terry: Quite clearly you just made a choice that made you no different Torin. What do you want to do with him.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    James: Of course Admiral. Just so you know our ship counter measures are in need of retooling especially since the Republic some how did break them. Oddly enough aren't you the head of that department sir?

    Hammond: I'm not sure what you're suggesting, Captain. Starfleet, out.

    *The channel closes.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Quite clearly you just made a choice that made you no different Torin. What do you want to do with him.

    Vornak: Take him back to the capital.

    Underground member: Vornak--

    Vornak: Then tell the Talk Shiar where to find him.

    *Two guards drag Torin out of the room.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Danny: There is a reason I want to find my old contact first, because that is the first person he would talk to. Afterwards, yes when we have something firm.

    Blake: Alright.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Hammond: I'm not sure what you're suggesting, Captain. Starfleet, out.

    *The channel closes.*

    James: *Typing away at the pad. * Ensign Firie

    *Over the comm*

    Firie: Yes Captain.

    James: I want to see you about this shore leave request.

    Firie: Yes Sir.

    *She leaves her small post and makes her way to his quarters. As she arrives and enters the quarters.*

    Firie: Captain.. I did not file a shore leave...

    James: Of course not.. I want you to send this to the republic in a container... No electric transference.

    Firie: Yes sir.

    James: That a girl. Later tonight?

    Firie: Yes Sir. Next time crank out the handcuffs.

    James: Wow. Thats new.

    Firie: Oh you have only seen a little bit.

    James: *laughs* I bet.

    *As she leaves she smirks and leaves to head to the cargo bay as crews are still going through she slips it in one of the progress reports to Matt. *
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: Take him back to the capital.

    Underground member: Vornak--

    Vornak: Then tell the Talk Shiar where to find him.

    *Two guards drag Torin out of the room.*

    Terry: This makes things a bit more complicated, and a statement perhaps.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *R.S.S. Enterprise, CIC. Matt is watching the holo-map as a new flight of Republic reinforcements arrive. The fleet is almost ready to go on the offensive.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    James: *Typing away at the pad. * Ensign Firie

    *Over the comm*

    Firie: Yes Captain.

    James: I want to see you about this shore leave request.

    Firie: Yes Sir.

    *She leaves her small post and makes her way to his quarters. As she arrives and enters the quarters.*

    Firie: Captain.. I did not file a shore leave...

    James: Of course not.. I want you to send this to the republic in a container... No electric transference.

    Firie: Yes sir.

    James: That a girl. Later tonight?

    Firie: Yes Sir. Next time crank out the handcuffs.

    James: Wow. Thats new.

    Firie: Oh you have only seen a little bit.

    James: *laughs* I bet.

    *As she leaves she smirks and leaves to head to the cargo bay as crews are still going through she slips it in one of the progress reports to Matt. *

    Solais V, Riva City, Chambers of Leadership. Daro is in Kola's Office, flanked by two guards.*

    Daro: Excuse me?

    Kola: We cannot afford to break a away from the Republic, Daro. Much less isolate ourselves.

    Daro: This was part of our arrangement, Kola!

    Kola: I am altering the arrangement! Pray I do not alter it further!

    *Daro snaps her fingers and the guards raise their weapons on Kola.*

    What are you--?!

    Daro: Did you forget that I went to General Kora before I approached you? He and every one of the generals you've left out of a prison cell are loyal to me.

    I only needed you to rally them together and make it look like a coup to the civilian population. Kora is more than happy to take your place... and I don't need you anymore.

    *Outside, the generals hear a short burst of phaser fire before Daro walks out.*

    Kora: I take it Kola did not stick to the arrangement?

    Daro: No, he didn't. Congratulations, General.

    *Kora nods.*

    Kora: The PDF troops have surrendered, but some of our units on the Meior continent know something's wrong. We've got light clashes in Troi and Data provinces. Still no sign of Commander Allington.

    Daro: Get your fleet together. I want 2 ships to stay in orbit. Send the rest back to Solais IX and--

    Kora: I already did. What should they do if the Odyssey refuses to leave?

    Daro: Inform Starfleet of a violation of your space - and their prime directive - and obliterate them.

    Kora: Very well.

    Daro: And find Allington!
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: This makes things a bit more complicated, and a statement perhaps.

    Vornak: 'Statement'? What do you mean?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Unknown location. Siraga is walking through a serene village as he's led into a small church-like building. In the building, he's left in a large basement.*

    Elderly Voice: Greetings, Siraga...

    Siraga: You?

    Elderly Voice: I have been waiting a long time. Welcome... to Harmony.

    *OOC: Just setting something up for later.*
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: 'Statement'? What do you mean?

    Terry: To separate yourself from this action, there does need to be a face for that doubt in Joral. War at this point is unavoidable best we do it to avoid civilian casualties. Something from what I hear is a specialty of mine.

    Look. People will see combat can be avoided. There a way to reveal anything that can turn confidence to us?...

    *Terry senses something as he stares outward. *

    Republic Special Forces are on their way. The Tal Shiar for once does not know they are coming.
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