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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mortana downloads the Bi'frost'a's coordinates.*

    Mortana: For 20 years I've been waiting for this moment...

    OOC: Any response to this? And what did you think of the scene between Luke and Tara?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Not that I know of, aside from joining the war.

    You could take the 3rd Omaha Wing. You've got as good a chance with them as anything else.

    Daguza: I will be going sir.

    * his squad is sitting in the shuttle prepping their team. In the shuttle they notice that its a bigger transport than they thought. *

    Daguza: On loan from someone?

    Shinn: Yeah the Federation sent it with two Lobos long range support suits.

    Daguza: Those things? No wonder they beat us in war games.. I hate mechs.

    Shinn: Hey at least they gave us two pilots and the guns are easy to use.

    Daguza: Lets get going Sarge. We have a mission to get into Romulan territory on recon and rescue.

    Shinn: Well aren't we just picking the fun.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Any response to this? And what did you think of the scene between Luke and Tara?

    *OOC: Racy.. Lol. But good man. By the way might want to help Terry get out of there he is getting weaker.*

    Kenway: Trust me nifty my Iconian friend.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Stane sits by watching consoles as his eyes flicker blue... Kai comes up on QEC*

    Kai: They are developing a working cure for the Plague, its in several torpedo dispersal types.

    Stane: I guess it is time to move forward with interfering in this development. I am going to issue new orders to the troops to find and assault several facilities that contain them.

    Kai: Yes sir. It will be done. I am in the facility right now they are trying to find a ship to properly deploy the devices..

    Stane: Give them a fail safe then.

    Kai: Yes sir.

    What of the Republic?

    Stane: I assume your there already weaken them. I don't care which way you do it. If they want to get in my way they will suffer for it. Oh and do make sure their plants and energy fields are disrupted.

    Kai: Raids?

    Stane: Yes. Have it be Romulan.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Gyunei comes out and jumps down as his men try and follow the rebels. He tries to strike Terry but Terry moves quicker as if he wasn't standing the to begin with... Then Gyunei strikes again but misses..*

    Terry: *To himself..* I need to end this quickly or I will die a withered husk... this is draining my energy...

    *He unleashes a combo again and then knocks Gyunei out with a line of punches at his nerves...*

    *Terry starts to flee the area after Vornak feeling much more tired...*

    *Vornak finds him and helps him walk.*

    Vornak: We're heading for the base of another Underground Cell.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Racy.. Lol. But good man. By the way might want to help Terry get out of there he is getting weaker.*

    Kenway: Trust me nifty my Iconian friend.

    Drake: I'll call PegGov and have them send an archaeology team here. Meanwhile, let's track down your Flying Dutchman, Mortana.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Dazon II, Riker City, the Capital. Romulan Rihan-Class Bombers are bombarding the city with plasma torpedoes as the night sky is lit up by red and white lights from the city's defence network.

    A wing of Lightning-Class Fighters fly into the city's airspace and begin to intercept the Romulan bombers.

    However, a squadron of Romulan T'Vir-Class Fighters engage them first as a dogfight breaks out over the city.

    Meanwhile, the city's defences are barely managing to shoot down any of the bombers.*

    Republic Pilot *Over Comm*: Where'd all these Romulan Fighters come from?

    *More Republic fighters arrive on scene, as do Romulan fighters.*

    There's another one!

    Rep Pilot 2 *Over Comm*: I think that one went down on Duke Street.

    *The dogfight continues well into the night.

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, near the mines, a large force of Republic Planetary Defence Force troops are engaged in heavy fighting with Romulan ground forces. Republic ATAVs and AAVs (Armoured Assault Vehicles) are firing on Romulan troops and armour alike as PDF infantry take cover in blast craters.

    PDF troops wear camouflaged uniforms with body armour over the top, as well as helmets which cover the top half of their heads with a visor over their weaker eye. All of them are using either phaser rifles or phaser carbines, with the carbine-users also having light photon launchers on their backs.

    The fighting is fierce, with the occasional Zero Point Beam and torpedo salvo being launched into orbit from the nearby staging ground.

    The Republic forces are holding ground, but the Romulans are starving the colony out and the air raids are causing civilian morale to fall.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Vornak finds him and helps him walk.*

    Vornak: We're heading for the base of another Underground Cell.

    Terry: A wise idea the Capital is not a place to stay in.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    OOC: I think I'm going to take the opportunity to start redeveloping Hawk's character by delving into his memory - more specifically, the Solain crisis. I've only referenced it in the past as having occurred prior to Sam and the Republic being posted to DS61 and as being instigated by Daro Jenn. It's one of the conflicts I've mentioned behind the scenes that I've always wanted to delve a little deeper into.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Hawk is sitting in guest quarters, trying to piece together what happened to him. He remembered so much of who he was now, but pieces were still missing, such as how he came to work for the D.I.S.

    He decides to make an audio log recounting the major events of his life as he tries to piece them back together, planning to work his way back up to the present.*

    Hawk: Computer, begin log.

    T-Date 14022554. I'm recording this series of logs in an attempt to recount the major events leading up 'till now - to figure out how the D.I.S. got me to work for them.

    Well, my memory starts getting a little fuzzy around the time of the Solais Crisis, so I guess I'll start there.

    *31 years ago, March 2523. Solais V, Riva. Solais has enjoyed 150 years of unity and peace, and 100 years of prosperity as founding members of the Republic. The once war-torn world is now seen as a symbol and monument to the diplomats of the mid-24th Century. While the planet still has scars from the centuries-long conflict, its inhabitants have never been more ready to live in harmony.

    Or, at least, that's what most Solari believe. However, deep beneath the capital, a Bajoran women is meeting with the Second Minister of the Solari Union.*

    Bajoran: My contact gave me everything you need to take control of the defence network.

    Second Minister: Are you certain the code is genuine?

    Bajoran: It came from a Republic captain. Trust me, it's genuine. I can also give your men weapons. Are you sure you want to go forward with this, Kola?

    Kola: I must. There can be no peace until the sand runs red with Meior blood.

    Just do your part, Daro. Let me worry about the details.

    *2 days later, a Republic Peel-Class Police frigate enters orbit; the R.S.S. Republic RSI 0001-C. Within minutes, Sam is on the surface. Officially, she's there to transfer control of the nearby PDF base to the Solari Self Defence Forces. Unofficially, she's there to see a friend.

    She walks into the planet's O.S.S. Branch, walking over to the reception desk.*

    Sam: Excuse me? I'm looking for Agent Michael Hawk. He's the Security Chief here, isn't he?

    Receptionist: I'm sorry, Commander, but you'll need to make an appointment.

    *Sam turns around to see two agents watching her.*

    Sam: I bet you'd love to get me in a cell, wouldn't you?

    Receptionist: That's not why they're here.

    Sam: Sure. I got brainwashed and murdered 25 Republic officials and put at least 20 PDF in the hospital and you don't consider me a threat? Give me a break.

    Receptionist: Commander Allington, if you continue, I'll have to have you escorted out.

    As guards start to approach, Sam tightens her fists. She hated being reminded about what happened to her and hated how the government treated her over it even more.

    This was gonna feel good.

    Suddenly, she feels a hand grab her wrist.*

    Hawk: Hey, cool down a little, Samantha.

    *Sam loosens up and smiles as she turns to see Hawk holding her wrist.*

    Miss me?

    *Sam hugs him, feeling all the resentment fade away.

    2 hours later. Sam and Hawk are walking through a park as they catch up.*

    So, what was with that little incident in the lobby?

    Sam: Don't ask.

    Hawk: You never used to have this kinda attitude problem.

    Sam: That your way of telling me I broke the rules?

    Hawk: No. This isn't example of my sense of humour, Sam. You've changed, a lot, and I don't like it.

    You wonder why you keep getting held back at Commander?

    Sam: Mike, I'm a traitor, murderer and psychopath.

    Hawk: You don't really mean that.

    Sam: No, I don't.

    *She stops and turns around to face him.*

    But the government thinks I'm like that, so what the hell's the point?!

    *She starts walking again, Hawk catching up quickly.*

    Hawk: It's not like you to give up.

    Sam: Like you said, I've changed. I've got no hope of getting any further in my career, so why even try?

    Hawk: There's something you're not telling me.

    Sam: I'm resigning my commission, as soon as this mission's through.

    Hawk: What?! Sam, no!

    Sam: Michael, I'm tired! I'm tired of being defined by what I'm not, by synthetic duplicates, by brainwashing! I'm tired of trying to make a difference and make my dad proud of me and constantly getting shoved into the mud! What's the point?! All I'm doing is letting command break my spirit piece by piece! I'm not taking it anymore!

    And you can't stop me.

    *Sam starts to storm off, leaving Hawk behind.*

    OOC: So yeah, this is basically going to be a side-story following the Solais crisis. I've decided to focus on Sam and Hawk here, but you guys can feel free to add your own characters to the mix.

    As you may have noticed, Sam's got a bit of an attitude here. This is to reflect that her career's essentially in the mud right now and that she just doesn't care anymore. Part of the fun of doing this is going to be showing how she becomes the kind-hearted soul we saw at the start of the new generation.

    So, if you guys want to take part, please keep in mind that;
    1) The Solais Crisis was a Republic event. While I don't mind the Federation being involved (or S.H.I.E.L.D. Logan, hint, hint), can we keep it to a minimum? Say, one Federation ship and one S.H.I.E.L.D. ship or something?
    2) This takes place 2 years before the Romulan Civil War and M's attack.

    Enjoy! I'll definitely enjoy seeing how you guys choose to participate!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: I was thinking about giving a bit more background into the Allen family and why we don't see more of them. As James did have extended family.. If you guys think it would be good to add on some extra facets to this idea go ahead.

    Plus some flashbacks to about 70 years with a much younger Stane, Jacob's old man, and a younger Holtz and their work with Drake.

    I will do a resistance one at some point.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry is laying there in a cramped room and a tray of rations next to him.. His mind is racing as he tries to sleep... He finds himself in places that cannot see him... He is in the room with Dani who he notices is still moping...*

    Terry: If only I could tell you I am okay.

    *He tries to stroke her hair but cannot touch her.*

    *The next place he finds himself in a room with Sam who is cooking but something strange is occuring as he notices that his hands are burning and brimming with bright light. *

    Terry: This is new... What is this?

    *James is sitting there next to him. *

    James: You are a twilight user son but you are more than that.

    Terry: Tell me then... How much more?

    James: I can't because even I do not know. I only know an inkling. I am Cassandra cursed with foresight but without the ability to tell people what I see. You on the other hand don't have that distinction. You must see what you can and see the strings of possibility and time but not be drunk on too much time. Prescience is a trap.

    Terry: Words you might have heeded better than you suspect. Are you a shade of my father.

    James: I am but unlike the others you dominate us and this is why I do not attempt it. It is not wired in me.

    Terry: Then my father is dead.

    James: You will see son. Just open your mind.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: A wise idea the Capital is not a place to stay in.

    *Just outside Romulus City. Vornak's people have met up with another underground cell.*

    Cell leader: If Joral's men are hunting us, we have to start moving.

    Vornak: Torin, we can't seize control yet. We don't have enough men.

    Torin: Not yet, no. It's time we took a more active role in gaining the people's support. Come on, Vornak! You know we can do it! One explosive is--!

    Vornak: We are not terrorists, Torin! I won't sanction an attack on civilians! Even civilians working for the Emperor!

    Torin: They are collaborators, Vornak!

    Vornak: Attacking soldiers is one thing; soldiers know and accept the risks! Civilians do not!

    Torin: We can get a bomb on the Dockyards in orbit! Vornak, don't be a stubborn fool!

    Vornak: Torin, the answer is no!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Just outside Romulus City. Vornak's people have met up with another underground cell.*

    Cell leader: If Joral's men are hunting us, we have to start moving.

    Vornak: Torin, we can't seize control yet. We don't have enough men.

    Torin: Not yet, no. It's time we took a more active role in gaining the people's support. Come on, Vornak! You know we can do it! One explosive is--!

    Vornak: We are not terrorists, Torin! I won't sanction an attack on civilians! Even civilians working for the Emperor!

    Torin: They are collaborators, Vornak!

    Vornak: Attacking soldiers is one thing; soldiers know and accept the risks! Civilians do not!

    Torin: We can get a bomb on the Dockyards in orbit! Vornak, don't be a stubborn fool!

    Vornak: Torin, the answer is no!

    *Terry walks into the room a bit more refreshed... *

    Terry: The attacks on the civilians are not the way to do it but you do need to strike, the Emperor cannot handle a rebellion especially if it intensifies and does not target civilians.

    If I remember hearing of your father he did do that same thing.

    You can do that. All you have to do is strike military installations
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Terry walks into the room a bit more refreshed... *

    Terry: The attacks on the civilians are not the way to do it but you do need to strike, the Emperor cannot handle a rebellion especially if it intensifies and does not target civilians.

    If I remember hearing of your father he did do that same thing.

    You can do that. All you have to do is strike military installations

    Torin: Vornak--

    Vornak: No. If defeating Joral means killing even one innocent, the price is too high.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Torin: Vornak--

    Vornak: No. If defeating Joral means killing even one innocent, the price is too high.

    Terry: Trust me Targeting civilians is not going to do it. You will lose any moral high ground and make you no better than the Tal Shiar
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    OOC: So, do you want to join in on the Solain crisis?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Trust me Targeting civilians is not going to do it. You will lose any moral high ground and make you no better than the Tal Shiar

    Torin: Very well.

    *Torin walks off.*

    Vornak: His heart is in the right place... but he's too willing to accept high costs.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Torin: Very well.

    *Torin walks off.*

    Vornak: His heart is in the right place... but he's too willing to accept high costs.

    Terry: Reminds me of a couple people I know.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: So, do you want to join in on the Solain crisis?

    *OOC: Dunno still working on something and I have some Holiday cleaning to do.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Hmm tough choice*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    * 2 years before the Romulan Civil War and M's attack.*

    *USS Odyssey C is chugging along, its whole crew is on survey from an uncharted area of the Andromeda Gateway. James is in his quarters reading a communication from Earth from his Cousins. His Cousin had gotten married while he was away to James' first ex girlfriend Anne. He shuts off the terminal...*

    *Firi is sitting there as he rubs his head.*

    Firi: From your cousin?

    James: Yes. He got married to Anne.

    Firi: Your not holding a torch for her are you?

    James: No I am not. I made my peace with it.

    Firi: Have you? *She walks over to him*

    James: Flirting with me?

    Firi: That obvious? ( as she sits in his lap)

    James: Yeah it is doll. Just not sure if it is appropriate.

    Firi: You know I am not going to wait. Keep waiting like that and not expressing your feelings...

    James: And I will miss out. I have heard that once before.

    Firi: You like Sam don't you

    James: Family friends sort of and of course I do.

    Firi: You just don't get women at all do you?

    *She gets up angrily and a bit jealously...*

    James: I am a guy and apparently I have been told that women are one of the biggest mysteries out there.

    Firi: Jackass.

    James: *He gets up and does give her a kiss* You have nothing to worry about though you know I won't act on it.

    Firi: *scoffs* Ha.. That is not much...

    *James leans in and kisses her again.*

    Firi: Stop tugging me around.

    James: I have acted now .

    Firi: Good.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Present Day*

    *Terry is leaning against a wall staring off into the distance, his mind going from place to place looking into the choices available and made. What he sees is that very thing of time.. strings upon strings.*

    Terry: Is there a way for this cycle to survive? To end the conflict that has been so entrenched within us.

    *All the choices show endings and endings that are not viable. Except for one...*

    Is this really the way? All that must happen to ensure it...

    * He starts to feel a presence in the room with him but one of a trickster and extreme power... and several eons old. *

    Terry: Q... What brings you here?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Present Day*

    *Terry is leaning against a wall staring off into the distance, his mind going from place to place looking into the choices available and made. What he sees is that very thing of time.. strings upon strings.*

    Terry: Is there a way for this cycle to survive? To end the conflict that has been so entrenched within us.

    *All the choices show endings and endings that are not viable. Except for one...*

    Is this really the way? All that must happen to ensure it...

    * He starts to feel a presence in the room with him but one of a trickster and extreme power... and several eons old. *

    Terry: Q... What brings you here?

    Q: Why, can't an omnipotent being just stop by and say hello to his favourite mortals?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    * 2 years before the Romulan Civil War and M's attack.*

    *USS Odyssey C is chugging along, its whole crew is on survey from an uncharted area of the Andromeda Gateway. James is in his quarters reading a communication from Earth from his Cousins. His Cousin had gotten married while he was away to James' first ex girlfriend Anne. He shuts off the terminal...*

    *Firi is sitting there as he rubs his head.*

    Firi: From your cousin?

    James: Yes. He got married to Anne.

    Firi: Your not holding a torch for her are you?

    James: No I am not. I made my peace with it.

    Firi: Have you? *She walks over to him*

    James: Flirting with me?

    Firi: That obvious? ( as she sits in his lap)

    James: Yeah it is doll. Just not sure if it is appropriate.

    Firi: You know I am not going to wait. Keep waiting like that and not expressing your feelings...

    James: And I will miss out. I have heard that once before.

    Firi: You like Sam don't you

    James: Family friends sort of and of course I do.

    Firi: You just don't get women at all do you?

    *She gets up angrily and a bit jealously...*

    James: I am a guy and apparently I have been told that women are one of the biggest mysteries out there.

    Firi: Jackass.

    James: *He gets up and does give her a kiss* You have nothing to worry about though you know I won't act on it.

    Firi: *scoffs* Ha.. That is not much...

    *James leans in and kisses her again.*

    Firi: Stop tugging me around.

    James: I have acted now .

    Firi: Good.

    *Solais V, Chambers of Leadership. The chambers serve as the parliament building for the 1st and 2nd Leading Councils. Each council is democratically elected and is responsible for passing law. The chambers also house the First Minister's Office.

    First Leading Council Chamber. Sam is standing in the centre of the room with the Solari First Minister.*

    Sam: On behalf of the Republic of United Star Systems, it is my pleasure to hand over control of the Riva City Planetary Defence Base to the Solari Self Defence Forces and Solari government, on the 168th Anniversary of the end of the Solari Wars--

    *Suddenly, a group of armed Solari burst in, causing a chorus of panicked screaming and yelling.*

    First Minister: What is this?!

    *second Minister Kola walks in, flanked by a Solari General.*

    Kola: Death first!

    Sam: Get down!

    *Sam pulls the First Minister under the bench as the armed attackers start opening fire.*

    What the hell is going on, First Minister?!

    *She looks to her side to see the First Minister slumped against the bench, a phaser burn through his chest.*

    Oh my...

    *She pulls out her phaser as she hears the screams stop.*

    Kola: Get the human!

    Sam: How about 'no'?!

    *Sam lets off a chain of phaser blasts as she runs for the exit.*

    Kola: Stop her!

    *One of the insurgents fires his phaser rifle, the orange blast stunning Sam as she crashes to the floor.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. Matt, currently a lieutenant commander, is sitting in the Command Chair. John, still a lieutenant, turns from the Science Station.*

    John: Commander, I just picked up weapons fire in the First Council's Chamber!

    Matt: Open a channel to the Captain!

    David (currently an ensign): Channel open.

    Matt: Republic to Commander Allington, please respond!

    Repeat, Republic to Commander Allington, come in!

    Hail the First Minister!

    David: Sir, the First Minister is hailing us!

    Matt: On screen!

    First Minister Taruk, we just--

    *Matt trails off when he sees Kola standing in the office with his men holding Sam up by her shoulders.*

    Second Minister Kola, what the hell is this?!

    Kola: I'm afraid there has been a change in power here, Commander. Insurgent forces, apparently aided by your captain, just attacked the Chambers of Leadership and killed First Minister Taruk.

    Matt: What?

    Kola: While I am sure you can vouch for her integrity, I'm afraid I must insist that you depart, until we have completed our investigation.

    In the meantime, I apologise--

    *Matt turns to David at the back of the Bridge, motioning his thumb across his neck. David closes the channel.*

    David: Channel closed.

    Matt: Get me the O.S.S. branch on the surface.

    David: Aye, sir.

    *The Senior Agent for the O.S.S. on the planet appears on the viewscreen.*

    Matt: Agent Foster, I just received a communique from Second Minister Kola saying--

    Foster: We heard it too, Commander. I can promise you that Kola is lying. Agent Hawk himself saw Kola march into the chambers with armed persons, including General Fortak.

    Matt: In other words, we have a coup on our hands.

    *Suddenly, the transmission cuts off. Matt turns to David.*

    Get him back!

    David: I can't, sir! We're being jammed!

    John: Commander, there's a Solari Warship approaching, weapons armed!

    Matt: Red Alert!

    T'san, return the favour and target their weapons!

    Warn them off!

    David: I'm trying!

    T'san: Phasers locked. Torpedoes ready.

    Matt: Solari vessel, this is the R.S.S. Republic! If you open fire on us, it will be considered an act of war and we will respond accordingly!

    John: I... don't think they're listening.

    *The bridge shakes as a phaser beam hits their shields.*

    Matt: Evasive pattern delta! Return fire!

    *The Republic veers to the left and fires a volley of phaser beams at the Solari Warship. Some blasts penetrate the shields, but the Solari quickly remodulate. Several more Solari ships come in to assist, firing on the Republic. They quickly manage to overwhelm the shields and damage the lower port nacelle.*

    Matt: Damage report!

    David: We've lost port shields! The lower port nacelle's been hit!

    John: Another 2 Solari vessels are on approach!

    Matt: Helm, set course for Solais IX! Warp Two!

    We'll hide in the gas giant.

    Helm: Aye, sir!

    Course laid in!

    Matt: Engage!

    *The Republic jumps to warp, dropping out just above the gas giant.*

    Lower us down gently, helm.

    John, how deep do you think we can go?

    John: I'd say about 10km. 15 with shields.

    Matt: Helm...

    Helm: Aye, sir.

    *The Republic fires her retros, slowly dropping into the atmosphere. The main engines start up again to maintain height once they're 10km deep.*

    Matt: Shut down the warp core. Go to emergency power for everything except impulse engines. Shut down fusion reactors 2 through 4.

    Let's lower our power signature.

    Shut down all non-essentials. T'san, keep the torpedo launchers online in case we need them.

    T'san: Understood.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Q: Why, can't an omnipotent being just stop by and say hello to his favourite mortals?

    Terry: *laughs* I guess there is some comfort in that. But my guess is that you know I see things as you do now. Besides you come as a informative prankster anyway so have at it.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: *laughs* I guess there is some comfort in that. But my guess is that you know I see things as you do now. Besides you come as a informative prankster anyway so have at it.

    *Clutches his heart amusingly.*

    Q: I'm hurt you think so poorly of me!

    *He stands back up straight.*

    Well, if you must know, I just came to tell you that you're going to die.

    Not right now, of course! There's still much for you to do! But, once it's all over, you'll find that your choices have been leading you on one singular path that you cannot escape.

    I must admit, I have my growing doubts about your species. Picard gave me such high hopes for your species and Allington and your Great-Grandfather kept it alive, but now... It seems as though your people have been regressing into a savage child-race.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Clutches his heart amusingly.*

    Q: I'm hurt you think so poorly of me!

    *He stands back up straight.*

    Well, if you must know, I just came to tell you that you're going to die.

    Not right now, of course! There's still much for you to do! But, once it's all over, you'll find that your choices have been leading you on one singular path that you cannot escape.

    I must admit, I have my growing doubts about your species. Picard gave me such high hopes for your species and Allington and your Great-Grandfather kept it alive, but now... It seems as though your people have been regressing into a savage child-race.

    Terry: I do not seek to insult Q.

    Your not wrong in believing that. So much greed, lust for power, and some strange sense of chasing perfection of something that doesn't need perfecting... No understanding or love just selfishness. I can accept death, but what I do not want is for these things to happen again. But the path it entails will be demanding a lot even perhaps what makes me a human being.


    I do think you know what path I speak of and the dangers of supermen.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Solais V, Chambers of Leadership. The chambers serve as the parliament building for the 1st and 2nd Leading Councils. Each council is democratically elected and is responsible for passing law. The chambers also house the First Minister's Office.

    First Leading Council Chamber. Sam is standing in the centre of the room with the Solari First Minister.*

    Sam: On behalf of the Republic of United Star Systems, it is my pleasure to hand over control of the Riva City Planetary Defence Base to the Solari Self Defence Forces and Solari government, on the 168th Anniversary of the end of the Solari Wars--

    *Suddenly, a group of armed Solari burst in, causing a chorus of panicked screaming and yelling.*

    First Minister: What is this?!

    *second Minister Kola walks in, flanked by a Solari General.*

    Kola: Death first!

    Sam: Get down!

    *Sam pulls the First Minister under the bench as the armed attackers start opening fire.*

    What the hell is going on, First Minister?!

    *She looks to her side to see the First Minister slumped against the bench, a phaser burn through his chest.*

    Oh my...

    *She pulls out her phaser as she hears the screams stop.*

    Kola: Get the human!

    Sam: How about 'no'?!

    *Sam lets off a chain of phaser blasts as she runs for the exit.*

    Kola: Stop her!

    *One of the insurgents fires his phaser rifle, the orange blast stunning Sam as she crashes to the floor.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. Matt, currently a lieutenant commander, is sitting in the Command Chair. John, still a lieutenant, turns from the Science Station.*

    John: Commander, I just picked up weapons fire in the First Council's Chamber!

    Matt: Open a channel to the Captain!

    David (currently an ensign): Channel open.

    Matt: Republic to Commander Allington, please respond!

    Repeat, Republic to Commander Allington, come in!

    Hail the First Minister!

    David: Sir, the First Minister is hailing us!

    Matt: On screen!

    First Minister Taruk, we just--

    *Matt trails off when he sees Kola standing in the office with his men holding Sam up by her shoulders.*

    Second Minister Kola, what the hell is this?!

    Kola: I'm afraid there has been a change in power here, Commander. Insurgent forces, apparently aided by your captain, just attacked the Chambers of Leadership and killed First Minister Taruk.

    Matt: What?

    Kola: While I am sure you can vouch for her integrity, I'm afraid I must insist that you depart, until we have completed our investigation.

    In the meantime, I apologise--

    *Matt turns to David at the back of the Bridge, motioning his thumb across his neck. David closes the channel.*

    David: Channel closed.

    Matt: Get me the O.S.S. branch on the surface.

    David: Aye, sir.

    *The Senior Agent for the O.S.S. on the planet appears on the viewscreen.*

    Matt: Agent Foster, I just received a communique from Second Minister Kola saying--

    Foster: We heard it too, Commander. I can promise you that Kola is lying. Agent Hawk himself saw Kola march into the chambers with armed persons, including General Fortak.

    Matt: In other words, we have a coup on our hands.

    *Suddenly, the transmission cuts off. Matt turns to David.*

    Get him back!

    David: I can't, sir! We're being jammed!

    John: Commander, there's a Solari Warship approaching, weapons armed!

    Matt: Red Alert!

    T'san, return the favour and target their weapons!

    Warn them off!

    David: I'm trying!

    T'san: Phasers locked. Torpedoes ready.

    Matt: Solari vessel, this is the R.S.S. Republic! If you open fire on us, it will be considered an act of war and we will respond accordingly!

    John: I... don't think they're listening.

    *The bridge shakes as a phaser beam hits their shields.*

    Matt: Evasive pattern delta! Return fire!

    *The Republic veers to the left and fires a volley of phaser beams at the Solari Warship. Some blasts penetrate the shields, but the Solari quickly remodulate. Several more Solari ships come in to assist, firing on the Republic. They quickly manage to overwhelm the shields and damage the lower port nacelle.*

    Matt: Damage report!

    David: We've lost port shields! The lower port nacelle's been hit!

    John: Another 2 Solari vessels are on approach!

    Matt: Helm, set course for Solais IX! Warp Two!

    We'll hide in the gas giant.

    Helm: Aye, sir!

    Course laid in!

    Matt: Engage!

    *The Republic jumps to warp, dropping out just above the gas giant.*

    Lower us down gently, helm.

    John, how deep do you think we can go?

    John: I'd say about 10km. 15 with shields.

    Matt: Helm...

    Helm: Aye, sir.

    *The Republic fires her retros, slowly dropping into the atmosphere. The main engines start up again to maintain height once they're 10km deep.*

    Matt: Shut down the warp core. Go to emergency power for everything except impulse engines. Shut down fusion reactors 2 through 4.

    Let's lower our power signature.

    Shut down all non-essentials. T'san, keep the torpedo launchers online in case we need them.

    T'san: Understood.

    *6 hours later. 5 Solari warships are flying in low Solais IX orbit. They're firing magnetometric charges down into the atmosphere.

    15km down, the R.S.S. Republic is suffering shield damage from the electrical storms and charge explosions.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge. The lights are out and there is rumbling from the explosions.*

    David: Shields are starting to buckle, commander.

    Matt: Divert power to structural integrity. Bring us up to 10km from the atmospheric threshold and cut shields.

    Helm: Aye, aye.

    *The Republic fires her ventral thrusters to bring her back up. Another charge hits and breaches the dorsal shields as she reaches her target altitude.*

    David: Shields are down!

    Matt: Shut down the generator and polarise the hull plating.

    David: Understood!

    *The ship rumbles as the charges keep battering the hull. 5 minutes elapse before one hits the RCS ports on the forward-port rim of the saucer, causing the ship to lurch before her gyros and impulse engines take charge.*

    David: If we lose another thruster, we won't have enough power to maintain level flight! We'll be forced to leave the atmosphere!

    Matt: Can you send a distress call without the Solari homing in on it?

    David: I think so.

    Signal away.

    Matt: Let's just hope someone picks it up before the Solari do to us what the U.S. And British Navies did to U-boats.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: I do not seek to insult Q.

    Your not wrong in believing that. So much greed, lust for power, and some strange sense of chasing perfection of something that doesn't need perfecting... No understanding or love just selfishness. I can accept death, but what I do not want is for these things to happen again. But the path it entails will be demanding a lot even perhaps what makes me a human being.


    I do think you know what path I speak of and the dangers of supermen.

    Q: We shall see, mon capitaine.

    *He snaps his fingers and is gone.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Q: We shall see, mon capitaine.

    *He snaps his fingers and is gone.*

    Terry: We will Q, that we will.
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