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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: What Doctor?

    Kenway: *Kenway facepalms * Our Iconian friend?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: One problem the snare is war with the UGC and the CIS and then the Elibisi on the other and the plague.

    Taking the palace will come but Joral is a bit more ready then you might expect he is right now getting ready.

    If you want that survival and future work with me. We are working on that cure Joral comes next.

    Vornak: How will you get off the planet? How will you contact your people?

    Captain, every day Joral's war claims more lives and weakens us. If you're right, then the Eblisi will come soon. We can't enter the Palace peacefully, but I'm not suggesting a takeover. We need to convince Joral of the threat. He is a patriot. He will stop the wars immediately if he believes the Eblisi are coming.

    *Meanwhile, U.N.S.C. Space. A centurion walks over to Hanshan with a PADD as he acts on the Emperor's orders to him.*

    Centurion: Director, we have located the primary U.N.S.C. Fleet for this region of space.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: *Kenway facepalms * Our Iconian friend?

    *Mortana turns to face him.*

    Mortana: Studier, Captain. In the Imperial Assembly, Doctor only applies to healers.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: How will you get off the planet? How will you contact your people?

    Captain, every day Joral's war claims more lives and weakens us. If you're right, then the Eblisi will come soon. We can't enter the Palace peacefully, but I'm not suggesting a takeover. We need to convince Joral of the threat. He is a patriot. He will stop the wars immediately if he believes the Eblisi are coming.

    *Meanwhile, U.N.S.C. Space. A centurion walks over to Hanshan with a PADD as he acts on the Emperor's orders to him.*

    Centurion: Director, we have located the primary U.N.S.C. Fleet for this region of space.

    Terry: I tried to bring that up with him and he brushed it aside, I don't think he considers them a threat or one he can avoid.

    *UNSC Space*

    Hanshan: Good prep the the Thalaron weapons and unleash the Obliterator's I want nothing left of them. Nothing for them to rebuild. If we take prisoners kill them, we are not in that business.

    My orders are those in line with the Emperor. Kill them all. No survivors.

    But first Jam their communications.

    *the Sub-LT begins jamming the UNSC forces communications with their lifted algorithm and the Thalaron weapons begin to charge under cloak. *

    Hanshan: set up targets to the main vessels target the smaller ones not in the zone with Obilterators.

    Sub-Commander: Weapons at the ready sir fully charged...

    Hanshan: Fire then. Let loose the dogs of war.

    *The ships open fire on the unsuspecting ships killing the people on the vessels... Messy explosions and Obliterators strike their targets.. none remain the worlds in the region are now vulnerable...*

    Hanshan: Let us reap our justice on these fools. Begin Planet elimination.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mortana turns to face him.*

    Mortana: Studier, Captain. In the Imperial Assembly, Doctor only applies to healers.

    Kenway: Well my people call the educated like yourself Doctors as well. Anyways shall we continue?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: I tried to bring that up with him and he brushed it aside, I don't think he considers them a threat or one he can avoid.

    *UNSC Space*

    Hanshan: Good prep the the Thalaron weapons and unleash the Obliterator's I want nothing left of them. Nothing for them to rebuild. If we take prisoners kill them, we are not in that business.

    My orders are those in line with the Emperor. Kill them all. No survivors.

    But first Jam their communications.

    Vornak: I have a way with people. Besides, he probably believed you were attempting to further Federation interests. Let him hear it from a Romulan.

    *UNSC Space.*

    Centurion: Yes, Director! Roma Forema!

    *The UNSC Fleet is quickly jammed.*

    OOC: I'll let you and Logan handle the battle (assuming Logan can participate).
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: I have a way with people. Besides, he probably believed you were attempting to further Federation interests. Let him hear it from a Romulan.

    *UNSC Space.*

    Centurion: Yes, Director! Roma Forema!

    *The UNSC Fleet is quickly jammed.*

    OOC: I'll let you and Logan handle the battle (assuming Logan can participate).

    *OOC: If he considered Terry an interesting individual then why would he brush it off*

    Terry: I actually wasn't for the interests of everyone is what I am more concerned with. That happens to be what I think the Federation stands for. That ideal. I do feel it would be better said through your lips but you are also half human I am saying that he may not listen to you.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: Well my people call the educated like yourself Doctors as well. Anyways shall we continue?

    *Mortana places the keystone on the Vault door. After a brief blue light flows along the crevices of the decorated door, it swiftly and silently slides open. Inside, everyone is taken by surprise by the vast white walls, covered with splendid teal decor, and the incredible holographic interfaces triggered by Mortana's Iconian presence. The holographic image of an Iconian appears, representing the Base's Virtual Interface.*

    VI: Welcome, Iconian master. It has been 502,772 stellar cycles since this system was last accessed. In this event, the base commander prepared a message for you.

    *The image fades to that of an Iconian Commander.*

    Message: Greetings, brother. If you are watching this message, then it means that our people have survived. For this, I am grateful to the Great Maker eternally.

    All that you see here belongs to your people. Contained within this facility's data banks are the transponder and locator codes for the Bi'frost'a, our mothership. I request that you find it and return it to our people, where it rightly belongs.

    *The message cuts out and the commander's image is replaced with the VI's.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: If he considered Terry an interesting individual then why would he brush it off*

    Terry: I actually wasn't for the interests of everyone is what I am more concerned with. That happens to be what I think the Federation stands for. That ideal. I do feel it would be better said through your lips but you are also half human I am saying that he may not listen to you.

    *OOC: He admired Terry's bravery more than anything else. He was being courteous. He doesn't trust the Federation, and Terry is Federation.*

    Vornak: Then why hear it through the lips of one half-romulan...

    *He turns back to his people.*

    ...when he could hear it through the lips of a hundred full ones!

    Underground Member: We're with you, Vornak!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: He admired Terry's bravery more than anything else. He was being courteous. He doesn't trust the Federation, and Terry is Federation.*

    Vornak: Then why hear it through the lips of one half-romulan...

    *He turns back to his people.*

    ...when he could hear it through the lips of a hundred full ones!

    Underground Member: We're with you, Vornak!

    *OOC: Seems too easy*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Seems too easy*

    OOC: Keep in mind they have to actually fight through military personnel to achieve their objective.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Keep in mind they have to actually fight through military personnel to achieve their objective.

    *OOC: Just saying even then too easy.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Republic command center DS61 *

    *A holographic map of the Elibisi line has stayed relatively normal with battlegrounds on several worlds. With the Andromeda forces newly arriving with the heavy hitting grunts of FSPF teams and the Newtype corps but things are only giving enough time as reports are still not great.

    Commander Daguza just leans back as he puts the padd down... *

    Daguza: We are only slowing them down at this rate we will lose more worlds and have to start making cruel mathematics.

    *A red mark does grow as one world does fall as the line shifts.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Just saying even then too easy.*

    *OOC: Well, feel free to make it harder.*

    Vornak: Captain Allen, if you are up for it, it would be an honour if you would fight with us.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Republic command center DS61 *

    *A holographic map of the Elibisi line has stayed relatively normal with battlegrounds on several worlds. With the Andromeda forces newly arriving with the heavy hitting grunts of FSPF teams and the Newtype corps but things are only giving enough time as reports are still not great.

    Commander Daguza just leans back as he puts the padd down... *

    Daguza: We are only slowing them down at this rate we will lose more worlds and have to start making cruel mathematics.

    *A red mark does grow as one world does fall as the line shifts.*

    *Matt walks in and walks up to Daguza.*

    Matt: Commander.

    I thought we were evacuating your team back to Dalos Beta IX? DS61 isn't exactly safe right now.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mortana places the keystone on the Vault door. After a brief blue light flows along the crevices of the decorated door, it swiftly and silently slides open. Inside, everyone is taken by surprise by the vast white walls, covered with splendid teal decor, and the incredible holographic interfaces triggered by Mortana's Iconian presence. The holographic image of an Iconian appears, representing the Base's Virtual Interface.*

    VI: Welcome, Iconian master. It has been 502,772 stellar cycles since this system was last accessed. In this event, the base commander prepared a message for you.

    *The image fades to that of an Iconian Commander.*

    Message: Greetings, brother. If you are watching this message, then it means that our people have survived. For this, I am grateful to the Great Maker eternally.

    All that you see here belongs to your people. Contained within this facility's data banks are the transponder and locator codes for the Bi'frost'a, our mothership. I request that you find it and return it to our people, where it rightly belongs.

    *The message cuts out and the commander's image is replaced with the VI's.*

    Drake: Mortana?

    Mortana: This is incredible...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Well, feel free to make it harder.*

    Vornak: Captain Allen, if you are up for it, it would be an honour if you would fight with us.

    Terry: Like I said I would. But we do need to find a way that is opportune and not immediate. Because I do remember a old proverb about the slow blade being the most painful.

    *A Rumble shakes the underground compound as Mercs stream out of the holes lead by Gyunei.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Matt walks in and walks up to Daguza.*

    Matt: Commander.

    I thought we were evacuating your team back to Dalos Beta IX? DS61 isn't exactly safe right now.

    Daguza: Being the head of this squad of special forces troops makes this the perfect kind of work. Besides its not like they need us especially. Right now this whole thing feels like it was someones trap.

    One side ugly squid machines trying to destroy all advanced life and the other the Romulans. Not exactly a choice that really matters. Either way we die just the same.

    Besides Betelgeuse has fallen and it leaves these worlds open now, the Elibisi have not moved from Bastion and I suspect they are waiting for the right time to move. Don't ask me how they do it but from what I have seen I wouldn't be surprised.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: Mortana?

    Mortana: This is incredible...

    Kenway: Nifty... This is a pretty good map to start searching for them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Like I said I would. But we do need to find a way that is opportune and not immediate. Because I do remember a old proverb about the slow blade being the most painful.

    *A Rumble shakes the underground compound as Mercs stream out of the holes lead by Gyunei.*

    *Vornak and the other underground members grab disruptor rifles and begin fighting back.*

    Vornak: Dali, get the Vala and my mother out of here!

    *A female Romulan nods to him before taking off for the safe room.*

    Be careful.

    Cornak, Tomarek, get the children into the tunnels! Everyone else, hold the line!
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Daguza: Being the head of this squad of special forces troops makes this the perfect kind of work. Besides its not like they need us especially. Right now this whole thing feels like it was someones trap.

    One side ugly squid machines trying to destroy all advanced life and the other the Romulans. Not exactly a choice that really matters. Either way we die just the same.

    Besides Betelgeuse has fallen and it leaves these worlds open now, the Elibisi have not moved from Bastion and I suspect they are waiting for the right time to move. Don't ask me how they do it but from what I have seen I wouldn't be surprised.

    Matt: Look, I'm going to need a recon team to get data from behind Romulan lines and even retrieve Captain Allen. I need to know what the state of the Romulan lines are before I launch a counterattack.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: Nifty... This is a pretty good map to start searching for them.

    *Mortana downloads the Bi'frost'a's coordinates.*

    Mortana: For 20 years I've been waiting for this moment...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Luke is sitting in one of the Jefferies tubes when he hears someone crawling through the junction. Tara crawls into the crawl space.*

    Luke: Tara?

    Tara: Hey.

    *Tara sits next to him.*

    I've been looking all over for you.

    Luke: It's quiet here. I like quiet.

    *Tara listens to the hum of the power conduits, the nearby warp engine and feels the warmth of the plasma conduit behind her.*

    Tara: It isn't that quiet, Luke.

    Luke: No? Think about it. People are noisy, inconsistent, dishonest...

    *Tara looks at him, apologetically.*

    But machines are constant, logical, truthful. I can feel every change in plasma pressure... hear every change in the power grid... I know exactly where the ship stands. Machines are like that. I guess that's why I like them so much. They can't lie to me.

    Tara: But they can't love you, either.

    Luke: I know. But they can't pretend to either.

    Tara: You mean like your parents?

    *Luke snaps to look at her, before nodding solemnly.*

    Luke: Yeah.

    Tara: Your uncle told me.

    Luke: He has no idea how bad it really was. No one does.

    Tara: I know. But I want to, if you'll trust me.

    *She takes Luke's hand.*

    Luke: Tara...

    Tara: Last night I told you that I trust you. I don't say that unless I really mean it.

    *Tara leans closer to him.*

    You helped me. Now let me help you.

    *Luke leans in closer, wrapping an arm around Tara's neck before kissing her. After a few seconds, they pull back, resting each other's foreheads against the other's.*

    Luke *Quietly*: Thank you...

    Tara *Quietly*: Don't mention it...

    *The two kiss again, embracing each other for several seconds.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    OOC:ill try to catch up on everything tomorrow guys going to take it easy today
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    OOC:ill try to catch up on everything tomorrow guys going to take it easy today

    OOC: Yeah, take it easy man.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Look, I'm going to need a recon team to get data from behind Romulan lines and even retrieve Captain Allen. I need to know what the state of the Romulan lines are before I launch a counterattack.

    Daguza: Providing a way in is going to be difficult. Has the Federation made some overtures at all?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Vornak and the other underground members grab disruptor rifles and begin fighting back.*

    Vornak: Dali, get the Vala and my mother out of here!

    *A female Romulan nods to him before taking off for the safe room.*

    Be careful.

    Cornak, Tomarek, get the children into the tunnels! Everyone else, hold the line!

    *Gyunei comes up his helmet covering his head *

    Gyunei: So you are Preston's child. Give me the the Captain and your people won't be squashed right here..

    Terry: Go Vornak... these mercs are the same ones I ran into on Mars they are not to be trifled with.

    How did you find us?

    Gyunei: It was not difficult as the Director already had found your hideout here along with others in the city. Not to mention the Emperor has given permission to root them out now. I do agree that you are a valuable bargaining chip.

    Terry: Look at you Gyunei. An example of how distorted the galaxy is in trying to transcend nature. You truthfully are a blue rose now.

    Gyunei: Conflict is all I have now. Preston knew what I was and found me very effective at what I do. Look at yourself ever changing and how distant are you from your humanity now?

    Terry: It is very much alive...

    *With a quick burst that naked eye did not see Gyunei is sent into the tunnels, while Terry is in a stance that shows a finished combo... and him panting... as if drained... *

    Terry: Ohh boy.. I feel tired.. hit the generators to blind them and go...

    *He stumbles a bit*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Gyunei comes up his helmet covering his head *

    Gyunei: So you are Preston's child. Give me the the Captain and your people won't be squashed right here..

    Terry: Go Vornak... these mercs are the same ones I ran into on Mars they are not to be trifled with.

    How did you find us?

    Gyunei: It was not difficult as the Director already had found your hideout here along with others in the city. Not to mention the Emperor has given permission to root them out now. I do agree that you are a valuable bargaining chip.

    Terry: Look at you Gyunei. An example of how distorted the galaxy is in trying to transcend nature. You truthfully are a blue rose now.

    Gyunei: Conflict is all I have now. Preston knew what I was and found me very effective at what I do. Look at yourself ever changing and how distant are you from your humanity now?

    Terry: It is very much alive...

    *With a quick burst that naked eye did not see Gyunei is sent into the tunnels, while Terry is in a stance that shows a finished combo... and him panting... as if drained... *

    Terry: Ohh boy.. I feel tired.. hit the generators to blind them and go...

    *He stumbles a bit*

    Vornak: Good luck, Captain. Jolan Tru.

    *Vornak activates the generators and the cell retreats into the tunnels.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Daguza: Providing a way in is going to be difficult. Has the Federation made some overtures at all?

    Matt: Not that I know of, aside from joining the war.

    You could take the 3rd Omaha Wing. You've got as good a chance with them as anything else.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vornak: Good luck, Captain. Jolan Tru.

    *Vornak activates the generators and the cell retreats into the tunnels.*

    *Gyunei comes out and jumps down as his men try and follow the rebels. He tries to strike Terry but Terry moves quicker as if he wasn't standing the to begin with... Then Gyunei strikes again but misses..*

    Terry: *To himself..* I need to end this quickly or I will die a withered husk... this is draining my energy...

    *He unleashes a combo again and then knocks Gyunei out with a line of punches at his nerves...*

    *Terry starts to flee the area after Vornak feeling much more tired...*
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