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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Firefly jumps back

    Firefly : oh I left surprises for you

    He pulls a trigger that detonates explosives all over the base while he keeps Sinclaire busy.

    Firefly: I know more moves then almost anything.

    He fires again and throughs a grenade at stane while leaping over Sinclaire slipping a device on him knocking him out.

    Firefly: I came prepared and you need to stop with the genetics my friend. They can come back to haunt you.

    He clears the room pointing both pistols at stane.

    Firefly : dorman get you and your friend out of here. I'll watch crazy and creepy.

    *Stane just laughs... *

    Stane: Oh you think you can get into the systems like that huh? What about that black box...

    *The ghastly figure appears again locking him out of the suit... while his men strap the bombs to him...*

    Stane: *waving cheerfully* Time to go... Beam him out...

    *As he is beamed out to space the bombs go off destroying the suit utterly... forcing Firefly back to the main hub he is in with an enemy that has locked him up...*

    *OOC: Before you complain.. There was another reason that worm was put into the system.. That was to prepare for that eventuality... Plus to keep this fight interesting...*

    Stane: Now.. go find out what really caused those explosions.. Morrison hasn't reported back yet.

    *Elsewhere, the Spice gas continues to hiss out of the area... spreading it around... Sam still smells it as does Kela who dons a mask...*

    Kela: Turns out you should really control that ability deary...

    and speaking of which...

    *A tiny remote comes out and she presses it which reactivates the collar. which shocks Sam back into submission... *

    *With a hard kick to the face Sam falls over clutching her broken nose.*

    Did you honestly think we would leave it for that emotional moron to deactivate himself..?

    *Watching Sam deal with things of her own mind on the floor... Kela walks away...*

    Kela: I will keep on hurting you that is my vengeance...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Firefly: also what is it your recalling try to do stane. What with them and the relay which I can blow to hell if I have to.

    OOC: Should make this interesting... So lets keep it that way.. Firefly now has to deal with his intruder in the system..*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Stane walks over to Sinclaire...*

    Stane: Ah.. A guardian that isn't dead... I think its time to test something...

    Get some restraints for this type of individual..

    I am curious about something...

    *Dorman and Fisher are fleeing the area... she is just full of questions..*

    Fisher: Will just what the hell is going on...

    Dorman: This really isn't the time dear..

    Fisher: How long has it been you look 50....

    Dorman: I am fourty-seven in some way... But also add a hundred years to that.

    Fisher: What?


    Dorman: Nope.. its not the 25th century anymore. Its 2535.. Before you ask why I am younger in appearance... I was asleep for a century...

    Fisher: Okay.. What did I miss..?

    Dorman: I had that same reaction don't worry..

    Fisher: Okay so who is that nutcase....

    Dorman: Stane... He was a weapons manufacturer and researcher before he turned criminal mastermind and now trying to bring a sentient race of machines to rid the galaxy of advanced life.

    Fisher: Do you always find trouble ?

    Dorman: No.. It seems to know where I am all the time.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Firefly : TRIBBLE well that didn't work out. Well then time to take care of this before any one else sees.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sinclaire starts to come to looking around.


    Firefly: I'm really stating to hate organics. They are really a pain now I have to back track that file. Cleanse that processor. Sigh. Wipe that mainframe.

    Firefly continues his work.

    Firefly: I also should remake that body. I liked it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire starts to come to looking around.


    Firefly: I'm really stating to hate organics. They are really a pain now I have to back track that file. Cleanse that processor. Sigh. Wipe that mainframe.

    Firefly continues his work.

    Firefly: I also should remake that body. I liked it.

    *The worm begins to cleanse systems of his...*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *There is only a hum... as Sinclaire wakens.. The object Rho infront of him.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *There is only a hum... as Sinclaire wakens.. The object Rho infront of him.*

    Sinclaire : who ... Who are you.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *The worm begins to cleanse systems of his...*

    Firefly: alright we can play this two ways. I iniate a deep cleanse of last clean memory file. I hate doing this.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire : who ... Who are you.

    *The power radiates and bursts through it... it speaks...*

    Rho: Insignificant being...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *The power radiates and bursts through it... it speaks...*

    Rho: Insignificant being...

    Sinclaire:well aren't we a friendly person. I can see this is going to take awhile to get what I need.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire:well aren't we a friendly person. I can see this is going to take awhile to get what I need.

    *The black tendrils and the hums become more painful as Sinclaire is still restrained.. and neutralized powers.*

    Rho: You are fighting the inevitable.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *The black tendrils and the hums become more painful as Sinclaire is still restrained.. and neutralized powers.*

    Rho: You are fighting the inevitable.

    Sinclaire: well if you know me very well you will know I won't accept that.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire: well if you know me very well you will know I won't accept that.

    Rho: You will accept that truth with time.. We are coming soon.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Rho: You will accept that truth with time.. We are coming soon.

    Sinclaire: well how about you define the who that would really make this all worth it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire: well how about you define the who that would really make this all worth it.

    Stane: You would think a guardian would know already...

    *He walks in seemingly unaffected... Sinclaire can now see the affects of what was done to him... black patches of nanites all over, blue showing in his eyes...*

    For an intelligent being you really don't deduce things very well. Which is a travesty..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sinclaire: although I mean with someone like you I would expect you have some social issues. But please who do you think is returning this ought to be interesting.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Stane: You would think a guardian would know already...

    *He walks in seemingly unaffected... Sinclaire can now see the affects of what was done to him... black patches of nanites all over, blue showing in his eyes...*

    For an intelligent being you really don't deduce things very well. Which is a travesty..

    Sinclaire: someone needs to see there doctor. Well I have been busy hunting down certain people so can't say I've been paying much attention to your plans.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sinclaire : oh and I really haven't seen any of the guardian s lately so
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire: someone needs to see there doctor. Well I have been busy hunting down certain people so can't say I've been paying much attention to your plans.

    Stane: Which says more about you than it does me. You really think I was stopped? I think someone might have hit your head harder than you might suspect.. maybe you need to see a doctor...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Stane: Which says more about you than it does me. You really think I was stopped? I think someone might have hit your head harder than you might suspect.. maybe you need to see a doctor...

    Sinclaire: I have been around long enough to know the snake always seems to survive. No matter how many times you chop off the head it seems to come back. I know you brought northman back and you will be the one to answer for his crimes. Don't get to hopeful I know what you've done. And I will have revenge.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Unsc detention facility gamma nine.

    A man with a black and silver helmet black boots and a black and red para military uniform sits silent in his cell ( picture a cobra commander type person, cause that's basically what he is) two odst stand in front of his sell and two more on the opposite wall. He sits there silently as an explosion is hears the guards look at each other nervous. Soon the doors blast open and the odst are killed. 4 men come in weapons raised and lower the energy field around him.

    Trooper: Commander?

    Commander: well done. Has everything been done as I put in place.

    Trooper: yes sir.

    Commander: well then I will go.

    Trooper : sir....

    Raising his hand he kills the four instantly.

    Commander: you where a day off course.

    Ooc: so a crazy villian I can have fun with he he
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire: I have been around long enough to know the snake always seems to survive. No matter how many times you chop off the head it seems to come back. I know you brought northman back and you will be the one to answer for his crimes. Don't get to hopeful I know what you've done. And I will have revenge.

    Stane: *Laughs* Northman is his own man in a sense. But he knows that nature and perfection are coming and coming soon. Everyone knows what I have done. My plans have worked and a few of others have bounced in my favor.. Right now...

    The reason I am laughing is in a few hours.. The instrument of perfection will arrive and bring this galaxy to bear... including the guardians.. It would not be the first time it has happened.

    He still has his part to play in all of this.

    Speaking of which... Revenge.. Funny how that goes. Jacob wanted it for what I had done to his parents. Sam for my crimes against her. It is funny. A guardian wanting revenge.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Dorman and Fisher make their way to a wrecked part of the base but begin to smell cinnamon... *

    Dorman: Lets not

    *Feeling of grief comes to him and fisher...*

    Damn... its Sam...

    *taking a mask from a dead guard and another as his wife dons the man's outfit and mask*

    Dorman: A little small for a guard aren't you?

    Fisher: Didn't hear you complain about it ever?

    Dorman: Just joking with you.. Of course I wouldn't complain about that do I look suicidal?

    Fisher: Who is Sam?

    Dorman: She is a friend... and wife to someone I know..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sinclaire: your hens will come to roost soon enough and ( sentinels voice) I am more then just a guardian. ( normal) you just wait till the three of us get together. I have plenty of people who owe me favors. And that hate you.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Sinclaire: your hens will come to roost soon enough and ( sentinels voice) I am more then just a guardian. ( normal) you just wait till the three of us get together. I have plenty of people who owe me favors. And that hate you.

    Stane: *chuckles* I know the people you would send after me... The powerful ones like me a bit better than you..

    The others.

    Well take your best shot.. You did see what happened with Jacob.. I would rip you apart limb from limb and see what your insides look like.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Stane just laughs... *

    Stane: Oh you think you can get into the systems like that huh? What about that black box...

    *The ghastly figure appears again locking him out of the suit... while his men strap the bombs to him...*

    Stane: *waving cheerfully* Time to go... Beam him out...

    *As he is beamed out to space the bombs go off destroying the suit utterly... forcing Firefly back to the main hub he is in with an enemy that has locked him up...*

    *OOC: Before you complain.. There was another reason that worm was put into the system.. That was to prepare for that eventuality... Plus to keep this fight interesting...*

    Stane: Now.. go find out what really caused those explosions.. Morrison hasn't reported back yet.

    *Elsewhere, the Spice gas continues to hiss out of the area... spreading it around... Sam still smells it as does Kela who dons a mask...*

    Kela: Turns out you should really control that ability deary...

    and speaking of which...

    *A tiny remote comes out and she presses it which reactivates the collar. which shocks Sam back into submission... *

    *With a hard kick to the face Sam falls over clutching her broken nose.*

    Did you honestly think we would leave it for that emotional moron to deactivate himself..?

    *Watching Sam deal with things of her own mind on the floor... Kela walks away...*

    Kela: I will keep on hurting you that is my vengeance...

    *Sam tries to ignore the spice as she starts to hallucinate again.*

    Sam *hatred*: This won't stop me.

    *She dashes at Kela, tackling her to the floor before putting her in a neck lock.

    Elsewhere, the R.S.S. Republic and R.S.S. Normandy are approaching the final fold-jump point to reach Stane's base.

    R.S.S. Republic, David's Quarters. T'mar is with the kids as David watches, smiling.*

    T'mar: I want you two to be good for Uncle Dave, okay? I'll be back soon.

    *She hugs both of them before walking towards the door. David turns to her.*

    David: You and Dorman have done a great job with them, T'mar.

    *T'mar smiles at him.*

    T'mar: I wish we had time to get our usual good night's rest.

    David: I don't remember a lot of resting.

    *The two laugh, before T'mar kisses him.*

    T'mar: I love you.

    David: I love you too.

    Come home safely.

    *T'mar leaves. David walks over to the twins.

    R.S.S. Normandy, Transporter Bay. John and Matt are waiting for T'mar to return.*

    Matt: John, thanks for doing this. You didn't--

    John: Hey, you and Sam were my superior officers, and both my C.O.'s, for years. I'd go to hell and back for either of you, let alone both of you, Captain.

    *T'mar beams back and the group walks into the S.A.C.*

    We'll engage the cloak and the stealth systems and do a silent jump. They'll never know we're coming.

    Matt: As soon as we get Sam and Dorman, we run like hell.

    John: Understood.

    *John walks towards the Bridge.*

    Red Alert!

    *The red alert klaxon sounds as the lights dim.*

    Engage stealth systems! Prepare for silent fold-space jump!

    Helm: Ready to jump!

    Ops: Stealth systems online!

    On your order, Commander.

    John: Engage!

    *The cloaked Normandy opens the fold-space conduit, which is noticably less visable, before jumping.

    When they emerge on the other side, they are stunned by what awaits them.*

    Is that...?

    Ops: Material scans match data we got from Sovereign 2 years ago!

    John: Okay, listen up!

    Before we leave here, that structure is going to be out of commission! Am I clear?

    *The Bridge crew nod to him.*

    Alright. Helm, latch us onto that station.

    Science: Sir, I'm picking up a lot of residual twilight energy. It's focused.

    It's like a bomb went off down there...

    John: That's Sam. Helm, take us in as close to that reading as you can!

    Helm: Aye, captain!

    Science: Commander, I'm also picking up Spice in the atmosphere. Recommend the away team take breathers.

    John: Understood. Captain Forrester, did you catch that?

    *Port airlock. Matt and T'mar are getting ready to head in.*

    Matt: We heard, Commander.

    *Matt and T'mar take breathers from a storage locker, as well as 2 spares for Sam and Dorman. Matt looks at T'mar.*

    We don't know what state Sam's gonna be in when we find her.

    T'mar: I can calm her down.

    Matt: You sure?

    T'mar: There's always plan B.

    *The Normandy latches on to the station hull and the airlock starts burning through. Matt and T'mar pick up their phaser rifles as the airlock opens.

    Back on the station, Sam is losing the upperhand, unable to focus. She eventually can't fight anymore, as the hallucinations become too much.

    Suddenly, a light stun blast knocks Kela back as Matt and T'mar run around the corner. T'mar kneels down next to her sister, putting her spare breather on her while Matt tries to find Dorman. She then takes her phaser pistol and carefully cuts the collar off, letting Sam's body glow white as Angel purges it of the spice. T'mar then quickly mind melds with Sam.*

    T'mar: Please don't hurt me.

    My mind to your mind...

    *She puts Sam to sleep before standing up and staring at Kela. She not-so-subtly scans her, flooding through her memories, trying to find the cause of her hatred for Sam.*

    Damon is your brother.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Sam tries to ignore the spice as she starts to hallucinate again.*

    Sam *hatred*: This won't stop me.

    *She dashes at Kela, tackling her to the floor before putting her in a neck lock.

    Elsewhere, the R.S.S. Republic and R.S.S. Normandy are approaching the final fold-jump point to reach Stane's base.

    R.S.S. Republic, David's Quarters. T'mar is with the kids as David watches, smiling.*

    T'mar: I want you two to be good for Uncle Dave, okay? I'll be back soon.

    *She hugs both of them before walking towards the door. David turns to her.*

    David: You and Dorman have done a great job with them, T'mar.

    *T'mar smiles at him.*

    T'mar: I wish we had time to get our usual good night's rest.

    David: I don't remember a lot of resting.

    *The two laugh, before T'mar kisses him.*

    T'mar: I love you.

    David: I love you too.

    Come home safely.

    *T'mar leaves. David walks over to the twins.

    R.S.S. Normandy, Transporter Bay. John and Matt are waiting for T'mar to return.*

    Matt: John, thanks for doing this. You didn't--

    John: Hey, you and Sam were my superior officers, and both my C.O.'s, for years. I'd go to hell and back for either of you, let alone both of you, Captain.

    *T'mar beams back and the group walks into the S.A.C.*

    We'll engage the cloak and the stealth systems and do a silent jump. They'll never know we're coming.

    Matt: As soon as we get Sam and Dorman, we run like hell.

    John: Understood.

    *John walks towards the Bridge.*

    Red Alert!

    *The red alert klaxon sounds as the lights dim.*

    Engage stealth systems! Prepare for silent fold-space jump!

    Helm: Ready to jump!

    Ops: Stealth systems online!

    On your order, Commander.

    John: Engage!

    *The cloaked Normandy opens the fold-space conduit, which is noticably less visable, before jumping.

    When they emerge on the other side, they are stunned by what awaits them.*

    Is that...?

    Ops: Material scans match data we got from Sovereign 2 years ago!

    John: Okay, listen up!

    Before we leave here, that structure is going to be out of commission! Am I clear?

    *The Bridge crew nod to him.*

    Alright. Helm, latch us onto that station.

    Science: Sir, I'm picking up a lot of residual twilight energy. It's focused.

    It's like a bomb went off down there...

    John: That's Sam. Helm, take us in as close to that reading as you can!

    Helm: Aye, captain!

    Science: Commander, I'm also picking up Spice in the atmosphere. Recommend the away team take breathers.

    John: Understood. Captain Forrester, did you catch that?

    *Port airlock. Matt and T'mar are getting ready to head in.*

    Matt: We heard, Commander.

    *Matt and T'mar take breathers from a storage locker, as well as 2 spares for Sam and Dorman. Matt looks at T'mar.*

    We don't know what state Sam's gonna be in when we find her.

    T'mar: I can calm her down.

    Matt: You sure?

    T'mar: There's always plan B.

    *The Normandy latches on to the station hull and the airlock starts burning through. Matt and T'mar pick up their phaser rifles as the airlock opens.

    Back on the station, Sam is losing the upperhand, unable to focus. She eventually can't fight anymore, as the hallucinations become too much.

    Suddenly, a light stun blast knocks Kela back as Matt and T'mar run around the corner. T'mar kneels down next to her sister, putting her spare breather on her while Matt tries to find Dorman. She then takes her phaser pistol and carefully cuts the collar off, letting Sam's body glow white as Angel purges it of the spice. T'mar then quickly mind melds with Sam.*

    T'mar: Please don't hurt me.

    My mind to your mind...

    *She puts Sam to sleep before standing up and staring at Kela. She not-so-subtly scans her, flooding through her memories, trying to find the cause of her hatred for Sam.*

    Damon is your brother.

    *OOC: Nuts... I was hoping for something hence why I put that part in... Eh.. Oh well.*

    *Dorman and Fisher are trying to find a way out but the problem is they are in a maze thanks to Sam's outburst...*

    Dorman: Damn...

    *He senses someone just waking up and the groan and curse is a voice he remembers... quite well..*

    Dorman: *Walks up to the pinned Morrison... and kneels down..* So.. how in control do you feel now?

    Fisher: *walks in and gasps...* Will don't do it.. he isn't worth it...

    Dorman: *Leans in to Morrison who is high on the spice...* The only reason you are not dead is because you gave her back to me.

    *An Iconian runs by but Fisher grabs him and tightens him to a wall...*

    Fisher: What is that object out there?

    Dorman: Answer her..

    Iconian: It is a massive relay run by Dark Energy or Element Zero... It enables faster travel than Fold space jumps and warp drive. It is nearly instantaneous in its effect.

    Dorman: Then we are going to destroy it...

    Iconian: Even with one ship it is impossible.. No ship in any fleet can do it.. Even if you did you would be signing your own death warrant.

    Fisher: What?

    Dorman: Explain that one to me...

    Iconian: That much energy being used to power it if interrupted will be like dropping an exploding sun in the sector.. Nothing will survive...

    Dorman: Son of a targ...

    *A crunching of debris startles them as Matt shows up..*

    *Back with Kela*

    Kela: *Looking at T'mar*

    What of it... He is dead.. I can think of ways to make it hurt... or make you suffer for it..

    *Before she realizes it she knocks both T'mar and the Recovering Sam but before injecting Sam with something that makes her double over in pain...*

    Kela: Now your normal like all of us.. *she is now gone and materializes by Stane*

    Had to inject Sam with what you suggested.. no way she survives...

    *OOC: Do want some idea of them finding a way to avoid Miranda's fate. but also give something Sam to fight for.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: Nuts... I was hoping for something hence why I put that part in... Eh.. Oh well.*

    *Dorman and Fisher are trying to find a way out but the problem is they are in a maze thanks to Sam's outburst...*

    Dorman: Damn...

    *He senses someone just waking up and the groan and curse is a voice he remembers... quite well..*

    Dorman: *Walks up to the pinned Morrison... and kneels down..* So.. how in control do you feel now?

    Fisher: *walks in and gasps...* Will don't do it.. he isn't worth it...

    Dorman: *Leans in to Morrison who is high on the spice...* The only reason you are not dead is because you gave her back to me.

    *An Iconian runs by but Fisher grabs him and tightens him to a wall...*

    Fisher: What is that object out there?

    Dorman: Answer her..

    Iconian: It is a massive relay run by Dark Energy or Element Zero... It enables faster travel than Fold space jumps and warp drive. It is nearly instantaneous in its effect.

    Dorman: Then we are going to destroy it...

    Iconian: Even with one ship it is impossible.. No ship in any fleet can do it.. Even if you did you would be signing your own death warrant.

    Fisher: What?

    Dorman: Explain that one to me...

    Iconian: That much energy being used to power it if interrupted will be like dropping an exploding sun in the sector.. Nothing will survive...

    Dorman: Son of a targ...

    *A crunching of debris startles them as Matt shows up..*

    *Back with Kela*

    Kela: *Looking at T'mar*

    What of it... He is dead.. I can think of ways to make it hurt... or make you suffer for it..

    *Before she realizes it she knocks both T'mar and the Recovering Sam but before injecting Sam with something that makes her double over in pain...*

    Kela: Now your normal like all of us.. *she is now gone and materializes by Stane*

    Had to inject Sam with what you suggested.. no way she survives...

    *OOC: Do want some idea of them finding a way to avoid Miranda's fate. but also give something Sam to fight for.*

    OOC: Okay, PM me with what you had in mind.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Okay, PM me with what you had in mind.

    *OOC: PM sent man.. Lets tie up the center of the galaxy since we are on a timer. They did free Sanders and a handful of people.. and don't worry Logan.. I will be giving Sinclaire an out.*
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