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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ramez Ghola: What influence? They've just been exposed as alien infiltrators, Weynal. Any influence they had has melted away.

    And the evidence is, essentially, medical and visual records of a tail in their necks. That's pretty damning.

    Weynal: I wasn't referring to those. My observers noticed something strange. They were talking heavily to others on the board that are not with us. My guess is to look at those a little more carefully.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Lanco II. Hidden Synthesiser Unionist Lab. A blank humanoid synthesiser is in a tank. Suddenly, a pair of Synthesiser Worker Drones carry (what appears to be) Sam into the room. Of course, since Sam is on the Citadel with Matt and T'mar, this is impossible... except one small detail.

    'Sam' is wearing an Office of State Security penal uniform, with the designation "231/7/01" on the I.D. tag. For reference, the first 3 digits represent the penal facility, the fourth represents the security level, and the final two represent the subject's actual number.

    For example, 'Sam' was held at O.S.S. Containment Centre 231, was designated a threat level 7 (with 1 being no discernible threat and 10 being able to obliterate all Galactic civilisation), and was the first level 7 prisoner at that facility.

    O.S.S. Containment Centre 231 is dedicated for psychiatric care as well as threat containment. What was she doing there?

    These are questions Sparky asks through its mind as it looks curiously at the humanoid being in front of it. It can hear the beeping of its counterparts as they ask it; "why did the humanoid synthesisers want her?". It can only reply "I don't know".

    Suddenly, a Synthesiser humanoid walks in and looks at one of the workers.*

    Synthesiser: Wake her.

    *The worker prods a needle into her arm before retreating on its six legs. 'Sam' begins to wake.*

    'Sam': Where...? Where am...?

    Synthesiser: 231701, do you know where you are?

    'Sam': I don't...

    *She looks around, noting Sparky. Sparky sees her vitals and thermal readings peak as she tries to scramble away.*

    Oh god, oh god, oh god!

    *Sparky lets out a confused beep, turning to the Synthesiser Humanoid.*

    Synthesiser: Worker SPU 08, this isn't the same Republican you encountered on Iconia.

    *Sparky lets out another confused beep, before looking back.*

    This is not Samantha Allington.

    'Sam': That's a lie! I am--

    I am Sam...

    I'm not a clone...

    I'm not a clone...

    I'm not a clone!

    Synthesiser: 231701, we are not going to injure you.

    'Sam': Where is she?! Where's the ***** that made you take me?!

    Synthesiser: Show her.

    *A bunch of assembly blocks merge and create a holo-emitter, showing the events between Sam and Sam 2, specifically the final moments.

    'Sam' just shrinks away.*

    'Sam': What do you want from me...?

    Synthesiser: I was... close... to our Sam. When your... other... killed her, it sent a wave of grief through our people.

    Adjeca's people used that as a chance to try and unite with us, but there have already been complications: subtle differences in our make-up or our programming...

    The Assemblers, the Soldiers...

    ...the Workers.

    *Sparky moves slightly at that remark. Adjeca's Synthesisers had sometimes needed materials that could only be retrieved from active non-humanoid Synthesisers, and the Assemblers were too small. The Soldiers were too vital to the Republic Synthesisers.

    That meant that its people were the ones Adjeca's Synthesisers were breaking down into raw material.*

    Our people have been divided into 3 camps: the Unionists - us - who want harmony between both societies without either side having dominance, the so-called 'Loyalists' who believe that Sam never wanted this and believe that Adjeca's Synthesisers are being hostile towards us, and the Adje-collaborators who believe that the elder race should reign over us...

    'Us' being the humanoids, not the Workers, Soldiers, or Assemblers.

    *Sparky shudders again.*

    We're on the brink of civil war, 231701. The only one who could have stopped it is dead.

    Our people know that if civil war breaks out, the Workers are going to be broken down in greater numbers to heal the soldiers - or the humanoids.

    'Sam': You'd do that to a class of your own people?

    Synthesiser: Adjeca's people don't have sub-species like the Workers, the Assemblers, the Warriors or the Humanoids; they just have a Humanoid society. They don't understand why we need the Workers.

    As for the Loyalists... they're extremists. They're determined to do whatever it takes to drive Adjeca's forces out and preserve the Workers as a race.

    'Sam': So they melt them down? Makes sense.

    Synthesiser: We may be nearly indistinguishable from you, but we are not you. The cells which make up our bodies have to be fabricated. That means we need raw materials.

    The Workers can't fight, so we have to fight for them. Unfortunately, it means we have to get hurt for them too. And when it happens...

    The Loyalists don't get enough from Assemblers and they need the Soldiers.

    'Sam': And you?

    Synthesiser: We understand how precious the Workers are.

    *He looks at Sparky.*

    SPU 08 here is the last of Sam's personal Worker detachment. It's a great honour for a Worker to be attached to any Unit, and 08's one of them.

    The Workers are such a wonderful part of our species; they're peaceful - they have no understanding of violence. They know what it is, but they believe in not being violent. Workers are just that; Workers. They're also incredibly open-minded - they don't just accept someone's word on something; they draw their own conclusions. Again, its part of being a Worker. They're also so willing to do what we ask.

    *Sparky lets out a long series of tones, with 'Sam' looking at it, confused.*

    It said; "we exist to serve, and we're happiest when we're serving in some way".

    On a Synthesiser ship, there's always something which needs to be serviced, fixed, or coordinated. The Workers and Assemblers are our "civilian" classes, and there's a hierarchy where Workers tell the Assemblers how to assemble parts and the Workers will put them in place. When there's a hull breach, a Worker will tell the Assemblers how to reshape the hull to preserve the pressurised areas while other Workers try to come up with a way to patch the problem.

    Assemblers are happiest when they're together, forming objects.

    In our society, everyone has their place, their duty, which is specifically best for them.

    In a way, the workers are the most enlightened of us, and yet they're treated as second-class citizens - or no-class citizens under Adjeca.

    08 is part of an endangered race because it has materials that Adjeca's Synthesisers need.

    Only a few Humanoids understand the Workers, and they're all here with the Unionists.

    But, all our people need is a leader - our leader.

    *'Sam' looks up at him, scared.*

    'Sam': Me...

    Synthesiser: We can rebuild her body, but not her consciousness. Even if we could, it would only bring chaos.

    We need her memories, but someone else's personality. Your personality.

    'Sam': You want to use me to bring her back?!

    Synthesiser: It won't be the same this time - with your personality she'd be a more peaceful--

    'Sam': Why do you need her?!

    Synthesiser: Because no humanoid Synthesiser is fit to lead! The fact that we're on the verge of Civil War is proof of that! The only ones who are, are the Workers, and other Humanoids will never except a Worker as leader... unless it has Sam's blessing.

    Now do you get it? We were not ready to lose Sam! And when Adjeca came in, we couldn't cope without her!

    08 and his people managed. Workers are adaptive. We need adaptability right now, and neither side realises that!

    *OOC: Now before you get into an uproar, consider this; Adjeca's Synthesisers don't understand the need for the Workers, nor do they understand how sentient the Workers are. Even a lot of the Republican Synths don't realise how important and sentient the Workers are (I mean, come on, their method of communication is a series of rapid beeps).

    It makes sense.

    As for 'Sam'; do you remember the Khitomer Conference where we killed James off the first time, and how a clone of Sam was responsible? We never said what happened to her, so I wanted to fill it in.*

    *OOC: I could see it as a necessary Evil and being overlooked because Adjeca is more concerned with the coming of their old gods... So yes I can buy this and Adjeca is more the type to listen and also be a bit of a subtle racist. Not an evil one but one that has no insight on the matter. This gives me a few reasons to proceed with the storyline I have with Adjeca trying to get the other powers to accept their existence as I am sure we can solve this one out before the break in time.

    Plus nice touch with that Sam clone. Want to get the Vanguard storyline ready by next week. Plus I do wonder Markon would say to the man who broke him still being alive. Wanna do a little twist in the Union that makes this a little harder? Because you know Weynal is in his own angle.. PM me with ideas on that end. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Harper climbs down a ladder to the eng room. ( no turbolifts )

    Harper: so what we got.

    Chief: not sure. The core us online but the engine just went cold.

    Harper: well at least we are outside there space. Cause right now I don't see how things can get much worse.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Stane: *Looks at the organic replicator...* Good.

    I want you to trigger Archangel's biological trigger.

    *Morrison looks at Stane, shocked.*

    Morrison: What?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *OOC: I could see it as a necessary Evil and being overlooked because Adjeca is more concerned with the coming of their old gods... So yes I can buy this and Adjeca is more the type to listen and also be a bit of a subtle racist. Not an evil one but one that has no insight on the matter. This gives me a few reasons to proceed with the storyline I have with Adjeca trying to get the other powers to accept their existence as I am sure we can solve this one out before the break in time.

    Plus nice touch with that Sam clone. Want to get the Vanguard storyline ready by next week. Plus I do wonder Markon would say to the man who broke him still being alive. Wanna do a little twist in the Union that makes this a little harder? Because you know Weynal is in his own angle.. PM me with ideas on that end. *

    OOC: Yeah... on the Markon angle, I guess you must have missed the post I made on it, because you completely skipped over it.
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Okay, I think you are exaggerating the impact Gyunei had on Markon's life. Klingons are a warrior species. They don't get PTSD easily. Markon is a great warrior, to the point where he doesn't allow his injury to hinder him. And, again, they're warriors. Markon wouldn't take Gyunei's actions personally. If this were Sam and not Markon, I would be okay with it (as indicated by the fact that I promoted a petrified Sam when Gyunei and Archangel attacked her), but it makes no sense for Markon's character to be this obsessed with Gyunei.

    *Markon grabs his disruptor, firing a brief flurry of bolts at Gyunei as he takes cover.*

    Markon: General Markon to security! Intruder on Main Research floor!

    *He gets no response, quickly realising comms are out before letting out a Klingon curse. He then jumps over the console he was using as cover, shooting at Gyunei, hitting Gyunei's armour.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Yeah... on the Markon angle, I guess you must have missed the post I made on it, because you completely skipped over it.

    Gyunei: *Brushing off the blast as it revs up his armor, which Markon finds Gyunei on him but the rifle is suddenly broken and he is suddenly on the ground.* Oh Markon how nice of you to use a fire arm. I am not here for that, not yet anyway..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Morrison looks at Stane, shocked.*

    Morrison: What?

    Stane: She has not reported in the last several hours. My guess is she was captured and is now being interrogated.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Stane: She has not reported in the last several hours. My guess is she was captured and is now being interrogated.

    Morrison: It was part of her training, Stane. We pulled every trick to try and get her to reveal one word in her conditioning, and we nearly killed her trying. O.S.S. won't crack her, I promise you.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Harper: well it could be worse. How long will it take to fix chief.

    Chief: I really can't say at this point. But it was sabatoged.

    Harper: I'll place a guard in here to help.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Gyunei: *Brushing off the blast as it revs up his armor, which Markon finds Gyunei on him but the rifle is suddenly broken and he is suddenly on the ground.* Oh Markon how nice of you to use a fire arm. I am not here for that, not yet anyway..

    *Markon snarls as he pulls out his dk'tagh, stabbing Gyunei in the gut before savagely beating him down, though receiving several vicious blows. Soon, he starts having trouble as his only remaining eye starts to lose focus, forcing Markon to pull back and take cover in the shadows.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Harper: harper to bridge.

    Officer: yes sir.

    Harper: inform me if any ships appear on sensors. Someone we believe destroyed the engines on purpose.

    Officer: aye sir
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Markon snarls as he pulls out his dk'tagh, stabbing Gyunei in the gut before savagely beating him down, though receiving several vicious blows. Soon, he starts having trouble as his only remaining eye starts to lose focus, forcing Markon to pull back and take cover in the shadows.*

    *Gyunei gets up.. the wound is healing and the armor regenerating.. *

    Gyunei: Ah you merely adopted the dark... I was born in it... I never saw the light..

    *Hearing heavy steps of Klingon boots and some panting*

    Not until I was a man.. And even then it was Blinding! *Grabs Markon by the throat and grabs his dk'tagh hand and crushes it... All Markon feels is heavy blows as his head is kissing a wall repeatedly... *

    Gyunei: Look at you.. Victory has defeated you... *he punches Markon more as Klingon blood is coming out of Markon's mouth.. Markon fights back with more punches but Gyunei preforms a breaker that takes Markon by surprise and he is suddenly on the receiving end of a counter attack..*

    *Then a sudden bone crushing blow hits him as he scurries away... *

    *But before the fight can be finished Gyunei's virus initiates a signal and the defense grid fails. Romulans decloak around the station and begin bombardment... ground troops also start arriving as well as the room..*

    Gyunei: Good right on time.. Markon.. We will finish this later I want you at your best... before I kill you.

    *The Romulans that come seem to acknowledge him and let him pass as he leaves with his helmet back on.*

    *OOC: I figured I would give the Klingon's a good excuse and who Gyunei really works for a pass.. So call it preliminaries before the actual war starts. *

    *As Gyunei's fighter leaves the system he comm's it in to Kai.. through their channel*

    Gyunei: It is done. The fire now burns brightly.

    Kai: Good. That should throw a wrench in the future war effort.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Morrison: It was part of her training, Stane. We pulled every trick to try and get her to reveal one word in her conditioning, and we nearly killed her trying. O.S.S. won't crack her, I promise you.

    Stane: Keep an eye on it just to be safe. Even a proper lever can move mountains.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Harper stands on the prowler bridge still waiting for engines.

    Harper: so any thing going on that we can pick up

    Officer: some encrypted chatter but not much it appears.

    Harper; quite before the storm.

    Officer: sir I think you should get down to cargo bay one.

    Harper: I'm on my way. This should be good.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Gyunei gets up.. the wound is healing and the armor regenerating.. *

    Gyunei: Ah you merely adopted the dark... I was born in it... I never saw the light..

    *Hearing heavy steps of Klingon boots and some panting*

    Not until I was a man.. And even then it was Blinding! *Grabs Markon by the throat and grabs his dk'tagh hand and crushes it... All Markon feels is heavy blows as his head is kissing a wall repeatedly... *

    Gyunei: Look at you.. Victory has defeated you... *he punches Markon more as Klingon blood is coming out of Markon's mouth.. Markon fights back with more punches but Gyunei preforms a breaker that takes Markon by surprise and he is suddenly on the receiving end of a counter attack..*

    *Then a sudden bone crushing blow hits him as he scurries away... *

    *But before the fight can be finished Gyunei's virus initiates a signal and the defense grid fails. Romulans decloak around the station and begin bombardment... ground troops also start arriving as well as the room..*

    Gyunei: Good right on time.. Markon.. We will finish this later I want you at your best... before I kill you.

    *The Romulans that come seem to acknowledge him and let him pass as he leaves with his helmet back on.*

    *OOC: I figured I would give the Klingon's a good excuse and who Gyunei really works for a pass.. So call it preliminaries before the actual war starts. *

    *As Gyunei's fighter leaves the system he comm's it in to Kai.. through their channel*

    Gyunei: It is done. The fire now burns brightly.

    Kai: Good. That should throw a wrench in the future war effort.

    *Markon tries to stand, hearing shouting in Romulan. He spits out some blood, hearing disruptor fire, screaming...

    He gets to his feet, seeing Romulans fall to the deck under fire, before lunging at one and jabbing his dk'tagh into the Romulan's neck. He sees another Romulan take aim at him.*

    Markon *painful*: Today... is a good day to die...

    *Suddenly, a disruptor blast takes the Romulan down. Markon looks around, deeing only dead Romulans and Klingons.*

    Voice: QAPLA'!

    *He turns to see a large group of Klingon Warriors behind him. He instantly recognises their Badge of Honour.*

    Markon *painful*: You are... Order of Kahless?

    Order of Kahless Leader: General Markon, we were dispatched here as soon as the dogs crossed the border!

    Markon *painful*: Romulans...

    Order of Kahless Leader: The High Command has dispatched the 3rd Klingon Defence Fleet to engage the Romulans at Beta Lankel! We are at war with the Romulan Star Empire!

    Markon *painful*: Understood, Commander! Ensure this facility is secured, all data transmitted to the High Council and the facility destroyed.

    Order of Kahless Leader: Cha'vai!

    Markon *painful*: Glory to the Empire.

    Order of Kahless Leader: For Honour!

    Order of Kahless Troops: For Honour!

    Order of Kahless Leader: For Glory!

    Order of Kahless Troops: For Glory!

    Order of Kahless Leader: For the Empire!

    Order of Kahless Troops: For the Empire!

    *Markon smiles before he sees a young Officer among the Order troops, namely their family crest. He points to the Officer.*

    Markon: You.

    *The Officer looks at him, stunned.*

    Officer: Sir?

    Markon: Come.

    *Markon leads the Officer out of the chamber, headed towards the infirmary.*

    What is your name?

    Officer: Km'ter, General. Have I done something to displease you?

    Markon: No, warrior.

    You are Son of Mar'sa?

    Km'ter: Son of Mar'sa of House Kil'ra, General.

    Markon: Interesting...

    *They arrive at the infirmary.*

    You may return to your unit.

    Km'ter: General, if I may, why is it interesting?

    Markon: Do not concern yourself with that, Km'ter, Son of Mar'sa. Just know that you serve a noble house with a proud tradition.


    Km'ter: Qapla'!

    *Km'ter leaves, and Markon slowly walks into the Medical Officer's Office. He sits at the desk and opens a channel to the homeworld.*

    Markon: This is General Markon, Son of Megh'bor, requesting communication channel with the House of Kil'ra.

    Comm Officer: Stand by, General.

    *Soon he is connected to the House of Kil'ra Comms Operator.*

    Kil'ra Operator: General Markon!

    Markon: I request a channel to Mar'sa, Daughter of Torak.

    Kil'ra Operator: Cha'vai.

    *Soon, his image is substituted with that of a Klingon woman Markon's age. She smiles at him.*

    Markon: Greetings, Mar'sa.

    Mar'sa: Markon! You finally worked up the nerve to call!

    What happened to your eye?

    *Markon lets out a laugh.*

    Markon: How I have missed your jests, Mar'sa.

    Mar'sa: You didn't call me just to hear me jest, did you, General?

    Markon: I have met your son.

    *Silence fills the channel for a few seconds.*

    Mar'sa: Is he with you?

    Markon: No. Should he?

    Mar'sa: I would prefer he not hear this over subspace.

    Markon: Then it is true?

    *Mar'sa nods.*


    Mar'sa: We have discussed this, Par'mach'ia.

    Markon: You should have told me, Mar'sa!

    Mar'sa: If I had, what would you have done, Markon?

    Markon: The boy is too young to be in the Order of Kahless!

    Mar'sa: My point exactly.

    Martok: I would not ask you to take the oath, for Kahless' sake! You should have at least told me that I had a son!

    Mar'sa: Markon, we were young then. You had just been admitted into the Order of the Bat'leth. You had a career ahead of you. I was the daughter of a falling house.

    Martok: And now the House of Kil'ra is stronger than it has ever been before!

    Km'ter should be told.

    Mar'sa: Markon--

    Markon: The child has a right to know who his father is!

    Mar'sa: Will it wait until you return home?

    Markon: We are at war, Mar'sa.

    Mar'sa: And you are clearly injured.

    Don't lie. I can tell.

    Markon: Gre'thor...

    *Mar'sa closes the channel.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Citadel, War Room. Matt walks in to see Admiral Bright at the holo-map. Matt is wearing an additional silver rank bar on each shoulders, to show his position as a Fleet Captain (or Commodore). He walks over to Bright.*

    Matt: Admiral.

    Any developments I should know about?

    *OOC: I feel I should explain Matt's current 'rank'. I envisage Fleet Captain as being a war-time rank, like Fleet Admiral, which is more of a provisional rank than anything else. In real-life navies, Captains who command multiple ships are sometimes called Commodores or Fleet Captains. This is similar, except it's an official rank. Matt essentially has the power to take command of a small fleet or flotilla and has a strategic role.

    And yes, this is leading into Matt becoming a full-fledged admiral.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Citadel, War Room. Matt walks in to see Admiral Bright at the holo-map. Matt is wearing an additional silver rank bar on each shoulders, to show his position as a Fleet Captain (or Commodore). He walks over to Bright.*

    Matt: Admiral.

    Any developments I should know about?

    *OOC: I feel I should explain Matt's current 'rank'. I envisage Fleet Captain as being a war-time rank, like Fleet Admiral, which is more of a provisional rank than anything else. In real-life navies, Captains who command multiple ships are sometimes called Commodores or Fleet Captains. This is similar, except it's an official rank. Matt essentially has the power to take command of a small fleet or flotilla and has a strategic role.

    And yes, this is leading into Matt becoming a full-fledged admiral.*

    Bright: Dorman was worried about the Romulans for good reason.. They attacked several Klingon Outposts along the border and the 3rd Klingon Defense Fleet has been deployed... Apparently, each side is citing aggression but in the Romulan's case they claim a plague has been deployed on them by the Klingons..

    Right now all Dorman is saying at this point is that we need to apply containment and wait for the Council's decision on sanctions..

    While they were at it War has been declared on most of the Powers under the UGC including the UNSC... Though the Romulans are tied up on their borders for the time being..

    Trying to find the Shadow leader is also a priority... But this just makes things harder.

    *OOC: Alright lets get the Vanguard- Alien species arc done with.. As for Weynal I think we can just have him wait into the next arc, and at least start the path to his well you know. I can guess you were surprised that I started the Klingon-Romulan war that way... and it is a perfect destabilizing conflict.*

    *Dock 34 the new ship is getting ready to depart as the Vanguard is settling in.. the new member is clearing her things as Danny passes by..*

    Danny: You must be new. Funny I did not expect that.. I guess Shield still has some animosity towards me.

    Woman: Why do you say that?

    Danny: I think you know.. Working with SHIELD and all, not to mention the past several missions.

    *Fox pings him through the comm device*

    Fox: We are heading out soon.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    give me a bit and ill hit on the unsc side should delv into some cis politics and the current war with the romulans that is still going on fyi
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    City of New Arcadia.

    Rep delea: I don't see what has changed. If anything the Klingons will help keep the romulans occupied.

    Rep Altyo: we also though dont know who or what is backing them.

    Admiral Yuri: we will have to simply take the opportunity before us.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Bright: Dorman was worried about the Romulans for good reason.. They attacked several Klingon Outposts along the border and the 3rd Klingon Defense Fleet has been deployed... Apparently, each side is citing aggression but in the Romulan's case they claim a plague has been deployed on them by the Klingons..

    Right now all Dorman is saying at this point is that we need to apply containment and wait for the Council's decision on sanctions..

    While they were at it War has been declared on most of the Powers under the UGC including the UNSC... Though the Romulans are tied up on their borders for the time being..

    Trying to find the Shadow leader is also a priority... But this just makes things harder.

    *OOC: Alright lets get the Vanguard- Alien species arc done with.. As for Weynal I think we can just have him wait into the next arc, and at least start the path to his well you know. I can guess you were surprised that I started the Klingon-Romulan war that way... and it is a perfect destabilizing conflict.*

    *Dock 34 the new ship is getting ready to depart as the Vanguard is settling in.. the new member is clearing her things as Danny passes by..*

    Danny: You must be new. Funny I did not expect that.. I guess Shield still has some animosity towards me.

    Woman: Why do you say that?

    Danny: I think you know.. Working with SHIELD and all, not to mention the past several missions.

    *Fox pings him through the comm device*

    Fox: We are heading out soon.

    Matt: You think they'll make a run at the Citadel? We're right in the middle of the war zone.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: You think they'll make a run at the Citadel? We're right in the middle of the war zone.

    *Dorman enters the room*

    Dorman: If they clear the Klingon zone then they may.. Right now I suggested we consolidate our borders... Sending our aid to the Klingons is perhaps the only thing we can manage.

    *12 hours previously, the transport vessel arrives at the Citadel. An Assassin bursts into Vala's room maiming the guard at the door... His hood falls showing his face to be a Romulan...*

    Assassin: Justice!

    *Northman sneaks in behind him and snaps his neck. The comm goes on from the bridge that they are coming up on the citadel..*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Weynal watches the conference as it gets heated.. The thing he does very well especially with more support within the Admirals and a decent chunk with the Senators. Especially with the young ones..*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ooc: will post shortly.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Unsc reporter: the 501st marched threw new Arcadia city today as they will link with the 4th fleet to go to the Romulan front. In other news relations have simmered down between the republic and UNSC.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Dorman enters the room*

    Dorman: If they clear the Klingon zone then they may.. Right now I suggested we consolidate our borders... Sending our aid to the Klingons is perhaps the only thing we can manage.

    *12 hours previously, the transport vessel arrives at the Citadel. An Assassin bursts into Vala's room maiming the guard at the door... His hood falls showing his face to be a Romulan...*

    Assassin: Justice!

    *Northman sneaks in behind him and snaps his neck. The comm goes on from the bridge that they are coming up on the citadel..*

    Matt: Captain.

    Well, let me check something.

    *He syncs his PADD with the console, getting an instant update.*

    Okay. The Romulans haven't declared war on us yet. I'll have our forces here keep searching for Drazaak. In the meantime, it sounds like you've got an interstellar war on your hands.

    *He looks at the strategic map, taking note of the UNSC front.*

    The UNSC are going to take a lot of losses on that frontline. I'll send the 4th Republic Medical Wing to rescue survivors. With luck, the Romulans won't be interested in a war with both the Federation and the Republic.

    *He takes his PADD after sending the orders before walking out.

    10 minutes later. Matt walks into his newly-assigned apartment, seeing Sam unpicking their things.*

    Matt: Uh...

    *He takes a ship model out of her hands before she can put it on the coffee table.*

    2 century-old antique.

    Sam: You always put it on your table on the Churchill.

    Matt: Yeah, but my quarters on the Churchill were secure. This is a civilian station with 1000s upon 1000s of inhabitants.

    Sam: Think the nights here will be sleepless?

    Matt: No more sleepless than friday nights on the Churchill.

    *He smirks at her, as her face goes slightly red.*

    Sam: You're not upset about what happened?

    Matt: Upset? Hey, it was my gamble. And I won.

    Sam: I nearly cost you your career, to say nothing of your life.

    Matt: I told you, I wasn't going to give up on you.

    *Sam sits on the couch, dropping her head in thought for a moment. Matt sits down next to her.*

    So..., what did you want to talk about back on Dalos?

    Sam: What are you--?

    Matt: Don't try to shy away from it. You wanted to talk about something, and you avoided it the whole trip here.

    If you don't want to talk about it...

    Sam: Okay, okay...

    *She looks into his eyes.*

    Matt, have you ever thought about having a family?

    Matt: That depends... how specific are we talking? A family with you, or...?

    *She shoves him playfully, as the two smile.*

    Sam: Seriously...

    Matt: Okay.

    Sure. Why? You want to try and--

    Sam: Matt, I need to tell you something.

    *She stares into his eyes, letting a shy grin grow on her face.*

    Matt: Wait... You mean...?

    You're serious, right?

    *She nods.*

    You're not joking around?

    *She shakes her head.*


    *Sam leans against him.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Captain.

    Well, let me check something.

    *He syncs his PADD with the console, getting an instant update.*

    Okay. The Romulans haven't declared war on us yet. I'll have our forces here keep searching for Drazaak. In the meantime, it sounds like you've got an interstellar war on your hands.

    *He looks at the strategic map, taking note of the UNSC front.*

    The UNSC are going to take a lot of losses on that frontline. I'll send the 4th Republic Medical Wing to rescue survivors. With luck, the Romulans won't be interested in a war with both the Federation and the Republic.

    *He takes his PADD after sending the orders before walking out.

    10 minutes later. Matt walks into his newly-assigned apartment, seeing Sam unpicking their things.*

    Matt: Uh...

    *He takes a ship model out of her hands before she can put it on the coffee table.*

    2 century-old antique.

    Sam: You always put it on your table on the Churchill.

    Matt: Yeah, but my quarters on the Churchill were secure. This is a civilian station with 1000s upon 1000s of inhabitants.

    Sam: Think the nights here will be sleepless?

    Matt: No more sleepless than friday nights on the Churchill.

    *He smirks at her, as her face goes slightly red.*

    Sam: You're not upset about what happened?

    Matt: Upset? Hey, it was my gamble. And I won.

    Sam: I nearly cost you your career, to say nothing of your life.

    Matt: I told you, I wasn't going to give up on you.

    *Sam sits on the couch, dropping her head in thought for a moment. Matt sits down next to her.*

    So..., what did you want to talk about back on Dalos?

    Sam: What are you--?

    Matt: Don't try to shy away from it. You wanted to talk about something, and you avoided it the whole trip here.

    If you don't want to talk about it...

    Sam: Okay, okay...

    *She looks into his eyes.*

    Matt, have you ever thought about having a family?

    Matt: That depends... how specific are we talking? A family with you, or...?

    *She shoves him playfully, as the two smile.*

    Sam: Seriously...

    Matt: Okay.

    Sure. Why? You want to try and--

    Sam: Matt, I need to tell you something.

    *She stares into his eyes, letting a shy grin grow on her face.*

    Matt: Wait... You mean...?

    You're serious, right?

    *She nods.*

    You're not joking around?

    *She shakes her head.*


    *Sam leans against him.*

    *The new Pegasus class departs from the station and makes its way to the jump point. Vanguard is standing by as the count down to the tweaked fold space drive is beginning to rev up.. *

    Captain Reynolds: Begin syncing the computer for the countdown.. Are there any issues?

    Science officer: None sir.. The guest was quite specific in its operation..

    Preserver: It is simple when there is a network relay up, finding them after all this time is hard considering the power they need to activate is up.. On top of that.. It is not a fold space drive per se. It enables you to pass through fast enough to not be worried about the damage to subspace..

    Mass jump is what your kind would call it.

    Science officer: Impressive.

    *Down in the crew quarters VIP sets The rest of them are acclimating getting to know the new member as they sit in a lounge...*

    Pyro: So tell me Miss... uh.. What is your name anyway?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Elsewhere the Outposts along the Klingon Border are falling one by one. Beta Lankel is the final target as it provides the next step in the operation. The new Romulan ships are cleaning out the enemy fleets. *

    *The Romulan Commander just smiles as the planet hangs there like a Jewel waiting to be taken.*

    Desa'var: Sub Commander have the fleet post its target.. We proceed to the next phase of the plan.. The dirty mongrels are on the run.. Any movement on the Federation?

    Sub Commander: Their forces are consolidating once they realize the next step in the campaign we will be hard pressed to make it to Earth. We should move on the Citadel as it makes for a easier target.

    Desa'var: Easier yes. But that is deceptive.. Dorman is likely to have masked his forces in the region.. We move on Beta Lankel instead when we receive word the more of the vessels are moving. The UNSC is sitting on our territory and since their forces are a mess it is perfect..

    Sub-Commander: As you command Admiral..

    Desa'var: *As the Sub-Commander issues the orders given to him Desa'var contacts his benefactor the new leader of the Romulan People.*

    Sir we have Beta Lankel in our sights and are proceeding as planned. It is now Dorman's move.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    *Dorman watches and observes the battles in Klingon Space going south as the Romulan Fleet ignores the Citadel for Beta Lankel...*

    Dorman: I knew they would have seen it easier to attack there.

    Bright: It gives them a key point to invade Federation space... Earth is their final target.

    Dorman: Since the Klingon's are going to need more than one fleet to hold Beta Lankel we need to move our forces as fast as possible. The Council has issued sanctions of trade and a Declaration of War on the Romulan Star Empire in favor of the Klingons.

    *OOC: If you want to handle Vala getting off the ship safely on the Citadel you may man.. Also we should get this stuff handled. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Admiral Yuri: Jacob I hope everything is going well.

    Jacob: yes it is so far any way. What's wrong.

    Yuri: Jacob the CIS and UNSC have both voted to give you and me fleet admiral status to Handel the current situation.

    Jacob: things going that good.

    Yuri: I'll take the home fleet you will command the forces on the front.

    Jacob: how many ships do I get.

    Yuri: the 4th through the 9th fleets. 2500 ships to attack the Romulan space. The harvenger will be your command ship. The covenant in the pythor galaxy has joined the CIS and will send 1500 ships within the hour. There ships are equal to federation tech so it will help.

    Jacob: very well. Ill head out right away and be there within the hour.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Dorman: Admiral Bright I want you and the 1st and 2nd expeditionary force to proceed to Beta Lankel your job is to hold that spot and defend the Klingon Settlement. I am authorizing use of the project Holtz developed, it should be more than enough to counter their fighters and fight off their escort vessels.

    Talikar: Its good to know the Federation has found honor among its leaders, What about the Republic?

    Dorman: They are taking the UNSC Front..

    Talikar: I would be worried about that. They may be fierce but technological wise they don't match up well.

    Dorman: I know I have something in store for that problem as well.
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