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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Price: and why would we put an alliance with the republic. When we where confident of an alliance.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Price: and why would we put an alliance with the republic. When we where confident of an alliance.

    Ramez: Drama. As a man who was taken hostage because of my desire for an alliance, my recommendation to pursue it further becomes all the more convincing. Convincing enough to maintain that alliance while you manipulate our government to your will.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ramez: Drama. As a man who was taken hostage because of my desire for an alliance, my recommendation to pursue it further becomes all the more convincing. Convincing enough to maintain that alliance while you manipulate our government to your will.
    Price: from all people to hear this from you. Admiral I think you may have bashed your head while you where gone.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Daltan III. Daltan III is a world on the Border of Republic Space, heading out into unclaimed territory. As such, it is a major resupply post for Exploration missions which are leaving Republic Space to chart what is still unexplored in the Beta Quadrant. In orbit is one of the 5 major Republic Shipyards, used primarily for the construction of explorer ships such as the ageing Republic-Class, but also responsible for the construction of the R.S.S. Kennedy, one of the R.S.S. Republic's sister ships.

    Mason and Matt are aboard a shuttle heading for one of the smaller drydocks. Only 85 people know they're here.*

    Matt: I still don't get it. If we want to get out to those coordinates, we'll need an explorer ship. All the Republic-Class ships are either on border patrol, being decommissioned, or are already on explorer missions, and the Matthew Neilson-Class is too high profile to just borrow one.

    Mason: Which is why we're not taking either of those.

    Matt: Then what--?

    Mason: Take a look to the right.

    *Matt looks out at the drydock the shuttle was flying past, seeing a small vessel, no bigger than a Steamrunner-Class. Its design clearly takes cues from the Matthew Neilson-Class lineage. It consists of a long elliptical saucer section sitting directly atop a stardrive, which has a spine lowering down all the way to the vessel's shuttlebay, which appears to be capable of receiving a Republic light runabout. Its nacelles appear to share a design point with those of the Matthew Neilson- and Omaha-Classes, but the pylons are swept forward instead of aft.

    At the face of the stardrive, next to the blue Navigation Deflector Dish, are two Zero-Point Cannons. The vessel also had 6 Beam arrays (one on top of the saucer, one below it, one on the bottom of each nacelle pylon and one on top of each nacelle pylon) and he could make out a couple of hatches which likely concealed turrets.

    The main noticeable feature of the ship is the sensor dish located aft of the saucer, elevated just above it by struts connecting to the back of it. It falls between the nacelles as well.*

    Matt: The Discovery.

    Mason: You read the Drexler brief, Captain?

    Matt: I take assignments to Matthew Neilson-Class ships for a reason, Director. I downloaded every piece of data on the project that I could.

    Mason: Well then, fill me in on the Discovery's role.

    Matt: She's a Deep-Range Explorer, officially designated as a Long-Range Scout. She's built to survey uncharted regions ahead of a larger explorer as a pathfinding, locating and designating areas of interest, though she can analyse those areas as long as they aren't planetside due to some kind of advanced astrometrics suite?

    Mason: "Quantum Scan Astrometric Sensor Suite". It uses quantum pulses to produce high-resolution scans of anything down to the sub-atomic level at a range of 100AU, further than any scanner in operation by the Federation. That dish is officially the best piece of scanning equipment in the Galaxy. On top of that, its long-range sensors have a range half that of the I.S.O.P. Array, which makes it the longest range of any sensor package installed aboard a starship, and it features Quantum-Beam communication technology.

    Matt: Quantum Beam Communication?

    Mason: Not to be confused with Quantum-Entanglement. Quantum Beam Communication uses the principal of quantum-tunnelling to project a beam to any point in space. It can capture massive amounts of information and doesn't require a specialised component to be received and decoded - just a computer upgrade to be able to keep up with the transmission. You can also hold QB communiques with multiple targets, instead of one like the QECs.

    While this was mainly a Republic Project, we agreed to give the Federation full access to the technology in return for them giving us a QEC Transceiver to use as a baseline - otherwise it would have taken 5 times as long to develop a working model.

    All ships and starbases in the Republic are being outfitted with them.

    Matt: Nice.

    What did you do to convince Central Command to let us borrow her?

    Mason: Nothing. The "Starship Commandeer" Clause is one of the few O.S.S. Benefits that the Senate hasn't suspended yet.

    And, if our enemy has his way, I stress the "yet".

    Besides, I know the ship's Captain. He's the only one other than us who knows exactly what is going on. He's going to take us out as far as the ship can go and launch a probe out the rest of the way.

    *They land in the Discovery's rather small shuttlebay, clearly only being designed to accommodate 1 Auxiliary Craft at a time. They step off the shuttle and meet with two Command Officers, wearing Republic Naval Explorer Jumpsuits, one wearing four rank bars on his shoulders, the other wearing 3.*

    Mason: Captain Reynolds.

    Reynolds: Director.

    Mason: This is Captain Matthew Forrester.

    Reynolds: Captain... *he shakes Matt's hand*, a pleasure. Captain Lucas Reynolds. This is my First Officer, Commander Kil'to.

    *The Betan First Officer nods to Matt.*

    Kil'to: Captain.

    Matt: Captain, Commander.

    Mason: Well... shall we get to business?

    *The group walks out of the shuttlebay and into the ship's corridors.*

    What's your status?

    Kil'to: We've taken aboard the Quantum Scan Probes already, and are nearly ready for departure.

    Reynolds: Don't worry, Dan. I've only told the crew what they need to know. They understand the need for secrecy on this.

    Mason: Good. We'll need--

    *They dodge to the side of the corridor as a pair of children run past laughing. They all smile before continuing on.*

    Families are aboard I see.

    Reynolds: Just a surveillance mission. Not much chance of danger so I didn't say a reason to leave them behind. Besides, it would have tipped someone off that you were taking us into unusual circumstances.

    Mason: Good man.

    Matt: If you don't mind Captain, I'll give myself the tour later. Right now, I'd like to go to my quarters.

    Reynolds: Of course. Commander, if you show the Director to the Situation Room, I'll meet the two of you there when I'm through with the Captain.

    Kil'to: Aye, sir.

    *The two split off as Reynolds leads Matt into the turbolift.*

    Reynolds: Deck 3, Guest Quarters.

    *As they travel in the turbolift, Matt turns to Reynolds.*

    Matt: I noticed your name, Capt--

    Reynolds: Yes, I'm the late Admiral Reynolds' son.

    *He turns to Matt.*

    No, I don't believe that your wife was responsible for his death.

    *The turbolift stops, and they walk out into the main corridor.*

    Matt: There a particular reason for that?

    Reynolds: Firstly, the accusation was made during a time where a lot of mud was being thrown at her after the Archangel Revelation. I may be young, but I'm not stupid. Someone was trying to destroy her reputation and weren't very subtle about it.

    Matt: I suppose you haven't heard about--

    Reynolds: Your suspension? I heard. I don't care. Mason trusts you. That's good enough for me.

    *They walk into a set of guest quarters, which are quite luxurious for a ship this size. Matt sets his bag down on the table and turns back to Reynolds.*

    Matt: Why?

    Reynolds: I've always been a firm believer that politics shouldn't enter into justice - especially military justice. If the traitor had been anyone other than Samantha Allington-Forrester, they'd have given you a slap on the wrist and told you not to do it again. But, it was the Galaxy's No. 1 Most Hated! They had to throw any notion of real justice out the window or politics would be annoyed at the fairness of the situation!

    Seriously, you were a victim. In all fairness, you should be the one taking Dan out to the rim, not me.

    Matt: I appreciate the sentiment, Captain.

    Reynolds: Anytime. Who knows, when this is over you may be considered a hero! The Central Command will have to give you back your position!

    Matt: As long as people like Weynal are in charge, I doubt that.

    Reynolds: Who says he'll stay at the head of the Admiralty Board? Reinhart's the Commander-in-Chief's new favourite.

    Matt: And before her, it was Ramez. He deliberately picks people below Weynal as his unofficial advisers so he can get a picture of how corrupt Weynal is. Nothing ever gets done about it.

    Reynolds: Captain Forrester, you are a pessimist.

    Matt: Reynolds, I got suspended for trying to help my wife get back on our side of the war. I have a lot to be pessimistic about.

    *OOC: Here's a side-on image of the Discovery: Click Here

    Tell me what you think.

    Should just mention, RXI stands for Republic Experiment Identification Code. RIC stands for Republic Identification Code.

    Oh, and before you complain about how "we only just got QEC", we are actually fairly close to Quantum tunnelling now, so it makes sense that there'd be a small gap between QEC and QBC. Besides, the Republic have been researching Quantum and Zero-Point energy for years - longer than the Federation. It's sensible to assume that once they had the QEC tech they'd be able to make the leap to QBC tech very quickly.

    And, as mentioned, the Federation have full access to this technology. Also, I suppose it is fair to say that this same technology helped in the development of the Quantum-Scan Astrometrics Sensor Dish, though I think the Republic prefers to keep that particular advancement in their pocket - at least until they know it works. Keep in mind that the Discovery is a prototype, and so, to an extent, is her QSA Dish.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Price: from all people to hear this from you. Admiral I think you may have bashed your head while you where gone.

    Ramez: Whatever you say, Mr Price. Just tell your leaders this; we'll be watching.

    Are we done here?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ramez: Whatever you say, Mr Price. Just tell your leaders this; we'll be watching.

    Are we done here?

    Price gives ramez a long cold stare.

    Price : yes we expect you out of unsc space within the hour admiral. Until you are more willing to talk.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    A holo of price appears in Jacobs ready room.

    Jacob: so what did we find out.

    Price: the admiral seems hostile now blaming us for everything.

    Jacob: thank you agent price I'll read the rest. Comm get me cobalt station.

    Comm: aye sir.

    Jacob: general black I heard you had been moved to the border.

    Black : yes after resent events we thought it wise.

    Jacob: hostilities may be about to rise general. I'm deploying 3 of the new destroyer's to cobalt. The cruisers will remain at their current location.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Ramez: Mercs can be bought by anyone for any purpose, even Klingon mercs. As for Admiral Cooper, I would suggest that it is difficult to lose someone you never lost.

    I find it equally possible that the attack, the abduction and Coopers "disappearance" were all part of an elaborate ruse created for my benefit, to secure an alliance between our two governments which you would not be able to exploit otherwise.

    *OOC: Not the real Ramez, remember?*

    *OOC: Sorry. GTA V and Total War Shogun 2... And school. So yeah.. A lot of stuff to keep me going..*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Daltan III. Daltan III is a world on the Border of Republic Space, heading out into unclaimed territory. As such, it is a major resupply post for Exploration missions which are leaving Republic Space to chart what is still unexplored in the Beta Quadrant. In orbit is one of the 5 major Republic Shipyards, used primarily for the construction of explorer ships such as the ageing Republic-Class, but also responsible for the construction of the R.S.S. Kennedy, one of the R.S.S. Republic's sister ships.

    Mason and Matt are aboard a shuttle heading for one of the smaller drydocks. Only 85 people know they're here.*

    Matt: I still don't get it. If we want to get out to those coordinates, we'll need an explorer ship. All the Republic-Class ships are either on border patrol, being decommissioned, or are already on explorer missions, and the Matthew Neilson-Class is too high profile to just borrow one.

    Mason: Which is why we're not taking either of those.

    Matt: Then what--?

    Mason: Take a look to the right.

    *Matt looks out at the drydock the shuttle was flying past, seeing a small vessel, no bigger than a Steamrunner-Class. Its design clearly takes cues from the Matthew Neilson-Class lineage. It consists of a long elliptical saucer section sitting directly atop a stardrive, which has a spine lowering down all the way to the vessel's shuttlebay, which appears to be capable of receiving a Republic light runabout. Its nacelles appear to share a design point with those of the Matthew Neilson- and Omaha-Classes, but the pylons are swept forward instead of aft.

    At the face of the stardrive, next to the blue Navigation Deflector Dish, are two Zero-Point Cannons. The vessel also had 6 Beam arrays (one on top of the saucer, one below it, one on the bottom of each nacelle pylon and one on top of each nacelle pylon) and he could make out a couple of hatches which likely concealed turrets.

    The main noticeable feature of the ship is the sensor dish located aft of the saucer, elevated just above it by struts connecting to the back of it. It falls between the nacelles as well.*

    Matt: The Discovery.

    Mason: You read the Drexler brief, Captain?

    Matt: I take assignments to Matthew Neilson-Class ships for a reason, Director. I downloaded every piece of data on the project that I could.

    Mason: Well then, fill me in on the Discovery's role.

    Matt: She's a Deep-Range Explorer, officially designated as a Long-Range Scout. She's built to survey uncharted regions ahead of a larger explorer as a pathfinding, locating and designating areas of interest, though she can analyse those areas as long as they aren't planetside due to some kind of advanced astrometrics suite?

    Mason: "Quantum Scan Astrometric Sensor Suite". It uses quantum pulses to produce high-resolution scans of anything down to the sub-atomic level at a range of 100AU, further than any scanner in operation by the Federation. That dish is officially the best piece of scanning equipment in the Galaxy. On top of that, its long-range sensors have a range half that of the I.S.O.P. Array, which makes it the longest range of any sensor package installed aboard a starship, and it features Quantum-Beam communication technology.

    Matt: Quantum Beam Communication?

    Mason: Not to be confused with Quantum-Entanglement. Quantum Beam Communication uses the principal of quantum-tunnelling to project a beam to any point in space. It can capture massive amounts of information and doesn't require a specialised component to be received and decoded - just a computer upgrade to be able to keep up with the transmission. You can also hold QB communiques with multiple targets, instead of one like the QECs.

    While this was mainly a Republic Project, we agreed to give the Federation full access to the technology in return for them giving us a QEC Transceiver to use as a baseline - otherwise it would have taken 5 times as long to develop a working model.

    All ships and starbases in the Republic are being outfitted with them.

    Matt: Nice.

    What did you do to convince Central Command to let us borrow her?

    Mason: Nothing. The "Starship Commandeer" Clause is one of the few O.S.S. Benefits that the Senate hasn't suspended yet.

    And, if our enemy has his way, I stress the "yet".

    Besides, I know the ship's Captain. He's the only one other than us who knows exactly what is going on. He's going to take us out as far as the ship can go and launch a probe out the rest of the way.

    *They land in the Discovery's rather small shuttlebay, clearly only being designed to accommodate 1 Auxiliary Craft at a time. They step off the shuttle and meet with two Command Officers, wearing Republic Naval Explorer Jumpsuits, one wearing four rank bars on his shoulders, the other wearing 3.*

    Mason: Captain Reynolds.

    Reynolds: Director.

    Mason: This is Captain Matthew Forrester.

    Reynolds: Captain... *he shakes Matt's hand*, a pleasure. Captain Lucas Reynolds. This is my First Officer, Commander Kil'to.

    *The Betan First Officer nods to Matt.*

    Kil'to: Captain.

    Matt: Captain, Commander.

    Mason: Well... shall we get to business?

    *The group walks out of the shuttlebay and into the ship's corridors.*

    What's your status?

    Kil'to: We've taken aboard the Quantum Scan Probes already, and are nearly ready for departure.

    Reynolds: Don't worry, Dan. I've only told the crew what they need to know. They understand the need for secrecy on this.

    Mason: Good. We'll need--

    *They dodge to the side of the corridor as a pair of children run past laughing. They all smile before continuing on.*

    Families are aboard I see.

    Reynolds: Just a surveillance mission. Not much chance of danger so I didn't say a reason to leave them behind. Besides, it would have tipped someone off that you were taking us into unusual circumstances.

    Mason: Good man.

    Matt: If you don't mind Captain, I'll give myself the tour later. Right now, I'd like to go to my quarters.

    Reynolds: Of course. Commander, if you show the Director to the Situation Room, I'll meet the two of you there when I'm through with the Captain.

    Kil'to: Aye, sir.

    *The two split off as Reynolds leads Matt into the turbolift.*

    Reynolds: Deck 3, Guest Quarters.

    *As they travel in the turbolift, Matt turns to Reynolds.*

    Matt: I noticed your name, Capt--

    Reynolds: Yes, I'm the late Admiral Reynolds' son.

    *He turns to Matt.*

    No, I don't believe that your wife was responsible for his death.

    *The turbolift stops, and they walk out into the main corridor.*

    Matt: There a particular reason for that?

    Reynolds: Firstly, the accusation was made during a time where a lot of mud was being thrown at her after the Archangel Revelation. I may be young, but I'm not stupid. Someone was trying to destroy her reputation and weren't very subtle about it.

    Matt: I suppose you haven't heard about--

    Reynolds: Your suspension? I heard. I don't care. Mason trusts you. That's good enough for me.

    *They walk into a set of guest quarters, which are quite luxurious for a ship this size. Matt sets his bag down on the table and turns back to Reynolds.*

    Matt: Why?

    Reynolds: I've always been a firm believer that politics shouldn't enter into justice - especially military justice. If the traitor had been anyone other than Samantha Allington-Forrester, they'd have given you a slap on the wrist and told you not to do it again. But, it was the Galaxy's No. 1 Most Hated! They had to throw any notion of real justice out the window or politics would be annoyed at the fairness of the situation!

    Seriously, you were a victim. In all fairness, you should be the one taking Dan out to the rim, not me.

    Matt: I appreciate the sentiment, Captain.

    Reynolds: Anytime. Who knows, when this is over you may be considered a hero! The Central Command will have to give you back your position!

    Matt: As long as people like Weynal are in charge, I doubt that.

    Reynolds: Who says he'll stay at the head of the Admiralty Board? Reinhart's the Commander-in-Chief's new favourite.

    Matt: And before her, it was Ramez. He deliberately picks people below Weynal as his unofficial advisers so he can get a picture of how corrupt Weynal is. Nothing ever gets done about it.

    Reynolds: Captain Forrester, you are a pessimist.

    Matt: Reynolds, I got suspended for trying to help my wife get back on our side of the war. I have a lot to be pessimistic about.

    *OOC: Here's a side-on image of the Discovery: Click Here

    Tell me what you think.

    Should just mention, RXI stands for Republic Experiment Identification Code. RIC stands for Republic Identification Code.

    Oh, and before you complain about how "we only just got QEC", we are actually fairly close to Quantum tunnelling now, so it makes sense that there'd be a small gap between QEC and QBC. Besides, the Republic have been researching Quantum and Zero-Point energy for years - longer than the Federation. It's sensible to assume that once they had the QEC tech they'd be able to make the leap to QBC tech very quickly.

    And, as mentioned, the Federation have full access to this technology. Also, I suppose it is fair to say that this same technology helped in the development of the Quantum-Scan Astrometrics Sensor Dish, though I think the Republic prefers to keep that particular advancement in their pocket - at least until they know it works. Keep in mind that the Discovery is a prototype, and so, to an extent, is her QSA Dish.*

    *OOC: No complaints yet.. As that is a plausible one. There is a reason why I brought Mars into this giving them a new source for avenues of innovation.. Who knows what was left there that is there to discover. And yes it does make it a target to people who know something is on Mars.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob is on the harvengers bridge patrolling near the border reading prices report

    Jacob: and it all starts going to hell.

    Officer: sir?

    Jacob: sorry ensign talking to myself.

    He stands up walking around the bridge.

    Jacob: anything yet.

    Officer: no sir not a single peep.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob walks onto a holo deck to relax.

    Jacob: activate program Jacob alpha.

    A ancient Rome like city appears as he walks through a market area.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Palos VII. Sam's kneeling next to T'mar, after T'mar started whimpering.*

    Sam: What is it?

    T'mar: She's... she's...


    *Sam stands and looks behind her as she hears footsteps approach, clenching her fists.

    R.S.S. Discovery, Daltan III. The Work Bees clear the Drydock area as the shuttlebay closes.

    Matt's Quarters. Matt is reading up on recent events and looks in worry after reading about the attack on the Orion Cruiser Sam and T'mar were on, especially when he sees the message Tara sent him about what happened.*

    Matt: Sam.

    *He turns and looks at a photo on his desk of him and Sam in the R.S.S. Republic Crew Lounge (Garrovick's Mess), Sam wearing a white dress with him wearing a suit. The photo was taken at their wedding, with David serving as Best Man. James was the one who conducted the ceremony.*

    Be careful.

    *The PA system chimes.*

    Officer *Over Comm*: All decks, prepare for departure.

    *Bridge. Reynolds and Kil'to are standing on the Bridge when their Ops Officer looks back to them.*

    Ops: All decks answering ready for departure, sir.

    Reynolds: Understood. Status?

    Ops: Fusion Reactors 1 and 2... online. Impulse Reactors 1 through 3... online. Primary Warp Core is active. Secondary Core is at standby.

    Life Support is at standby. Reaction Control Systems are green. Manoeuvring Thrusters standing by.

    Deflector Control is ready. Structural Integrity nominal. Inertial Dampeners engaged. Internal Sensors at 100% coverage. Primary Sensors online. Quantum Scan Astrometrics Dish is at standby.

    Communications online.

    Reynolds: Very well. Disengage energy and computer link-up with the Drydock.

    Ops: Aye sir.

    We are on our own power now. Fusion Reactors and Life Support taking over.

    All systems green.

    Reynolds: Release Docking Clamps.

    *Outside, there is a loud thud as the docking clamps release.*

    Ops: Docking clamps released.

    Reynolds: Engage service floods and initialise the deflector field.

    *The service floods and running lights engage, and the blue lights behind the Navigational Deflector come to life.*

    Ops: Navigational Deflector online. Service floods and running lights are active.

    Reynolds: Clear all moorings.

    *The docking umbilical retracts towards the Drydock and all the construction moorings swing towards the Drydock walls.*

    Ops: Moorings clear.

    Reynolds: Helm, ahead, one-half thrusters.

    Helm: Aye aye.

    *The manoeuvring thrusters along the nacelle pylons come to life, the deuterium-fuelled thrusters blast into life for several seconds before shutting down as the ship glides out of drydock. Within several seconds, it is clear.*

    We have cleared the dock, Captain.

    Reynolds: Bring the impulse engines online.

    Ops: Impulse engines online.

    Reynolds: Set course for the outer marker, one-half impulse.

    Helm: Course laid in, one-half impulse power.

    Reynolds: Engage.

    *The Discovery flies away from the Shipyard and out into open space. After a couple of minutes, it's reached the outer marker.*

    Helm: We've reached the outer marker, Captain.

    Reynolds: Lock in the coordinates for the probe launch, helm.

    Helm: Coordinates locked in.

    Reynolds: Initiate Fold-Space Jump.

    Helm: Jumping in 5...4...3...2...1.

    *The Discovery initiates fold-jump.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: have a post I'm going to do after work.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Gyunei returns to his workings as he docks the fighter in stealth mode to the building...on the Klingon Outpost... He watches as Markon is meeting with the Klingon Doctors and Researchers looking into the disease going about as Markon is asking a researcher about the progress. *

    Gyunei: *As he opens the way in using the sticky modifications on his gloves and boots he starts going over head.* (To himself) My my Markon age has no been kind to you.

    *Federation Outpost the Pegasus class is getting ready to go as the Vanguard receives one more member from Shield...an Innovade esque clone but modified into a woman.*

    *OOC: I will explain their origins in a bit as it is simple. They are human variants; Allen, Val, and the guardians he interacted with put the idea forth for living terminals to help the galaxy move along.. I guess I will have the Living AI become its base program but accepted to understand better. They do have some positronics but not to the degree as they are still organic. The things re entry is perhaps going to explain things as it looks at the current galaxy.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: cool. I'm going to have a battle again with Jacob and ultron here shortly when I get off. And maybe play a bit on the new situation between the republic and unsc. Also where does the federation stand in all this. Just curious.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: cool. I'm going to have a battle again with Jacob and ultron here shortly when I get off. And maybe play a bit on the new situation between the republic and unsc. Also where does the federation stand in all this. Just curious.

    *OOC: Right now invesitgating its missing colonies and getting a few new ship classes ready for testing launch. It is also looking into meeting up with Vala as the intelligence agency scrambles. The Klingons right now are trying to get a lid on the disease. With the Reman migration there are few of them left in the Romulan Empire as they are being welcomed in the Federation. The Federation will go forward with trade heavily guarded trade with the UNSC.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: alright just wanted to have kinda of an idea. Awsome will post shortly.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    UNSC Reporter:In main news UNSC forces are still searching for Fleet Admiral Cooper. As intel agents are starting a new investigation into the recent attack.Vice Admiral Jacob Halsey has been placed in charge of the investigation and in command of UNIT the C.I.S new inteligence organization. The new director insisted that a investigation be done and has appointed special agents on the case. The UNSC Harvenger was launched days ago and under the command of director Halsey is now out patrolling the UNSC border. Tensions after comments made to one of the investigators by republic admiral Ramez has raised high tensions in UNSC command as production of the harvenger class heavy battle ship is being made. 1 is on the field with 2 more planned to come out in the next few months. The new Requim class destroyer has seemed to be doing well out on its patrols with a unknown ammount made and more under construction.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Northman: Your family will find safety in the Federation and the protection will be whoever is left of my army after all this time. Which there will a couple left not all were human, they were the ones that helped me and formed my forces.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob shuts off the news feed.

    Jacob: coffee hot.

    He sits back down going over daily reports.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Northman: Your family will find safety in the Federation and the protection will be whoever is left of my army after all this time. Which there will a couple left not all were human, they were the ones that helped me and formed my forces.

    Vala: We were already headed for the Federation, actually.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Vala: We were already headed for the Federation, actually.

    Northman: Good girl.. Though you still have to keep your ears open and eyes peeled. Still my services remain madam..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Palos VII. Sam jumps back from a punch by Archangel, her nose bleeding, before hitting Archangel with a right hook and slamming her up against the wall, barring her arm across Archangel's throat and lifting Archangel above the ground slightly. The two have obviously been fighting fiercely, as both their knuckles are busted open, they both have bruises around their necks, and they both have bleeding noses and cuts all over their faces.

    Archangel pushes Sam away from her before swinging a punch in, which Sam blocks with her left arm before sending a palm strike into Archangel's jaw, sending her to the floor. Archangel winces as she rubs her jaw, before spitting out some blood and getting up.*

    Archangel: You remembered some of my moves.

    Sam *hatred*: I never forgot them.

    *Archangel tries to punch Sam again, with Sam blocking and trying to punch her. Archangel blocks this and tries to punch Sam again. This time, Sam blocks and successfully hits Archangel with an uppercut, knocking her back.*

    I just never use them, but in your case, I'm making an exception.

    *Archangel yells out as she sends a straight kick into Sam's face, knocking Sam on her back. When Archangel tries to grab Sam on the floor, Sam lifts her knees up and sends a kick into Archangel's throat, knocking Archangel back now. Sam then jumps onto her feet and sends a straight kick into Archangel's gut. Archangel answers back with a palm-strike to Sam's face. She then tries to get Sam in a sleeper hold, which Sam prevents by elbowing Archangel in the throat, causing Archangel to fall on her back and nearly choke before the two get up.

    Archangel hits Sam with a right hook, nearly knocking Sam out, which, against this opponent, would be fatal. She then swings in with a left hook, which Sam catches, using Archangel's momentum to throw her into a wall. Archangel hits the wall with her back, causing a crack as her back gets fractured. Archangel lets out a cry of pain as she slides down the wall. Sam walks over to her, hatred in her eyes. Archangel forces her head up to look Sam in the eyes. A smirk crosses her face.*

    Archangel *painful, mocking*: Finish it.

    Go on. We both know you can. We both know you want to. Isn't that reason enough?

    *Sam presses her foot onto Archangel's neck, pressing down, choking her. She keeps choking Archangel for several seconds, before she remembers something - her first mental confrontation with Angel, right before the civil war.


    Angel: Matt died, and you wanted Drake dead. You couldn't do it, so I did it for you.

    *Sam looks off to the side. The "angel" moves closer to her and rests a hand on her cheek.*

    He was killing you inside. I couldn't let that happen.

    Sam: I can't live knowing I killed a man, in cold blood.

    Angel: Why?


    Angel: Since when is justice ever wrong?!

    Sam: That wasn't justice! That was murder!


    Sam closes her eyes, lifting her foot off Archangel's throat, letting her breath.*

    Sam: No... it isn't.

    I want let you make me murder anyone else.

    *Sam starts to slowly step away.*

    Archangel *painful*: Pathetic!

    *Sam starts to pick T'mar off the floor, before carrying her to the runabout. She then returns to Archangel, staring at her.*

    Angel *in Sam's mind*: What are we going to do with her? I mean, I get the impression you're kinda done with killing.

    Sam: Archangel, give me one good reason why I shouldn't leave you hear to die.

    Archangel *painful*: Are you asking me to beg for my life?

    Sam: No. I'm asking you to give me a reason not to leave you here.

    Archangel *painful*: Go burn in hell, Allington.

    Sam: Your choice.

    *Sam picks Archangel up and, unexpectedly, carries her into the runabout's medical bay.

    An hour later, the runabout takes off, heading for a Republic Penal Facility. T'mar, with her injuries healed by Sam, is sitting in the co-pilot seat, before looking across to Sam, a degree of regret in her eyes. Sam tries to ignore it, only acknowledging it with angered glances.*

    T'mar: Sam...

    Sam: Don't.

    T'mar: Fine.

    *A few moments of silence pass between the two, both of them feeling the tension in the air.*

    Why didn't you kill her back there?

    Sam: Was that what you expected?

    T'mar: Well... yeah.

    Sam: Then you really don't know me.

    T'mar: Or maybe you're just a different person to the Sam Allington I spent the last 2 years wanting to hunt down?

    *Sam puts the runabout on auto-pilot and turns in her seat to face T'mar, glaring at her.*

    Sam *angry*: Really? You pick now, of all times, to apologise?!

    T'mar: Sam--

    Sam *angry*: Let's do a recap, sis! You tried to kill me - TWICE! You refused to let me even TRY to apologise to you, or even explain my actions! Oh, and you pretty much admitted that you'll hate me for a long time over the past 2 years! Now you want to apologise to ME?!

    T'mar: Sam--

    Sam *angry*: You seriously think you deserve the chance to apologise to me after you put me through hell trying to apologise to you?!

    T'mar: Sam, just--

    Sam *angry*: Why don't you just make both our lives easier?! Go ahead!

    *She gestures towards to back of the cabin.*

    The airlock's right there! I'll even let you throw me in there yourself!

    T'mar: Sam, would you just SHUT UP for a minute?!


    Okay, I admit it. I was harsh. I--

    Sam *angry*: "Harsh" is an understatement.

    T'mar: I was out of control. I judged you harshly, I treated you harshly...

    I guess you really did pull yourself out of the Shadows' camp. I still don't know if that's redemption, but... it's a start. I guess you aren't the same Sam Allington that I hated for the past 2 years.

    Sam *angry*: Say it.

    T'mar: I was going to--

    Sam *angry*: Say it!

    T'mar: Okay!

    I was wrong. I was wrong, I was an idiot and I was unforgiving.


    Sam: Nearly.

    T'mar: Sam, I don't know what else I can say. All I really can say is "I'm sorry".

    Sam: I'm sorry too.

    I know I deserved your hatred, T'mar. I'm sorry I betrayed you. I'm sorry for everything.

    *The two look at each other awkwardly for a moment, before looking back out the window.*

    Sibling quarrel over now?

    T'mar: Yeah.

    Sam: Okay.

    Just to be clear, you're not getting away with some of that TRIBBLE.

    T'mar: I just apologised!

    Sam: I'm kidding!

    T'mar: You didn't answer my question. Why didn't you kill her?

    Sam: I'm done with murder.

    That good enough for you?

    T'mar: Yeah.

    *She glances at Sam, smiling.*

    Good to have you back, sis.

    *Sam looks at her, smiling back.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob walks onto the bridge.

    Jacob: anything out there

    Officer: no sir silent.

    Jacob: has the haze reported in yet.

    Officer: no sir. The prowler last responded near kdf and romulan space.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Gyunei returns to his workings as he docks the fighter in stealth mode to the building...on the Klingon Outpost... He watches as Markon is meeting with the Klingon Doctors and Researchers looking into the disease going about as Markon is asking a researcher about the progress. *

    Gyunei: *As he opens the way in using the sticky modifications on his gloves and boots he starts going over head.* (To himself) My my Markon age has no been kind to you.

    *Federation Outpost the Pegasus class is getting ready to go as the Vanguard receives one more member from Shield...an Innovade esque clone but modified into a woman.*

    *OOC: I will explain their origins in a bit as it is simple. They are human variants; Allen, Val, and the guardians he interacted with put the idea forth for living terminals to help the galaxy move along.. I guess I will have the Living AI become its base program but accepted to understand better. They do have some positronics but not to the degree as they are still organic. The things re entry is perhaps going to explain things as it looks at the current galaxy.*

    *OOC: I get the feeling you think Markon is older than he actually is.*

    Markon: What do we have so far?

    Researcher: It appears to be artificial in origin, as was obvious from its progression through the Klingon anatomy. One thing strikes as unusual, however.

    The disease seems to be airborne, but triggered only by a specific gene - a gene shared only between Klingons and Romulans.

    Markon: Can you explain it?

    Researcher: Among bioweapons research conducted by Ambassador B'vat during the Klingon-Federation war of the 2400s, B'vat would often focus on traits shared between Gorn, Letheans or Klingons and the Federation species, in order to develop a weapon which he could test in a controlled environment and still get useful data about its performance on the intended target species. Of particular note was the fact that he would usually create bioweapons focusing on genetic similarities between the Gorn and Federation species which Klingons did not share, so he had a weapon to use in case the Gorn ever rebelled against the Empire.

    Markon: You believe the Romulans adopted a similar strategy? B'vat was a madman. Do you truly believe the Romulans would unleash this on their own people?

    Researcher: General, they are Romulans. Before the time of the Romulan Republic, the Tal Shiar exterminated entire colonies of their own people without mercy! They are without honour! I would not be surprised if this was unleashed on their border worlds to implicate us as the perpetrators of this disease!

    Markon: Romulan to'ba!

    *OOC: BTW, when are you doing the second Ghola Wave?*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: alright I'll be in my ready room.

    He walks back in. Sealing the door and activates his security systems.

    Jacob: jazz contact the haze.

    Jazz( Jacobs personnel ai) yes sir. Contact established

    Jacob: captain leix report.

    Leix: well it seems the federation is investigating the loss of a few worlds the romulan empire is in chaos and the kdf is dealing with medical problems.

    Jacob: send me the files and then continue captain.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *R.S.S. Republic, heading out of U.N.S.C. Space towards the Federation Border.

    The Senior Staff are gathered in the Situation Room again.*

    David: I think we have to agree that the Admiral is not himself after he essentially destroyed Republic-U.N.S.C. relations, don't you?

    Dana: Agreed.

    Lopez: Agreed.

    Mitchell: It still isn't enough to justify a mutiny.

    David: We're not talking about a mutiny, Commander. I think we can all agree though, that the Admiral could become dangerous. If he does, where do we stand?

    Dana: You mean where do WE stand; with you or with Ramez.

    From me it's a firm "with you", Captain.

    Lopez: Agreed.

    Andrews: I still have reservations, but I'm with you, sir.

    Mitchell: Hell, I didn't plan on getting through my career without being court-marshalled at least once anyway. I'm with you.

    David: I appreciate that.

    Okay, we keep this quiet for now, agreed?

    *They all nod in unison.*

    Alright. Let's--

    Ops *Over Comm*: Bridge to Captain Santiago.

    David: Go ahead, Bridge.

    Ops *Over Comm*: Sir, Admiral Ramez is up here and... he's ordered us to return to Reach sir.

    David: He did what?!

    *Within seconds, David and the others are on the Bridge, with David staring at Ramez.*

    Admiral, with all due respect, what do you think you're doing?!

    Ramez: As you were, Captain.

    David: The U.N.S.C. ordered us to leave their space! We're behind schedule already!

    Ramez: As you were.

    *Within an hour, they're back in Reach Orbit, closing in on one of the Drydocks where the other Harvengers are being built.*

    Red Alert. Arm weapons.

    David: Admiral--

    Ramez: That's an order.

    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds.*

    Are we within weapons range of the dock yet?

    Ops: Negative.

    Ramez: Helm, move us closer.

    David: Belay that order!

    *Ramez calmly turns around to face David.*

    Ramez: You're relieved, Captain.

    Lieutenant Lopez, remove Captain Santiago from the Bridge.

    *Lopez glances between the two, before looking at Dana.*

    Lopez: Commander?

    Dana: Don't look at me.

    Ramez: Now, Lieutenant.

    David: Lieutenant Lopez, disarm weapons and stand down from Red Alert.

    Ramez: Belay that--!

    Lopez: Aye, Captain.

    *The green alert chime sounds as the Republic stands down.*

    David: We're not following your orders anymore - not at the risk of interstellar war.

    Lieutenant, take the Admiral into custody.

    Lopez: Aye, sir--

    *Suddenly, Ramez changes form back into the Face Dancer, whacking David with its arm, sending him flying across the bridge. Lopez quickly turns on a security field, trapping it.

    Dana runs over and helps David up, with David staring at the Face Dancer, which is roaring at them.*

    Dana: Are you--?

    David: I'm fine.

    I'll be damned...

    Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, we got you an early Christmas present - a live Face Dancer.

    *Half an hour later, the Republic is heading back out, this time under escort by 2 U.N.S.C. Cruisers, for obvious reasons.

    David walks into the Iso-Lab ward of Sickbay, looking at the Face Dancer now trapped within the Isolation Lab itself before looking at Andrews analysing the readings.*

    David: Well?

    Andrews: Same as always - I can't get any new data because of its skin.

    There's only one way I can get accurate data on how to detect one of these things while they're alive.

    David: Which is?

    Andrews: I told Captain Allington about it 2 years ago. She didn't like it, and I'm sure you won't either.

    I need to do a live vivisection.

    *David frowns at him.*

    David: Doctor, vivisections are outlawed by nearly every civilised galactic power - including us. Forgetting for the moment that the U.G.C. forbids vivisections--

    Andrews: Captain, what's more important? Keeping these things from sparking interstellar war or keeping our hands clean?

    *David sighs, seeing his point.*

    David: I'll speak with Admiral Weynal. Don't do anything yet.

    Andrews: Understood.

    *David leaves. After 5 minutes, he is in his Ready Room and has made contact with Admiral Weynal.*

    David: Admiral.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    UNSC reporter : after a failed and foiled attack. Tensions between the unsc and republic are still high. But are heading back in the right direction.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob is reading over the report. Now more concerned then relieved.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Republic, heading out of U.N.S.C. Space towards the Federation Border.

    The Senior Staff are gathered in the Situation Room again.*

    David: I think we have to agree that the Admiral is not himself after he essentially destroyed Republic-U.N.S.C. relations, don't you?

    Dana: Agreed.

    Lopez: Agreed.

    Mitchell: It still isn't enough to justify a mutiny.

    David: We're not talking about a mutiny, Commander. I think we can all agree though, that the Admiral could become dangerous. If he does, where do we stand?

    Dana: You mean where do WE stand; with you or with Ramez.

    From me it's a firm "with you", Captain.

    Lopez: Agreed.

    Andrews: I still have reservations, but I'm with you, sir.

    Mitchell: Hell, I didn't plan on getting through my career without being court-marshalled at least once anyway. I'm with you.

    David: I appreciate that.

    Okay, we keep this quiet for now, agreed?

    *They all nod in unison.*

    Alright. Let's--

    Ops *Over Comm*: Bridge to Captain Santiago.

    David: Go ahead, Bridge.

    Ops *Over Comm*: Sir, Admiral Ramez is up here and... he's ordered us to return to Reach sir.

    David: He did what?!

    *Within seconds, David and the others are on the Bridge, with David staring at Ramez.*

    Admiral, with all due respect, what do you think you're doing?!

    Ramez: As you were, Captain.

    David: The U.N.S.C. ordered us to leave their space! We're behind schedule already!

    Ramez: As you were.

    *Within an hour, they're back in Reach Orbit, closing in on one of the Drydocks where the other Harvengers are being built.*

    Red Alert. Arm weapons.

    David: Admiral--

    Ramez: That's an order.

    *The Red Alert Klaxon sounds.*

    Are we within weapons range of the dock yet?

    Ops: Negative.

    Ramez: Helm, move us closer.

    David: Belay that order!

    *Ramez calmly turns around to face David.*

    Ramez: You're relieved, Captain.

    Lieutenant Lopez, remove Captain Santiago from the Bridge.

    *Lopez glances between the two, before looking at Dana.*

    Lopez: Commander?

    Dana: Don't look at me.

    Ramez: Now, Lieutenant.

    David: Lieutenant Lopez, disarm weapons and stand down from Red Alert.

    Ramez: Belay that--!

    Lopez: Aye, Captain.

    *The green alert chime sounds as the Republic stands down.*

    David: We're not following your orders anymore - not at the risk of interstellar war.

    Lieutenant, take the Admiral into custody.

    Lopez: Aye, sir--

    *Suddenly, Ramez changes form back into the Face Dancer, whacking David with its arm, sending him flying across the bridge. Lopez quickly turns on a security field, trapping it.

    Dana runs over and helps David up, with David staring at the Face Dancer, which is roaring at them.*

    Dana: Are you--?

    David: I'm fine.

    I'll be damned...

    Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, we got you an early Christmas present - a live Face Dancer.

    *Half an hour later, the Republic is heading back out, this time under escort by 2 U.N.S.C. Cruisers, for obvious reasons.

    David walks into the Iso-Lab ward of Sickbay, looking at the Face Dancer now trapped within the Isolation Lab itself before looking at Andrews analysing the readings.*

    David: Well?

    Andrews: Same as always - I can't get any new data because of its skin.

    There's only one way I can get accurate data on how to detect one of these things while they're alive.

    David: Which is?

    Andrews: I told Captain Allington about it 2 years ago. She didn't like it, and I'm sure you won't either.

    I need to do a live vivisection.

    *David frowns at him.*

    David: Doctor, vivisections are outlawed by nearly every civilised galactic power - including us. Forgetting for the moment that the U.G.C. forbids vivisections--

    Andrews: Captain, what's more important? Keeping these things from sparking interstellar war or keeping our hands clean?

    *David sighs, seeing his point.*

    David: I'll speak with Admiral Weynal. Don't do anything yet.

    Andrews: Understood.

    *David leaves. After 5 minutes, he is in his Ready Room and has made contact with Admiral Weynal.*

    David: Admiral.

    *Weynal is sitting in his office as he watches the news. He is still wary but no fool. He opens the comm.*

    Weynal: Yes Captain? What may I do for you?

    *OCC: As for the Ghola wave I will be doing it when the Vanguard gets on it to the core, I also need to introduce that new character. As for the character we discussed I think I will handle it but not until we get a move on the relay perhaps give a reason as decoding the cells is running into complications. *

    *Bay at the Federation Stealth outpost the woman comes up to the ship's cargo bay, She is athletic, modified in every way, but a feminine side.. She does spot the Vanguard loading things up..*

    Woman: I suspect this is the Vanguard unit I was told so much about. *Looking around *

    Where is Captain Sanders?
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