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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    It takes him a moment but he soon pulls up the image on his own padd as he takes a long look. Watching for something that may reveal a location so later he may be able to pass it on. He knows right joe it would be to risky to send anything but he also knows he can’t simply not try either. He gets pretty involved in watching it as he takes another long drink from the glass on his table.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    It takes him a moment but he soon pulls up the image on his own padd as he takes a long look. Watching for something that may reveal a location so later he may be able to pass it on. He knows right joe it would be to risky to send anything but he also knows he can’t simply not try either. He gets pretty involved in watching it as he takes another long drink from the glass on his table.

    *Naia manages to break free and throws a straight kick to Mila's collarbone, knocking Mila back a pace. She follows up with a jumping back spin kick to the face, knocking Mila down. The crowd roars a little at the display of athleticism as Naia smirks down at Mila, who starts picking herself up.*

    Naia: I thought you'd be tough?

    Mila: You want me to break your bones?

    Naia: Like you could.

    *Naia throws a middle kick, Mila catching it and throwing a jab into Naia's face followed by a couple more and a palm strike to get some distance between them, Naia yelping as a cut opens across her nose. Mila can't help but smile as Naia gets taken down a notch.*

    Mila: I can.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger watch’s and is impressed by how Mika fights. He is frustrated by not being able to see anything that gives away its location but continues watching the fight with interest.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger watch’s and is impressed by how Mika fights. He is frustrated by not being able to see anything that gives away its location but continues watching the fight with interest.

    *Mila stays back as Naia picks herself up. After a moment, Naia rushes Mila and spears her down. Mila quickly pulls her into a close guard and rolls on top, slamming a heavy elbow strike into Naia's face, busting her cheek open and forcing Naia to release her. She then transitions into a rear naked choke with body scissors, starting to choke Naia out.*

    Mila: Tap out!

    Naia *struggling*: I... don't... do that!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger watching

    Bridger: she is good I’ll say that. She has had some very good training.

    He takes another drink as he continues watching his padd.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger watching

    Bridger: she is good I’ll say that. She has had some very good training.

    He takes another drink as he continues watching his padd.

    *After a few intense moments in the hold, Naia starts elbowing Mila in the side and thrashing to break out, succeeding as Mila releases her and scrambles to her feet, the two facing off as they get back into stances.*

    Mila: So, you're J'sani's sister?

    Naia: That so surprising?

    Mila: I had my share of sibling rivalry, but I never thought of enslaving them.

    Naia: That's because you're not Orion.

    *The two clash, exchanging punches and kicks, Mila getting an early advantage before Naia sends a flying knee into her chin to ultimately come off better from the exchange.*

    Mila: I have family who are. They'd never do anything like this.

    Naia: If they aren't Syndicate, they're not Orion.

    *Naia initiates another clash, this time Mila ducking back from a snap straight kick and throwing her own into Naia's gut, Naia crumbling to her knees from the blow. Mila hesitates as the crowd start chanting.*

    Mila: You're done, sister... Give up.

    Naia *pained*: I told you... I don't... do that...

    *Mila looks up at J'sani, who is watching carefully. Once it's clear the fight won't be called until one of them is down, Mila exhales deeply, steeling herself for what she's about to do.*

    Mila: Sorry...

    *She kicks Naia onto her back and top mounts, throwing a series of heavy punches into Naia's face until she passes out about half a dozen blows in.

    Fighting is one thing. Giving someone a beatdown is another. Mila feels sick with herself, as a pair of thugs come in to take her away, a med team coming to tend to Naia.*

    J'sani: And we have our winner! Mila Allen wins by knockout! If any of you are feeling like you haven't seen enough of her yet, don't worry! She'll be in tomorrow's Pit with our other recent human acquisition! As for Naia, we'll be seeing her again in a rematch with Lia Vrix in a couple of days! But don't forget, there are still two more fights to come tonight in The Pit!

    Patron 3: You want the comm frequency for this? Beats GSN any day.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger: I would if you don’t mind. I don’t normally see a lot of things like this and I have to say my interest is peaked.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger: I would if you don’t mind. I don’t normally see a lot of things like this and I have to say my interest is peaked.

    *The patron gives him the frequency and Bridger notices a pair of Orion males fetch drinks from the bar and sit in a dark corner, talking quietly while most patrons are watching the dance floor.*

    OOC: What did you think of the fight?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: enjoyed it. Especially making her have to decide it’s pretty much her or them.

    Bridger bods in thanks as he takes his padd while getting up and walking over to the two Orion’s.

    Bridger: well you look like the type of people I need to talk to here.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: enjoyed it. Especially making her have to decide it’s pretty much her or them.

    Bridger bods in thanks as he takes his padd while getting up and walking over to the two Orion’s.

    Bridger: well you look like the type of people I need to talk to here.

    Orion 1: Depends what you've got to say?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger: I was told if I wanted to get in contact with some shady groups of people you where the ones I needed to talk to.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger: I was told if I wanted to get in contact with some shady groups of people you where the ones I needed to talk to.

    Orion 1: Depends what shady people.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger: well I was told you have some connections with either sections 31 here or even ONI. Rumor had it that they are doing some interesting genetic experiments. That is what I was doing till I was chased here by authorities and am now looking to get back involved in my line of work.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger: well I was told you have some connections with either sections 31 here or even ONI. Rumor had it that they are doing some interesting genetic experiments. That is what I was doing till I was chased here by authorities and am now looking to get back involved in my line of work.

    *The first Orion looks at the second, then back at Bridger.*

    Orion 1: We could set up a meeting. With an ONI contact.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger: that would be ideal then. Dare I ask what you are going to charge me for something like this?
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger: that would be ideal then. Dare I ask what you are going to charge me for something like this?

    Orion 1: No charge.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger: well then that makes it even better.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    logang19 wrote: »
    Bridger: well then that makes it even better.

    Orion 1: Find us again tomorrow night.

    *Orion Ship, the next evening. Mila is stretching in her room when a thug pokes his head through the door.*

    Orion thug: You're up in ten minutes.

    Mila: Who's my opponent?

    Orion thug: You'll find out when you get out there.

    Mila: Seriously?  You want me to fight with ten minutes notice and with no clue who I'm facing?

    Orion thug: Did you miss the part where you're a slave now?  You do what we tell you, when we tell you, how we tell you, or...

    *He taps his slave collar pointedly.*

    Mila: Right... Zap.

    Orion thug: And zap.  And zap some more.  You're not the first navy runt to be enslaved.  Most of them stopped resisting after their first punishment session.

    Mila: I know J'sani's reputation...

    Orion thug: Then you'll be ready in 9 minutes.

    *10 minutes later.  Mila is escorted by a couple of thugs into The Pit.  She's the first to arrive this time, J'sani waiting on the catwalk.*

    J'Sani: As promised, Mila Allen returns to The Pit for her second fight!  Her opponent, you've already seen once this week!  Please give a warm welcome to the returning...

    *Mila reaches the middle of The Pit as two thugs lead another human woman into the arena, wearing an identical outfit.  She has shoulder-length blonde hair, a slim build, slightly taller than Mila.  Both freeze after looking at each other for a moment, Mila's heart pounding with bewilderment, her eyes welling up.*

    Mila *confused, overwhelmed*: Cassi...?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Johanna: I hope she's alright... *she sits in her quarters, squeezing a stress toy as her adrenaline levels fluctuate rapidly with her emotional state. There's a dent in the wall where she angrily punched it and she's got some bandages on a somewhat bloodied fist. She is sulking wishing she could do something to help Mila wherever she is*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *President Karn is overlooking the reconstruction of the Federation Capital on Earth, its come along quite a bit since the end of the Undine incursion, it's almost ready for the public and he feels a sense of pride over how far they've come in reclaiming earth from the damage*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Johanna: I hope she's alright... *she sits in her quarters, squeezing a stress toy as her adrenaline levels fluctuate rapidly with her emotional state. There's a dent in the wall where she angrily punched it and she's got some bandages on a somewhat bloodied fist. She is sulking wishing she could do something to help Mila wherever she is*

    *R.S.S. Columbia, Bridge. The Ops Officer turns to Dani.*

    Ops: Captain, Intel got a hit searching criminal channels. They've confirmed information on Lieutenant Allen!

    Dani: Let me see. And call Ensign Strauss up here.

    *OOC: Strauss was I think Johanna's surname.*

    *Orion Ship. Mila is still frozen in shock at the sight of Cassi, who is now face-to-face with her in the centre of the pit, fists clenched and jaw grinding with suppressed rage.*

    Mila *confused*: I... I thought you were dead...

    *Cassi roars out in fury as she knocks Mila down with a heavy right hook, Mila slowly trying to get up as the crowd roars before Cassi punches Mila down again and puts her in a choke hold.*

    Cassi *hateful*: I'm gonna enjoy this, targ!

    *Mila grunts as she breaks free, scrambling clear and to her feet, wiping a little blood from her mouth.*

    Mila: I don't wanna fight you, Sis!

    Cassi *hateful*: Fine! It's just gonna make it easier to kill you, Mila!

    *Cassi charges, Mila countercharging before the two get into a viciously physical clash.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger is watching his padd as he slowly eats some food he had ordered as well. He had stepped out for a short time then returned wait.

    Bridger: whatever that opponent meant to you you have to snap out of it and fight. Otherwise it’s not gonna matter matter what anyone does.

    He whispers to himself as he is watching.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Halsey is in a large open chamber as Harrison walks in.

    Harrison: well you have been pretty busy so far doctor.

    Halsey: I want to make sure everything here is imaged before anything can happen to it.

    Harrison: well seeing as almost no one knows it is even here I find that unlikely.

    Halsey: well I find it needed. I’d rather have an archive to go back on then nothing to go off of at all.

    Harrison: very well. Is there anything I can do for you at the moment doctor?

    Halsey: no thank you.

    Harrison: very well. I have some other things I have to attend to but Echo here will gladly take care of anything you may need from us.

    He nods in the direction of Echo who is an extremely advanced android.

    Halsey: thank you I’ll send anything of value I find to him then.

    Harrison: thank you doctor.

    Harrison nods as he walks out and is beamed up to his waiting ship.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Johanna reports to the bridge, her hand no longer bleeding but the bandages remain. She didn't get it fully patched up*

    Johanna: Reporting for duty captain.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Johanna reports to the bridge, her hand no longer bleeding but the bandages remain. She didn't get it fully patched up*

    Johanna: Reporting for duty captain.

    *The Pit broadcast is playing on the viewscreen, Dani's face white with shock as she recognises Cassi as Mila's opponent.*

    OOC: I'd say Johanna would have seen Cassi's picture from either Mila or Dani by this point - Dani keeps a photo of the family on her Ready Room desk.

    *Orion Ship. The two are grappling fiercely, Cassi battering Mila with knees and fists to the lower body before Mila pulls Cassi down and kicks her over her head, scrambling to her feet as Cassi does the same. Mila's initial shock and hesitation is starting to give way to her rage, as all the enmity between them starts to resurface in her mind.*

    Mila *angry, overwhelmed*: Why are you doing this, Cass?!

    Cassi *enraged*: You know why!!

    *She lunges at Mila, who weaves back to dodge a vicious hook, taking a follow-up, but braced and already retaliating with a heavy middle kick to Cassi's ribcage. Cassi then charges into her and grapples, the two struggling fiercely.*

    Cassi *enraged*: You left me to die!

    Mila *angry, overwhelmed*: Cass, I had no idea what Casval was doing until we got back! I never wanted any of this!

    Cassi *enraged*: LIAR!

    *She throws Mila to the side, launching a straight kick which Mila just manages to evade by weaving her head to the side, followed by a back spin kick knocks Mila around. Mila replies with her own back spin kick, before grabbing Cassi side-on and driving her back over her knee, followed by tossing Cass to the ground with an enraged grunt.*

    Mila *enraged*: You were my sister! I loved you! I wanted you to rot in prison! I didn't want you to die!

    *Cassi grunts in pain as she picks herself up, spitting out some blood as she just glares at Mila hatefully.*

    Cassi *hateful*: We're not sisters.

    *With that, Cassi lunges back into the fray.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Johanna: Isn't she supposed to be dead...? *She appears very confused, wondering how Cassi survived*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Johanna: Isn't she supposed to be dead...? *She appears very confused, wondering how Cassi survived*

    Dani *confused*: Yes...

    *Orion Ship. Mila dodges Cassi's attack, hitting her with a middle kick before taking a left hook and getting taken down, Cassi throwing a relentless torrent of punches to her face, Mila trying desperately to block. After a few moments, Mila manages to roll on top and throws a couple of heavy elbow strikes into Cassi's guard to beat it open before grabbing Cassi by the shoulder straps and picking her up to her feet. She then sends Cassi flying back with a palm strike.

    Cassi catches herself on one of the Pit walls, wiping some blood from her mouth before smirking maliciously at Mila.*

    Cassi *mocking, hateful*: I thought you said you didn't want to fight, Mila?

    Mila *hateful*: I didn't. Then I remembered what a b**** you are, you backstabbing sli'vak!

    *Mila's rage finally gets the better of her, as she charges Cassi, receiving a debilitating fist deep into the gut for her trouble before Cassi shoves her back and knocks her down with a scissors kick. Cassi just circles Mila as she tries to get up, occasionally pushing her back down with a foot to the side.*

    Cassi *mocking, hateful*: Get up. C'mon targ, get up!

    *Mila twists so her abdomen is facing Cassi as she tries to pick herself up, correctly gauging that her sister can't resist such a clear target. As Cassi's foot presses in to Mila's side, Mila snaps into a roll and catches Cassi's leg in a scissors takedown, immediately rolling Cassi onto her front and mounting her back, transferring the leg lock to her arms as she does so, folding Cassi's leg at the knee and pulling it back at the hip. Cassi starts grunting in pain.*

    Mila *hateful*: Give up, Cass!

    Cassi *hateful*: F*** you!

    *Mila can feel Cassie marshalling her strength to roll out and decides to end the fight there and then. She pulls the lock as tight as she can to her chest, manoeuvring one leg behind Cassi's hip before dropping her weight down on the lock, folding Cassi's leg to the side, Cassi crying out in pain as her leg dislocates from her hip.

    Mila gets up, panting heavily as she watches Cassi writhe in pain, unable to fight any longer.*

    Mila *hateful*: This what you wanted, Cassi?!

    Cassi *crying in pain*: I'm gonna kill you!

    *Mila glares at her, before walking towards the exit, cradling her injuries. She pauses and looks back at J'sani when the doors don't open.*

    Mila *pained, angry*: We're done... I'm not going to kill her if that's what you're waiting for... She's my sister... That still means something to me, even if it doesn't to her...

    *After a moment, Mila's escort step through the door and flank her, while a medical team goes to Cassi.*

    J'sani: We have a clear winner, everyone! Her second fight - and what a fight - and second victory! Mila Allen!

    *Mila scowls as she's escorted out. Everything about this disgusts her.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Bridger sets the padd down as the fight ends.

    Bridger: well she is definitely well trained. Let’s hope she can hold that advantage.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Fleet comm Harpers office.

    Janeway takes a seat as he and Harper are talking.

    Janeway: I have 5 medical frigates and 10 transport ships on their way here. The medical ships we will leave here. The transports will unload then head back. They have everything from medical supplies to starship components.

    Harper: I appreciate the aide admiral.

    Janeway: don’t mention it. When I get back I’m going to work on drafting an official treaty between the federation and UNSC since we don’t really have one at the moment.

    Harper: I approached it. You all have been extremely helpful during this time.

    Janeway: don’t mention it. That’s what we are here for.

    He gets up as they shake hands.

    Janeway: if you need anything else please feel free to contact me directly.

    Harper: don’t worry I will.

    Janeway nods as he taps his combadge.

    Janeway: Janeway to Blizzard one to beam up.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Johanna: Isn't she supposed to be dead...? *She appears very confused, wondering how Cassi survived*

    Dani *confused*: Yes...

    *Orion Ship. Mila dodges Cassi's attack, hitting her with a middle kick before taking a left hook and getting taken down, Cassi throwing a relentless torrent of punches to her face, Mila trying desperately to block. After a few moments, Mila manages to roll on top and throws a couple of heavy elbow strikes into Cassi's guard to beat it open before grabbing Cassi by the shoulder straps and picking her up to her feet. She then sends Cassi flying back with a palm strike.

    Cassi catches herself on one of the Pit walls, wiping some blood from her mouth before smirking maliciously at Mila.*

    Cassi *mocking, hateful*: I thought you said you didn't want to fight, Mila?

    Mila *hateful*: I didn't. Then I remembered what a b**** you are, you backstabbing sli'vak!

    *Mila's rage finally gets the better of her, as she charges Cassi, receiving a debilitating fist deep into the gut for her trouble before Cassi shoves her back and knocks her down with a scissors kick. Cassi just circles Mila as she tries to get up, occasionally pushing her back down with a foot to the side.*

    Cassi *mocking, hateful*: Get up. C'mon targ, get up!

    *Mila twists so her abdomen is facing Cassi as she tries to pick herself up, correctly gauging that her sister can't resist such a clear target. As Cassi's foot presses in to Mila's side, Mila snaps into a roll and catches Cassi's leg in a scissors takedown, immediately rolling Cassi onto her front and mounting her back, transferring the leg lock to her arms as she does so, folding Cassi's leg at the knee and pulling it back at the hip. Cassi starts grunting in pain.*

    Mila *hateful*: Give up, Cass!

    Cassi *hateful*: F*** you!

    *Mila can feel Cassie marshalling her strength to roll out and decides to end the fight there and then. She pulls the lock as tight as she can to her chest, manoeuvring one leg behind Cassi's hip before dropping her weight down on the lock, folding Cassi's leg to the side, Cassi crying out in pain as her leg dislocates from her hip.

    Mila gets up, panting heavily as she watches Cassi writhe in pain, unable to fight any longer.*

    Mila *hateful*: This what you wanted, Cassi?!

    Cassi *crying in pain*: I'm gonna kill you!

    *Mila glares at her, before walking towards the exit, cradling her injuries. She pauses and looks back at J'sani when the doors don't open.*

    Mila *pained, angry*: We're done... I'm not going to kill her if that's what you're waiting for... She's my sister... That still means something to me, even if it doesn't to her...

    *After a moment, Mila's escort step through the door and flank her, while a medical team goes to Cassi.*

    J'sani: We have a clear winner, everyone! Her second fight - and what a fight - and second victory! Mila Allen!

    *Mila scowls as she's escorted out. Everything about this disgusts her.*

    Johanna: So do we know where Mila is then? Or how Cassi is alive? Cassi still seems to hate her...
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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