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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *As they board the ship, an Orion Women is waiting, wearing a black jumpsuit. It is Tara, with a disruptor pistol at her side. She looks at Stane suspiciously.*

    Tara: You're late, Stane. The Duranus Cartel doesn't like to be kept waiting, especially after you were the one to specify the meeting's location! If I didn't know better, I'd think you wanted us to get caught! I've already got 13 charges of murder on my head without adding yours.

    *OOC: Oh, she's no double agent. No, hold on... that doesn't wor--

    I mean, she's a triple agent... no that--


    Okay, now I'm happy with my own character (and what this obviously entails when Sam finds out).

    Okay, now I really an going offline.*

    *Stane brisk in what seems like business attire for the period swipes a key card and lets her and her group in...*

    Stane: I know... it is impolite to keep a jewel like yourself waiting. But we wanted to show you what this new drug does and you should be pleased with it..

    *They leave the corridor on the vessel and enter a room with the human test subject strapped down shirtless on a contraption...*

    Stane: *picks up a small hypo with a small dosage of what looks like refined orange liquid in it..* This my dear is Spice. It is cinnamon in smell and flavor from what I am told but it is anything but... This form is a little more concentrated than what would be the normal amount for the drug..

    *Walks up to the human and injects the human with it in his neck, the human starts calming down... then looking about frantically as he seemingly hears voices and crys out pleading and furiously... Also speaking of events that have not happened yet...*

    Stane: There there now.. Your ok..

    *Pats the human on the head... his eyes a deep blue within blue as it seems he was subjected to this numerous times..*

    Stane: From our research into Spice, it is highly addictive compound and withdrawl is deadly if ignored for too long... It also prolongs life to a degree as long as the drug is still present as far as other applications go we are only scratching the surface. The high itself is dependant on how much was introduced to the subject... And no that was not paranoia...

    Prescience... Flawed but still the vision of the future...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob watch's as tal vanishes.

    Jacob: nemisis are there any stane run terminals near here I can let you hack nothing big just some base location.

    Nemisis : checking now.

    *A jarring screech rips through the system as it seems familiar but totally alien... it drives Nemisis totally crazy causing the suit to go berserk*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *A jarring screech rips through the system as it seems familiar but totally alien... it drives Nemisis totally crazy causing the suit to go berserk*

    Jacob: Nemisis !!!! if this is you im going to rip your programing apart!!

    Nemisis : now normally I would say this is me but it isn't so fix it so we both don't go plop

    Jacob: me I pilot you run everything did we forget that now we are about to hit the ground in a matter of moments if we don't fix this.

    Nemisis : if I could trust me I would but I cant access anything.

    Jacob: can we do an emregncy beam out

    Nemisis : yes I believe so but I cant say for sure where we will end up

    Jacob: Then do it we got 30 seconds

    Jacob beams out to a remote desert location in his light combat armor. Holding a small chip which he puts in a small spot on his neck. He grabs a small box out of his pocket and sets it down as a phaser rifle appears he grabs it and takes a look around at the dark night

    Jacob: nemesis where are we

    Nemisis : trying to use your cyber implants to find out but they weren't made for this

    Jacob: well keep on it we will start moving sooner or later we will find out.Lets just hope we are still on earth

    Jacob lets out a small laugh as he starts walking
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Stane brisk in what seems like business attire for the period swipes a key card and lets her and her group in...*

    Stane: I know... it is impolite to keep a jewel like yourself waiting. But we wanted to show you what this new drug does and you should be pleased with it..

    *They leave the corridor on the vessel and enter a room with the human test subject strapped down shirtless on a contraption...*

    Stane: *picks up a small hypo with a small dosage of what looks like refined orange liquid in it..* This my dear is Spice. It is cinnamon in smell and flavor from what I am told but it is anything but... This form is a little more concentrated than what would be the normal amount for the drug..

    *Walks up to the human and injects the human with it in his neck, the human starts calming down... then looking about frantically as he seemingly hears voices and crys out pleading and furiously... Also speaking of events that have not happened yet...*

    Stane: There there now.. Your ok..

    *Pats the human on the head... his eyes a deep blue within blue as it seems he was subjected to this numerous times..*

    Stane: From our research into Spice, it is highly addictive compound and withdrawl is deadly if ignored for too long... It also prolongs life to a degree as long as the drug is still present as far as other applications go we are only scratching the surface. The high itself is dependant on how much was introduced to the subject... And no that was not paranoia...

    Prescience... Flawed but still the vision of the future...

    *Tara looks at the man on the table, before looking at Stane, surprised by the calm, almost happy demeanour on his face.*

    Tara: How many times has he been put through this?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Tara looks at the man on the table, before looking at Stane, surprised by the calm, almost happy demeanour on his face.*

    Tara: How many times has he been put through this?

    Stane: With this dosage. About 4 times counting this one... We have given him a lower quality one before we moved up.. We haven't tested it on a newtype yet as we wouldn't want someone to notice... So we can only postulate on what it does.

    You would be surprised to know he volunteered by his own will. Which I found strange considering he did not know what it was.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob : so nemisis did you find anything out before we started crashing to our deaths. That will be interesting.to watch.

    Nemisis only he has been making a lot of trips. That was all

    Jacob: hm
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: With this dosage. About 4 times counting this one... We have given him a lower quality one before we moved up.. We haven't tested it on a newtype yet as we wouldn't want someone to notice... So we can only postulate on what it does.

    You would be surprised to know he volunteered by his own will. Which I found strange considering he did not know what it was.

    Tara: What are the side-effects?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: *smiles but not quite warm..*



    slight dehydration,

    increased spatial awareness,

    blood shot eyes,

    marginal Prolonged life,

    overdose how ever... Prescient coma, all bodily functions slowly die and stop, then dehydration, and death...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: *smiles but not quite warm..*



    slight dehydration,

    increased spatial awareness,

    blood shot eyes,

    marginal Prolonged life,

    overdose how ever... Prescient coma, all bodily functions slowly die and stop, then dehydration, and death...

    Tara: Was he your only test subject?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Tara: Was he your only test subject?

    Stane: No we have a Vulcan, a Klingon, and a Romulan.. All volunteers and each one showed the same symptoms..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: No we have a Vulcan, a Klingon, and a Romulan.. All volunteers and each one showed the same symptoms..

    Tara: But you have no idea what would happen if an Orion was subjected to this?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Tara: But you have no idea what would happen if an Orion was subjected to this?

    Stane: Who do you wish to use it on?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: Who do you wish to use it on?

    Tara: No one, unless you can give me an actual idea of the consequences using this on an Orion would bring.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Tara: No one, unless you can give me an actual idea of the consequences using this on an Orion would bring.

    Stane: Planning on using this on yourself? Or you don't want to see your people being affected differently.. ? What I can tell you is that it doesn't matter... This compound is basic yet complex.. We have other subjects as well... Unless you want to see what it does for yourself... You asked and I am giving an answer... I know you have prisoners of rival cartels.. I am a scientist and I wish to deliver a product.. You want to see what it does have one of your bodyguards step forward and we will make sure they don't meet any accidents and you will have your answer..

    So what do you say... For more wealth, the future, and prosperity for your cartel? How about you ruling the syndicate itself?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: Right now since this drug only influences the mind it would sharpen the given awareness for your species... The dehydration affects would still be present. Your pheromones wouldn't be affected... The same consequences for overdosing would probably stay the same...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: Planning on using this on yourself? Or you don't want to see your people being affected differently.. ? What I can tell you is that it doesn't matter... This compound is basic yet complex.. We have other subjects as well... Unless you want to see what it does for yourself... You asked and I am giving an answer... I know you have prisoners of rival cartels.. I am a scientist and I wish to deliver a product.. You want to see what it does have one of your bodyguards step forward and we will make sure they don't meet any accidents and you will have your answer..

    So what do you say... For more wealth, the future, and prosperity for your cartel? How about you ruling the syndicate itself?

    Tara: You're a businessman, looking for a profit, Stane. I know how the game is played. You're selling me a narcotic that with each use will turn a person into that.

    *She gestures to the test subject.*

    A poor, tortured soul. The Car'moon Alliance Cartels might go for it, but not Duranus. I may be a criminal, but I do have some ethics.

    If you want a deal, how about you live up to your name as a weapons manufacturer. We know you've been selling ships to the Klingons. How about you design a new frigate for us? You'll be paid well.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Tara: You're a businessman, looking for a profit, Stane. I know how the game is played. You're selling me a narcotic that with each use will turn a person into that.

    *She gestures to the test subject.*

    A poor, tortured soul. The Car'moon Alliance Cartels might go for it, but not Duranus. I may be a criminal, but I do have some ethics.

    If you want a deal, how about you live up to your name as a weapons manufacturer. We know you've been selling ships to the Klingons. How about you design a new frigate for us? You'll be paid well.

    Stane: Prescience is a trap in and of itself... my dear.. I know you wish to be a threatening force once again.. But a new ship is only one way.. Ships can be countered but prescience itself and longer life cannot be..

    *Stane rubs his ears the men leave the room... When they leave a dehabilitating ringing renders the Orions paralyzed unable to speak but can hear.... Stane walks up to her casually and calm..*

    Stane: Oh be calm if I wished to kill you and your men it would have happened already... People have many faces and masks my dear being a businessman is one, being a scientist another... all are facets of who I am... So please do not insult me like that again...

    You wanted an answer on what it would do.. You did not believe me.. You came to suck me dry for weapons that you can then sell to others at an increased mark up...

    So tell me what you see my dear

    *sticks a very small amount into her neck *

    *OOC: It really won't affect them differently so don't play it like that. *

    I will build you three ships as a price of this little farce but not much else.. Who I work for is much much worse in comparison.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob: well I don't think we are on earth nemisisb
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Stane: Prescience is a trap in and of itself... my dear.. I know you wish to be a threatening force once again.. But a new ship is only one way.. Ships can be countered but prescience itself and longer life cannot be..

    *Stane rubs his ears the men leave the room... When they leave a dehabilitating ringing renders the Orions paralyzed unable to speak but can hear.... Stane walks up to her casually and calm..*

    Stane: Oh be calm if I wished to kill you and your men it would have happened already... People have many faces and masks my dear being a businessman is one, being a scientist another... all are facets of who I am... So please do not insult me like that again...

    You wanted an answer on what it would do.. You did not believe me.. You came to suck me dry for weapons that you can then sell to others at an increased mark up...

    So tell me what you see my dear

    *sticks a very small amount into her neck *

    *OOC: It really won't affect them differently so don't play it like that. *

    I will build you three ships as a price of this little farce but not much else.. Who I work for is much much worse in comparison.

    *After Stane leaves, and the effects of the spice dosage pass, Tara walks onto the Bridge, obviously slightly angry. She turns to the helm officer.*

    Tara: Set course for the rendezvous point. I'll be in my Ready Room.

    Helm: Yes--

    *Tara walks off the bridge.*


    *An Orion Women in similar attire to Tara follows her into her Ready Room.*

    Tara: Sara, not that I don't appreciate your concern, but p*ss off.

    Sara: Remind me, who is it that got you back in our little circle?

    Tara: Look, I know you put a lot on the line to let me back into the Duranus Cartel...

    Sara: Damn straight! I had to kill Dara just to keep her from blowing up your shuttle!

    Tara: Sara, Stane was selling us a narcotic! Even if it gave good benefits, that's all it was! How long do you think it would be before someone in our fold got addicted to it and tried to get more by taking us all down? We have enough trouble with the Car'moon Cartels and the D'lan Cartel without having to worry about our own people too! That's why I have you as my Second in Command! You're family.

    Sara: How long do you think those frigates will last? A week? We won't be able to fix them!

    Tara: Which is why you're going to go to the D'ian Cartel and propose a joint venture.

    Sara: D'ian? Ever since you killed Myanne D'san, the only D'ian that doesn't want you dead is Cora, who's only with us because her own family outcast her!

    Tara: That's why I'm sending you. If they kill someone, at least it'll be you, not me.

    Sara: Not funny.

    Tara: Even Megann knows when an alliance is in her best interests. *She passes Sara a data-rod* Give that to her. It's got a message for her from me.

    Sara: Fine, but I still think this is a bad idea.

    Tara: Trust me, this'll put Duranus back on track.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Stane is surprised that a very needy Orion cartel passed up the offer but alas he is sure the others will want to.. D'ian had a interesting positive response, as did the others... Perhaps.. There was a deal to be made. *

    Stane: Ah.. Business as always... Have our reps inform those cartels that we will supply the materials and the needs to synthesize the material.

    Stane: *Looks over to an AI core locked away in the corner* What do you think Roland? The 5 major cartels in the fold..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Stane sits back and waits for his next client Vor'nala of the Democratic Klingon faction... *

    Aide: She is here sir..

    Stane: Send her in...

    *Stane stands as she walks in..*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob soon walks into a small town and walks into the cantina. Phaser rifle on his back. He walks in and sits down at a table in the corner.

    Nemesis: scanning the area now. These are all known criminals.

    A man walks up to him he is heavily muscled and is wearing heavy armor and multiple weapons.

    S' tel : I haven't seen you here before. This is a dangerous place for an outsider.

    Jacob: who are you

    S'tel : my name is S'tel of the shadow guild.

    Ooc: bringing back a group from long ago lol.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Tarsus IV, Orion Syndicate controlled zone. A young Orion Women (late teens - early 20s) is walking around small living quarters. She's wearing casual attire for the era when her door chime goes off.*

    Telana D'ian: Come in.

    *An Orion Male comes in, dragging Sara in with him. Sara's missing her knife and disruptor pistol.*

    Orion: Telana, we found her trying to book passage to the city from Davos Space Port.

    She had this on her.

    *He passes Telana a small piece of plastic-like material, bearing a green crest of several loops. Telana's face starts to fill with anger.*

    Telana: Tr'ian.

    Sara: Telana, Tara wanted me to--

    *Telana punches her across the face, knocking her to her hands and knees before kicking her in the abdomen, rolling her onto her back, and then stomping on her throat.*

    Telana: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, Tr'ian!

    Sara *choking*: If... you'd... get off...

    *Telana removes her foot, letting Sara get up. Sara rubs her neck for a few moments.*

    Thank you...

    Tara asked me to give you this.

    *She holds out a data rod.*

    I don't know what's on it. She mentioned a joint venture...

    Telana: I should kill you.

    Sara: Listen kid, you got lucky just now. You're 19, with less than average hand-to-hand training. Why don't you direct me to your Sister and I'll talk to her?

    *Telana punches Tara in the gut before drawing her knife, getting Tara in a neck-lock from behind, and putting the knife at her throat.*

    Telana: If you DARE mention Mara in my presence EVER again, I will kill you where you stand, got it?!

    Sara: Why? She cut your allowance again?

    *Telana tightens her grip around Tara's neck.*

    Listen Tel, the only reason you're not on the floor right now is cos I'm going easy on you! Now, why don't you just get Ma--

    Telana: Your 'friends' at Republic Intel killed her a month ago, targ!

    Sara: Look, Tara is NOT a Republic Agent! That you have my word on!

    Telana: Your word isn't worth much these days, Sara!

    You killed Dara 2 months ago, which took away my only reason for not wiping out your cartel, and before that, your sister killed Myanne D'san!

    Sara: I also kept the Car'moon Alliance from wiping out you and half the other Cartels, if I remember correctly! Now, 5 seconds!

    Telana: Or what?!

    Sara: 4!



    *Sara grabs the arm holding Telana's knife and twists it before elbowing Telana in the gut and grabbing the knife.*


    Telana: You're not going anywhere!

    Sara: Wanna bet?

    Look at the damn rod and decide what you're going to do about us after that!

    *Telana glares at Sara for a second, before nodding to the guard, who grabs Sara's arm and starts to lead her out.*

    Telana: Tr'ian.

    When you see Cora, tell her that if I see her, I'll do to her what I'll do to your whole family.

    *6 hours later. Sara's back on the Duranus Ship. She's with Tara in her Ready Room.*

    Tara: Well?

    Sara: Mara's dead. She was killed by the Republic a Month ago.

    Tara: Then who's--?

    Sara: Telana.

    Tara: She's a kid!

    Sara: That 'kid' had a knife to my throat. Mara was the 'speak to' girl of the D'ian Cartel. Megann didn't even seem to be around!

    Tara: Megann'll be there.

    Sara: And if she is? What's there to say she won't want us dead as much as Telana does?

    Tara: Megann isn't the kind to hold a grudge. She knows this'll help both our Cartels.

    Sara: About that. I've risked my life now. I want in.

    Tara: Sara--

    Sara: Tara, I have put my life on the line for you more times than I can count! You can either let me in on what's going on, or I'll take charge!

    Tara: And how do you plan on--?

    Sara: Smashing your skull into a bulkhead, for starts!

    Tara: Okay, okay.

    You know Torros III?

    Sara: Sure. It's a Cardassian Shipyard. Everyone knows that!

    Tara: Well, while I was on the Republic, I downloaded the schematics and patrol patterns for the entire base. With both Cartels working together, we can take the shipyards and hold them.

    Sara: Share them with D'ian? You trust her?

    Tara: Oh, I trust Telana about as far as I can shoot her, but Megann? Yeah, I trust her.

    Sara: What about Starfleet?

    Tara: Please. Once we have the Base, it'll be a simple matter of turning the defences against our enemies.

    Oh, did I forget to mention that I stole the prefix codes for the network?

    Sara: Well, you've certainly covered our bases well. I knew there was a reason I let you run the show, instead of beating you into a pulp.

    Tara: Well, I try.

    *She tries calling Stane on a secure channel. The comm terminal beeps quietly while Stane's in his meeting.*

    It'll probably take a few minutes for Stane to answer if he's in a meeting.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    S'tel: now I'm sure you are wondering why I'm speaking to you.

    Jacob: well that is a good start.

    S'tel : the shadow alliance has been around since the before the shadow wars. A man by the name of rommel. He made sure that the organization would survive for a very long time. We have kept tabs on almost every criminal group. And that's why I had you transport here.

    Jacob: you had me beamed here?

    S'tel: yes. I knew I wouldn't be able to meet you in person with those around you. Now since I know you will ask

    He takes of his helmet

    S'tel: I am a romulan cyborg. And have been with the organization for 15 years now. And we need your help.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    S'tel: now I'm sure you are wondering why I'm speaking to you.

    Jacob: well that is a good start.

    S'tel : the shadow alliance has been around since the before the shadow wars. A man by the name of rommel. He made sure that the organization would survive for a very long time. We have kept tabs on almost every criminal group. And that's why I had you transport here.

    Jacob: you had me beamed here?

    S'tel: yes. I knew I wouldn't be able to meet you in person with those around you. Now since I know you will ask

    He takes of his helmet

    S'tel: I am a romulan cyborg. And have been with the organization for 15 years now. And we need your help.

    OOC: Just had a thought. Who's the current Shadow Lord?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Icara VII, Archaeological Dig Site. The Archaeological Team have dug up part of a black shape in the ground. In a nearby tent, the Team Leader - Doctor Henry Adenheim, is sitting on the floor, symbols drawn on his arms with red ink. He has lights all around him, mumbling to himself incoherently. The Team Doctor - Doctor Martin Hart, is standing in front of him with one of the senior team members - Doctor Emma Chambers.*

    Hart: How long has he been like this?

    Chambers: Since last night! I came in and he was just sitting here, drawing those symbols all over his body.

    Hart: All over his...?

    Chambers: Literally.

    Hart: I didn't need that image floating around my mind...

    Chambers: He keeps humming some tune, or mumbling to himself, like he is now.

    *Adenheim stops mumbling and starts humming a nursery rhyme.*

    Adenheim *mumbling*: Mary had a little lamb... *hysterical chuckle* fleece as white as snow...

    And every where that Mary went... the lamb was sure to go...

    *He keeps humming the tune while drawing on himself. Chambers kneels down in front of him.*

    Chambers: Henry?

    *She grabs his shoulders, trying to snap him out of it.*

    Henry, it's me! Emma! Can you understand me?

    *Doctor Hart pulls her away.*

    Hart: Save your energy Doctor. I don't think he can.

    You said he called for a Starship before he... took leave of his faculties?

    Chambers: Yeah. I can't call Command, but apparently they're sending the Republic.

    Hart: Good. Maybe they can help him.

    Chambers: I've told everyone to stop digging up the ruins. He went straight to the comm terminal after touching it.

    *The two look back at Adenheim, who's still drawing symbols on himself, humming the tune, chuckling hysterically every so often.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Just had a thought. Who's the current Shadow Lord?

    OOC: we will get there dont worry
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob: well i assume you want me to come to wherever it is your going.

    S'tel: you are sharp Mr. Halsey

    Jacob: well lets see what you got

    S'tel taps a few controls on his wrist as the beam out and after a short trip Arrive at a large starbase surronded by a small group of ships.

    S'tel leads jacob to a large command center where activity is high

    S'tel: sir ibrought him here as you requested
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Jacob looks at the heavily armored and armed man in the center of the room.

    M'Tran: welcome jacob halsey we have much to discuss.

    Jacob: do we

    M'Tran: yes we do we both share a same enemy. A man called stane. We know he has been meeting with many criminal organization. We dont know what he is doing yet i have a few agents in his group but so far no one has gotten anything yet. I know you are after him. I propose an alliance. So that we can both deal with this common enemey.

    Jacob: why have i never heard of you people really?

    M'Tran laughs: we like to stay under the radar. That is why we have egents everywhere and have a large amount of money men and ships.

    Jacob: ok what do you want me to do

    m'Tran: just work together now S'tel will show you around the station
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: Ryan, if you want you can just have Sam talk to the council. The comm link will automatically shut down when she's done.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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