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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Tarsus IV, Orion Syndicate controlled zone. A young Orion Women (late teens - early 20s) is walking around small living quarters. She's wearing casual attire for the era when her door chime goes off.*

    Telana D'ian: Come in.

    *An Orion Male comes in, dragging Sara in with him. Sara's missing her knife and disruptor pistol.*

    Orion: Telana, we found her trying to book passage to the city from Davos Space Port.

    She had this on her.

    *He passes Telana a small piece of plastic-like material, bearing a green crest of several loops. Telana's face starts to fill with anger.*

    Telana: Tr'ian.

    Sara: Telana, Tara wanted me to--

    *Telana punches her across the face, knocking her to her hands and knees before kicking her in the abdomen, rolling her onto her back, and then stomping on her throat.*

    Telana: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, Tr'ian!

    Sara *choking*: If... you'd... get off...

    *Telana removes her foot, letting Sara get up. Sara rubs her neck for a few moments.*

    Thank you...

    Tara asked me to give you this.

    *She holds out a data rod.*

    I don't know what's on it. She mentioned a joint venture...

    Telana: I should kill you.

    Sara: Listen kid, you got lucky just now. You're 19, with less than average hand-to-hand training. Why don't you direct me to your Sister and I'll talk to her?

    *Telana punches Tara in the gut before drawing her knife, getting Tara in a neck-lock from behind, and putting the knife at her throat.*

    Telana: If you DARE mention Mara in my presence EVER again, I will kill you where you stand, got it?!

    Sara: Why? She cut your allowance again?

    *Telana tightens her grip around Tara's neck.*

    Listen Tel, the only reason you're not on the floor right now is cos I'm going easy on you! Now, why don't you just get Ma--

    Telana: Your 'friends' at Republic Intel killed her a month ago, targ!

    Sara: Look, Tara is NOT a Republic Agent! That you have my word on!

    Telana: Your word isn't worth much these days, Sara!

    You killed Dara 2 months ago, which took away my only reason for not wiping out your cartel, and before that, your sister killed Myanne D'san!

    Sara: I also kept the Car'moon Alliance from wiping out you and half the other Cartels, if I remember correctly! Now, 5 seconds!

    Telana: Or what?!

    Sara: 4!



    *Sara grabs the arm holding Telana's knife and twists it before elbowing Telana in the gut and grabbing the knife.*


    Telana: You're not going anywhere!

    Sara: Wanna bet?

    Look at the damn rod and decide what you're going to do about us after that!

    *Telana glares at Sara for a second, before nodding to the guard, who grabs Sara's arm and starts to lead her out.*

    Telana: Tr'ian.

    When you see Cora, tell her that if I see her, I'll do to her what I'll do to your whole family.

    *6 hours later. Sara's back on the Duranus Ship. She's with Tara in her Ready Room.*

    Tara: Well?

    Sara: Mara's dead. She was killed by the Republic a Month ago.

    Tara: Then who's--?

    Sara: Telana.

    Tara: She's a kid!

    Sara: That 'kid' had a knife to my throat. Mara was the 'speak to' girl of the D'ian Cartel. Megann didn't even seem to be around!

    Tara: Megann'll be there.

    Sara: And if she is? What's there to say she won't want us dead as much as Telana does?

    Tara: Megann isn't the kind to hold a grudge. She knows this'll help both our Cartels.

    Sara: About that. I've risked my life now. I want in.

    Tara: Sara--

    Sara: Tara, I have put my life on the line for you more times than I can count! You can either let me in on what's going on, or I'll take charge!

    Tara: And how do you plan on--?

    Sara: Smashing your skull into a bulkhead, for starts!

    Tara: Okay, okay.

    You know Torros III?

    Sara: Sure. It's a Cardassian Shipyard. Everyone knows that!

    Tara: Well, while I was on the Republic, I downloaded the schematics and patrol patterns for the entire base. With both Cartels working together, we can take the shipyards and hold them.

    Sara: Share them with D'ian? You trust her?

    Tara: Oh, I trust Telana about as far as I can shoot her, but Megann? Yeah, I trust her.

    Sara: What about Starfleet?

    Tara: Please. Once we have the Base, it'll be a simple matter of turning the defences against our enemies.

    Oh, did I forget to mention that I stole the prefix codes for the network?

    Sara: Well, you've certainly covered our bases well. I knew there was a reason I let you run the show, instead of beating you into a pulp.

    Tara: Well, I try.

    *She tries calling Stane on a secure channel. The comm terminal beeps quietly while Stane's in his meeting.*

    It'll probably take a few minutes for Stane to answer if he's in a meeting.

    Stane: *calls back* Yes Tara.. How may I help you today.. Forgive my tardiness I was servicing a customer...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Just had a thought. Who's the current Shadow Lord?

    OOC: It seems my guess was right. To answer your question... still the Lord.. He was defeated yes but the child of light did not do the slaying... Dorman did if you remember... and had his entire soul dragged down into oblivion... Yes I am explaining the ending of the shadow war. So yes I could explain it but it seems you found an eerie way to do it..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: It seems my guess was right. To answer your question... still the Lord.. He was defeated yes but the child of light did not do the slaying... Dorman did if you remember... and had his entire soul dragged down into oblivion... Yes I am explaining the ending of the shadow war. So yes I could explain it but it seems you found an eerie way to do it..

    OOC: When i refer to him we are refering now to the organiation not the shadows themselves though that gives me a few ideas
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    S'tel: now i will take you to the leader of the shadow alliance

    Jacob: but i thought

    S'tel: laughs you think our leader would be just standing around laughs he would laugh at that as well.

    They arrive at a large ready room with large wooden desk one wall containes a large library of books.there is a door to one side of the room.

    S'tel gestures for jacob to have a seat. As he sits a man walks in from the other door. He is in his 30s and is wearing medium body armor with a phaser pistol in its holster and a combat knife on his belt.

    S'tel: may i present Lenox Rommel Leader of the shadow alliance

    Lenox: thank you S'tel can you please make sure we arent interrupted.

    S'tel: yes sir
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lenox: So Jacob i assume the informed you of our situation

    Jacob: Yes he did.

    Lenox: I would appreciate it if you where willing to help us i think we could end this alot faster. The last thing i need is a war between the crime families. I think you will agree starfleet and none of the major powers would want a war between the crime families. Im sure you know most dont follow your govt weapons laws.

    Jacob: Alright i will help you

    Lenox: good ill send S'tel to pick up your friend blake tal is alread here and helping get our ships prepared if a war breaks out. We will take every advantege we get. We may have shadow tech but we are outnumbered by some of the groups like the orion families.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: It seems my guess was right. To answer your question... still the Lord.. He was defeated yes but the child of light did not do the slaying... Dorman did if you remember... and had his entire soul dragged down into oblivion... Yes I am explaining the ending of the shadow war. So yes I could explain it but it seems you found an eerie way to do it..

    I was referring to the leader of the Shadow Alliance Criminal Organisation, not the Shadow Race.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    I was referring to the leader of the Shadow Alliance Criminal Organisation, not the Shadow Race.

    Ooc: I clarified that already for him just so he knew.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    I was referring to the leader of the Shadow Alliance Criminal Organisation, not the Shadow Race.

    OOC: Ok.. Not sure as to the Organization.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Icara VII, orbit. The Republic is on-station orbiting the planet.

    Planet Surface, Dig site. Sam is with Doctor Andrews and Doctor Hart, checking on Doctor Adenheim.*

    Andrews: And you say he's been like this for days?

    Hart: Yes. I can't explain it.

    Sam: Doctor?

    *Andrews stands up, looking at Sam.*

    Andrews: Well Captain, I'm not an expert on psychology, but I'd say this is definitely not a physical problem, but a mental one.

    Sam: Doctor Hart, you said this started after he called us here, and after touching the ruin in the dig site. Could there be a connection?

    Hart: I don't see how. A dozen other people touched the artefact without any problems.

    Sam: Well, I think that settles it. I'll call the Damocles; they can pick him up and take him to Starbase 149.

    *Adenheim chuckles, to mumbling incoherently to himself. Sam makes out a flame drawn on his arm. Sam looks at him curiously, before kneeling down in front of him.*

    Doctor Adenheim? Doctor, can you hear me?

    Adenheim *mumbling*: Captain... You are Captain...

    Sam: Yes. I'm Captain Samantha Allington of the Starship Republic. You called us here, remember?

    Adenheim *mumbling*: Ashes... ashes...

    I can see it! They are ashes! Ashes! Ashes!

    Sam: Who?

    Adenheim *mumbling*: N... No! No! I cannot say! *Chuckles hysterically.* They speak, you see? They talk to Adenheim-- yes! They tell me! Must not say! Cannot say!

    *Sam looks at the symbols scrawled on his arms. Sam delicately takes his arm by the wrist and turns it over to view one of the glyphs.*

    They-- they show Adenheim! Symbols! Images! *Chuckles hysterically.*

    Need me! Prophet! Seer! Messenger! Destroyer of worlds! *Chuckles hysterically.*

    *Sam stands up, walking back to the others, looking at him, frightened.*

    You! Y--you hear them too! They speak to you! They tell me-- yes! Need us both! Show us both! Can you see them?!

    *Sam walks out of the tent, sitting on the edge of the dig site. Doctor Andrews walks over and kneels down next to her.*

    Andrews: Captain.

    *Sam looks at him, before nodding.*

    Captain, I shouldn't worry. He's deranged, seeing visions and ghosts where none exist!

    Hart: He's right.

    *Hart is standing behind the two. Sam stands up and faces him, as does Andrews.*

    Sam: The glyphs on his body, what are they?

    Hart: We're not sure. They bare a resemblance to glyphs found on the artefact. I think they were just an outlet for his madness, Captain.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lenox and Jacob finish a meal speaking of current events.

    Lenox: I have had a interesting legacy. For awhile we where able to kinda of control the other cartels and such but recently someone has been giving them more advanced tech.

    Jacob: why would stand want the help of the criminal world.

    Lenox: I don't know. But we have to find out why.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *The twins speak to Sam giving her a similar comfort James would usually try to do.. But they do it in his voice, given his presence in them...*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lenox pours them both a drink.

    Lenox: most people thought that all our family died at the end of the shadow wars. Many also thought that our organization.died then to but it didn't. We just stayed in the shadows. We watched as events happened. Twisting things in the shadows trying to change what we could. Now though I think it is time we step up and engage these other organizations head on.

    Jacob: if stane is helping them that could be bad.

    Lenox: we still have suprise and I still have a shadow cruiser in my arsenal.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *Deep Space 61, Conference Room 12. Republic Civilian Security (Civ-Sec) Captain Jack McDougan is briefing Station Commander James Prentice and Captain John Blazen - the Commanding Officer of the R.S.S. Warren, a Warren-Class Police Cruiser. There's a holo-map of the 'Shoal Zone' - an area of space dotted with nebulae, asteroid fields and pulsars that make civilian star travel difficult without the fold-space nodes and Transwarp Network.

    Even so, many freight companies use the Shoal to move cargo between the United Federation of Planets, Republic of United Star Systems and Romulan Republic as it has 3 thick corridors into each power, meeting in the middle, called the 'tri-cross passage', which is significantly easier to navigate. Smaller freighting companies and independents use the smaller winding passages as they're less regulated and ships can reach higher speeds without having to worry about convoys. It's also much safer than cutting through the nebulae or using the tri-cross.

    Crime Syndicates like the Orion Syndicate and Kar'moon Alliance have made a huge impact preying on lone vessels travelling through the tri-sec, having set up shop in the nearby nebulae. However, many of the ships that do end up destroyed are either Klingon, Orion or civilian merchants caught in the crossfire.*

    McDougan: The Kar'moon Alliance is an alliance of several criminal Cartels, mainly Orion, that utilise a mix of Orion and old Klingon Vessels. With the Klingon Civil War, many ships are going missing at such a rate that neither side can keep track of whether they're going down in skirmishes or are being captured by pirates.

    Prentice: And the Syndicate?

    McDougan: The Syndicate and the Alliance are in a large-scale Gang War, to the point where the majority of Syndicate ships being destroyed are actually responding to the civilian distress calls. They're trying to stop the attacks.

    The Duranus Cartel has made a very profound impact. They've been coming in after the battles and taking what they can back to the transport operators!

    Blazen: They're trying to improve their image!

    McDougan: Obviously, but they're also putting a lot at stake by doing so. The Duranus Cartel are one of the smaller Cartels in the Syndicate. Most of their income comes from preying on Independents or from racketeering, mercenaries, trafficking... you name it!

    Prentice: I know I'm going to regret this, but trafficking what?

    McDougan: Slaves, Narcotics, Pleasure trafficking, Weapons smuggling...

    But, they've been very quiet over the past few weeks.

    One good thing is that the Kar'moon-Syndicate Conflict has put most of the Cartel Wars on hold.

    Prentice: Most?

    McDougan: The Duranus and D'ian Cartels are apparently still getting into skirmishes.

    Blazen: Where do I fit into all this?

    Prentice: The Republic can't go into the Shoal Zone. It's Neutral Space. What we can do, is buff up security on our side of the Zone.

    McDougan: Several of the more recent engagements between the Syndicate and the Alliance have been spilling into Republic and Federation Space. Having Police Vessels on emergency stand-by has let us capture a couple of Kar'moon ships, but we're thinking bigger.

    Prentice: That's where Operation: Constable comes in. Operation: Constable will consist of 3 Task Forces: Task Force Warren, Task Force Stacy, and Task Force Hewart.

    McDougan: Task Force Warren will consist of your Vessel and 11 others, with you in overall command. You will take individual patrol positions along this area of the Shoal. *He points a a highlighted red line along the edge of the Republic's side of the Shoal, near and around the tri-cross*

    Task Force Stacy will also consist of 12 Vessels, but will be deployed in pairs along this area. *He points at a blue highlighted area near one of the densest nebulae, where a large number of the firefights have taken place.*

    Task Force Hewart will remain here for emergency response should either Task Force need assistance.

    Your orders are to attempt to capture any Alliance or Syndicate Vessels engaged in combat within our space. If either ship are wanted for previous offences within the Federation or Republic, arrest the crew and impound the vessel. If not, determine which ship initiated combat, and arrest that crew. Let the other one go.

    Blazen: Understood. What if we meet heavy resistance aboard the ships?

    Prentice: The 7th Fleet is on stand-by here at the Station in case of emergency. If you need Marine Forces to capture a hostile vessel, they'll get support to you.

    Each Task Force Leader will submit weekly reports to the Station, and each vessel will submit daily reports to the Task Force Leader.

    Blazen: Understood. Is that all?

    Prentice: I believe so. Captain?

    McDougan: I have nothing to add, Commander.

    Blazen: Then excuse me. Captain *nods to McDougan*, Commander *nods to Prentice, then leaves.

    Prentice looks at McDougan.*

    Prentice: What's the security situation?

    McDougan: Okay, so far. Aside from the Mob War out there, things haven't been too bad. We had a Drunk and Disorderly last night, but nothing major. I doubt that--

    *His combadge chirps.*

    Voice *Over combadge*: 204, I've got a 10-15 in progress on the promenade! Multiple suspects, shots fired! Requesting Back-up! Code 30 - Officer under fire and Officer down!

    McDougan: Sh--!

    *McDougan and Prentice run out of the Conference Room.*

    Prentice: Security, emergency on the Promenade! Reinforce Civ-Sec Officers on scene! Medical Emergency!

    *OOC: Just showing how bad the situation can get, and giving some background on the Kar'moon Alliance, as I've only mentioned them previously.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lenox walks with Jacob around the station.

    Lenox: we have word of stanes movements. We can leave in a few hours.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ooc: will be at work for 4 more hours.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Deep Space 61, Conference Room 12. Republic Civilian Security (Civ-Sec) Captain Jack McDougan is briefing Station Commander James Prentice and Captain John Blazen - the Commanding Officer of the R.S.S. Warren, a Warren-Class Police Cruiser. There's a holo-map of the 'Shoal Zone' - an area of space dotted with nebulae, asteroid fields and pulsars that make civilian star travel difficult without the fold-space nodes and Transwarp Network.

    Even so, many freight companies use the Shoal to move cargo between the United Federation of Planets, Republic of United Star Systems and Romulan Republic as it has 3 thick corridors into each power, meeting in the middle, called the 'tri-cross passage', which is significantly easier to navigate. Smaller freighting companies and independents use the smaller winding passages as they're less regulated and ships can reach higher speeds without having to worry about convoys. It's also much safer than cutting through the nebulae or using the tri-cross.

    Crime Syndicates like the Orion Syndicate and Kar'moon Alliance have made a huge impact preying on lone vessels travelling through the tri-sec, having set up shop in the nearby nebulae. However, many of the ships that do end up destroyed are either Klingon, Orion or civilian merchants caught in the crossfire.*

    McDougan: The Kar'moon Alliance is an alliance of several criminal Cartels, mainly Orion, that utilise a mix of Orion and old Klingon Vessels. With the Klingon Civil War, many ships are going missing at such a rate that neither side can keep track of whether they're going down in skirmishes or are being captured by pirates.

    Prentice: And the Syndicate?

    McDougan: The Syndicate and the Alliance are in a large-scale Gang War, to the point where the majority of Syndicate ships being destroyed are actually responding to the civilian distress calls. They're trying to stop the attacks.

    The Duranus Cartel has made a very profound impact. They've been coming in after the battles and taking what they can back to the transport operators!

    Blazen: They're trying to improve their image!

    McDougan: Obviously, but they're also putting a lot at stake by doing so. The Duranus Cartel are one of the smaller Cartels in the Syndicate. Most of their income comes from preying on Independents or from racketeering, mercenaries, trafficking... you name it!

    Prentice: I know I'm going to regret this, but trafficking what?

    McDougan: Slaves, Narcotics, Pleasure trafficking, Weapons smuggling...

    But, they've been very quiet over the past few weeks.

    One good thing is that the Kar'moon-Syndicate Conflict has put most of the Cartel Wars on hold.

    Prentice: Most?

    McDougan: The Duranus and D'ian Cartels are apparently still getting into skirmishes.

    Blazen: Where do I fit into all this?

    Prentice: The Republic can't go into the Shoal Zone. It's Neutral Space. What we can do, is buff up security on our side of the Zone.

    McDougan: Several of the more recent engagements between the Syndicate and the Alliance have been spilling into Republic and Federation Space. Having Police Vessels on emergency stand-by has let us capture a couple of Kar'moon ships, but we're thinking bigger.

    Prentice: That's where Operation: Constable comes in. Operation: Constable will consist of 3 Task Forces: Task Force Warren, Task Force Stacy, and Task Force Hewart.

    McDougan: Task Force Warren will consist of your Vessel and 11 others, with you in overall command. You will take individual patrol positions along this area of the Shoal. *He points a a highlighted red line along the edge of the Republic's side of the Shoal, near and around the tri-cross*

    Task Force Stacy will also consist of 12 Vessels, but will be deployed in pairs along this area. *He points at a blue highlighted area near one of the densest nebulae, where a large number of the firefights have taken place.*

    Task Force Hewart will remain here for emergency response should either Task Force need assistance.

    Your orders are to attempt to capture any Alliance or Syndicate Vessels engaged in combat within our space. If either ship are wanted for previous offences within the Federation or Republic, arrest the crew and impound the vessel. If not, determine which ship initiated combat, and arrest that crew. Let the other one go.

    Blazen: Understood. What if we meet heavy resistance aboard the ships?

    Prentice: The 7th Fleet is on stand-by here at the Station in case of emergency. If you need Marine Forces to capture a hostile vessel, they'll get support to you.

    Each Task Force Leader will submit weekly reports to the Station, and each vessel will submit daily reports to the Task Force Leader.

    Blazen: Understood. Is that all?

    Prentice: I believe so. Captain?

    McDougan: I have nothing to add, Commander.

    Blazen: Then excuse me. Captain *nods to McDougan*, Commander *nods to Prentice, then leaves.

    Prentice looks at McDougan.*

    Prentice: What's the security situation?

    McDougan: Okay, so far. Aside from the Mob War out there, things haven't been too bad. We had a Drunk and Disorderly last night, but nothing major. I doubt that--

    *His combadge chirps.*

    Voice *Over combadge*: 204, I've got a 10-15 in progress on the promenade! Multiple suspects, shots fired! Requesting Back-up! Code 30 - Officer under fire and Officer down!

    McDougan: Sh--!

    *McDougan and Prentice run out of the Conference Room.*

    Prentice: Security, emergency on the Promenade! Reinforce Civ-Sec Officers on scene! Medical Emergency!

    *OOC: Just showing how bad the situation can get, and giving some background on the Kar'moon Alliance, as I've only mentioned them previously.*

    *OOC: I should give a little better idea of a shoal zone. I know I have mentioned it some times.. A shoal Zone as I intended it to be was basically ruins of space battles that have become a place where sensors are moot and useless because of the amount of warp cores that have been destroyed in that area. But I guess that could work too as a different grade of one.. By the way what did she want to talk to Stane about??*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: I should give a little better idea of a shoal zone. I know I have mentioned it some times.. A shoal Zone as I intended it to be was basically ruins of space battles that have become a place where sensors are moot and useless because of the amount of warp cores that have been destroyed in that area. But I guess that could work too as a different grade of one.. By the way what did she want to talk to Stane about??*

    OOC: The Frigates. Basically, when will they be done and what will their specs be.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lenox leads Jacob to a observation area

    Lenox: that there Jacob is our most valuable asset. A shadow cruiser left over from the war.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OOC: very quite today
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: The Frigates. Basically, when will they be done and what will their specs be.

    Stane: My dear they will not be finished for another few months... I trust you have seen something and it has come true my dear?

    *Aide comes in with a set of pads*

    Stane: Get back to me when it makes sense for you...

    *Looks at the pads giving him the information about Jacob and Blake and Tal on the move... Also the movements of the Shadow Group...*

    Stane: *smiles* It appears that we have to move...

    *Looks at a guard and notices how nervous he is*

    Stane: *stands up* Richard do you know what tartarus is ?

    Richard: No...

    *Slits his throat *

    Stane: It is where you will be hung by vines never able to feed yourself or drink..

    *Taps up his com and gives a command in a strange tongue...*

    *Through out his corporation the moles are killed and made to look like accidents.*

    *A Week later Stane is speaking with Adjeca*

    Stane: The cartels have started shipping out the spice out to the desired places in populated worlds.

    Adjeca: Good.. I do wish these people to advance but I do wish for them to know that there are more evil things out there than us. Besides they won't get much of anywhere...
    My agents have been reporting their movements as we made our arrival in this galaxy. Our forces have eliminated a number of their outposts..

    Stane: You wish for me to keep the Klingon Civil War going?

    Adjeca: Just keep supplying them... I have that handled as we speak.

    *Klingon/ Federation border*

    *USS Freedom now being captained by Wax has seen most of its crew remain but new faces put into roles and Damon return to his post. Wax since James' disappearance has been pondering what he can do now in his new post. Damon has been normal trying not to think about what happened... *

    *But that tranquility is about to end...*

    *Klingon warships soon warp in..*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lenox: Jacob we are moving on this location We know stane was there and we have a chancet o find him there.

    Jacob: well lets go
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Lenox: Jacob we are moving on this location We know stane was there and we have a chancet o find him there.

    Jacob: well lets go

    *As they arrive they find Richard's corpse on the ground Strung up... but nothing else... Not even a scrap like no one ever was there... aside from a hologram*

    Hologram of Stane: Welcome Jacob I see you have been looking for me... I have really no time to mess with you currently as I am a business man.. So please enjoy yourselves...

    *As the hologram disappears quicker before they track it terminates the trace. The room explodes into a orangeish smoke very dense. *

    *One of the guards leaves the room and locks it as he reveals himself to be a face dancer and smiles showing off his sharp teeth and pug nose.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *As they arrive they find Richard's corpse on the ground Strung up... but nothing else... Not even a scrap like no one ever was there... aside from a hologram*

    Hologram of Stane: Welcome Jacob I see you have been looking for me... I have really no time to mess with you currently as I am a business man.. So please enjoy yourselves...

    *As the hologram disappears quicker before they track it terminates the trace. The room explodes into a orangeish smoke very dense. *

    *One of the guards leaves the room and locks it as he reveals himself to be a face dancer and smiles showing off his sharp teeth and pug nose.*

    Jacob and lenox both activate filters in there helmets

    Lennox makes his way to the door draws his pistol as jacob opens the door using the power of his suit as they exit the room they slowly make there way back to the ship. Lenox keeping both pistols drawn
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Jacob and lenox both activate filters in there helmets

    Lennox makes his way to the door draws his pistol as jacob opens the door using the power of his suit as they exit the room they slowly make there way back to the ship. Lenox keeping both pistols drawn

    *OOC: They would be tripping out on visions right about now..

    *The Face Dancer watches as both men start tripping out on imaginary things as enough gas got into their systems.. The Gas continues to enter the room the face dancer rips both helmets off their faces causing them to lose the filtration... *

    *He morphs back to the guard and returns to the ship and leaves with it...*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: They would be tripping out on visions right about now..

    *The Face Dancer watches as both men start tripping out on imaginary things as enough gas got into their systems.. The Gas continues to enter the room the face dancer rips both helmets off their faces causing them to lose the filtration... *

    *He morphs back to the guard and returns to the ship and leaves with it...*

    OOC: not going to make this easy are you thats ok i always have a back up plan.

    Lennox taps his wrist in the ship S'tel gets the alarm and grabs his rifle and walks out the door.

    OOC: remember S'tel is a badd a.. merc so if i was going to compare him to someone it would be iron hide

    S'Tel finds the door and akes it all in at a glance as he activates the vents he blows the door open and walks in grabbing the two men as he carries them back to the ship he sets them both down while the emh looks them over.
    S'tel closes the door as he walks back out and primes his rifle

    S'tel: I know you can hear me and unless you leave quickly repare to die
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *OOC: They would be tripping out on visions right about now..

    *The Face Dancer watches as both men start tripping out on imaginary things as enough gas got into their systems.. The Gas continues to enter the room the face dancer rips both helmets off their faces causing them to lose the filtration... *

    *He morphs back to the guard and returns to the ship and leaves with it...*

    OOC: just read that he had left lol
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    S'tel walks into the med bay

    S'tel: Doc i need an update and we need to live.

    EMH: This is an unknown substance i cant just

    S'tel: fix it now ill be on the bridge
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    S'tel walks into the med bay

    S'tel: Doc i need an update and we need to live.

    EMH: This is an unknown substance i cant just

    S'tel: fix it now ill be on the bridge

    *The Future unknown specified time, *OOC Gonna let those two have separate visions and have them notice this but since it is their futures it is going to be well cryptic and a little telling**
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *The Future unknown specified time, *OOC Gonna let those two have separate visions and have them notice this but since it is their futures it is going to be well cryptic and a little telling**

    Ooc: cool sounds interesting.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: cool sounds interesting.

    *OOC: Yeah.. Trust me go ahead and relish yourself for awhile make it like a freaky dream/nightmare/foreshadow with a twist of cryptic*
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