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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *

    *The Republic fleet, having had 20 years to learn Arcadian battle tactics, split off into columns. Taking a lesson from Old Earth Naval tactics, they surround the Legions before turning inward all at once - a battle-turn - from which position all the ships in the columns can open fire with their ZPCs and torpedoes, battering away at the Arcadian ships. The Omahas swing in amidst the carnage, decloaking and making focused runs on single ships in a single column, firing one after the other before recloaking and coming around again.*

    OOC: The Arcadians aren't the only ones who have learned a few things. The Republic did destroy quite a few of their ships at the Romulan Colony as well, remember. ;)
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.

    A. James Jr: Have you had flashes of places you don't remember? Flashes of memories that don't seem like yours? Well they are yours.. but I don't get why you haven't looked into it..

    Tara A: They're just dreams. That's all.

    *OOC: Thinking logically, we've all probably not had dreams where we experience something that hasn't happened and then we experience it for real a few days later. That's where deja bu comes from. But, at the time, we still don't think of them as anything more than dreams.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *

    *The Republic fleet, having had 20 years to learn Arcadian battle tactics, split off into columns. Taking a lesson from Old Earth Naval tactics, they surround the Legions before turning inward all at once - a battle-turn - from which position all the ships in the columns can open fire with their ZPCs and torpedoes, battering away at the Arcadian ships. The Omahas swing in amidst the carnage, decloaking and making focused runs on single ships in a single column, firing one after the other before recloaking and coming around again.*

    OOC: The Arcadians aren't the only ones who have learned a few things. The Republic did destroy quite a few of their ships at the Romulan Colony as well, remember. ;)

    *OOC: Indeed. *

    *They unleash their improved beam weaponry onto the Republic vessels which unleash damage and avoid the dampening field.. including something called a pitch torpedo... The Arcadians assume a Shield formation and hunker down minimizing the damage as much as they can..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: Wish you two calm it down. I don't want you to get sent to the infirmary. *looks around confused as to where Tara A went*

    *Zoe tries to throw a right hook into Karen, but Karen shoves her back before she has a chance. The two then circle each other, Zoe's nose bleeding from a cut across the bridge from the kick.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara B: Woah woah the competition is put on hold until further notice! *picks up Tara A and takes her to the infirmary. Tara M and Serah follow*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.

    A. James Jr: Have you had flashes of places you don't remember? Flashes of memories that don't seem like yours? Well they are yours.. but I don't get why you haven't looked into it..

    Tara A: They're just dreams. That's all.

    *OOC: Thinking logically, we've all probably not had dreams where we experience something that hasn't happened and then we experience it for real a few days later. That's where deja bu comes from. But, at the time, we still don't think of them as anything more than dreams.*

    *OOC: True but for someone like her the signs were there for her to notice something was up.. *

    A. James Jr.: I think right now is not one of them.. This happens about two Earth Years from now. Your probably wondering where my father is... and who is helping the Borg right now..

    *He points up toward the observation deck above them with a face familiar to her.. the memory plays before her as she hears his voice and she does recognize it..*

    Taizen: Don't allow them to escape.. Our invasion and conquest of this realm is beginning.

    *She feels her brain flash as the 'dream' comes to her again and herself at his feet being stomped on.. people dead all around her..*

    A. James Jr. : I assure you aunt that it is not a dream...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *

    *The Republic fleet, having had 20 years to learn Arcadian battle tactics, split off into columns. Taking a lesson from Old Earth Naval tactics, they surround the Legions before turning inward all at once - a battle-turn - from which position all the ships in the columns can open fire with their ZPCs and torpedoes, battering away at the Arcadian ships. The Omahas swing in amidst the carnage, decloaking and making focused runs on single ships in a single column, firing one after the other before recloaking and coming around again.*

    OOC: The Arcadians aren't the only ones who have learned a few things. The Republic did destroy quite a few of their ships at the Romulan Colony as well, remember. ;)

    *OOC: Indeed. *

    *They unleash their improved beam weaponry onto the Republic vessels which unleash damage and avoid the dampening field.. including something called a pitch torpedo... The Arcadians assume a Shield formation and hunker down minimizing the damage as much as they can..*

    *The Arcadian weapons have trouble piercing the Republic's new shielding, though they do batter the Republic shields. The Phased-Quantum torpedoes phase through the shields occasionally, wreaking havoc as they blast apart warp engines and slam against armour plates. One ship, the Yamato-Class R.S.S. Bretagne, fires her Zero-Point Lance once a Discovery-Class identifies the Arcadian shield harmonic, slicing it between the ships in an effort to break the formation.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.

    A. James Jr: Have you had flashes of places you don't remember? Flashes of memories that don't seem like yours? Well they are yours.. but I don't get why you haven't looked into it..

    Tara A: They're just dreams. That's all.

    *OOC: Thinking logically, we've all probably not had dreams where we experience something that hasn't happened and then we experience it for real a few days later. That's where deja bu comes from. But, at the time, we still don't think of them as anything more than dreams.*

    *OOC: True but for someone like her the signs were there for her to notice something was up.. *

    A. James Jr.: I think right now is not one of them.. This happens about two Earth Years from now. Your probably wondering where my father is... and who is helping the Borg right now..

    *He points up toward the observation deck above them with a face familiar to her.. the memory plays before her as she hears his voice and she does recognize it..*

    Taizen: Don't allow them to escape.. Our invasion and conquest of this realm is beginning.

    *She feels her brain flash as the 'dream' comes to her again and herself at his feet being stomped on.. people dead all around her..*

    A. James Jr. : I assure you aunt that it is not a dream...

    OOC: I always put it down to the Mysterious Women's block on her memory. It would be pretty useless if she was able to go trying to circumvent the block, wouldn't it?

    *The memories begin flooding back to her - all the pain and death. The hardest of all: watching her mother burn to save the rest of them. The weight of the memories crash down on her as she breaks down, sobbing.*

    Tara A *sobbing*: Oh my God... Oh God!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *

    *The Republic fleet, having had 20 years to learn Arcadian battle tactics, split off into columns. Taking a lesson from Old Earth Naval tactics, they surround the Legions before turning inward all at once - a battle-turn - from which position all the ships in the columns can open fire with their ZPCs and torpedoes, battering away at the Arcadian ships. The Omahas swing in amidst the carnage, decloaking and making focused runs on single ships in a single column, firing one after the other before recloaking and coming around again.*

    OOC: The Arcadians aren't the only ones who have learned a few things. The Republic did destroy quite a few of their ships at the Romulan Colony as well, remember. ;)

    *OOC: Indeed. *

    *They unleash their improved beam weaponry onto the Republic vessels which unleash damage and avoid the dampening field.. including something called a pitch torpedo... The Arcadians assume a Shield formation and hunker down minimizing the damage as much as they can..*

    *The Arcadian weapons have trouble piercing the Republic's new shielding, though they do batter the Republic shields. The Phased-Quantum torpedoes phase through the shields occasionally, wreaking havoc as they blast apart warp engines and slam against armour plates. One ship, the Yamato-Class R.S.S. Bretagne, fires her Zero-Point Lance once a Discovery-Class identifies the Arcadian shield harmonic, slicing it between the ships in an effort to break the formation.*

    *The Arcadian lead vessel soon finds its surprise.. and shifts its attack wings with piercing green.. Some kind of plasma weapon that burns the shielding of the Republic vessel.. giving them an opening. Firing a new torpedoes phased along the band of the quantum fields. It seems caustic to the hulls but the radiation they give off seems to kill the crew in the effected areas..*

    Ops: Thalaron radiation signatures.. Arcadian numbers are going down but it seems they have leveled the field.. We are going to lose a lot of people if this keeps up..
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    OoC: Ryan is anyone going to react to Tara B having to take Tara A away?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.

    A. James Jr: Have you had flashes of places you don't remember? Flashes of memories that don't seem like yours? Well they are yours.. but I don't get why you haven't looked into it..

    Tara A: They're just dreams. That's all.

    *OOC: Thinking logically, we've all probably not had dreams where we experience something that hasn't happened and then we experience it for real a few days later. That's where deja bu comes from. But, at the time, we still don't think of them as anything more than dreams.*

    *OOC: True but for someone like her the signs were there for her to notice something was up.. *

    A. James Jr.: I think right now is not one of them.. This happens about two Earth Years from now. Your probably wondering where my father is... and who is helping the Borg right now..

    *He points up toward the observation deck above them with a face familiar to her.. the memory plays before her as she hears his voice and she does recognize it..*

    Taizen: Don't allow them to escape.. Our invasion and conquest of this realm is beginning.

    *She feels her brain flash as the 'dream' comes to her again and herself at his feet being stomped on.. people dead all around her..*

    A. James Jr. : I assure you aunt that it is not a dream...

    *The memories begin flooding back to her - all the pain and death. The hardest of all: watching her mother burn to save the rest of them. The weight of the memories crash down on her as she breaks down, sobbing.*

    Tara A *sobbing*: Oh my God... Oh God!

    A. James Jr: *Picks her up and gives her a caring slap.. back to attention..* Don't grieve just yet.. you still have a chance to avert this to a point.. Just remember time always finds a way to revert to its normal flow..

    You know who he is and so does my father. He was worried when he would show up.. But you need to go back..

    *He touches her shoulder and she finds herself back in the school awake.. but the memory is seared into her head..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *

    *The Republic fleet, having had 20 years to learn Arcadian battle tactics, split off into columns. Taking a lesson from Old Earth Naval tactics, they surround the Legions before turning inward all at once - a battle-turn - from which position all the ships in the columns can open fire with their ZPCs and torpedoes, battering away at the Arcadian ships. The Omahas swing in amidst the carnage, decloaking and making focused runs on single ships in a single column, firing one after the other before recloaking and coming around again.*

    OOC: The Arcadians aren't the only ones who have learned a few things. The Republic did destroy quite a few of their ships at the Romulan Colony as well, remember. ;)

    *OOC: Indeed. *

    *They unleash their improved beam weaponry onto the Republic vessels which unleash damage and avoid the dampening field.. including something called a pitch torpedo... The Arcadians assume a Shield formation and hunker down minimizing the damage as much as they can..*

    *The Arcadian weapons have trouble piercing the Republic's new shielding, though they do batter the Republic shields. The Phased-Quantum torpedoes phase through the shields occasionally, wreaking havoc as they blast apart warp engines and slam against armour plates. One ship, the Yamato-Class R.S.S. Bretagne, fires her Zero-Point Lance once a Discovery-Class identifies the Arcadian shield harmonic, slicing it between the ships in an effort to break the formation.*

    *The Arcadian lead vessel soon finds its surprise.. and shifts its attack wings with piercing green.. Some kind of plasma weapon that burns the shielding of the Republic vessel.. giving them an opening. Firing a new torpedoes phased along the band of the quantum fields. It seems caustic to the hulls but the radiation they give off seems to kill the crew in the effected areas..*

    Ops: Thalaron radiation signatures.. Arcadian numbers are going down but it seems they have leveled the field.. We are going to lose a lot of people if this keeps up..

    *R.S.S. Bretagne.*

    Admiral: Have all columns merge shields and focus them forward. Remodulate the shields every 60 seconds. We have them outnumbered and outgunned.

    *The Omahas earn their paychecks, running in at full speed - smashing through the Arcadian shields and dropping trick alt mines between the densely-packed ships before escaping. The explosions force the Arcadians to break their Testudo Formation as each column begins focusing fire on a single Arcadian ship in the newly-forming squadrons. A few collisions occur in the chaos within the Arcadian fleet, including with one of the Omahas, which loses main power and begins to slow to a stop.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Ryan is anyone going to react to Tara B having to take Tara A away?

    *Sara breaks up the fight, before all 4 of them follow Tara B to the infirmary, as well as several of the other students and instructors present.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.

    A. James Jr: Have you had flashes of places you don't remember? Flashes of memories that don't seem like yours? Well they are yours.. but I don't get why you haven't looked into it..

    Tara A: They're just dreams. That's all.

    *OOC: Thinking logically, we've all probably not had dreams where we experience something that hasn't happened and then we experience it for real a few days later. That's where deja bu comes from. But, at the time, we still don't think of them as anything more than dreams.*

    *OOC: True but for someone like her the signs were there for her to notice something was up.. *

    A. James Jr.: I think right now is not one of them.. This happens about two Earth Years from now. Your probably wondering where my father is... and who is helping the Borg right now..

    *He points up toward the observation deck above them with a face familiar to her.. the memory plays before her as she hears his voice and she does recognize it..*

    Taizen: Don't allow them to escape.. Our invasion and conquest of this realm is beginning.

    *She feels her brain flash as the 'dream' comes to her again and herself at his feet being stomped on.. people dead all around her..*

    A. James Jr. : I assure you aunt that it is not a dream...

    *The memories begin flooding back to her - all the pain and death. The hardest of all: watching her mother burn to save the rest of them. The weight of the memories crash down on her as she breaks down, sobbing.*

    Tara A *sobbing*: Oh my God... Oh God!

    A. James Jr: *Picks her up and gives her a caring slap.. back to attention..* Don't grieve just yet.. you still have a chance to avert this to a point.. Just remember time always finds a way to revert to its normal flow..

    You know who he is and so does my father. He was worried when he would show up.. But you need to go back..

    *He touches her shoulder and she finds herself back in the school awake.. but the memory is seared into her head..*

    *She looks at Tara B from the bio-bed, haunted, her face pale with fear.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara B: What happened? *holds Tara A's hand tight.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson heads over to Harkon
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: What happened? *holds Tara A's hand tight.*

    Tara A *shaken*: I've... I've seen the future...

    Something's coming...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Malick: the problem with trying to fight something you don't know about is yoh can make things better or worse.

    Harper: well then I'm going to ask you to have the goathite put it's resources to helping fight the borg.

    Malick: trust me I plan to. The borg pose a threat to me just as much as they do to you.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara B: What is coming?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Harkon: *to Coulson* Says it needs a new entry. *something on both consoles is beeping*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson: OK well here we go

    He starts messing with the console as fury is with Damien working on the other.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: What is coming?

    Tara A: The Hunt...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper: then how do we stop them.

    Malick: patience my dear admiral. They can be dealt with but we need to be patient.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *

    *The Republic fleet, having had 20 years to learn Arcadian battle tactics, split off into columns. Taking a lesson from Old Earth Naval tactics, they surround the Legions before turning inward all at once - a battle-turn - from which position all the ships in the columns can open fire with their ZPCs and torpedoes, battering away at the Arcadian ships. The Omahas swing in amidst the carnage, decloaking and making focused runs on single ships in a single column, firing one after the other before recloaking and coming around again.*

    OOC: The Arcadians aren't the only ones who have learned a few things. The Republic did destroy quite a few of their ships at the Romulan Colony as well, remember. ;)

    *OOC: Indeed. *

    *They unleash their improved beam weaponry onto the Republic vessels which unleash damage and avoid the dampening field.. including something called a pitch torpedo... The Arcadians assume a Shield formation and hunker down minimizing the damage as much as they can..*

    *The Arcadian weapons have trouble piercing the Republic's new shielding, though they do batter the Republic shields. The Phased-Quantum torpedoes phase through the shields occasionally, wreaking havoc as they blast apart warp engines and slam against armour plates. One ship, the Yamato-Class R.S.S. Bretagne, fires her Zero-Point Lance once a Discovery-Class identifies the Arcadian shield harmonic, slicing it between the ships in an effort to break the formation.*

    *The Arcadian lead vessel soon finds its surprise.. and shifts its attack wings with piercing green.. Some kind of plasma weapon that burns the shielding of the Republic vessel.. giving them an opening. Firing a new torpedoes phased along the band of the quantum fields. It seems caustic to the hulls but the radiation they give off seems to kill the crew in the effected areas..*

    Ops: Thalaron radiation signatures.. Arcadian numbers are going down but it seems they have leveled the field.. We are going to lose a lot of people if this keeps up..

    *R.S.S. Bretagne.*

    Admiral: Have all columns merge shields and focus them forward. Remodulate the shields every 60 seconds. We have them outnumbered and outgunned.

    *The Omahas earn their paychecks, running in at full speed - smashing through the Arcadian shields and dropping trick alt mines between the densely-packed ships before escaping. The explosions force the Arcadians to break their Testudo Formation as each column begins focusing fire on a single Arcadian ship in the newly-forming squadrons. A few collisions occur in the chaos within the Arcadian fleet, including with one of the Omahas, which loses main power and begins to slow to a stop.*

    *The ships reform within the ranks and focus their fire and their Thalaron weaponry.. The Arcadian fighters launch and engages the Omaha class vessels chasing them down making them pay for their problems, while the Arcadian lines soon break and withdraw..leaving a scrambling data probe emitting the EMP pulse..*

    *The cheers in the surviving Republic vessels rips through but after a couple minutes news breaks that it wasn't the main fleet..*

    Ops: Captain.. This wasn't the main Arcadian force.. it was a feint. They captured New Ticonderoga and the Beason systems.. They are in striking range of the Provincial Core.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: What is coming?

    Tara A: The Hunt...

    *Zoe finds a trinket Wilson bought on a table that completely entices her, as if it was calling to her.. Her curiosity itching.. *

    *Elsewhere the lab sees Dr. Lew working on a dead body of one of his colleagues.. The work continues as he hears the voice in his head...*

    Dr. Lew: Your right the work must continue..
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara B: What is the hunt?

    Laura: *is in there too* When is it coming?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *Once both teams get the next set locked in the animals start charging at them. The consoles need the first set of people to use them again.*

    Haekon: Watch my back.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson grabs his rifle and starts firing away as fury does the same and Donavan and the rest set up a permiter
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *It takes several more tries for the third symbol to lock into place and then it locks out for Harkon and Damien. Many of the spider lizards start leaping at the group. The feline horses rushes at them as well roaring*

    Harkon: Shoot them down! *throws a few bombs at the creatures*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Donavan: everyone drop

    He fires a wide sweeping beam of heavy hard light beams that cut through everything in front of him as the charge packs pop out of his wrists.

    Damien: we need to keep moving quickly. Finish the remaining ones off now

    The tact team throws a couple of grenades as well as the rest fore from their rifles.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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