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  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Damien looks at the console

    Damien:give me a moment and I can translate it

    He puts both hands above the console as he speaks a number of words as it starts translation
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper is sitting in his office as Malick walks in.

    Harper: I'm giving you a chance to make right the mistake you made

    Malick: I plan to make full well on the mistakes I've made.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: *walks over to Sara* Hey you wanna fight?

    Sara: You mean in the contest?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Susan: Yeah.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *The translation half works. He is able to partially understand the console. Its basically asking for security clearance and the code has something to do with what the combination of symbols mean.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Damien: OK well we have a general idea. Who wants to figure the rest of this out or do we start guessing.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: Yeah.

    Sara: Sure.

    *The two dash at each other, Zoe locking up with Karen, before she knees her in the gut and throws her against the ropes, putting her guard up again.*

    Zoe *trash-talking*: That the best you got?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Susan: Come on Karen show her who's the boss. So where to? *looks at Sara*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper: so you say you aren't behind the borg returning.

    Malick let's out a small laugh

    Malick: no whoever did that didn't think the entire thing through. They played with something beyond control anD now have unleashed it on the galaxy.

    Harper: then who did
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: Come on Karen show her who's the boss. So where to? *looks at Sara*

    Sara: We have to wait until they're finished.

    Karen: Did I hear that right? Did you just cheer me on? She didn't hit me that hard, did she?

    *She steps away from the ropes, putting her guard up.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Haekon: It might be better to start guessing. They're aren't too many combinations after all.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Susan: Ohhh. I thought there would be more arenas. And yes Karen.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Damien: well then when all else fails

    He starts entering in different combinations
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Susan: Ohhh. I thought there would be more arenas. And yes Karen.

    *Karen faints a charge, which Zoe responds to with a counter charge, getting knocked on her rear as Karen hits her with a back spin kick.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *Tara M sits down next to Serah*

    Tara M: You aren't going to participate?

    Serah: Yeah I figured I wasn't ready since I got beat so bad.

    Tara M: I guess that makes sense. *hugs Serah*

    Susan: Karen take her down.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper: do you know who then

    Malick: I have ideas. Nothing for me to act on.

    Harper: if you know you might as well say. It's not going to do you any good to keep secrets.

    Malick: oh I don't think I'd go that far admiral.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M sits down next to Serah*

    Tara M: You aren't going to participate?

    Serah: Yeah I figured I wasn't ready since I got beat so bad.

    Tara M: I guess that makes sense. *hugs Serah*

    Susan: Karen take her down.

    *Karen bounces on her knees, holding her hands out to her sides tauntingly.*

    Karen: You gonna get up, sister?

    *Zoe picks herself up, snarling as she spears Karen into the corner, so hard that they can hear the metal corner post ring even through the padding. Sara gives an audible wince.*

    OOC: Given Tara A's hijacked for a bit, Tara B's gonna have to be ref'ing this.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Malick: this ship is different then the other ones I've been on.

    Harper: that's because this is an infinity class. A new vessel made to supplement the venator class and the Odin class cruisers.

    Malick: interesting now where we were. Oh yes you will find the enemy who unleashed the borg where not fully ready for what came.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The Arcadians move provocatively on the Republic Holo Grid towards a certain planet Jampos IX under the eye of Republic command, their scout is on the comm*

    Scout: Republic Command.. This is Zulu 8.. We have movement from the Arcadians. They are advancing on Jampos IX, with two legions.

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Sam is called down and arrives 10 minutes later from the MoD, meeting the Naval Admiral in Chief, Admiral William Townsend.*

    Sam: This isn't a good time, Admiral. The Senate's starting talks about impeachment.

    Townsend: I think you'll agree this was worth coming down for.

    *He shows her to the strategic map, showing the telemetry from Zulu-8.*

    Sam: The Arcadians are moving.

    Townsend: Two legions, bound for Jampos IX.

    Sam: What do we know about Jampos IX?

    Commander: Its only a small outpost with a mineral rich crystals down below on the planet. No indigenous population.. We know the Arcadians have participated in other conquests against other peoples as their troop numbers suggest they have tweaked their admission standards to worthy races.. So perhaps they are looking to hold the outpost and gain a beach head into our area of space?

    Townsend: With the dilithium deposits on that planet, it would be very difficult to dislodge them once they secured the system.

    Sam: So what do you need from me?

    Townsend: Your permission to reinitiate hostilities with the Arcadians. The 3rd Omaha Squadron can get behind their lines and attack the troopships before they arrive.

    Sam: Alright... But have them request formal authorisation from the President before they attack. I'll bring him up to speed. Admiral Trudan?

    Trudan: Minister.

    Sam: Send a division of marines to hold that planet. *Sam signs an order on her PADD before handing it to Townsend.* Take whatever defensive measures you think are needed.

    *The two Legion force gains momentum as they gather closer to the system itself, however when the troops arrive they begin their formation assault on the outpost. The Legionaries instead of inserting Legionaries first they send a dozen as it is night time on the planet, these dozen are men with tails that begin to shift and grow from the moonlight it seems. The giant ape stories are now certainly true..*

    *The Scouts below see this attack and begin to confirm with command.. *

    Zulu 8: Command.. The Arcadians arrived faster than anticipated.. They must have found a subspace tunnel, and they are not beaming troops in... Just a dozen.. Giant Apes...

    Townsend: Zulu-8, repeat last transmission. Did you say 'apes'?

    Zulu 8: Yes Sir.. They have sent Apes down.. but the reports below just don't make sense.. how can they have energy attacks..

    Townsend: Pull back. 3rd Squadron is on their way to your position. Continue to shadow the troop ships.

    *Suddenly, one of the troop ships explodes as a pair of Omaha-Class Stealth Recon ships decloak and strafe past, ZPCs blazing. Another pair decloak and make a run on the second troopship.*

    *The Arcadian ships begin to fire on them hitting shield strikes, they seem to have found a way to adapt some of the Republic tech... The defense fleet soon arrives to defend the planet. More than enough to fight for the planet and the two legions.*

    OOC: Is the defence fleet the Republic or the Arcadians?

    *A final pair of Omahas decloak and engage the transports, with the entire squadron engaging the troop convoy in pairs, engaging cloaks after each run, striking like wolves.*

    *OOC: Republic defense Fleet.. The Arcadians are fighting back now.. *

    *The Arcadians open formation into looser lines and a cell takes a squadron to match.. *
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: I think I wanna give Tara A something to move the plot along.. *

    *She finds herself not in the school but on the Enterprise J, the corridor rumbles as it gets hit with another energy weapon. She sees her neice Mila dragging someone in a bio chair... she did not catch the face... a large Klingon is coming along, not far behind is a Romulan woman she doesn't know. *

    Sala: They are coming Harak get the door..

    *Mila is checking the person on the chair as the wrappings have come undone.. revealing James battered and missing an eye, and an arm, along with debris wounds.. He only groans.. not aware of anything. A dark hair young man sprints firing on their pursuers.. The Borg drones.. but these don't look the same as she remembered they look dead..*

    Quinton: They have adapted to these phasers too.. *He chucks it away..*

    *The mute Klingon friend forces the door open and hurries them out.. before sealing it behind him barely in the nick of time but the door is nearly broken from the force of them.. He stays behind to hold the door.*

    Tara A: What the Hell?

    *She notices a similar looking observer wearing an eye patch, armored clothes, and a cybernetic arm grafted onto him, watching the scene quiet.. until he looks up.. It is a different version of her nephew.. She looks back at the other one in the chair.. glossed eye breathing.. but not entirely conscious..*

    A. James Jr: Your not supposed to be here Aunt..

    Tara A: James? What's going on?

    A. James Jr: We both go forward and back.. but not like you. This is a causal loop, but yet something happened here that shouldn't have.. We lose the ship and Casval and many others here.. I do not have that much power to alter anything.. else wise you see me causing his current catatonic state, which it seems I was supposed to cause.

    *He looks at her.. *

    This is not your first time in a situation like this is it? Perhaps its not too late..

    Tara A: I don't understand.

    A. James Jr: Have you had flashes of places you don't remember? Flashes of memories that don't seem like yours? Well they are yours.. but I don't get why you haven't looked into it..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper:well in any case I'm getting a fleet and force put together to push back against the borg

    Malick: be careful admiral
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *Damien finds he can only move the top wheel until he gets the right symbol. Then when Harkon gets the right symbol both consoles lock down and a new life form is required to move the next wheel. The wildlife starts to tale notice of them.*

    Harkon: Need someone over here.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara B: Wish you two calm it down. I don't want you to get sent to the infirmary. *looks around confused as to where Tara A went*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara B: Wish you two calm it down. I don't want you to get sent to the infirmary. *looks around confused as to where Tara A went*

    *OOC: I think to get you guys involved I think a twist is in order..since I did not explain it fully*

    *She finds her on the floor out like a rock but her eyes are a sick shade of white...*
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