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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »

    Tech: President Allington-Forrester is waiting on subspace, ma'am

    Hill: ill take it in the comm room.

    She walks into the room and waits for the doors to seal behind her.

    Hill: security code nine delta fury.

    Computer: security code accepted.

    Hill: open comm channel. I wasnt expecting to hear from the republic, What can I do for you.


    Sam: Commander Hill. I was hoping you could offer SHIELD's assistance with a situation we have developing in the Delta Quadrant.

    *She gives her the information about the Elachi attacks.*
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    nickfury92nickfury92 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    Hill: of course we will. What exactly is it you are wanting or needing.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    nickfury92 wrote: »
    Hill: of course we will. What exactly is it you are wanting or needing.

    Sam: We've confirmed that those disappearances at our colonies are caused by an outside force. Some alien race we've never encountered before attacked one of our colonies and abducted all the colonists.
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    nickfury92nickfury92 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    Hill: I can have a team ready and a carrier sent to take a look if you would like. I want to get someone there sooner then later. As you know they are trying to name a new director so while I have the chance I'll send as much support as I can. Any idea on what they are or why they are takin people?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    nickfury92 wrote: »
    Hill: I can have a team ready and a carrier sent to take a look if you would like. I want to get someone there sooner then later. As you know they are trying to name a new director so while I have the chance I'll send as much support as I can. Any idea on what they are or why they are takin people?

    Sam: All we know is that they're a race sufficiently advanced to possess a fleet of interstellar warships which can hide their presence.

    I need enough resources to be able to investigate this race while also defending against another attack. That's where I need SHIELD. You specialise in simultaneously investigating and reacting to threats.
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    nickfury92nickfury92 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    Hill: Consider it done. I'll have coulson and his team take a look into it an can mobilize a battle group of ships.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    nickfury92 wrote: »
    Hill: Consider it done. I'll have coulson and his team take a look into it an can mobilize a battle group of ships.

    Sam: Thank you, Commander.
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    nickfury92nickfury92 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    Hill: no problem. I'll update you if they find anything.

    Hill types in to call coulson

    Coulson: Hill what can I do for you.

    Hill: you are going to the delta quadrant.
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Tara M: So you still hate her too?


    Laura: I hope I didn't interrupt anything.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: So you still hate her too?


    Laura: I hope I didn't interrupt anything.

    C Tara: No, because she gave me a chance!

    *She shoves Tara M against the wall.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Tara M: And I tried to and you started a fight!
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Jack goes through the streets looking for the next stop... but he meets a familiar and unwelcome sight..The cyborg he met at the start..*

    Raspy: Its been awhile.. Hasn't it? Judging by that last fight it seems you regained your warrior spirit..

    *OOC: Did we get the Orion off the Zhiyal?*

    OOC: Nope.

    *Jack snarls slightly.*

    Jack: What do you want, bub?

    *OOC: Might as well do it and do it peacefully*

    Raspy: Easy.. I only wish to fight you at your best. Right now you are not at the point for a reason.. Dagan wants you to suffer first before he kills you.. Do you remember what happened before you forgot it all?

    *Outside the ship an Orion band with Dagan at its front waiting for the Captain to come out..*

    Jack: No... Only fragments... I can't piece it all together.

    *Spaceport. Drake steps outside to meet them.*

    Drake: Can I help you?

    Dagan: Captain.. *A very curteous nod * I hear you have a certain Orion on board that the Matron wants back..

    *Raspy walks forward...patting him on the shoulder..*

    Raspy: Emery Von Emeris, *Jack tenses up... as if memories are still coming together... Daisy herself being run through accidentally... *

    *Raspy walks away..*

    Find me when you get your memory back.. The man that did this to you and to me and to Fox is still alive.. that is his name..
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Now for a festive part..*

    *The Federation Manse on the token meeting colony for the delegations of the Confederation.. Terry is ignoring his work as he observes Sia and Dani setting up a Christmas tree while the help is rather confounded by the independence of both women.. *

    Terry: I almost forgot it was that time of year...

    *Dani smiles back at him.*

    Dani: It's been a long year, hasn't it?

    Terry: Yeah.. it has been a long year. *He stands up and walks over to her holding her close especially over her stomach.. *

    Though I am surprised at how many around the galaxy and in Pegasus are celebrating the holidays...

    Sia: My people shared things communally but I think the holiday in your culture is perhaps needed.. Though I am still trying to grasp what it means.

    Dani: It's about coming together as a community to celebrate what we have.

    *She smiles at Terry before kissing him.*
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Finally.. free at last..sick but finally some time to get some work done depending on where stuff is going.*

    OOC: Okay, basically, Tara A is ready to talk to Sasha whenever you're ready. I have a story thread to finish off with West in Pegasus and then do you guys want to go ahead and finish off the terrorist arc?

    Oh, and Merry Christmas all!

    *OOC: Okay.. I do wanna get into some Creator stuff... also I have a revenent (Evil dead people.. It is christmas after all.. heh hehe hehe* Idea in mind. *

    *Sasha is in her quarters... Luckily they had not packed her stuff just yet. She looks at her scarf, lonely doesn't quite cover what she is feeling.. She sets aside her equipment at a ready place by the door, the suit she was wearing was taken by Fali who wanted to examine it and repaint it.. Her hair had grown a bit longer than the shorter style she preferred.. The brown eyes were now stern.. and harder than they were before. *

    *Sasha smirks when she hears Tara A.. behind her..*

    Sasha: Never noticed you were a mouth breather before..

    *Tara A folds her arms, smiling softly.*

    Tara A: I never noticed you had that good an ear before. Besides, you get used to it when you end up dealing with broken noses a lot.

    How are you feeling, Sash?

    Sasha: * breaths deeply..* Where do I even start.. The ears was something they improved as well... Just feels off now being back here..

    Tara A: You're with friends now, Sash. That's gotta be worth something, right? *She puts a hand on her shoulder.*

    Besides, remember how I felt when we first met?

    Sasha: I guess it is.. *She sits down... some injection marks and incision cuts are still present as the work out clothes show on her midriff.. *

    Sasha: I guess lonely does fit in some manner..

    *Tara A sits down next to her.*

    Tara A: You're not alone.

    Although, the timing couldn't be worse. I've just gotten to the point where I think I can take you head-on, without those enhancements... *She smiles jovially.*

    Mind you, Kira seemed pretty eager to get you in the ring with them.

    Sasha: If you applied those abilities of yours more, it would even out and probably still beat me.

    *Tara A. has images flash through her eyes. Things she doesn't know.. but the words still remain.. *

    Familiar voice: He must win..

    *Sasha looks at Tara A. and waves a hand in front of her..*

    Sasha: Hey are you okay? Tara!

    *Tara A blinks, shaking her head.*

    Tara A: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a moment, I guess.

    Sash, using my powers wouldn't exactly be fair. When I'm actually in danger, sure, but not in a fight for fun.

    You didn't answer my question about Kira.

    Sasha: Kira wasn't expecting losing. Something I guess that rubbed her the wrong way. Which I think is a bit necessary, can't expect to win every time.

    They did say I would age much slower now... Can't say I am looking froward to that side effect.

    Tara A: You did seriously wound her boyfriend and her mentor right in front of her; I think that's what p***ed her off, not the fact you beat her.

    *Meanwhile, somewhere on Pegasus Prime, the compound housing the gang who augmented Sasha seem to be slowly losing guards.*

    Security Station *Over Comm*: Tower 4, report.

    Guard: Tower 4 here. Everything's quiet for now.

    Securit *Over Comm*: Understood. Next check in at 2230.

    Guard: Understood. Tower 4 out.

    *He puts his comm down, and an arrow flies straight into his chest, with him falling to the floor.*

    Hawk *Over Comm*: That's the last perimeter guard, Cap. You got 30 minutes at most.

    Sanders *Over Comm*: Got it. Wait 5 and come in after me.

    *Sanders pops over the precipice of the tower, grabbing the guard's ID and infiltrating the base. He's spent a week with Hawk trying to find this place, and now he's finally inside.

    Meanwhile, on a hill a few minutes away, Hawk is watching the perimeter wall, glancing at his chronometer every few moments. After 5 minutes, he puts his helmet on and sneaks in after Sanders.*

    Hawk: Showtime.

    *OOC: I guess we can move forward with the fall of Big Boss I guess..*

    Sasha: Yeah but that was not all me.. Ebren had a hand in that..

    *OOC: It's not Big Boss' faction they're moving against; it's the faction that abducted Sasha.*

    Tara A: Only after your helmet was knocked off - you'd already beat the tar out of them by that point.

    *OOC: I did have plans in motion for them to be diverted and led to this angle.. *

    Sasha: So.. Should I expect her to be a bit vengeful..?

    Tara A: Depends on what you mean by vengeful. She definitely wants a rematch.

    *She looks at Laura.*

    Hey, Laura.

    Sasha: Should I ask who she is?
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Tara A... hears more in her head but with something ominous *

    Voice: Everything they have built will fall, and from the ashes of their world.. We will build a better one.

    *a familiar voice grunts as if being beaten down.. and a foot on their chest..*

    Familiar voice: He must win...

    *Who they all are is still not visible.. but it begins to worry her..*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Laura: I'm like her. I'm from another universe further along where our Mom got with a different person. Albeit I may not have acted like she did when I found out my parents weren't together. My name is Laura. Who are you? *looks at Sasha*


    *Tara M stops seeming so angry for some reason*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Laura: I'm like her. I'm from another universe further along where our Mom got with a different person. Albeit I may not have acted like she did when I found out my parents weren't together. My name is Laura. Who are you? *looks at Sasha*


    *Tara M stops seeming so angry for some reason*

    Sasha: Mirror Universe Theory.. its a funny thing. Surprised we are not up to our backsides in you guys. I am her friend..

    *She looks at Tara A... who is spaced out again..*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    OoC: Oh Laura's father is Ruben. Not the special one who watches over with the Guardian but the regular one in another universe. So although she is similar she looks different than the Tara's.

    Laura: She does that a lot. And I meant name I could already tell you were a friend.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    Sasha: *Smirks...* Sasha..
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Laura: So whatcha doin?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    Sasha: Chatting with Tara A. and maybe going to take a shower...
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Laura: Well you do smell... *smiles teasingly*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Laura: Well you do smell... *smiles reasingly*

    Sasha: uh huh.. Tara
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    OoC: Damn that was meant to be a teasing smile. Curse you weird auto correct

    *Laura chuckles*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: And I tried to and you started a fight!

    C Tara: And I'm about to start another!

    *She tenses up.*
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Jack goes through the streets looking for the next stop... but he meets a familiar and unwelcome sight..The cyborg he met at the start..*

    Raspy: Its been awhile.. Hasn't it? Judging by that last fight it seems you regained your warrior spirit..

    *OOC: Did we get the Orion off the Zhiyal?*

    OOC: Nope.

    *Jack snarls slightly.*

    Jack: What do you want, bub?

    *OOC: Might as well do it and do it peacefully*

    Raspy: Easy.. I only wish to fight you at your best. Right now you are not at the point for a reason.. Dagan wants you to suffer first before he kills you.. Do you remember what happened before you forgot it all?

    *Outside the ship an Orion band with Dagan at its front waiting for the Captain to come out..*

    Jack: No... Only fragments... I can't piece it all together.

    *Spaceport. Drake steps outside to meet them.*

    Drake: Can I help you?

    Dagan: Captain.. *A very curteous nod * I hear you have a certain Orion on board that the Matron wants back..

    *Raspy walks forward...patting him on the shoulder..*

    Raspy: Emery Von Emeris, *Jack tenses up... as if memories are still coming together... Daisy herself being run through accidentally... *

    *Raspy walks away..*

    Find me when you get your memory back.. The man that did this to you and to me and to Fox is still alive.. that is his name..

    Drake: And what Matron might that be?
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Laura: Well you do smell... *smiles reasingly*

    Sasha: uh huh.. Tara

    Tara A: I'm fine... Just zoned out for a sec.

    *OOC: Going to point out, her memories of the other timeline are still blocked.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Laura: You do that a lot.


    Tara M: Maybe we shouldn't fight right now.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Laura: You do that a lot.


    Tara M: Maybe we shouldn't fight right now.

    *Laura suddenly trips as soon as she tries to walk as one of her feet is held in midair by a yellow aura.*

    Tara A: "I'm sorry, what were you saying? I could see your lips moving, but I don't speak b****."

    *Smirks as she gets up and helps Laura to her feet.

    S.S. Tora Zhiyal.*

    C Tara: Why not? You scared?
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,246 Arc User
    Laura: Hey what the hell?


    Tara M: No... I just got a bad feeling... *looks around*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Laura: Hey what the hell?


    Tara M: No... I just got a bad feeling... *looks around*

    Tara A: That's what you get for being a smarta** to someone with telekinesis.

    *Tora Zhiyal.*

    C Tara: Like what?
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