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  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Damn I just remembered something from back before Allen vanished. I forgot about my mysterious cyborg man.

    Tara M: So why'd you help if you aren't getting paid?


    *While mason is doing that another person goes missing at the colony. One of the security officers*

    *Sara blinks I surprise, before groaning.*

    Sara: Great, you're a telepath...

    Her boyfriend asked me to help, and after I heard what he was planning...

    As to why I said I was getting paid... Taking favours isn't exactly good for my image. Besides, I don't want Tara getting the idea I like her!

    *The Ship in orbit scans to find where he was taken.*

    Tara M: Okay why dont you?


    *There is no evidence of where he was taken. In fact there is no evidence of him at all. Just like the other colonists he is simply gone.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Damn I just remembered something from back before Allen vanished. I forgot about my mysterious cyborg man.

    Tara M: So why'd you help if you aren't getting paid?


    *While mason is doing that another person goes missing at the colony. One of the security officers*

    *Sara blinks I surprise, before groaning.*

    Sara: Great, you're a telepath...

    Her boyfriend asked me to help, and after I heard what he was planning...

    As to why I said I was getting paid... Taking favours isn't exactly good for my image. Besides, I don't want Tara getting the idea I like her!

    *The Ship in orbit scans to find where he was taken.*

    Tara M: Okay why dont you?


    *There is no evidence of where he was taken. In fact there is no evidence of him at all. Just like the other colonists he is simply gone.*

    Sara: I was hired to capture her and take her to Tr'ian a couple of years ago... You could say we've had a rocky acquaintanceship.

    *Mason orders the colony to be quarantined and for all outgoing traffic to be searched.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: Samana's mom?


    *There is no evidence on the outgoing traffic of any kidnapped people. The colonist are no longer threatened by the agitated wildlife as they seem to have stopped.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Samana's mom?


    *There is no evidence on the outgoing traffic of any kidnapped people. The colonist are no longer threatened by the agitated wildlife as they seem to have stopped.*

    Sara: No, Samana herself.

    *Mason starts examining sensor logs of the system, looking for anything abnormal.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: *sighs* Well I guess that makes sense. Maybe I ought to ask her about it.


    *The is a spatial animal in the system. It seems natural occuring though one other colony reported one with disappearances*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: *sighs* Well I guess that makes sense. Maybe I ought to ask her about it.


    *The is a spatial animal in the system. It seems natural occuring though one other colony reported one with disappearances*

    Sara: That's probably not a good idea. That was three years ago; Samana was obsessed with holding Tara responsible for her sister's death.

    *Mason has the nearby ship scan the anomaly.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: Well at least she isn't so much like that now.


    *The anomaly seems to serve no purpose other than distorting sensor readings. It could be eliminated with a proper deflector*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Now for a festive part..*

    *The Federation Manse on the token meeting colony for the delegations of the Confederation.. Terry is ignoring his work as he observes Sia and Dani setting up a Christmas tree while the help is rather confounded by the independence of both women.. *

    Terry: I almost forgot it was that time of year...

    *Dani smiles back at him.*

    Dani: It's been a long year, hasn't it?

    Terry: Yeah.. it has been a long year. *He stands up and walks over to her holding her close especially over her stomach.. *

    Though I am surprised at how many around the galaxy and in Pegasus are celebrating the holidays...

    Sia: My people shared things communally but I think the holiday in your culture is perhaps needed.. Though I am still trying to grasp what it means.

    Dani: It's about coming together as a community to celebrate what we have.

    *She smiles at Terry before kissing him.*
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Finally.. free at last..sick but finally some time to get some work done depending on where stuff is going.*

    OOC: Okay, basically, Tara A is ready to talk to Sasha whenever you're ready. I have a story thread to finish off with West in Pegasus and then do you guys want to go ahead and finish off the terrorist arc?

    Oh, and Merry Christmas all!

    *OOC: Okay.. I do wanna get into some Creator stuff... also I have a revenent (Evil dead people.. It is christmas after all.. heh hehe hehe* Idea in mind. *

    *Sasha is in her quarters... Luckily they had not packed her stuff just yet. She looks at her scarf, lonely doesn't quite cover what she is feeling.. She sets aside her equipment at a ready place by the door, the suit she was wearing was taken by Fali who wanted to examine it and repaint it.. Her hair had grown a bit longer than the shorter style she preferred.. The brown eyes were now stern.. and harder than they were before. *

    *Sasha smirks when she hears Tara A.. behind her..*

    Sasha: Never noticed you were a mouth breather before..

    *Tara A folds her arms, smiling softly.*

    Tara A: I never noticed you had that good an ear before. Besides, you get used to it when you end up dealing with broken noses a lot.

    How are you feeling, Sash?

    Sasha: * breaths deeply..* Where do I even start.. The ears was something they improved as well... Just feels off now being back here..

    Tara A: You're with friends now, Sash. That's gotta be worth something, right? *She puts a hand on her shoulder.*

    Besides, remember how I felt when we first met?

    Sasha: I guess it is.. *She sits down... some injection marks and incision cuts are still present as the work out clothes show on her midriff.. *

    Sasha: I guess lonely does fit in some manner..

    *Tara A sits down next to her.*

    Tara A: You're not alone.

    Although, the timing couldn't be worse. I've just gotten to the point where I think I can take you head-on, without those enhancements... *She smiles jovially.*

    Mind you, Kira seemed pretty eager to get you in the ring with them.

    Sasha: If you applied those abilities of yours more, it would even out and probably still beat me.

    *Tara A. has images flash through her eyes. Things she doesn't know.. but the words still remain.. *

    Familiar voice: He must win..

    *Sasha looks at Tara A. and waves a hand in front of her..*

    Sasha: Hey are you okay? Tara!

    *Tara A blinks, shaking her head.*

    Tara A: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a moment, I guess.

    Sash, using my powers wouldn't exactly be fair. When I'm actually in danger, sure, but not in a fight for fun.

    You didn't answer my question about Kira.

    Sasha: Kira wasn't expecting losing. Something I guess that rubbed her the wrong way. Which I think is a bit necessary, can't expect to win every time.

    They did say I would age much slower now... Can't say I am looking froward to that side effect.

    Tara A: You did seriously wound her boyfriend and her mentor right in front of her; I think that's what p***ed her off, not the fact you beat her.

    *Meanwhile, somewhere on Pegasus Prime, the compound housing the gang who augmented Sasha seem to be slowly losing guards.*

    Security Station *Over Comm*: Tower 4, report.

    Guard: Tower 4 here. Everything's quiet for now.

    Securit *Over Comm*: Understood. Next check in at 2230.

    Guard: Understood. Tower 4 out.

    *He puts his comm down, and an arrow flies straight into his chest, with him falling to the floor.*

    Hawk *Over Comm*: That's the last perimeter guard, Cap. You got 30 minutes at most.

    Sanders *Over Comm*: Got it. Wait 5 and come in after me.

    *Sanders pops over the precipice of the tower, grabbing the guard's ID and infiltrating the base. He's spent a week with Hawk trying to find this place, and now he's finally inside.

    Meanwhile, on a hill a few minutes away, Hawk is watching the perimeter wall, glancing at his chronometer every few moments. After 5 minutes, he puts his helmet on and sneaks in after Sanders.*

    Hawk: Showtime.

    *OOC: I guess we can move forward with the fall of Big Boss I guess..*

    Sasha: Yeah but that was not all me.. Ebren had a hand in that..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull is pacing around with the council debating on the next head of Shield..*

    Councilmen 3: With Fury gone, we should move forward to appoint a successor. There are no more known enemies on a map any longer. The world unlike some people want to believe has become much more opaque, filled with shadows. In those Shadows, Shield must focus their attentions. With regulation of mercenaries comes another bastion of development.

    Valorum: Who do you suggest then? Maria Hill is just another Fury..

    Fox: It seems we need to consider those on the list of suitable candidates.. Maria Hill has a long record of service as does Coulson.. But their inability to curb the gang warfare in Pegasus is rather disappointing.

    Skull: *Finally looks at the council* Why not myself.. ?

    Valorum: Why you indeed?

    Fox: Care to elaborate?

    Skull: Fury brought me on to head your part of SHIELD that engages in support and clean up of those messes the public doesn't need to know about. War operations my record is stellar.. What is needed is a new Director that knows this new galaxy, after the war, this is an age of terrorism and proxy conflict. Its no longer about nations... As the councilman said earlier. The world has changed. Why not give it to someone that knows this.

    Councilmen 3: We will deliberate Operative.. Your reports and speaking are appreciated.

    *Skull watches as the Council leaves to their deliberation chamber.. With a smirk he leaves placing his black hat on his head at the doors his men are there to escort him back to the safe house. *

    Skull: Keep a contingent here to watch over the council. We don't need anything happening to them.

    Councillor Trevak: If I might make a suggestion? What about that O.S.S. Director? Mason, I believe?

    Valorum: The OSS director? His record does speak for itself but can he control the mercenaries now in play is my concern..

    Fox: Right now, How much does he realize that the game is much different now than it was.. and can he regulate the new economy that is starting to take off.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull is pacing around with the council debating on the next head of Shield..*

    Councilmen 3: With Fury gone, we should move forward to appoint a successor. There are no more known enemies on a map any longer. The world unlike some people want to believe has become much more opaque, filled with shadows. In those Shadows, Shield must focus their attentions. With regulation of mercenaries comes another bastion of development.

    Valorum: Who do you suggest then? Maria Hill is just another Fury..

    Fox: It seems we need to consider those on the list of suitable candidates.. Maria Hill has a long record of service as does Coulson.. But their inability to curb the gang warfare in Pegasus is rather disappointing.

    Skull: *Finally looks at the council* Why not myself.. ?

    Valorum: Why you indeed?

    Fox: Care to elaborate?

    Skull: Fury brought me on to head your part of SHIELD that engages in support and clean up of those messes the public doesn't need to know about. War operations my record is stellar.. What is needed is a new Director that knows this new galaxy, after the war, this is an age of terrorism and proxy conflict. Its no longer about nations... As the councilman said earlier. The world has changed. Why not give it to someone that knows this.

    Councilmen 3: We will deliberate Operative.. Your reports and speaking are appreciated.

    *Skull watches as the Council leaves to their deliberation chamber.. With a smirk he leaves placing his black hat on his head at the doors his men are there to escort him back to the safe house. *

    Skull: Keep a contingent here to watch over the council. We don't need anything happening to them.

    Councillor Trevak: If I might make a suggestion? What about that O.S.S. Director? Mason, I believe?

    Valorum: The OSS director? His record does speak for itself but can he control the mercenaries now in play is my concern..

    Fox: Right now, How much does he realize that the game is much different now than it was.. and can he regulate the new economy that is starting to take off.

    Trevak: His department is responsible for dealing with exactly the kind of internal threats we are now seeing; he has the experience and the will to combat illegal activity.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Well at least she isn't so much like that now.


    *The anomaly seems to serve no purpose other than distorting sensor readings. It could be eliminated with a proper deflector*

    Sara: What happened back there? In the cell?

    *The ship uses its deflector to disperse the anomaly.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Now for a festive part..*

    *The Federation Manse on the token meeting colony for the delegations of the Confederation.. Terry is ignoring his work as he observes Sia and Dani setting up a Christmas tree while the help is rather confounded by the independence of both women.. *

    Terry: I almost forgot it was that time of year...

    *Dani smiles back at him.*

    Dani: It's been a long year, hasn't it?

    Terry: Yeah.. it has been a long year. *He stands up and walks over to her holding her close especially over her stomach.. *

    Though I am surprised at how many around the galaxy and in Pegasus are celebrating the holidays...

    Sia: My people shared things communally but I think the holiday in your culture is perhaps needed.. Though I am still trying to grasp what it means.

    Dani: It's about coming together as a community to celebrate what we have.

    *She smiles at Terry before kissing him.*
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Finally.. free at last..sick but finally some time to get some work done depending on where stuff is going.*

    OOC: Okay, basically, Tara A is ready to talk to Sasha whenever you're ready. I have a story thread to finish off with West in Pegasus and then do you guys want to go ahead and finish off the terrorist arc?

    Oh, and Merry Christmas all!

    *OOC: Okay.. I do wanna get into some Creator stuff... also I have a revenent (Evil dead people.. It is christmas after all.. heh hehe hehe* Idea in mind. *

    *Sasha is in her quarters... Luckily they had not packed her stuff just yet. She looks at her scarf, lonely doesn't quite cover what she is feeling.. She sets aside her equipment at a ready place by the door, the suit she was wearing was taken by Fali who wanted to examine it and repaint it.. Her hair had grown a bit longer than the shorter style she preferred.. The brown eyes were now stern.. and harder than they were before. *

    *Sasha smirks when she hears Tara A.. behind her..*

    Sasha: Never noticed you were a mouth breather before..

    *Tara A folds her arms, smiling softly.*

    Tara A: I never noticed you had that good an ear before. Besides, you get used to it when you end up dealing with broken noses a lot.

    How are you feeling, Sash?

    Sasha: * breaths deeply..* Where do I even start.. The ears was something they improved as well... Just feels off now being back here..

    Tara A: You're with friends now, Sash. That's gotta be worth something, right? *She puts a hand on her shoulder.*

    Besides, remember how I felt when we first met?

    Sasha: I guess it is.. *She sits down... some injection marks and incision cuts are still present as the work out clothes show on her midriff.. *

    Sasha: I guess lonely does fit in some manner..

    *Tara A sits down next to her.*

    Tara A: You're not alone.

    Although, the timing couldn't be worse. I've just gotten to the point where I think I can take you head-on, without those enhancements... *She smiles jovially.*

    Mind you, Kira seemed pretty eager to get you in the ring with them.

    Sasha: If you applied those abilities of yours more, it would even out and probably still beat me.

    *Tara A. has images flash through her eyes. Things she doesn't know.. but the words still remain.. *

    Familiar voice: He must win..

    *Sasha looks at Tara A. and waves a hand in front of her..*

    Sasha: Hey are you okay? Tara!

    *Tara A blinks, shaking her head.*

    Tara A: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a moment, I guess.

    Sash, using my powers wouldn't exactly be fair. When I'm actually in danger, sure, but not in a fight for fun.

    You didn't answer my question about Kira.

    Sasha: Kira wasn't expecting losing. Something I guess that rubbed her the wrong way. Which I think is a bit necessary, can't expect to win every time.

    They did say I would age much slower now... Can't say I am looking froward to that side effect.

    Tara A: You did seriously wound her boyfriend and her mentor right in front of her; I think that's what p***ed her off, not the fact you beat her.

    *Meanwhile, somewhere on Pegasus Prime, the compound housing the gang who augmented Sasha seem to be slowly losing guards.*

    Security Station *Over Comm*: Tower 4, report.

    Guard: Tower 4 here. Everything's quiet for now.

    Securit *Over Comm*: Understood. Next check in at 2230.

    Guard: Understood. Tower 4 out.

    *He puts his comm down, and an arrow flies straight into his chest, with him falling to the floor.*

    Hawk *Over Comm*: That's the last perimeter guard, Cap. You got 30 minutes at most.

    Sanders *Over Comm*: Got it. Wait 5 and come in after me.

    *Sanders pops over the precipice of the tower, grabbing the guard's ID and infiltrating the base. He's spent a week with Hawk trying to find this place, and now he's finally inside.

    Meanwhile, on a hill a few minutes away, Hawk is watching the perimeter wall, glancing at his chronometer every few moments. After 5 minutes, he puts his helmet on and sneaks in after Sanders.*

    Hawk: Showtime.

    *OOC: I guess we can move forward with the fall of Big Boss I guess..*

    Sasha: Yeah but that was not all me.. Ebren had a hand in that..

    *OOC: It's not Big Boss' faction they're moving against; it's the faction that abducted Sasha.*

    Tara A: Only after your helmet was knocked off - you'd already beat the tar out of them by that point.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: What do you mean? The fighting or why Tara was knocked out?


    *A massive Elachi dreadnought is revealed. It is far more advanced than the older ones in game sporting a more advanced look and is bigger. It immediate fires on the ship deploying many fighters and a few escorts. A fee smaller cruisers and escorts appear from other areas in the system. The other ships head to the colony and begin invading. The dreadnought jams communications.*

    OoC: Faced with this force they are better off running away. Also if I still remember correctly the Elachi never realm existed in the thread like in game so this would be the first encounter since Archer's time and likely a connection wouldn't be immediately made.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: What do you mean? The fighting or why Tara was knocked out?


    *A massive Elachi dreadnought is revealed. It is far more advanced than the older ones in game sporting a more advanced look and is bigger. It immediate fires on the ship deploying many fighters and a few escorts. A fee smaller cruisers and escorts appear from other areas in the system. The other ships head to the colony and begin invading. The dreadnought jams communications.*

    OoC: Faced with this force they are better off running away. Also if I still remember correctly the Elachi never realm existed in the thread like in game so this would be the first encounter since Archer's time and likely a connection wouldn't be immediately made.

    Sara: Both.

    *OOC: Maybe have Tara M and C Tara hold a bit of a grudge against each other?*

    *The ship quickly jumps out with her fold-space drive and reports its findings to Mason.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    OOC: WOW i come back from christmas vacation and Allen is back !! looks like i need to catch up now
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull is pacing around with the council debating on the next head of Shield..*

    Councilmen 3: With Fury gone, we should move forward to appoint a successor. There are no more known enemies on a map any longer. The world unlike some people want to believe has become much more opaque, filled with shadows. In those Shadows, Shield must focus their attentions. With regulation of mercenaries comes another bastion of development.

    Valorum: Who do you suggest then? Maria Hill is just another Fury..

    Fox: It seems we need to consider those on the list of suitable candidates.. Maria Hill has a long record of service as does Coulson.. But their inability to curb the gang warfare in Pegasus is rather disappointing.

    Skull: *Finally looks at the council* Why not myself.. ?

    Valorum: Why you indeed?

    Fox: Care to elaborate?

    Skull: Fury brought me on to head your part of SHIELD that engages in support and clean up of those messes the public doesn't need to know about. War operations my record is stellar.. What is needed is a new Director that knows this new galaxy, after the war, this is an age of terrorism and proxy conflict. Its no longer about nations... As the councilman said earlier. The world has changed. Why not give it to someone that knows this.

    Councilmen 3: We will deliberate Operative.. Your reports and speaking are appreciated.

    *Skull watches as the Council leaves to their deliberation chamber.. With a smirk he leaves placing his black hat on his head at the doors his men are there to escort him back to the safe house. *

    Skull: Keep a contingent here to watch over the council. We don't need anything happening to them.

    Councillor Trevak: If I might make a suggestion? What about that O.S.S. Director? Mason, I believe?

    Remmings is sitting there present via hologram.

    Remmings: Mason or Hill would both be good choices. The sooner we decide the sooner we can get things back to a sense of normal operations.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    UNSC Fleet comm command

    Admiral Sewell walks into a room where a man is sitting at his desk waiting for him.

    Sewell: so ONI is breaking into my own office now?

    Jarvis: come now if I wanted to have broken in you wouldnt have known I had been here.

    Sewell: what is it you want now.

    Jarvis: you where able to deal with the Forerunner?

    Sewell: we seemed to have stopped whatever he was planning for now. Thanks to Coulson and his team.

    Jarvis: that will have to be enough then, Thank you admiral.

    Jarvis gets up and walks past sewell as he leaves the room.

    Sewell: I hate ONI.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *Shortly after that the Elachi finish up abducting the rest of the colony. There's no evidence of the elachi left once they are done*


    Tara M: Well her clone knocked her out then started a fight with me. I kicked her TRIBBLE though.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Shortly after that the Elachi finish up abducting the rest of the colony. There's no evidence of the elachi left once they are done*


    Tara M: Well her clone knocked her out then started a fight with me. I kicked her TRIBBLE though.

    Mason: This is Mason. Get me the President.

    *2 hours later, Sam is hosting a cabinet meeting with Mason.*

    Sam: I want the entire Navy on high alert. Same goes for the PDFs.

    Kudar: Madam President, you're talking about a full-scale mobilisation based on one incident.

    Mason: It's not just one incident, Prime Minister. Whoever this race is, they've abducted people from a dozen colonies, and now they've abducted an entire colony of our people.

    Sam: That's an act of war if I've ever heard one.

    Kudar: You know as well as I do that is wind of this gets out to the Senate...

    Sam: We'll tell them the truth; one of our colonies has been attacked and we need to mobilise the Delta Quadrant Fleets.

    *Kudar relents, turning to the Minister of Defence, Char Luka.*

    Kudar: How long would it take?

    Luka: To mobilise our Delta Quadrant naval forces? Not that long; 3 days. The problem is, we don't have enough fleets in Delta to actively patrol the entire colonial region.

    Sam: What about separating them into Battle Groups?

    Luka: I'd have to check with the Admiralty Board.

    Sam: Alright. Assign Admiral Forrester to operations.

    Luka: I already planned to.

    Sam: What about the PDF?

    Luka: They can be mobilised to ready status within 48 hours. That's not the problem: the colonies have relatively small PDF garrisons. We'd need to reinforce them heavily, and that amounts to a war footing.

    Kudar: Meaning Senate oversight.

    Sam: It would take too long and block the trade lanes anyway. Have each battlegroup take a company of marines with them.

    Luka: Understood, Madam President.

    Mason: I need to stress something, people. We don't know the tactical abilities of their ships. What we do know is that this isn't a small-scale operation: it's an invasion. You can mobilise the Delta Fleets all you want, but we all know we don't have the resources for another major conflict if it turns out these forces have the advantage over us.

    Sam: Agreed. I'll call SHIELD and President Allen. I'll also send a request for support to the UNSC.

    If there's nothing else?

    Alright, we'll meet again same time tomorrow.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Shortly after that the Elachi finish up abducting the rest of the colony. There's no evidence of the elachi left once they are done*


    Tara M: Well her clone knocked her out then started a fight with me. I kicked her TRIBBLE though.

    Sara: You sound a little... grudging...
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: She started a fight with me for no good reason!


    *Unknown Location*

    Mephiles: Well it looks like our friends have finally had to reveal themselves to the republic. It was only a matter of time till the republic would figure out that something was happening. *turns to an aide* I suspect we should have them turn down the frequency of the abductions if not stop them for now. Or atleast do so for the forces in republic space.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Lux is in his office speaking with Hill.

    Lux: I wanted to take the time to thank you directly for SHIELDS help in the last operation.

    Hill: its our job sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: She started a fight with me for no good reason!


    *Unknown Location*

    Mephiles: Well it looks like our friends have finally had to reveal themselves to the republic. It was only a matter of time till the republic would figure out that something was happening. *turns to an aide* I suspect we should have them turn down the frequency of the abductions if not stop them for now. Or atleast do so for the forces in republic space.

    Sara: So, that would be a 'yes'?

    *Dalos Alpha Prime, Admiralty Building. Matt walks into the War Room to find two other Admirals and Minister Luka waiting for him.*

    Matt: If this is a surprise birthday party, you're two months early.

    Luka: We have a situation.

    *One hour later.*

    Matt: Alright, we can cover the entire frontier in the Delta Quadrant if we divide the Delta Quadrant fleets into 5 Battle Groups each.

    Admiral Kilrayne: That'll spread our forces pretty thin.

    Matt: Each Battle Group will have one Battle Cruiser at the very least - either a Titan-Class or a Matthew Neilson-Class Battleship. They should also have at least 4 Daring-Class Destroyers with them.

    Admiral Kar'ak: That leaves us two capital ships short.

    Matt: I can handle that. We'll pull the R.S.S. Republic and the R.S.S. Enterprise from the Home Fleet.

    Kar'ak: The Battle Groups won't be very big.

    Matt: It's the best we can do with what's in Delta.

    Kar'ak: I know. Why don't you transfer the UNSC Border Fleet to Delta? That would almost double our available light forces.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: Yes.


    *Laura sighs unable to find Tara A*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Yes.


    *Laura sighs unable to find Tara A*

    OOC: You know, she could just ask the computer. ;)

    *Sara shakes her head.*

    Sara: Yep, you're definitely related...

    *As she walks out.*

    Do me a favour? Don't tell Tara I rescued her for free.

    *After another hour, Tara M is walking around, bumping into C Tara in the corridor.*

    C Tara: Watch it!
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: I thought they would have locked you up for a few days after what you did.


    *Laura asks the computer where Tara A is.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: I thought they would have locked you up for a few days after what you did.


    *Laura asks the computer where Tara A is.*

    C Tara: Yeah, well I guess Forrester trusts me to to cause trouble, so Drake trusts me too.


    Computer: Tara Allen is in Crew Quarters. Deck Three, Quarters C24.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Hill: now if you dont have anything further to discuss I need to get back to my ship to see what the situation is. I know something is going on somewhere and want to know what. With the council in session deciding on a new director things have been tense.

    Lux: by all means. Thank you for your help. It was most needful.

    Hill nods as she beams up to the waiting carrier.

    Hill: report?
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Tara M: I ought to talk to Tara about that...


    *Laura heads there*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Hill: now if you dont have anything further to discuss I need to get back to my ship to see what the situation is. I know something is going on somewhere and want to know what. With the council in session deciding on a new director things have been tense.

    Lux: by all means. Thank you for your help. It was most needful.

    Hill nods as she beams up to the waiting carrier.

    Hill: report?

    Tech: President Allington-Forrester is waiting on subspace, ma'am
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