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  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Tara M: *panting* Thanks


    Laura: I was hoping we could hang out if you're not too busy. It seems like you've been avoiding me since I got here.


    *Triss chokes and struggle*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: *panting* Thanks


    Laura: I was hoping we could hang out if you're not too busy. It seems like you've been avoiding me since I got here.


    *Triss chokes and struggle*

    *Emma takes a moment to catch her breath, before getting into a stance and circling again.*

    Emma: Okay, bring it on.


    Sam: Okay. What would you like to do?

    *Anaxis IV. Leeds tries to keep the hold on, but trying to avoid choking Triss entirely.*

    Leeds: Tap.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Tara M: Okay. *does the same*


    Laura: Can we watch a movie together?


    Triss: No... *tries to throw her off*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Okay. *does the same*


    Laura: Can we watch a movie together?


    Triss: No... *tries to throw her off*

    *Emma waits a moment before trying to tackle Tara M down.


    Sam: Sure.

    *Anaxis IV. Leeds keeps the headscissors on as she rolls onto her back to the side.*

    Leeds: I insist...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson: then I'm sure you already know why I'm here.

    Burns: probably. How did you get through security?

    Coulson: I have my ways. You posses a special skill set. The ability to work in the field and collect Intel as well and able to hack most security systems. A combination not normally seen all together.

    Burns: and?

    Coulson: I'd like you to consider joining my team. It's small but we still are managing to do good. I could also use a man of your skill set as well.

    Burns: and how soon do you need to know?

    Coulson: you can take a few days to think about it. I'll be back around to speak to you when I think you decided. I have a few others here to look at and see of they have what it takes as well.

    He gets up and smiles as he walks out.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M throws her*


    Laura: Really? *seems excited and as if she expected her to say no* You can decide what we watch.


    *Triss struggles again being choked again*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M throws her*


    Laura: Really? *seems excited and as if she expected her to say no* You can decide what we watch.


    *Triss struggles again being choked again*

    *Emma crouches down to catch herself, before trying again.

    Ent-J. Sam lets her in and loads a movie on the viewscreen.*

    Sam: What kind of films do you like?

    *Anaxis IV. Leeds gives up after a few moments, releasing Triss and getting to her feet, putting her guard up.*

    Leeds: You just don't know when to quit, do you?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M tackles Emma at the same time*


    Laura: I kinda like axction movies but I don't mind if you pick something else.


    Triss: Well I was about to tap out just to get some air. That's how Kara beat me once. *recovers*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M tackles Emma at the same time*


    Laura: I kinda like axction movies but I don't mind if you pick something else.


    Triss: Well I was about to tap out just to get some air. That's how Kara beat me once. *recovers*

    *Emma tries to wrestle Tara M into the ropes.


    Sam: I have an idea.

    *She loads up an ancient Earth comic book-based show.*

    An animated show good enough? It's nice and mature.

    And the action sequences are awesome.

    *Anaxis IV. Leeds gives Triss a moment.*

    Leeds: It's a classic submission hold. C'mon, you must have learnt to use chokeholds in your first year.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M tries to wrestle her down*


    Laura: Yeah its good. *smiles*


    Triss: Yeah but they always affect me more. I have a hard time with them usually.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Big Boss: The cadets show some talent.. still raw and still clueless to what they will see on the battlefield.

    Chloe: It's only the second week of their second year. Most of them were running for the Marines or the PDF before coming here.
    Mira: *Gets up and grabs Tara by the hair and smashes her face into a pillar. Spinning her around and punching her repeatedly in the face and gut.*

    Look at you.. This old and still an angry brat that can't let go..

    OOC: To be fair, the list of grudges is so long even the Dwarves would be in awe. ;)

    *Tara roars out as she grabs Mira's head and slams it into her knee, before slamming her into the wall with a vicious right hook, following up by grabbing the back of her collar, pulling her back and slamming her face-first into the pillar, pinning her there as she leans her face to Mira's ear.*

    Tara *hateful*: I am going to break every bone in your body!
    Doctor: Your in a hospital.. What all do you remember..

    *Jack notices something as he tries to move..*

    Doctor: You are still hurt.

    Jack: I was attacked...

    Big Boss: A Soldier has to be ready for anything even the PDF... I am sure they can handle it.

    *Mira instead laughs as she strikes Tara hard with two haymakers and taking her by the head and belt. Using her head as a ram on the cabinet door twice..*

    Mira: Really now.. You still don't get it.

    *Uses Tara's head as a ram again breaking the cabinet door..*


    Doctor: Yes.. you have several deep lacerations that required hours of work, including some broken bones..

    Chloe: I know they can. I just meant that you shouldn't expect a massive improvement overnight.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara groggily pulls herself out before violently tackling Mira to the ground, pounding her fists into Mira's skull, cutting her cheeks open quickly.*

    Tara *hateful*: Shut! The! F***! Up!


    Jack: That doesn't make sense... I heal on my own...

    Big Boss: I don't have any illusions to the matter. Not everyone is going to pick up the training immediately, but they will.

    Chloe: What did you have in mind as far as the substance of this training goes?
    Mira: *Sends one kick into her gut cracking the ribs * How about you actually think about what you are doing.

    *She punches Tara's face breaking her already bloody face sending more around from her nose.. *

    *Tara grunts as she picks Mira up and throws her into the wall before sending a harsh straight kick into Mira's back, making her scream in pain.*

    Tara *hateful*: Finishing off the worst nightmare of my life; a crazy, psychotic, sl** of a cloned freak...
    Doctor: *Laughs* Apparently not.

    *Jack seems confused.*

    Jack: I need to see someone... Daniel Drake; his ship is the Tora Zhiyal, at Dock 14...

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Mira is laughing *

    Mira: You still don't get it.

    Look at the mirror..

    *Big Boss leans back, his single eye looks at Chloe..*

    Big Boss: I wanted to gauge where they were at in the morning.. their training itself would be
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Big Boss: The cadets show some talent.. still raw and still clueless to what they will see on the battlefield.

    Chloe: It's only the second week of their second year. Most of them were running for the Marines or the PDF before coming here.
    Mira: *Gets up and grabs Tara by the hair and smashes her face into a pillar. Spinning her around and punching her repeatedly in the face and gut.*

    Look at you.. This old and still an angry brat that can't let go..

    OOC: To be fair, the list of grudges is so long even the Dwarves would be in awe. ;)

    *Tara roars out as she grabs Mira's head and slams it into her knee, before slamming her into the wall with a vicious right hook, following up by grabbing the back of her collar, pulling her back and slamming her face-first into the pillar, pinning her there as she leans her face to Mira's ear.*

    Tara *hateful*: I am going to break every bone in your body!
    Doctor: Your in a hospital.. What all do you remember..

    *Jack notices something as he tries to move..*

    Doctor: You are still hurt.

    Jack: I was attacked...

    Big Boss: A Soldier has to be ready for anything even the PDF... I am sure they can handle it.

    *Mira instead laughs as she strikes Tara hard with two haymakers and taking her by the head and belt. Using her head as a ram on the cabinet door twice..*

    Mira: Really now.. You still don't get it.

    *Uses Tara's head as a ram again breaking the cabinet door..*


    Doctor: Yes.. you have several deep lacerations that required hours of work, including some broken bones..

    Chloe: I know they can. I just meant that you shouldn't expect a massive improvement overnight.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara groggily pulls herself out before violently tackling Mira to the ground, pounding her fists into Mira's skull, cutting her cheeks open quickly.*

    Tara *hateful*: Shut! The! F***! Up!


    Jack: That doesn't make sense... I heal on my own...

    Big Boss: I don't have any illusions to the matter. Not everyone is going to pick up the training immediately, but they will.

    Chloe: What did you have in mind as far as the substance of this training goes?
    Mira: *Sends one kick into her gut cracking the ribs * How about you actually think about what you are doing.

    *She punches Tara's face breaking her already bloody face sending more around from her nose.. *

    *Tara grunts as she picks Mira up and throws her into the wall before sending a harsh straight kick into Mira's back, making her scream in pain.*

    Tara *hateful*: Finishing off the worst nightmare of my life; a crazy, psychotic, sl** of a cloned freak...
    Doctor: *Laughs* Apparently not.

    *Jack seems confused.*

    Jack: I need to see someone... Daniel Drake; his ship is the Tora Zhiyal, at Dock 14...

    Doctor: Of Course..

    *Big Boss looks at Chloe his one eye studying her.*

    Big Boss: Extreme close combat and stealth training with survival training. The final test being an exercise in the jungle here and making it back.

    *Mira laughs *

    Mira: Look at yourself in the mirror fool..

    *Tara looks at the only broken mirror seeing that its not her face but Mira.. *

    Mira: Your becoming me and you don't even care.. so go ahead finish it.. Your dragon is waiting..

    *Chloe thinks for a moment.*

    Chloe: Alright. But I expect to be consulted on any exercises you conduct.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara pulls her fist back, wanting to launch one brutal assault to finish her off, before she feels a knot in her chest, collapsing to her knees, pulling them up to her chest as she starts sobbing.*

    Tara *sobbing*: I wanted to help you...

    Big Boss: Of course you would.. Like a mother hen... he smirks and steps out of the room.

    *Chloe crosses her arms as she watches him leave.*
    Mira: *Shifts to her...* You couldn't, neither of us could. What you do need are people to know, and to help. Cade included she knows your not going to be okay..

    Tara *sobbing*: They all know... Luke, Tara, Emma...

    *She tackles Mira down, half-heartedly trying to wrestle with her.*
    *Drake and Bruce are in the hospital room with Jack..*

    Bruce: Interesting.. your not healing as you normally would. I don't know what could cause this.. Jack was it a cyborg that attacked you?

    Jack: Yes...

    *OOC: Is it good to do the morning session?*

    Mira: You think Cade would want you to finish yourself off..? *She is tired.. *

    It is okay to let go..

    *Hospital *

    Bruce: I have been hearing a lot about a rise of cyborgs in the Private Forces.. I dunno a thing about them.. But Jack.. I would not suggest fighting them.. If they could best even you with your healing factor..

    *Terry looks at Dani...*

    Terry: What are you thinking.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M tries to wrestle her down*


    Laura: Yeah its good. *smiles*


    Triss: Yeah but they always affect me more. I have a hard time with them usually.

    *She succeeds, getting Emma face-down on the mat.

    Ent-J. The show starts with a scene of police cars surrounding a warehouse before a large mechanical rhinocerous smashes through the wall and charges towards them.*

    Sam: Did I mention this is from the 21st Century?

    *She smiles.

    Anaxis IV.*

    Leeds: But you know how to use them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M pins her*

    Tara M: How long do I have to keep you pinned?


    Laura: Yeah. Some of the best are from then. *goes and makes popcorn*


    Triss: Yes?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Big Boss: The cadets show some talent.. still raw and still clueless to what they will see on the battlefield.

    Chloe: It's only the second week of their second year. Most of them were running for the Marines or the PDF before coming here.
    Mira: *Gets up and grabs Tara by the hair and smashes her face into a pillar. Spinning her around and punching her repeatedly in the face and gut.*

    Look at you.. This old and still an angry brat that can't let go..

    OOC: To be fair, the list of grudges is so long even the Dwarves would be in awe. ;)

    *Tara roars out as she grabs Mira's head and slams it into her knee, before slamming her into the wall with a vicious right hook, following up by grabbing the back of her collar, pulling her back and slamming her face-first into the pillar, pinning her there as she leans her face to Mira's ear.*

    Tara *hateful*: I am going to break every bone in your body!
    Doctor: Your in a hospital.. What all do you remember..

    *Jack notices something as he tries to move..*

    Doctor: You are still hurt.

    Jack: I was attacked...

    Big Boss: A Soldier has to be ready for anything even the PDF... I am sure they can handle it.

    *Mira instead laughs as she strikes Tara hard with two haymakers and taking her by the head and belt. Using her head as a ram on the cabinet door twice..*

    Mira: Really now.. You still don't get it.

    *Uses Tara's head as a ram again breaking the cabinet door..*


    Doctor: Yes.. you have several deep lacerations that required hours of work, including some broken bones..

    Chloe: I know they can. I just meant that you shouldn't expect a massive improvement overnight.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara groggily pulls herself out before violently tackling Mira to the ground, pounding her fists into Mira's skull, cutting her cheeks open quickly.*

    Tara *hateful*: Shut! The! F***! Up!


    Jack: That doesn't make sense... I heal on my own...

    Big Boss: I don't have any illusions to the matter. Not everyone is going to pick up the training immediately, but they will.

    Chloe: What did you have in mind as far as the substance of this training goes?
    Mira: *Sends one kick into her gut cracking the ribs * How about you actually think about what you are doing.

    *She punches Tara's face breaking her already bloody face sending more around from her nose.. *

    *Tara grunts as she picks Mira up and throws her into the wall before sending a harsh straight kick into Mira's back, making her scream in pain.*

    Tara *hateful*: Finishing off the worst nightmare of my life; a crazy, psychotic, sl** of a cloned freak...
    Doctor: *Laughs* Apparently not.

    *Jack seems confused.*

    Jack: I need to see someone... Daniel Drake; his ship is the Tora Zhiyal, at Dock 14...

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Mira is laughing *

    Mira: You still don't get it.

    Look at the mirror..

    *Big Boss leans back, his single eye looks at Chloe..*

    Big Boss: I wanted to gauge where they were at in the morning.. their training itself would be
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Big Boss: The cadets show some talent.. still raw and still clueless to what they will see on the battlefield.

    Chloe: It's only the second week of their second year. Most of them were running for the Marines or the PDF before coming here.
    Mira: *Gets up and grabs Tara by the hair and smashes her face into a pillar. Spinning her around and punching her repeatedly in the face and gut.*

    Look at you.. This old and still an angry brat that can't let go..

    OOC: To be fair, the list of grudges is so long even the Dwarves would be in awe. ;)

    *Tara roars out as she grabs Mira's head and slams it into her knee, before slamming her into the wall with a vicious right hook, following up by grabbing the back of her collar, pulling her back and slamming her face-first into the pillar, pinning her there as she leans her face to Mira's ear.*

    Tara *hateful*: I am going to break every bone in your body!
    Doctor: Your in a hospital.. What all do you remember..

    *Jack notices something as he tries to move..*

    Doctor: You are still hurt.

    Jack: I was attacked...

    Big Boss: A Soldier has to be ready for anything even the PDF... I am sure they can handle it.

    *Mira instead laughs as she strikes Tara hard with two haymakers and taking her by the head and belt. Using her head as a ram on the cabinet door twice..*

    Mira: Really now.. You still don't get it.

    *Uses Tara's head as a ram again breaking the cabinet door..*


    Doctor: Yes.. you have several deep lacerations that required hours of work, including some broken bones..

    Chloe: I know they can. I just meant that you shouldn't expect a massive improvement overnight.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara groggily pulls herself out before violently tackling Mira to the ground, pounding her fists into Mira's skull, cutting her cheeks open quickly.*

    Tara *hateful*: Shut! The! F***! Up!


    Jack: That doesn't make sense... I heal on my own...

    Big Boss: I don't have any illusions to the matter. Not everyone is going to pick up the training immediately, but they will.

    Chloe: What did you have in mind as far as the substance of this training goes?
    Mira: *Sends one kick into her gut cracking the ribs * How about you actually think about what you are doing.

    *She punches Tara's face breaking her already bloody face sending more around from her nose.. *

    *Tara grunts as she picks Mira up and throws her into the wall before sending a harsh straight kick into Mira's back, making her scream in pain.*

    Tara *hateful*: Finishing off the worst nightmare of my life; a crazy, psychotic, sl** of a cloned freak...
    Doctor: *Laughs* Apparently not.

    *Jack seems confused.*

    Jack: I need to see someone... Daniel Drake; his ship is the Tora Zhiyal, at Dock 14...

    Doctor: Of Course..

    *Big Boss looks at Chloe his one eye studying her.*

    Big Boss: Extreme close combat and stealth training with survival training. The final test being an exercise in the jungle here and making it back.

    *Mira laughs *

    Mira: Look at yourself in the mirror fool..

    *Tara looks at the only broken mirror seeing that its not her face but Mira.. *

    Mira: Your becoming me and you don't even care.. so go ahead finish it.. Your dragon is waiting..

    *Chloe thinks for a moment.*

    Chloe: Alright. But I expect to be consulted on any exercises you conduct.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara pulls her fist back, wanting to launch one brutal assault to finish her off, before she feels a knot in her chest, collapsing to her knees, pulling them up to her chest as she starts sobbing.*

    Tara *sobbing*: I wanted to help you...

    Big Boss: Of course you would.. Like a mother hen... he smirks and steps out of the room.

    *Chloe crosses her arms as she watches him leave.*
    Mira: *Shifts to her...* You couldn't, neither of us could. What you do need are people to know, and to help. Cade included she knows your not going to be okay..

    Tara *sobbing*: They all know... Luke, Tara, Emma...

    *She tackles Mira down, half-heartedly trying to wrestle with her.*
    *Drake and Bruce are in the hospital room with Jack..*

    Bruce: Interesting.. your not healing as you normally would. I don't know what could cause this.. Jack was it a cyborg that attacked you?

    Jack: Yes...

    *OOC: Is it good to do the morning session?*

    Mira: You think Cade would want you to finish yourself off..? *She is tired.. *

    It is okay to let go..

    *Hospital *

    Bruce: I have been hearing a lot about a rise of cyborgs in the Private Forces.. I dunno a thing about them.. But Jack.. I would not suggest fighting them.. If they could best even you with your healing factor..

    *Terry looks at Dani...*

    Terry: What are you thinking.

    *Tara pins her down, getting ready to strangle her, before...

    She lets go, standing up and holding out a hand to Mira.*

    Tara: Help me...


    Jack: Looks like they've settled that problem for me, haven't they?

    Drake: What has actually happened to his healing factor?


    Dani: I was just thinking...

    We should take care of her, Ter'...

    *OOC: Give me one more post and you'll be good to go for it.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M pins her*

    Tara M: How long do I have to keep you pinned?


    Laura: Yeah. Some of the best are from then. *goes and makes popcorn*


    Triss: Yes?

    Emma: Usually, I go with submission rules, which say you have to make me tap out. So... you'd have to keep me pinned until I got bored and gave up or until I fell asleep; whichever comes first. *Smirks.*

    *Ent-J. The show continues with a figure in a red and blue costume fighting the villain in a street as a crowd gathers behind a police barricade. Near the front is a teenaged girl with short brown hair and a camera, taking photos.

    Anaxis IV.*

    Leeds: I was just wondering why I've never seen you use them.

    Anyway, wanna call it a draw? I'm getting pretty tired, and we've got class tomorrow.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Tara M: Can you tap out then?


    *Laura snuggles up to Sam feeling at home*


    Triss: Sure. *She has a reason for not using them but hasn't told anyone*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Can you tap out then?


    *Laura snuggles up to Sam feeling at home*


    Triss: Sure. *She has a reason for not using them but hasn't told anyone*

    Emma: I'm not bored yet. *Tries to wrestle free.*

    *Ent-J. Sam hugs her gently.

    Anaxis IV.*

    Leeds: So, why haven't I seen you use choke holds before?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    *Tara M keeps her pinned*

    Tara M: But you are tired.


    Laura: Thanks Mom.


    Triss: Personal reasons.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Big Boss: The cadets show some talent.. still raw and still clueless to what they will see on the battlefield.

    Chloe: It's only the second week of their second year. Most of them were running for the Marines or the PDF before coming here.
    Mira: *Gets up and grabs Tara by the hair and smashes her face into a pillar. Spinning her around and punching her repeatedly in the face and gut.*

    Look at you.. This old and still an angry brat that can't let go..

    OOC: To be fair, the list of grudges is so long even the Dwarves would be in awe. ;)

    *Tara roars out as she grabs Mira's head and slams it into her knee, before slamming her into the wall with a vicious right hook, following up by grabbing the back of her collar, pulling her back and slamming her face-first into the pillar, pinning her there as she leans her face to Mira's ear.*

    Tara *hateful*: I am going to break every bone in your body!
    Doctor: Your in a hospital.. What all do you remember..

    *Jack notices something as he tries to move..*

    Doctor: You are still hurt.

    Jack: I was attacked...

    Big Boss: A Soldier has to be ready for anything even the PDF... I am sure they can handle it.

    *Mira instead laughs as she strikes Tara hard with two haymakers and taking her by the head and belt. Using her head as a ram on the cabinet door twice..*

    Mira: Really now.. You still don't get it.

    *Uses Tara's head as a ram again breaking the cabinet door..*


    Doctor: Yes.. you have several deep lacerations that required hours of work, including some broken bones..

    Chloe: I know they can. I just meant that you shouldn't expect a massive improvement overnight.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara groggily pulls herself out before violently tackling Mira to the ground, pounding her fists into Mira's skull, cutting her cheeks open quickly.*

    Tara *hateful*: Shut! The! F***! Up!


    Jack: That doesn't make sense... I heal on my own...

    Big Boss: I don't have any illusions to the matter. Not everyone is going to pick up the training immediately, but they will.

    Chloe: What did you have in mind as far as the substance of this training goes?
    Mira: *Sends one kick into her gut cracking the ribs * How about you actually think about what you are doing.

    *She punches Tara's face breaking her already bloody face sending more around from her nose.. *

    *Tara grunts as she picks Mira up and throws her into the wall before sending a harsh straight kick into Mira's back, making her scream in pain.*

    Tara *hateful*: Finishing off the worst nightmare of my life; a crazy, psychotic, sl** of a cloned freak...
    Doctor: *Laughs* Apparently not.

    *Jack seems confused.*

    Jack: I need to see someone... Daniel Drake; his ship is the Tora Zhiyal, at Dock 14...

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Mira is laughing *

    Mira: You still don't get it.

    Look at the mirror..

    *Big Boss leans back, his single eye looks at Chloe..*

    Big Boss: I wanted to gauge where they were at in the morning.. their training itself would be
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Big Boss: The cadets show some talent.. still raw and still clueless to what they will see on the battlefield.

    Chloe: It's only the second week of their second year. Most of them were running for the Marines or the PDF before coming here.
    Mira: *Gets up and grabs Tara by the hair and smashes her face into a pillar. Spinning her around and punching her repeatedly in the face and gut.*

    Look at you.. This old and still an angry brat that can't let go..

    OOC: To be fair, the list of grudges is so long even the Dwarves would be in awe. ;)

    *Tara roars out as she grabs Mira's head and slams it into her knee, before slamming her into the wall with a vicious right hook, following up by grabbing the back of her collar, pulling her back and slamming her face-first into the pillar, pinning her there as she leans her face to Mira's ear.*

    Tara *hateful*: I am going to break every bone in your body!
    Doctor: Your in a hospital.. What all do you remember..

    *Jack notices something as he tries to move..*

    Doctor: You are still hurt.

    Jack: I was attacked...

    Big Boss: A Soldier has to be ready for anything even the PDF... I am sure they can handle it.

    *Mira instead laughs as she strikes Tara hard with two haymakers and taking her by the head and belt. Using her head as a ram on the cabinet door twice..*

    Mira: Really now.. You still don't get it.

    *Uses Tara's head as a ram again breaking the cabinet door..*


    Doctor: Yes.. you have several deep lacerations that required hours of work, including some broken bones..

    Chloe: I know they can. I just meant that you shouldn't expect a massive improvement overnight.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara groggily pulls herself out before violently tackling Mira to the ground, pounding her fists into Mira's skull, cutting her cheeks open quickly.*

    Tara *hateful*: Shut! The! F***! Up!


    Jack: That doesn't make sense... I heal on my own...

    Big Boss: I don't have any illusions to the matter. Not everyone is going to pick up the training immediately, but they will.

    Chloe: What did you have in mind as far as the substance of this training goes?
    Mira: *Sends one kick into her gut cracking the ribs * How about you actually think about what you are doing.

    *She punches Tara's face breaking her already bloody face sending more around from her nose.. *

    *Tara grunts as she picks Mira up and throws her into the wall before sending a harsh straight kick into Mira's back, making her scream in pain.*

    Tara *hateful*: Finishing off the worst nightmare of my life; a crazy, psychotic, sl** of a cloned freak...
    Doctor: *Laughs* Apparently not.

    *Jack seems confused.*

    Jack: I need to see someone... Daniel Drake; his ship is the Tora Zhiyal, at Dock 14...

    Doctor: Of Course..

    *Big Boss looks at Chloe his one eye studying her.*

    Big Boss: Extreme close combat and stealth training with survival training. The final test being an exercise in the jungle here and making it back.

    *Mira laughs *

    Mira: Look at yourself in the mirror fool..

    *Tara looks at the only broken mirror seeing that its not her face but Mira.. *

    Mira: Your becoming me and you don't even care.. so go ahead finish it.. Your dragon is waiting..

    *Chloe thinks for a moment.*

    Chloe: Alright. But I expect to be consulted on any exercises you conduct.

    *S.S. Tora Zhiyal. Tara pulls her fist back, wanting to launch one brutal assault to finish her off, before she feels a knot in her chest, collapsing to her knees, pulling them up to her chest as she starts sobbing.*

    Tara *sobbing*: I wanted to help you...

    Big Boss: Of course you would.. Like a mother hen... he smirks and steps out of the room.

    *Chloe crosses her arms as she watches him leave.*
    Mira: *Shifts to her...* You couldn't, neither of us could. What you do need are people to know, and to help. Cade included she knows your not going to be okay..

    Tara *sobbing*: They all know... Luke, Tara, Emma...

    *She tackles Mira down, half-heartedly trying to wrestle with her.*
    *Drake and Bruce are in the hospital room with Jack..*

    Bruce: Interesting.. your not healing as you normally would. I don't know what could cause this.. Jack was it a cyborg that attacked you?

    Jack: Yes...

    *OOC: Is it good to do the morning session?*

    Mira: You think Cade would want you to finish yourself off..? *She is tired.. *

    It is okay to let go..

    *Hospital *

    Bruce: I have been hearing a lot about a rise of cyborgs in the Private Forces.. I dunno a thing about them.. But Jack.. I would not suggest fighting them.. If they could best even you with your healing factor..

    *Terry looks at Dani...*

    Terry: What are you thinking.

    *Tara pins her down, getting ready to strangle her, before...

    She lets go, standing up and holding out a hand to Mira.*

    Tara: Help me...


    Jack: Looks like they've settled that problem for me, haven't they?

    Drake: What has actually happened to his healing factor?


    Dani: I was just thinking...

    We should take care of her, Ter'...

    *OOC: Give me one more post and you'll be good to go for it.*

    Terry: I was going to say the same thing..


    Bruce: Jack, Why did you come back out here?

    *Mira stands up with her help, *

    Mira: Remember I am always going to be here..

    *Tara soon wakes up.. drool on her pillow..*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: Waiting.. Waiting... getting real itchy to put it out there.. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson walks through the academy not drawing any attention to himself as he watch instructors and cadets working.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson sits down on a bench in a plaza like area

    Coulson: so you have good news for me

    Erwin: yes and no. I have another prospect for you when your done there. We also have been picking up some strange reading on earth.

    Coulson: earth? Isn't that still desolate and empty?

    Erwin: supposed to be yes.

    Coulson: alright let's get a team ready. We will go look at it when I'm done here.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Coulson walks through the academy not drawing any attention to himself as he watch instructors and cadets working.

    *OOC: Which one?*

    *Big Boss is near the Cadets training and working smoking another cigar.. and puffing the smoke out. Kinjal.. next to him..*

    Big Boss: They do keep getting younger and younger.

    Kinjal: They do.. But as you know there are no angels in our Heaven.. My guess is you were a young enlistee..

    Big Boss: A very long time ago.. I was part of some of the testing they did to perfect the Omega cores they recovered from a certain Warlord's forces.. Though an explosion at the site killed much of the squad I was with.

    Kinjal: How did you survive?

    Big Boss: Luck mostly.. But I did not get that lucky..
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: he's at the Republic one. Same one Burns is at.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    After Coulson ends his transmission he starts walking around the academy again.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: Allen if you want something to happen with Coulson that is fine. He could use some action so whatever is cool.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *Tara M keeps her pinned*

    Tara M: But you are tired.


    Laura: Thanks Mom.


    Triss: Personal reasons.

    Emma: Wanna bet? *She uses all her strength to roll them over so she's on top.


    Sam: No problem.

    *OOC: Okay, Allen, go ahead.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Terry: I was going to say the same thing..


    Bruce: Jack, Why did you come back out here?

    *Mira stands up with her help, *

    Mira: Remember I am always going to be here..

    *Tara soon wakes up.. drool on her pillow..*

    Jack: I was trying to find out what happened to my memory.

    *Zhiyal. Tara slowly lifts her head from the pillow, looking around.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,276 Arc User
    Tara M: Hey! *struggles*


    Laura: Hey Mom do you love me?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Tara M: Hey! *struggles*


    Laura: Hey Mom do you love me?

    *Emma laughs a little as they roll over a couple of times, before she pulls Tara M into an armlock.


    Sam: What are you talking about? You're my daughter! Of course I do!
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