Lately I was having great success in PUG. Great communication, teamwork, and people actually complimenting each other :eek:
Well until today. Two terrible experiences that make me wonder why I play this game when everything is a lottery anyways. I really wish there was more solo play that offered some kind of worth while rewards. :mad:
CGE I'll keep it short
1 Klingon player, 2 fleet mates, 1 girl ( I assume), and myself. Waiting in lobby for shield to come down, no one is saying anything. Shield drops, 1 fleet player starts typing "USE OMEGA" over and over in chat. I have no intention of changing my maco set, especially when he is being rude and said nothing during the wait to start. The girl player explains she doesn't has an omega set. We kill first set of Borg. The 2 fleet mates are still at start and refusing to continue, they than come on speaker and start shouting "USE OMEGA" over and over. Klink player leaves. I am about too leave also, but figure why should I take a 1 hour penalty. I go ahead and start the timer. For the rest of the way the 2 fleet mates bring up the rear while me and the girl take all the punishment.
So with only 4 we miss the option and finally get to Armek. Just as we start the Klingon player returns, disconnected I assume. The 4 of us quickly finish off Armek and for some reason the Klingon player starts using obscenities and calling us all noobs. Even though he was absent the whole time and now will get some free loot. The girl was the only reason I stayed, she was communicating and taking everything in stride with a good sense of humor. So hat's off to her, I was in a far worst mood.
1 player telling everyone what to do, 2nd player telling everyone what he is going to do, 3rd player in a shuttle.
The player in the shuttle refuses to leave. I end up on right side helping with cubes and taking care of probes.
Player 1 is mad at me because he wanted to handle right probes. I didn't want to handle the probes, it defaulted to me because everyone else flew away and he is on the left side, so I have no idea why he is mad. Everyone is bickering back and forth, I just keep my mouth shut and continue to blast away. Player 1 ends up leaving. So 3 of us and a shuttle have to finish the mission. It was painful, but still pushed through and came close on the option.
Only good thing I can say is that I found allot of new people to add to my ignore list...
the fact of the matter is, aside from the rifle, the sets are all practically the same, the only real difference is that the Omega has an innate stealth module power, while the MACO has a reusable shield battery. And the Omega rifle is one of the worst weapons to use in an STF. Whoever these people were, they must have been clearly misinformed or else they were griefing, next time you get something like that, report them for spamming and leave.
I followed some advices from this thread.
I made my private ISE.
I with 2 friends. And 2 players joined us. We were 2 Tacs, (one is my friend), 2 eng ( I and friend) and scientist. In the chat before running private ISE. I said. First the cube and sphere. We go to the left. We follow the 10% rules. Everyone is ok about about? Type "r". Everyone typed "r". We started. When time is came to follow the 10% rules. As usually:eek: Tac was like a fly shoting our own gen except one. I stopped at 10% but he still shoot. Gen blew up. The scientist had not enough dps. And we came in the hell with spheres. I and 2 friends we work together to make clean the place. We all shoot the transformer. For the right side I explained the 10% rules. But I didn't know the scientist had really low dps. When 3 player shot the gen. He was still shoting on his own. We helped him but too late. Finally this no patient Tac left. The low dps scientist left. And we left because at 23% the Tac cube 100%over suddenly.
What I conclude.
Do not play private stf with unknown people.
I definitivly stopped playing stf. I give up. I fed up with afker, saboteur, Tac who are not able to teamwork, people who don't use chat to teamwork. Life is short. Waste 1 hour or more due weird people. No thanks.:mad:
I followed some advices from this thread.
I made my private ISE.
I with 2 friends. And 2 players joined us. We were 2 Tacs, (one is my friend), 2 eng ( I and friend) and scientist. In the chat before running private ISE. I said. First the cube and sphere. We go to the left. We follow the 10% rules. Everyone is ok about about? Type "r". Everyone typed "r". We started. When time is came to follow the 10% rules. As usually:eek: Tac was like a fly shoting our own gen except one. I stopped at 10% but he still shoot. Gen blew up. The scientist had not enough dps. And we came in the hell with spheres. I and 2 friends we work together to make clean the place. We all shoot the transformer. For the right side I explained the 10% rules. But I didn't know the scientist had really low dps. When 3 player shot the gen. He was still shoting on his own. We helped him but too late. Finally this no patient Tac left. The low dps scientist left. And we left because at 23% the Tac cube 100%over suddenly.
What I conclude.
Do not play private stf with unknown people.
I definitivly stopped playing stf. I give up. I fed up with afker, saboteur, Tac who are not able to teamwork, people who don't use chat to teamwork. Life is short. Waste 1 hour or more due weird people. No thanks.:mad:
I am sorry your experiences haven't been as fruitful as others. I would advise taking a bit of a break, make some friends and take them to Carmenara's training academy before trying again.
Yes it's kind of funny @clift@inputend and other forumers I hang out with get all the best PUG experiences each day (we usually run on EST primetimes I believe) while @feistyfawn gets all the worst! Strange.
If you're running elite level I'd recommend EliteSTF channel - they have many experienced players there, hundreds of them at once in fact, who would happily team up with you and provide quite professional support for your missions.
Elite missions KASE and ISE are doable with non Mark 12 ships with a good team (which is almost 90% guaranteed with EliteSTF channel players), it's only Cure that requires max DPS escort builds.
Just keep your invites short and sweet, it's a 100% "Press X for invite" channel, not a chat venue.
Yes it's kind of funny @clift@inputend and other forumers I hang out with get all the best PUG experiences each day (we usually run on EST primetimes I believe) while @feistyfawn gets all the worst! Strange.
I though I got the worst. LOL
It seems like every other PuG I join has nothing but oddys with rainbow technicolor beams and dreadnaughts with skittles cannons. There's often at least 1 shuttle buzzing around doing no or less damage. And there's almost ALWAYS at least one fence setter 75k off in the distance.
Anyhow, The EliteSTF is a good way to go but with all the advertisement of the channel going on they have gotten an unfair share of noobes. Watch their chat screen and you'll see it. Lucky for that and many other Elite channels the Instant Admirals haven't figured out how to add chat channels yet. EliteSTF used to be an inviite only channel. Not anymore....
Darn it... I don't have a bad mission to share. The last couple haven't been TOO bad. (Yes, I am disappointed.)
Play STF as Klingon seems little bit more interesting than to be fed. And it's interesting to be a rude klingon. Play STF without talking with anyone. Do what you have to do and leave it when it becomes worst. People thinks that my klingon is "instant admiral" and I put them in my ignore list when they told me noob. I ignore people because when STF is done I come back to klingon side. That sounds not bad. I like it.
Guy leaves before first turret, luckily we get another player joined instantly (This guy had Mark XII maco, with the alt appearance due to having all elite optionals. Instant trust from me due to experiance).
Two of the tacs kept dying often and quickly, never appeared to heal their injuries. Get to first gate, couldn't even get past it. one time we got lucky and third transmitter activated, but they didn't kill worker drones and the thing reset.
Guy leaves before first turret, luckily we get another player joined instantly (This guy had Mark XII maco, with the alt appearance due to having all elite optionals. Instant trust from me due to experiance).
Two of the tacs kept dying often and quickly, never appeared to heal their injuries. Get to first gate, couldn't even get past it. one time we got lucky and third transmitter activated, but they didn't kill worker drones and the thing reset.
Eventually me and the MACO guy just left.
Cure Ground Normals are bad enough when the team is doing trial and error. It's actually possible to lose the mission early on if people don't know how to work the plasma pulse generators. It can get pretty exciting or frustrating really fast! Especially when no one is guarding the devices. Go back and redo!
For first timers, sometimes no one realizes to time themselves to rush in and set charges on the turrets too. And there comes turrets + pulse gens and suddenly everything goes FUBAR.
Fun times.
With a good team though, it's pretty much commando action all the way. Only the end part with Armek is worrysome due to the random orbital strikes hitting the area. Ironically the safest place (for me) is pretty much hand to hand all the way.
Today I played an IGE. The run itself was quite smooth.
When we finally fought against Rebecca I got the aggro and of course the blue circle. I learned from older runs: Blue circle = don't shoot. So far so good. 'Becca did some damage so I thought: "Okay, as I am not allowed to shoot at least I could heal myself."
So I rerouted my shields and used a hypo. The very next moment I realized that my team members were dead. I was feeling bad because it was my fault. I appologized for not knowing that healing myself hurts others. Seriously that was really unexpected.
Anyway: One player started to PN me and saying bad words at me. Not so nice... He made me feel even more bad. Well at least I learned something new and I do have one more player on my igno.
But how could I expect that healing myself hurts others?
Today I played an IGE. The run itself was quite smooth.
When we finally fought against Rebecca I got the aggro and of course the blue circle. I learned from older runs: Blue circle = don't shoot. So far so good. 'Becca did some damage so I thought: "Okay, as I am not allowed to shoot at least I could heal myself."
So I rerouted my shields and used a hypo. The very next moment I realized that my team members were dead. I was feeling bad because it was my fault. I appologized for not knowing that healing myself hurts others. Seriously that was really unexpected.
Anyway: One player started to PN me and saying bad words at me. Not so nice... He made me feel even more bad. Well at least I learned something new and I do have one more player on my igno.
But how could I expect that healing myself hurts others?
Um never seen this so called blue circle. With Rebecca, the only real problem comes from people not spreading out and then getting hit by the chain lightning. So it wasn't really your fault unless you were hugging close to other players. The other problem people do is call in turrets or otheer things like security, that can make the whole room aggro.
A few weeks ago I was pugging ISE. A good mix of tanks and escorts. Even better the escorts actually had good dps and the tanks actually could tank! What could have been better eh?
Anyway, the cube went down very quickly and no one had a scratch on them. We all went for the left hand gen set and the usual (obligatory) calls of "10%" and "yup" went out and what do you know? It was actually going to plan. The tanks were having a little trouble with their gens so I went and helped out on one of them. Thing is as we got close to the 10% there was a..."lucky crit" or 10 and the damn thing popped early. The tank said on his voice chat "f**k me that's a lot of crits." in a broad Yorkshire accent followed by my "oh b*llocks". Hot our heels was some klink goon screeching over the voice chat "TEN PER-F*CKING-CENT YOU GOONS" in the strongest Belfast accent I have ever heard and I heard quite a few during my time serving in Northern Ireland with the army!
Now I wouldn't have minded so much if he'd set his mic just a little bit lower*. We certainly had the dps to sort out the mess and sorted it out we most certainly did! The thing went down faster than I have ever seen. It was dropped from 100 down to 0 in seconds and I loved it! Things were actually rather rosy even with my embarrassing string of crits. Later on I checked the logs and discovered that during my last scatter volley on that generator I made 37 consecutive critical hits! Nutty doesn't cover it
But you know what my problem with this stf was? It was the Irish guy bellowing on his voice chat "TEN PERCENT" every-few-seconds. He even threw in the odd expletive for good measure.
It ended up going rather well. We had the optional with 4 minutes to spare and no one left! Quite a memorable pug.
I felt rather bad afterwards though. I kept giggling and laughing at the Irishman. I kept worrying that it looked like I was the troll! I don't know what it was, perhaps the accent? The content? The tone of his voice? Maybe it was the apparent patheticness** he was displaying at an event that could happen quite innocently and really didn't matter anyway. Have to admire his persistence though!
There's also the story about the rather "vocal" Scot on the B'ger run in a miranda trying to kill it with harsh language and what looked like an AP turret. That was fun!
*Okay I lied I meant a LOT LOWER.
**Is that even a word?
Today I played an IGE. The run itself was quite smooth.
When we finally fought against Rebecca I got the aggro and of course the blue circle. I learned from older runs: Blue circle = don't shoot. So far so good. 'Becca did some damage so I thought: "Okay, as I am not allowed to shoot at least I could heal myself."
So I rerouted my shields and used a hypo. The very next moment I realized that my team members were dead. I was feeling bad because it was my fault. I appologized for not knowing that healing myself hurts others. Seriously that was really unexpected.
Anyway: One player started to PN me and saying bad words at me. Not so nice... He made me feel even more bad. Well at least I learned something new and I do have one more player on my igno.
But how could I expect that healing myself hurts others?
There's an unwritten Rule of Acquisition somewhere on my IRL business dealings list.
1. If not directly at fault, never apologize.
Some people see politeness and apologies as a sign of weakness and will use it as a target for venting their (ill managed) anger.
I can also confirm that self heals do not attract aggro and is the smart thing to do to take cover when the going gets tough.
Especially on ground Elite you have to be aware of the shots coming at you even before their graphics hit because once damage registers on both server and client side, you're already dead. Thus, not anyone's fault if Ms. Kajal survives longer than the others, it's because she's smart :P
The new respawn timer of course does reward caution. There's no point racking up a death timer - staying alive for 20 seconds more after healing = 20 seconds of active DPS instead of waiting. That room in IGE is also a 'no respawn' encounter, once everyone dies the room must be redone from scratch.
So why the cussing in PM? I for one think that 'issues' aired on team chat can be effective as they might highlight new general knowledge for -the team- to take note and learn from - for instance looking out for 'premature detonation' on ISE, and telling others to not attack tac cubes horizontally to avoid invisitorps.
Cussing - an obvious sign of impatience - never creates any additional DPS and only shuts down any slim chance of effective communication in the group.
Have had two 'iritating' experiences in the past 24 hours:
Now please don't get me wrong - I'm not one for ranting about failing the optional, especially not on normal - I just don't feel that it's really that big a deal. And the mission was completed each time, even if the optional failed.
Anyway - was playing CS normal this morning; it all seemed to be going fine and I did the usual trick of joining a group to attack a specific target, but was keeping my eye on the Kang. Noticed the Borg BOP groups making their way(s) toward the Kang so flew to intercept. Managed to take out two, but the third one managed to get within firing range of the Kang. Managed to take number three down, but not before it had reduced the Kang's shields to 95%. By this time another two groups were heading in my direction. I made a few calls for assistance, but the other team members either didn't have chat screens open or were simply ignoring it.
Now, my ship is an Intrepid Retrofit - MACO sheid, Borg Deflector, Borg engine, Borg console foward and aft mk XI [Borg] antiproton beams and the rest mkXI [Borg] photon torpedo launchers (great, as I can fire off multiple torpedoes in quick succession within a short period of time thanks to their quick cooldown) but it's still a science ship and not big on DPS, though I can hang in a fight for quite a while thanks to the MACO shield and Borg kit.
What it cannot do is handle six BOP's singlehanded. Used every trick in the book, and managed to despatch two of them, but by this time the Kang was at 61% and falling, the optional had (obviously) already failed and I was beginning to doubt that I could deal with the remainer before even more arrived. Thankfully a Dreadnought showed up and destroyed three of the four; but I did feel like saying "what took you so long!"
Second instance was in IS normal - I was dealing with the Probes, and not doing a terrible job of it, but some idiot in a 'Taste the Rainbow' Oddy called "Someone deal with the probes". Advised him that I was doing just that, but would appreciate some support. No reply. Nor did he make any attempt to assist. Thankfully someone in a Star Cruiser arrived to assist but the optional failed anyway, as we didn't manage stop them all. Rainbow Boy then ranted about the probes having been ignored. Didn't bother replying - didn't see much point.
Cure Normal space again, my favorite for noobe activity.
I flew in, said HI as always and head to the right.
I killed a node and looked back at the Kang as I always do.
I saw that all four rainbow technicolor ships (including a klink) had followed me.
Nobody was protecting the Kang.
So I head back, kill all the incoming Borg and low and behold, all 4 of the other ships show up.
Now there's nothing here to kill so what is their plan?
I say, 'Anybody going to kill the cubes?'
No responce.
So I head back to the cube and start on the nodes again.
Low and behold once again, all 4 ships followed me.
So I head back to the Kang where a couple Borg are already shooting.
I kill all the incoming ships and guess what....
All 4 of the other ships followed me.
I say, 'What is this, follow the leader?'
No responce.
So I heal the Kang (which I was sure none of the other 4 had ever seen done before) and wait for the next group of Borg while setting next to the Kang.
I figured I'd shake them if I left them there to fight the Borg.
So the Borg arrive, I take a couple shots and head back to the first cube.
I finish a couple nodes real quick and what do I see? ALL 4 SHIPS FOLLOWED ME BACK WHILE THERE'S BORG SHOOTING THE KANG!
Optional goes bye bye.
I fly back, kill the Borg, heal the Kang, and there they are again! 4 ships, doing nothing.
So now the timers at about 8 minutes, first cube is still alive. I'd changed my setup for tanking a few hours earlier so I wasn't quite as powerful as I once was and didn't have what it takes to finish everything plus protect the Kang by myself in 8 minutes. (I need to fix the setup by the way, thanks for reminding me.)
No responce.
I fly back to the first cube, kill three Borg that had spawned on the way, and the cube finally goes bang
I look back real quck and what do I see? NO SHIPS AT THE KANG!
They had all 4 gone to the third cube and they had bypassed all the incoming Borg ships from both the second and third cubes!. :eek:
Now I'm hot.
No responce.
The Kang is getting clobered and goes boom before I can get back.
So I say, 'Will you noobes please go read the forums about how to do STF's before you try one again?'
I really like reading your words
I don't play STF as Fed but as Klingon (It allow me to be rude:)).
I played KASE.
No say "hi".
We deal with cube. I took the probes.
Trhee players got the other side.
The guy with me we deal with probes and transformers.
Three players killed transformers and gate. And they went help us. Time is coming to fight with Donatra.
After a while. Three left without saying anything.
KASE failed. Interesting, isn't it? I don't care. I just playing my klingon toon and looking for mystery box for exchange
I really like reading your words
I don't play STF as Fed but as Klingon (It allow me to be rude:)).
I played KASE.
No say "hi".
We deal with cube. I took the probes.
Trhee players got the other side.
The guy with me we deal with probes and transformers.
Three players killed transformers and gate. And they went help us. Time is coming to fight with Donatra.
After a while. Three left without saying anything.
KASE failed. Interesting, isn't it? I don't care. I just playing my klingon toon and looking for mystery box for exchange
Sounds like those pataQ are so used to failure, they cannot appreciate success!
I just playing my klingon toon and looking for mystery box for exchange
Yes, It would be cool if we could have a 'Worst STF' contest.
And I agree with you, these days I'm only in it for what I can sell on the exchange. I've been doing the Childrens Toys since the day it came out 3 or 4 times a day and I have yet to get anything I can use on my ship. So, I need credits to buy the stuff.
Yes, It would be cool if we could have a 'Worst STF' contest.
And I agree with you, these days I'm only in it for what I can sell on the exchange. I've been doing the Childrens Toys since the day it came out 3 or 4 times a day and I have yet to get anything I can use on my ship. So, I need credits to buy the stuff.
I'm prepared to host it. What would be a suitable prize? Something useful. Hmm. Secret
I'm about to start my daily STF routine and would be happy to post if anything fails majorly.
Though, knowing my luck, I'll probably end up kicking butt all over the galaxy with some elite Klingon warriors instead with no sort of failure in sight xD
I think their is an old saying that goes, "Hope for success, but prepare for failure" but I could be wrong.
Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Btw Jake I think you may have been trolled in that last one you posted!
I just finished a KASE run. Or more accurately I left before an inevitable failure.
Got in and I gave my now standard "time to rock and roll" in the old C&C commando voice .
No reply. Okay I thought let's go on they may have their volume turned down so we went on. I noticed they were all KDF and all members of the "Orion marauder girls" fleet. Oh and before I forget they were all orion women and all flying a bortas
I sighed, shrugged and went on. I was in my usual fleet escort captained by my tac called Tala. We moved up on the cube, with me being the last in. Surely those 4 in their big beefy bortas cruisers could handle tanking the tac cube for a few seconds even with their rainbow beams?
My hopes were in vain. During the 15 seconds between them engaging the tac cube and me catching up to them 3 of them had been destroyed. Three of them taken out nigh instantly! I was shocked, appalled and horrified all at the same time. Worse was yet to come as the instant I got within weapons range the borg ship decided to ignore the orion females in their implausibly poorly built cruisers and target me instead. I decided to disengage for a few seconds and line up for another run at it. This also had the side effect of allowing me to see if the last orion was any good. Sadly I never got that chance as the cube decided to ignore her entirely and started chasing me even though I was already out of weapons range.
"Lovely" I said to myself.
It appeared that I was the closest thing to a real tank in the match and I think that those 4 realised that I was surviving against the tac cube for far longer than the 4 of them combined. I think this because after this for the entire match I was also followed by them. All 4 of them.
"So what am I? Mother goose?!" was my initial reaction. No response. I typed this into the chat box. No response. I try zone chat in case they had their team chat off for some reason. No response. I even tried sending each one of them the same thing via PM and still I got no reply.
It was irritating to say the least. I was just about managing to hold the probes at bay but I simply could not find the time to make a run at the generators let alone the gates. I was too busy holding off all the probes from both sides single handedly with the 4 dead weights in tow. No matter where I went, what I did or what I said they simply followed me. I even tried letting some probes through just to see how they reacted which had no effect.
In the end I simply had enough and left. I wouldn't be surprised if they followed me through the exit too
TCSE as Klingon.
We started. No one said something. I like to be rude as klingon so then I didn't say anything.
I went on the right and I shoot nodes. Someones talked in german. No one answered. Btw my german is far away. After a while someone said. Don't shot the cube. I thought, ok. I stopped at 10%. And I went to the second cube. Meanwhile 4 players are taking borg raptors. When I started the cube I thought that's strange because I'm the only one on cube and they are 4 to take probes. I was shoot. I respawn and I looked the Kang. I gave it heal And I was shoot again. Ok. I respawn. Someone said that no one helped him. we lost the optionnals. I got killed again. I respawn and someone said : "next time someone should take cubes" and we total failed. :eek:
TCSE as Klingon.
We started. No one said something. I like to be rude as klingon so then I didn't say anything.
I went on the right and I shoot nodes. Someones talked in german. No one answered. Btw my german is far away. After a while someone said. Don't shot the cube. I thought, ok. I stopped at 10%. And I went to the second cube. Meanwhile 4 players are taking borg raptors. When I started the cube I thought that's strange because I'm the only one on cube and they are 4 to take probes. I was shoot. I respawn and I looked the Kang. I gave it heal And I was shoot again. Ok. I respawn. Someone said that no one helped him. we lost the optionnals. I got killed again. I respawn and someone said : "next time someone should take cubes" and we total failed. :eek:
Dude you have the worst luck with groups for as long as I've been playing this game.
Noticed that the tac cube took forever to kill so I was a bit worried. Was going to go right but saw two others going that way so I went left and started beating on probes. Took down two of the transfomers to spawn cube but was far enough away it just swatted at my fighters and took down the second set of probes. This is where I noticed two really bad things, a cruiser was trying to 'help' with the probes and doing no noticeable damage. In addition someone just died trying to solo a cube. So I finish off the cube and start working on the generator while helping the silly cruiser to kill probes as he couldn't handle two at a time. Once the generator was gone I went up and killed the cube that kept killing the other guy with full knowledge that probes were going to get threw but I didn't care at that point. I was hoping the other side was faring better even though they only had two people so I head over there to take a look.
Not a single thing has been destroyed, they are both killing probes.
A probe got past, we were already 10 minutes in. I left.
I feel bad for leaving cause maybe one of those people were decent but I just couldn't take it.
Slightly off-topic (I guess) - but had a really challenging IS normal earlier - queued for it, and myself, a Fleet Escort, and a Bortas appeared. An Oddy and a Prometheus appeared too but the latter two both bailed two mintues into the mission leaving only myself and the aforementioned two ships.
Message comes in from one of the other players - "Think we can do this with only three players". Myself and the other player agreed that it was worth a shot, and continued. I took the probes whilst the other two concentrated on the transformers etc. Unfortunately I did let the team down somewhat, as we failed the optional as a result of one of the probes managing to enter the gate before I could finish it off. Thankfully reinforcements arrived in the shape of two more players, one flying a Defiant and the other a Dreadnought - they really helped mop up the probes, and the mission ran a little more smoothly thereafter.
I'm prepared to host it. What would be a suitable prize? Something useful. Hmm. Secret
I'm about to start my daily STF routine and would be happy to post if anything fails majorly.
Though, knowing my luck, I'll probably end up kicking butt all over the galaxy with some elite Klingon warriors instead with no sort of failure in sight xD
I was devouring spheres then I took an invisible plasma torpedo to the knee
If anyone is listening... I simply say that "the Borg set plasma cannons too burn my bum mode."
the fact of the matter is, aside from the rifle, the sets are all practically the same, the only real difference is that the Omega has an innate stealth module power, while the MACO has a reusable shield battery. And the Omega rifle is one of the worst weapons to use in an STF. Whoever these people were, they must have been clearly misinformed or else they were griefing, next time you get something like that, report them for spamming and leave.
I made my private ISE.
I with 2 friends. And 2 players joined us. We were 2 Tacs, (one is my friend), 2 eng ( I and friend) and scientist. In the chat before running private ISE. I said. First the cube and sphere. We go to the left. We follow the 10% rules. Everyone is ok about about? Type "r". Everyone typed "r". We started. When time is came to follow the 10% rules. As usually:eek: Tac was like a fly shoting our own gen except one. I stopped at 10% but he still shoot. Gen blew up. The scientist had not enough dps. And we came in the hell with spheres. I and 2 friends we work together to make clean the place. We all shoot the transformer. For the right side I explained the 10% rules. But I didn't know the scientist had really low dps. When 3 player shot the gen. He was still shoting on his own. We helped him but too late. Finally this no patient Tac left. The low dps scientist left. And we left because at 23% the Tac cube 100%over suddenly.
What I conclude.
Do not play private stf with unknown people.
I definitivly stopped playing stf. I give up. I fed up with afker, saboteur, Tac who are not able to teamwork, people who don't use chat to teamwork. Life is short. Waste 1 hour or more due weird people. No thanks.:mad:
If you're running elite level I'd recommend EliteSTF channel - they have many experienced players there, hundreds of them at once in fact, who would happily team up with you and provide quite professional support for your missions.
Elite missions KASE and ISE are doable with non Mark 12 ships with a good team (which is almost 90% guaranteed with EliteSTF channel players), it's only Cure that requires max DPS escort builds.
Just keep your invites short and sweet, it's a 100% "Press X for invite" channel, not a chat venue.
I though I got the worst. LOL
It seems like every other PuG I join has nothing but oddys with rainbow technicolor beams and dreadnaughts with skittles cannons. There's often at least 1 shuttle buzzing around doing no or less damage. And there's almost ALWAYS at least one fence setter 75k off in the distance.
Anyhow, The EliteSTF is a good way to go but with all the advertisement of the channel going on they have gotten an unfair share of noobes. Watch their chat screen and you'll see it. Lucky for that and many other Elite channels the Instant Admirals haven't figured out how to add chat channels yet. EliteSTF used to be an inviite only channel. Not anymore....
Darn it... I don't have a bad mission to share. The last couple haven't been TOO bad. (Yes, I am disappointed.)
Play STF as Klingon seems little bit more interesting than to be fed. And it's interesting to be a rude klingon. Play STF without talking with anyone. Do what you have to do and leave it when it becomes worst. People thinks that my klingon is "instant admiral" and I put them in my ignore list when they told me noob. I ignore people because when STF is done I come back to klingon side. That sounds not bad. I like it.
Guy leaves before first turret, luckily we get another player joined instantly (This guy had Mark XII maco, with the alt appearance due to having all elite optionals. Instant trust from me due to experiance).
Two of the tacs kept dying often and quickly, never appeared to heal their injuries. Get to first gate, couldn't even get past it. one time we got lucky and third transmitter activated, but they didn't kill worker drones and the thing reset.
Eventually me and the MACO guy just left.
Cure Ground Normals are bad enough when the team is doing trial and error. It's actually possible to lose the mission early on if people don't know how to work the plasma pulse generators. It can get pretty exciting or frustrating really fast! Especially when no one is guarding the devices. Go back and redo!
For first timers, sometimes no one realizes to time themselves to rush in and set charges on the turrets too. And there comes turrets + pulse gens and suddenly everything goes FUBAR.
Fun times.
With a good team though, it's pretty much commando action all the way. Only the end part with Armek is worrysome due to the random orbital strikes hitting the area. Ironically the safest place (for me) is pretty much hand to hand all the way.
When we finally fought against Rebecca I got the aggro and of course the blue circle. I learned from older runs: Blue circle = don't shoot. So far so good. 'Becca did some damage so I thought: "Okay, as I am not allowed to shoot at least I could heal myself."
So I rerouted my shields and used a hypo. The very next moment I realized that my team members were dead. I was feeling bad because it was my fault. I appologized for not knowing that healing myself hurts others. Seriously that was really unexpected.
Anyway: One player started to PN me and saying bad words at me. Not so nice... He made me feel even more bad. Well at least I learned something new and I do have one more player on my igno.
But how could I expect that healing myself hurts others?
Um never seen this so called blue circle. With Rebecca, the only real problem comes from people not spreading out and then getting hit by the chain lightning. So it wasn't really your fault unless you were hugging close to other players. The other problem people do is call in turrets or otheer things like security, that can make the whole room aggro.
Anyway, the cube went down very quickly and no one had a scratch on them. We all went for the left hand gen set and the usual (obligatory) calls of "10%" and "yup" went out and what do you know? It was actually going to plan. The tanks were having a little trouble with their gens so I went and helped out on one of them. Thing is as we got close to the 10% there was a..."lucky crit" or 10 and the damn thing popped early. The tank said on his voice chat "f**k me that's a lot of crits." in a broad Yorkshire accent followed by my "oh b*llocks". Hot our heels was some klink goon screeching over the voice chat "TEN PER-F*CKING-CENT YOU GOONS" in the strongest Belfast accent I have ever heard and I heard quite a few during my time serving in Northern Ireland with the army!
Now I wouldn't have minded so much if he'd set his mic just a little bit lower*. We certainly had the dps to sort out the mess and sorted it out we most certainly did! The thing went down faster than I have ever seen. It was dropped from 100 down to 0 in seconds and I loved it! Things were actually rather rosy even with my embarrassing string of crits. Later on I checked the logs and discovered that during my last scatter volley on that generator I made 37 consecutive critical hits! Nutty doesn't cover it
But you know what my problem with this stf was? It was the Irish guy bellowing on his voice chat "TEN PERCENT" every-few-seconds. He even threw in the odd expletive for good measure.
It ended up going rather well. We had the optional with 4 minutes to spare and no one left! Quite a memorable pug.
I felt rather bad afterwards though. I kept giggling and laughing at the Irishman. I kept worrying that it looked like I was the troll! I don't know what it was, perhaps the accent? The content? The tone of his voice? Maybe it was the apparent patheticness** he was displaying at an event that could happen quite innocently and really didn't matter anyway. Have to admire his persistence though!
There's also the story about the rather "vocal" Scot on the B'ger run in a miranda trying to kill it with harsh language and what looked like an AP turret. That was fun!
*Okay I lied I meant a LOT LOWER.
**Is that even a word?
There's an unwritten Rule of Acquisition somewhere on my IRL business dealings list.
1. If not directly at fault, never apologize.
Some people see politeness and apologies as a sign of weakness and will use it as a target for venting their (ill managed) anger.
I can also confirm that self heals do not attract aggro and is the smart thing to do to take cover when the going gets tough.
Especially on ground Elite you have to be aware of the shots coming at you even before their graphics hit because once damage registers on both server and client side, you're already dead. Thus, not anyone's fault if Ms. Kajal survives longer than the others, it's because she's smart :P
The new respawn timer of course does reward caution. There's no point racking up a death timer - staying alive for 20 seconds more after healing = 20 seconds of active DPS instead of waiting. That room in IGE is also a 'no respawn' encounter, once everyone dies the room must be redone from scratch.
So why the cussing in PM? I for one think that 'issues' aired on team chat can be effective as they might highlight new general knowledge for -the team- to take note and learn from - for instance looking out for 'premature detonation' on ISE, and telling others to not attack tac cubes horizontally to avoid invisitorps.
Cussing - an obvious sign of impatience - never creates any additional DPS and only shuts down any slim chance of effective communication in the group.
Now please don't get me wrong - I'm not one for ranting about failing the optional, especially not on normal - I just don't feel that it's really that big a deal. And the mission was completed each time, even if the optional failed.
Anyway - was playing CS normal this morning; it all seemed to be going fine and I did the usual trick of joining a group to attack a specific target, but was keeping my eye on the Kang. Noticed the Borg BOP groups making their way(s) toward the Kang so flew to intercept. Managed to take out two, but the third one managed to get within firing range of the Kang. Managed to take number three down, but not before it had reduced the Kang's shields to 95%. By this time another two groups were heading in my direction. I made a few calls for assistance, but the other team members either didn't have chat screens open or were simply ignoring it.
Now, my ship is an Intrepid Retrofit - MACO sheid, Borg Deflector, Borg engine, Borg console foward and aft mk XI [Borg] antiproton beams and the rest mkXI [Borg] photon torpedo launchers (great, as I can fire off multiple torpedoes in quick succession within a short period of time thanks to their quick cooldown) but it's still a science ship and not big on DPS, though I can hang in a fight for quite a while thanks to the MACO shield and Borg kit.
What it cannot do is handle six BOP's singlehanded. Used every trick in the book, and managed to despatch two of them, but by this time the Kang was at 61% and falling, the optional had (obviously) already failed and I was beginning to doubt that I could deal with the remainer before even more arrived. Thankfully a Dreadnought showed up and destroyed three of the four; but I did feel like saying "what took you so long!"
Second instance was in IS normal - I was dealing with the Probes, and not doing a terrible job of it, but some idiot in a 'Taste the Rainbow' Oddy called "Someone deal with the probes". Advised him that I was doing just that, but would appreciate some support. No reply. Nor did he make any attempt to assist. Thankfully someone in a Star Cruiser arrived to assist but the optional failed anyway, as we didn't manage stop them all. Rainbow Boy then ranted about the probes having been ignored. Didn't bother replying - didn't see much point.
Cure Normal space again, my favorite for noobe activity.
I flew in, said HI as always and head to the right.
I killed a node and looked back at the Kang as I always do.
I saw that all four rainbow technicolor ships (including a klink) had followed me.
Nobody was protecting the Kang.
So I head back, kill all the incoming Borg and low and behold, all 4 of the other ships show up.
Now there's nothing here to kill so what is their plan?
I say, 'Anybody going to kill the cubes?'
No responce.
So I head back to the cube and start on the nodes again.
Low and behold once again, all 4 ships followed me.
So I head back to the Kang where a couple Borg are already shooting.
I kill all the incoming ships and guess what....
All 4 of the other ships followed me.
I say, 'What is this, follow the leader?'
No responce.
So I heal the Kang (which I was sure none of the other 4 had ever seen done before) and wait for the next group of Borg while setting next to the Kang.
I figured I'd shake them if I left them there to fight the Borg.
So the Borg arrive, I take a couple shots and head back to the first cube.
I finish a couple nodes real quick and what do I see? ALL 4 SHIPS FOLLOWED ME BACK WHILE THERE'S BORG SHOOTING THE KANG!
Optional goes bye bye.
I fly back, kill the Borg, heal the Kang, and there they are again! 4 ships, doing nothing.
So now the timers at about 8 minutes, first cube is still alive. I'd changed my setup for tanking a few hours earlier so I wasn't quite as powerful as I once was and didn't have what it takes to finish everything plus protect the Kang by myself in 8 minutes. (I need to fix the setup by the way, thanks for reminding me.)
No responce.
I fly back to the first cube, kill three Borg that had spawned on the way, and the cube finally goes bang
I look back real quck and what do I see? NO SHIPS AT THE KANG!
They had all 4 gone to the third cube and they had bypassed all the incoming Borg ships from both the second and third cubes!. :eek:
Now I'm hot.
No responce.
The Kang is getting clobered and goes boom before I can get back.
So I say, 'Will you noobes please go read the forums about how to do STF's before you try one again?'
Too late, they'd all 4 already left. :mad:
I don't play STF as Fed but as Klingon (It allow me to be rude:)).
I played KASE.
No say "hi".
We deal with cube. I took the probes.
Trhee players got the other side.
The guy with me we deal with probes and transformers.
Three players killed transformers and gate. And they went help us. Time is coming to fight with Donatra.
After a while. Three left without saying anything.
KASE failed. Interesting, isn't it? I don't care. I just playing my klingon toon and looking for mystery box for exchange
Sounds like those pataQ are so used to failure, they cannot appreciate success!
Yes, It would be cool if we could have a 'Worst STF' contest.
And I agree with you, these days I'm only in it for what I can sell on the exchange. I've been doing the Childrens Toys since the day it came out 3 or 4 times a day and I have yet to get anything I can use on my ship. So, I need credits to buy the stuff.
I'm prepared to host it. What would be a suitable prize? Something useful. Hmm. Secret
I'm about to start my daily STF routine and would be happy to post if anything fails majorly.
Though, knowing my luck, I'll probably end up kicking butt all over the galaxy with some elite Klingon warriors instead with no sort of failure in sight xD
Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Btw Jake I think you may have been trolled in that last one you posted!
I just finished a KASE run. Or more accurately I left before an inevitable failure.
Got in and I gave my now standard "time to rock and roll" in the old C&C commando voice .
No reply. Okay I thought let's go on they may have their volume turned down so we went on. I noticed they were all KDF and all members of the "Orion marauder girls" fleet. Oh and before I forget they were all orion women and all flying a bortas
I sighed, shrugged and went on. I was in my usual fleet escort captained by my tac called Tala. We moved up on the cube, with me being the last in. Surely those 4 in their big beefy bortas cruisers could handle tanking the tac cube for a few seconds even with their rainbow beams?
My hopes were in vain. During the 15 seconds between them engaging the tac cube and me catching up to them 3 of them had been destroyed. Three of them taken out nigh instantly! I was shocked, appalled and horrified all at the same time. Worse was yet to come as the instant I got within weapons range the borg ship decided to ignore the orion females in their implausibly poorly built cruisers and target me instead. I decided to disengage for a few seconds and line up for another run at it. This also had the side effect of allowing me to see if the last orion was any good. Sadly I never got that chance as the cube decided to ignore her entirely and started chasing me even though I was already out of weapons range.
"Lovely" I said to myself.
It appeared that I was the closest thing to a real tank in the match and I think that those 4 realised that I was surviving against the tac cube for far longer than the 4 of them combined. I think this because after this for the entire match I was also followed by them. All 4 of them.
"So what am I? Mother goose?!" was my initial reaction. No response. I typed this into the chat box. No response. I try zone chat in case they had their team chat off for some reason. No response. I even tried sending each one of them the same thing via PM and still I got no reply.
It was irritating to say the least. I was just about managing to hold the probes at bay but I simply could not find the time to make a run at the generators let alone the gates. I was too busy holding off all the probes from both sides single handedly with the 4 dead weights in tow. No matter where I went, what I did or what I said they simply followed me. I even tried letting some probes through just to see how they reacted which had no effect.
In the end I simply had enough and left. I wouldn't be surprised if they followed me through the exit too
We started. No one said something. I like to be rude as klingon so then I didn't say anything.
I went on the right and I shoot nodes. Someones talked in german. No one answered. Btw my german is far away. After a while someone said. Don't shot the cube. I thought, ok. I stopped at 10%. And I went to the second cube. Meanwhile 4 players are taking borg raptors. When I started the cube I thought that's strange because I'm the only one on cube and they are 4 to take probes. I was shoot. I respawn and I looked the Kang. I gave it heal And I was shoot again. Ok. I respawn. Someone said that no one helped him. we lost the optionnals. I got killed again. I respawn and someone said : "next time someone should take cubes" and we total failed. :eek:
Dude you have the worst luck with groups for as long as I've been playing this game.
At least he was kind enough to ask how to do them before he trashed a few. How many people would not have asked??? :eek:
So there is positive proof, luck has nothing to do with bad STF PuGs. It's simply a givin. :rolleyes:
Noticed that the tac cube took forever to kill so I was a bit worried. Was going to go right but saw two others going that way so I went left and started beating on probes. Took down two of the transfomers to spawn cube but was far enough away it just swatted at my fighters and took down the second set of probes. This is where I noticed two really bad things, a cruiser was trying to 'help' with the probes and doing no noticeable damage. In addition someone just died trying to solo a cube. So I finish off the cube and start working on the generator while helping the silly cruiser to kill probes as he couldn't handle two at a time. Once the generator was gone I went up and killed the cube that kept killing the other guy with full knowledge that probes were going to get threw but I didn't care at that point. I was hoping the other side was faring better even though they only had two people so I head over there to take a look.
Not a single thing has been destroyed, they are both killing probes.
A probe got past, we were already 10 minutes in. I left.
I feel bad for leaving cause maybe one of those people were decent but I just couldn't take it.
Message comes in from one of the other players - "Think we can do this with only three players". Myself and the other player agreed that it was worth a shot, and continued. I took the probes whilst the other two concentrated on the transformers etc. Unfortunately I did let the team down somewhat, as we failed the optional as a result of one of the probes managing to enter the gate before I could finish it off. Thankfully reinforcements arrived in the shape of two more players, one flying a Defiant and the other a Dreadnought - they really helped mop up the probes, and the mission ran a little more smoothly thereafter.
Day 3 of my 4 day weekend.
This morning I woke up and came in to see what I'd crafted with Childrens Toys.
A purple TCD. Not too bad. It's sellable.
So I checked the mail and picked up a couple items that had expired.
I started reposting things in my sleep.
I found after a couple minutes that I had accidentally posted my powered artifact for 499899 credits. :eek:
About that time I saw it sell.
So I bit the bullet and bought one for 1400000.
I beamed up to the bridge and got the fresh childrens toys started
Beamed back down and started checking duty officers on the exchange.
What do I find???
A Damage Control Engineer WITH Resolve, WITH Efficient for 6000000 EC.
He's now part of my crew AND doing a Childrens Toys.
It all works out in the end.
Lucky *£&"&*(^!£!!
Self-sealing stembolts.