I took down 4 generators, a transformer, fought off the 2 spheres, kept away the probes coming out the gate and then dropped the gate in the time it took 3 other players to kill 2 spheres, yes they took that long, why were they even in the game if they had no firepower???
Oh man, yeah, sometimes you see players seriously struggling with the 2 spheres, they fight them for minutes, pull them out 15 or 20 km from the transformers while not even making a dent, and you just think "wtf is that guy shooting, laser pointers?" For a decently geared player it should be no problem at all to drop 2 generators, kill the 2 spheres, then the other generators and slowly the transformer while also killing probes in between.
Aside from running PUGs with a lot of players that don't know what to do and eventually fail, once or twice i have found myself in an hour and a half KASE runs with 4 very low dps ships. where it took us about 40 minutes to finish the gateways off (and that's because i was on probe duty, since if i leave the other guys on probe duty alone we would fail).
Needless to say Donatra took 40 more minutes (one of the guys had already left so it's basically 4 ships with the DPS worth of 2 good ships against Donatra)
And the situation wasn't getting any better: all 3 of my teammates didn't have components which resulted in long red and yellow damage lines reduce-ing their effective-ness even further.
I was forced to switch to my fast reload Transhpasic torpedoes because we needed to do hull damage and we didn't have enough dps to bring even 1 side of the shields down.
Still after many aceton beams, warp plasmas, transphasic torpedos etc etc... she finally died.
As a reward all 4 of us got something like 2 EDCs and a Blue engine T_T.
It was kinda frustrating to think that after all that hard work it would be nice to get at least a proto salvage (not that it's any useful once you have MKXII on all your ships and still have 20 banked up but still)
Yet at the same time there was this sense of completion, that you won a hard mission with far inferior team.
The one really frustrating experience I had was playing Infected ground. My team and I made it all the way to the very end. I was playing with a pretty green group, so I expected us to have a little difficulty towards the end.
One guy, however, got very fed up with the team and after cussing us all out for our bumbling incompetence, decided to rage quit. Another one (figuring we no longer had 5 ppl) quickly followed him, making it impossible for the rest of us to complete the mission. Great fun.
I took down 4 generators, a transformer, fought off the 2 spheres, kept away the probes coming out the gate and then dropped the gate in the time it took 3 other players to kill 2 spheres, yes they took that long, why were they even in the game if they had no firepower???
Sometimes, it's really difficult to kill sphere especially when they attack in "duet".:eek:
Sometimes, it's really difficult to kill sphere especially when they attack in "duet".:eek:
From my own experience certain ship types are very 'helpless' when spheres attack and need an ungodly amount of time to destroy the spheres. Beam-heavy cruisers that don't have power and tac buffs for instance, literally take them down one percent at a time.
Did a test last night between two old star cruisers and an Odyssey, once we swapped them to use single cannons and CSV or CRF1, things went poof much faster on average (albeit, with single cannons, short range is best and you -still- have to buff power and tac for maximum damage). Odyssey reported 35% increase in single target damage once he used my "battlestar" configuration. The 'spike' damage output of cannons is very useful to clear the skies with, and with the right duty officer setup you can -almost- spam flak barrages continuously while pumping max power into weapons with batteries and EPtW.
Now there are veteran players who can maxx out the DPS of beam heavy ships but for players in ESTF training, sometimes a switch to cannons spikes their damage significantly giving room for new experimentation (which is great, as they can now weigh the pros and cons of beam vs cannon builds and find out why their previous beam array cruiser never killed anything decisively).
And also it's great to try different builds - a 'conventional' cruiser setup had problems killing probes rapidly on KASE but a star cruiser I made a long time ago for a certain youtube video made mincemeat out of probes almost as soon as they appeared.
I've killed the sphere duos in cruisers, sci ships and escorts without problems. Seems like your build or your playstyle sucks
I confess When two spheres attack me in the same time and they block my ship together with tractor beam. At this moment it's really hard for me to win them. My cruisers is not build for this kind of fight. Sphere move too fast, they can stop my turn. And they like to shot my weak back One, it's ok. Two spheres is a nightmare:eek:
I confess When two spheres attack me in the same time and they block my ship together with tractor beam. At this moment it's really hard for me to win them. My cruisers is not build for this kind of fight. Sphere move too fast, they can stop my turn. And they like to shot my weak back One, it's ok. Two spheres is a nightmare:eek:
How I deal with spheres:
Flak cannon and torpedo spam in their face. Kill them with max DPS by using APA3 (Tac char), EPTW, TT1 and anything else you can think of that increases damage.
Best way to deal with tractors? Don't even get to 5km range. There is a way to 'bait' tractor beams and prevent them from locking onto teammates - fly 'barely' into broadside range 4.9km, once the green beam appears maneuver out of range and the tractor is wasted. Stay fast, hit hard and help teammates who are pinned in between spheres as stationary ships have 'zero' defence and will explode soon. But ES3 and some eng teams will save them.
Stationary tanking at point blank may look pretty in BSG, but this is Star Trek. Stay fast and sweep through different shield facings and weapons arcs.
Oh. and if you use repulsors... look before repulsing. Don't kick spheres the wrong direction or in team member's face.
I tend to either activate one of BOFF science officer's Polarize Hull ability, rending the tractor beam(s) next to useless, and use my point defense console to shoot their plasma torpedoes down.
If that is on cooldown I either fire off a photonic shockwave torpedo or use one of my BOFF's photonic shockwave ability, which deactivates the beam(s).
Anyway, back on topic: Was playing Infected on normal earlier today. The moment the STF started we had someone, flying a Galaxy-R, call 'Go left'.
Okay - that's fine I thought/replied, as did almost everyone else apparently. However, someone in a Sovereign flew off to the right prompting Mr 'Go left' to have a little rant and subsequently fly off out of range, where he remainded for the duration, only reappearing to claim the end of mission reward.
Not my worst experience, but defnitely an annoying one.
Anyway, back on topic: Was playing Infected on normal earlier today. The moment the STF started we had someone, flying a Galaxy-R, call 'Go left'.
Okay - that's fine I thought/replied, as did almost everyone else apparently. However, someone in a Sovereign flew off to the right prompting Mr 'Go left' to have a little rant and subsequently fly off out of range, where he remainded for the duration, only reappearing to claim the end of mission reward.
Not my worst experience, but defnitely an annoying one.
See, PUG command is never about dictating terms. Galaxy R pilot should have said good morning with a smiley first then ask "Would everyone like to go left and 10% and kick Borg butt?"
There would be a collective enthusiastic YES instead
Don't take it personally if PUGs don't obey you. :P
See, PUG command is never about dictating terms. Galaxy R pilot should have said good morning with a smiley first then ask "Would everyone like to go left and 10% and kick Borg butt?"
There would be a collective enthusiastic YES instead
Don't take it personally if PUGs don't obey you. :P
Well, to be honest I usually just go along with what everyone else is doing. Playing a Science toon as I do, I usually try to play the healer role, with some crowd control along the way. The only time(s) I've ever 'ordered' anything was assistance in protecting the Kang when everyone else was ignoring it and I couldn't take out three Borg Raptors singlehanded.
As I said, it was annoying but not game-breaking. Those of us who continued did so and completed the mission - just a pity that Mr 'Go left' benefited from our success too.
Sometimes. You start the STF. You say "Hi". Nobody answer. You say "who protects the kang?" Nobody answers. You say "so then I will try". Nobody answers. Suddenly You have to fight with 2 borg and healing Kang. You say "Guys. I can't fight with 2 borgs and healing the Kang in the same time". And then a klingon answers "All go to the cubes". And everyone follow him. At this moment you really feel alone in the cold and quiet space and you die because a third borg shoot you in the back. ...:mad: We failed, of course.
Random PUG's are madness. There are people in STF queues who have unsound minds. And it once affected me also.
Infected Space Elite:
After we destroy the initial patrol we all head to the left cube. Well, all but one. This "special" dude goes straight after the still invulnerable gateway and starts shooting at it. Me: "What are you doing? Fly to the left side and attack the Cube" [No response.] [After a minute or so] Me: "Maybe you should try out normal STF's first and learn the tactics" Dude: "But there is lesser loot in normal! I dont play them" [The F****?!] Me: "So you never played normals? Instead you play Elites without tactics?!" Dude: "That's the way I play. Deal with it."
I gotta admit his "Deal with it" really threw me off. I believe I got PTSD temporarily thanks to this guy.
So, after Infected I did the worst thing possible: Joining the queue for Khitomer Space Elite. Me: "Hi ^^" [Silence] Me: "So whos gonna take care of the probes?" [...] Me: "err, hello?" [...] Me: "Look people, this is a teamwork based mission. Wont hurt you guys if you reply" [Awww TRIBBLE] Me: "Awww TRIBBLE" [I give up. Not gonna type anymore. Maybe the're pro's who know what the're doing]
After we destroy the cube the others start doing their thing which is apparently... probe duty. All 4 for them.. 2 guys shooting at the probes on left side and 2 guys shooting at them on the right side. Which leaves only me to take on the generators/transformers.
A minute or so later the first probes enter the portal. :eek:
They play a teamwork based mission but refuse to communicate, to work in a team. In my book that is anti social behaviour. I behave socially and get punished for it. Others reap the benefits. I felt like a fool. Usually one should be expecting this from a random PUG but because of the crazy person of the Infected run just minutes before, I got angry and lost my cool a bit.
I spawn a Cube and have to solo it until one of the 4 guys gets bored by shooting probes and decides to attack the cube also.
And then I thought, if the others do what they want why shouldn't I claim the same privilege for myself? So, I stopped shooting, got to a standstill next to the cube. Maybe this will catch their attention. But almost immediately I felt a bit silly and just before I hit the Warp-Out button, this: Others: "You wanna help us or just sit there or what" [:eek: OMG they live!] Me: "Oh so you can speak after all" Others: "SHOOT THE CUBE" Me: "suck doesnt it. if someone refuses to team work" [Cursing] Others: "Are you mad because of the optional?!" [Cursing] Me: "No. Why didnt you respond before? Only when I come to a standstill you stop ignoring me" Others: "I have put you on my ignore list now." Others: "Me too" [Oh my! ] Me: "Seriously if you dont wanna teamwork, then please GTFO of elite STF's." Others: "He just want to need the drops!" Others: "I believe he's angry because of lack of communication etcpp" Me: "No. I will not NEED. You can keep your lousy drops. If i am not entitled to your help, then you are not entitled to my help" Others: "And now you are acting like a TRIBBLE" [Maybe] [Goes back and forth a bit] Me: "Since I've made my point, I will help you now to finish this mission. I just hope you speak to each other in future STF's" [I start shooting the cube] Others: "NOW" [3 of them warp out] Other: "I hope you are happy now. I have to go to work in 1 hour and thx to you I get leaver penalty." [Which is not true]
I know, wall of text ^^. And also, chat is not verbatum but from memory. And yes I know, I maybe acted like a TRIBBLE. Won't do it again.
Joined KIT space elite to find a guy flying around with one phaser shooting off from a Runabout shuttle.
I was wanting the accolade and new then that this was now a waste, as this guy was not going to help in a high DPS STF.
I privately sent him a nice message saying, this is a team event and him showing up in shuttle will not help the team.
That open the door for many spams, he is having fun in a shuttle, what does matter, he has very high level consoles on board.
Later I get an email from the same guy saying I should really larrn how to play the game that he had a holo emitter on an escort.
I was teamed up with several of my fleet buddies and read the letter out loud, we all agreed they don't sell Fed Runabout holo emitters.
One of the guys in the fleet warped over to DS9 because he just had to check, go figure they don't seek them.
Sometimes. You start the STF. You say "Hi". Nobody answer. You say "who protects the kang?" Nobody answers. You say "so then I will try". Nobody answers. Suddenly You have to fight with 2 borg and healing Kang. You say "Guys. I can't fight with 2 borgs and healing the Kang in the same time". And then a klingon answers "All go to the cubes". And everyone follow him. At this moment you really feel alone in the cold and quiet space and you die because a third borg shoot you in the back. ...:mad: We failed, of course.
Why do you guys get all the nasty players and I get all the good ones.
Oh. I play in the wee hours of the morning or offpeak times as my network is much faster then. The losers are all in bed :P
Why do you guys get all the nasty players and I get all the good ones.
Oh. I play in the wee hours of the morning or offpeak times as my network is much faster then. The losers are all in bed :P
I'm not sure about but I guess I have something attractive and bad players are always in my PUG
KASE. We started by the cube. I said "Hi". Someone said "hihi" and another said "Hey hey". Suddenly, one die. It was a Tac. Cube was killed. And we were 3 to fight spheres. Two went to the cube nearby the gate. When sphere were shooted. We 3 we went to cube. One of 3 players with a cute girl name said "10% rules". I answered "ok". The guy repeated "10% rules". The other guy who fought spheres with me said "ok". The guy with girl name said again "who doesn't know 10% rules?. No answer. We started shooting gen. Suddenly this stupid Tac went to shot my gen. I stopped at 12% and he was still shooting. Gen blew up. We did quickly to kill another gen. But it was too late. NAnites went and we fail the optionnals. Finaly we make clean the left side and we went to the right side. The guy with girl name said "10% rules". We started shooting gen. Suddenly I saw behind me there is no gen anymore. I shot mine quickly. The guy with girl name said. "good job". I said it's not me. And he said. It's the Tac. The other guy, the guy with girl name and me worked together to make clean the place. We heal each other of us not to be killed and we soot the gate and the cube. We ignored those two guys who don't communicate especially the saboteur. We did good job but it would be better if we work 5 teammates...
TCSN. We started. I said "Hi everyone ". No answer. I said "anyone who cares the Kang. Shout or hail if any problem". No answer. All went on the left except one. I shoot two nodes and I looked on my back. I saw two borgs. I went overthere to help the guy. When we made it clear he's gone and let me alone. I started have good exchange with borgs. I made it clear. And I said "It's too bad. There are 3 engineers in this team. And no one knows how to heal the KAng ". No answer. But they did it. Two engineers and I we fought and heal the KAng or any ship who needs it. We failed the optionnal but we did it. And nobody said something. When it's end up, I took my loot and I said : "thx everyone to share your thoughts" and I left. Really bad
Sometimes I really think I'm not normal player because I like exchange with my teammate. Just to know who do what or something like this. When all of the team keep silence. It's like playing a boring daily mission.:rolleyes:
Now it seems you REALLY need to schedule some runs with me. I'll show you how to cast area charm (Lt. Cdr secretary skill) and get everyone into the correct "Desperate Housewives Drama" mood and win the optional without exerting much effort at all
ISE is easily savable even if someone deliberately sabotages the 10% rule. It's called repulsors, or even better, gravwell
For CSE, avoid like plague unless with premade. You need DPS and lots and lots of DPS to even have a chance to survive there. Otherwise it'll soon become a slugfest against Raptors supported by Negh'Vars and the majority of PUGs will give up when the going gets tough.
Now it seems you REALLY need to schedule some runs with me. I'll show you how to cast area charm (Lt. Cdr secretary skill) and get everyone into the correct "Desperate Housewives Drama" mood and win the optional without exerting much effort at all
Before you can get anyone into any kind of mode, they still need to have their chat screens on. Many still do not know how. I've flown up right in front of many where i know they can see my chat balloon and expressed my admiration of their noobness. And still no chat, not even anything nasty. :mad:
There I was....
I know I hit cure normal space but I was pugged into a cure elite space.
The first thing I see is I'M LATE!
The second thing I see is a cube go 'BOOM'. :eek:
I fly up next to the Kang and theres a guy there yelling and hollering about him telling the others not to kill the cubes.
Then someone replys (to my supprise) 'Why? You're supposed to kill the cubes.'
The rantor bails out with a quick 'DON'T PLAY ELITES NOOBES UNTIL YOU READ HOW'.
Another ship says 'FU Noobes' and bails out.
Now it's me and two oddys with technicolor rainbow beams.
I said, 'Yall have fun now, yahear?'
And I bailed out.
No big deal about the hour wait, I wasn't even really planning on doing that PuG.
I was just called a stupid noob because I followed the elite guide for cure elite space in a STF we won. As a matter of fact I was told that the elite guide posted here in forum is wrong and trash that no one can do it even though Ive followed it to success with optional in many a PUG This told unto me by some one that doesnt seem to even know what the damn thing says here in forum. O.o
I hate being called names when I did exactly what I am supposed to do per community agreement by a little snit that thought holding a cube at 20% and working as a group to get it there first before leaving a man on it was impossible.
As a matter of fact, I didnt make an issue of it. Instead I said if you want to do it differently fine, then lead the way. What do you want done? He didnt say anything just acted like a snit and seemed to think I should 20% one alone when the Neghvars spawned to somehow prove he was right and the guide trash .
I mean if you dont want to follow the guide fine, man up and call the PUG. But dont rage at people for doing what the community seems to agree is right and going further in trying to go along with them anyway when they are doing differently.
Is the Elite guide here in forum trash folks? I mean heck, everyone goes right instead of left at start anyway.
Maybe its my own fault for not finding an STF group yet.
Lately I was having great success in PUG. Great communication, teamwork, and people actually complimenting each other :eek:
Well until today. Two terrible experiences that make me wonder why I play this game when everything is a lottery anyways. I really wish there was more solo play that offered some kind of worth while rewards. :mad:
CGE I'll keep it short
1 Klingon player, 2 fleet mates, 1 girl ( I assume), and myself. Waiting in lobby for shield to come down, no one is saying anything. Shield drops, 1 fleet player starts typing "USE OMEGA" over and over in chat. I have no intention of changing my maco set, especially when he is being rude and said nothing during the wait to start. The girl player explains she doesn't has an omega set. We kill first set of Borg. The 2 fleet mates are still at start and refusing to continue, they than come on speaker and start shouting "USE OMEGA" over and over. Klink player leaves. I am about too leave also, but figure why should I take a 1 hour penalty. I go ahead and start the timer. For the rest of the way the 2 fleet mates bring up the rear while me and the girl take all the punishment.
So with only 4 we miss the option and finally get to Armek. Just as we start the Klingon player returns, disconnected I assume. The 4 of us quickly finish off Armek and for some reason the Klingon player starts using obscenities and calling us all noobs. Even though he was absent the whole time and now will get some free loot. The girl was the only reason I stayed, she was communicating and taking everything in stride with a good sense of humor. So hat's off to her, I was in a far worst mood.
1 player telling everyone what to do, 2nd player telling everyone what he is going to do, 3rd player in a shuttle.
The player in the shuttle refuses to leave. I end up on right side helping with cubes and taking care of probes.
Player 1 is mad at me because he wanted to handle right probes. I didn't want to handle the probes, it defaulted to me because everyone else flew away and he is on the left side, so I have no idea why he is mad. Everyone is bickering back and forth, I just keep my mouth shut and continue to blast away. Player 1 ends up leaving. So 3 of us and a shuttle have to finish the mission. It was painful, but still pushed through and came close on the option.
Only good thing I can say is that I found allot of new people to add to my ignore list...
Lately I was having great success in PUG. Great communication, teamwork, and people actually complimenting each other :eek:
Well until today. Two terrible experiences that make me wonder why I play this game when everything is a lottery anyways. I really wish there was more solo play that offered some kind of worth while rewards. :mad:
CGE I'll keep it short
1 Klingon player, 2 fleet mates, 1 girl ( I assume), and myself. Waiting in lobby for shield to come down, no one is saying anything. Shield drops, 1 fleet player starts typing "USE OMEGA" over and over in chat. I have no intention of changing my maco set, especially when he is being rude and said nothing during the wait to start. The girl player explains she doesn't has an omega set. We kill first set of Borg. The 2 fleet mates are still at start and refusing to continue, they than come on speaker and start shouting "USE OMEGA" over and over. Klink player leaves. I am about too leave also, but figure why should I take a 1 hour penalty. I go ahead and start the timer. For the rest of the way the 2 fleet mates bring up the rear while me and the girl take all the punishment.
So with only 4 we miss the option and finally get to Armek. Just as we start the Klingon player returns, disconnected I assume. The 4 of us quickly finish off Armek and for some reason the Klingon player starts using obscenities and calling us all noobs. Even though he was absent the whole time and now will get some free loot. The girl was the only reason I stayed, she was communicating and taking everything in stride with a good sense of humor. So hat's off to her, I was in a far worst mood.
1 player telling everyone what to do, 2nd player telling everyone what he is going to do, 3rd player in a shuttle.
The player in the shuttle refuses to leave. I end up on right side helping with cubes and taking care of probes.
Player 1 is mad at me because he wanted to handle right probes. I didn't want to handle the probes, it defaulted to me because everyone else flew away and he is on the left side, so I have no idea why he is mad. Everyone is bickering back and forth, I just keep my mouth shut and continue to blast away. Player 1 ends up leaving. So 3 of us and a shuttle have to finish the mission. It was painful, but still pushed through and came close on the option.
Only good thing I can say is that I found allot of new people to add to my ignore list...
For the first bad experience, I would simply type, "I'll use whatever set i want to use. Then add, "Besides MACO'S BETTER!!!!" then put him on ignore
For the second one, there is simply nothing to say about the dude in a shuttle except, "What. A. Dumbass"
Oh, I had an infected run today (space elite) that went the wrong way. We had a rookie pilot go wrong and blow a generator too early without knowing what 10% referred too. This happens sometimes. However we had a crazy russian throw a baby fit, start calling everyone noobs, and run to the starting area where he sat and called names at people still playing. I think he cursed us in Russian or something stupid like pig latin. I did report him to a GM for griefing an STF PUG.
I lost focus on what I was doing in anger and frustration and did a few dumb things of my own. I mean the noob went and tried to shoot the gens down to 10% while the nanite probes were active (which I couldnt see at first) on the next, a hateful waste of humanity being a brat to everyone
I had to quit as a worthless POS like that so called VET that couldnt man up and play just be insulting to everyone in his specialness took all the fun out of playing a PUG. I did make sure he knew I thought him a worthless piece of **** first but still left the run and am sitting here angry, trying to decide how to have fun anyway today.
I am starting to wonder if PUGS are good for my soul. Game is supposed to be fun, win or lose you know? Not an exercise in dealing with filth People like that ruin games everywhere every day and if Im not careful I could become akin to them by turning into an angry vet.
Jerk had to be a Klink. Now I dont even want to level my Klink today lol..
Oh, I had an infected run today (space elite) that went the wrong way. We had a rookie pilot go wrong and blow a generator too early without knowing what 10% referred too. This happens sometimes. However we had a crazy russian throw a baby fit, start calling everyone noobs, and run to the starting area where he sat and called names at people still playing. I think he cursed us in Russian or something stupid like pig latin. I did report him to a GM for griefing an STF PUG.
I lost focus on what I was doing in anger and frustration and did a few dumb things of my own. I mean the noob went and tried to shoot the gens down to 10% while the nanite probes were active (which I couldnt see at first) on the next, a hateful waste of humanity being a brat to everyone
I had to quit as a worthless POS like that so called VET that couldnt man up and play just be insulting to everyone in his specialness took all the fun out of playing a PUG. I did make sure he knew I thought him a worthless piece of **** first but still left the run and am sitting here angry, trying to decide how to have fun anyway today.
I am starting to wonder if PUGS are good for my soul. Game is supposed to be fun, win or lose you know? Not an exercise in dealing with filth People like that ruin games everywhere every day and if Im not careful I could become akin to them by turning into an angry vet.
Jerk had to be a Klink. Now I dont even want to level my Klink today lol..
That's why you need to hang with another friend. That way even if things go south, you'll still have fun with a buddy.
That's why you need to hang with another friend. That way even if things go south, you'll still have fun with a buddy.
With someone you know in the same team you can use him/her to break the stagnation of team chat easily by posting humorous subjects or just plain doing all the crucial team roles with your mates and everyone else would be filled with praise.
Having multiple persons with the right chemistry on the same map is also an automatic deterrence to the ones who came in just to be rude. After all you can demonstrate "cooperative engagement capability" not just on ships but on the chat box as well
The other side benefit is that with friends along for the elite PUG ride, you can create awesome videos (which also enhances team identity!).
With someone you know in the same team you can use him/her to break the stagnation of team chat easily by posting humorous subjects or just plain doing all the crucial team roles with your mates and everyone else would be filled with praise.
Having multiple persons with the right chemistry on the same map is also an automatic deterrence to the ones who came in just to be rude. After all you can demonstrate "cooperative engagement capability" not just on ships but on the chat box as well
The other side benefit is that with friends along for the elite PUG ride, you can create awesome videos (which also enhances team identity!).
Thats why when i blow up, i don't go "Dammit" (except on some occasions. I say stuff like, "Kaboombafoo", or "I fall down and go BOOM!!!!"
I have the greatest respect for skilled KDF players and community members.
That guy is a disgrace to the Klingon Empire. Execute him.
Needless to say Donatra took 40 more minutes (one of the guys had already left so it's basically 4 ships with the DPS worth of 2 good ships against Donatra)
And the situation wasn't getting any better: all 3 of my teammates didn't have components which resulted in long red and yellow damage lines reduce-ing their effective-ness even further.
I was forced to switch to my fast reload Transhpasic torpedoes because we needed to do hull damage and we didn't have enough dps to bring even 1 side of the shields down.
Still after many aceton beams, warp plasmas, transphasic torpedos etc etc... she finally died.
As a reward all 4 of us got something like 2 EDCs and a Blue engine T_T.
It was kinda frustrating to think that after all that hard work it would be nice to get at least a proto salvage (not that it's any useful once you have MKXII on all your ships and still have 20 banked up but still)
Yet at the same time there was this sense of completion, that you won a hard mission with far inferior team.
One guy, however, got very fed up with the team and after cussing us all out for our bumbling incompetence, decided to rage quit. Another one (figuring we no longer had 5 ppl) quickly followed him, making it impossible for the rest of us to complete the mission. Great fun.
From my own experience certain ship types are very 'helpless' when spheres attack and need an ungodly amount of time to destroy the spheres. Beam-heavy cruisers that don't have power and tac buffs for instance, literally take them down one percent at a time.
Did a test last night between two old star cruisers and an Odyssey, once we swapped them to use single cannons and CSV or CRF1, things went poof much faster on average (albeit, with single cannons, short range is best and you -still- have to buff power and tac for maximum damage). Odyssey reported 35% increase in single target damage once he used my "battlestar" configuration. The 'spike' damage output of cannons is very useful to clear the skies with, and with the right duty officer setup you can -almost- spam flak barrages continuously while pumping max power into weapons with batteries and EPtW.
Now there are veteran players who can maxx out the DPS of beam heavy ships but for players in ESTF training, sometimes a switch to cannons spikes their damage significantly giving room for new experimentation (which is great, as they can now weigh the pros and cons of beam vs cannon builds and find out why their previous beam array cruiser never killed anything decisively).
And also it's great to try different builds - a 'conventional' cruiser setup had problems killing probes rapidly on KASE but a star cruiser I made a long time ago for a certain youtube video made mincemeat out of probes almost as soon as they appeared.
How I deal with spheres:
Flak cannon and torpedo spam in their face. Kill them with max DPS by using APA3 (Tac char), EPTW, TT1 and anything else you can think of that increases damage.
Multiple spheres tractoring me? Tractor beam repulsors.
Best way to deal with tractors? Don't even get to 5km range. There is a way to 'bait' tractor beams and prevent them from locking onto teammates - fly 'barely' into broadside range 4.9km, once the green beam appears maneuver out of range and the tractor is wasted. Stay fast, hit hard and help teammates who are pinned in between spheres as stationary ships have 'zero' defence and will explode soon. But ES3 and some eng teams will save them.
Stationary tanking at point blank may look pretty in BSG, but this is Star Trek. Stay fast and sweep through different shield facings and weapons arcs.
Oh. and if you use repulsors... look before repulsing. Don't kick spheres the wrong direction or in team member's face.
If that is on cooldown I either fire off a photonic shockwave torpedo or use one of my BOFF's photonic shockwave ability, which deactivates the beam(s).
Okay - that's fine I thought/replied, as did almost everyone else apparently. However, someone in a Sovereign flew off to the right prompting Mr 'Go left' to have a little rant and subsequently fly off out of range, where he remainded for the duration, only reappearing to claim the end of mission reward.
Not my worst experience, but defnitely an annoying one.
See, PUG command is never about dictating terms. Galaxy R pilot should have said good morning with a smiley first then ask "Would everyone like to go left and 10% and kick Borg butt?"
There would be a collective enthusiastic YES instead
Don't take it personally if PUGs don't obey you. :P
Well, to be honest I usually just go along with what everyone else is doing. Playing a Science toon as I do, I usually try to play the healer role, with some crowd control along the way. The only time(s) I've ever 'ordered' anything was assistance in protecting the Kang when everyone else was ignoring it and I couldn't take out three Borg Raptors singlehanded.
As I said, it was annoying but not game-breaking. Those of us who continued did so and completed the mission - just a pity that Mr 'Go left' benefited from our success too.
They need to have their chat screens on first.
You must remember, many of these people downloaded the game last week and made Admiral level 50 last night.
They don't know how to turn their chat screens on yet, let alone spell 'HI' or know what 10% is.
Random PUG's are madness. There are people in STF queues who have unsound minds. And it once affected me also.
Infected Space Elite:
After we destroy the initial patrol we all head to the left cube. Well, all but one. This "special" dude goes straight after the still invulnerable gateway and starts shooting at it.
Me: "What are you doing? Fly to the left side and attack the Cube"
[No response.]
[After a minute or so]
Me: "Maybe you should try out normal STF's first and learn the tactics"
Dude: "But there is lesser loot in normal! I dont play them"
[The F****?!]
Me: "So you never played normals? Instead you play Elites without tactics?!"
Dude: "That's the way I play. Deal with it."
I gotta admit his "Deal with it" really threw me off. I believe I got PTSD temporarily thanks to this guy.
So, after Infected I did the worst thing possible: Joining the queue for Khitomer Space Elite.
Me: "Hi ^^"
Me: "So whos gonna take care of the probes?"
Me: "err, hello?"
Me: "Look people, this is a teamwork based mission. Wont hurt you guys if you reply"
Me: "Awww TRIBBLE"
[I give up. Not gonna type anymore. Maybe the're pro's who know what the're doing]
After we destroy the cube the others start doing their thing which is apparently... probe duty. All 4 for them.. 2 guys shooting at the probes on left side and 2 guys shooting at them on the right side. Which leaves only me to take on the generators/transformers.
A minute or so later the first probes enter the portal. :eek:
They play a teamwork based mission but refuse to communicate, to work in a team. In my book that is anti social behaviour. I behave socially and get punished for it. Others reap the benefits. I felt like a fool. Usually one should be expecting this from a random PUG but because of the crazy person of the Infected run just minutes before, I got angry and lost my cool a bit.
I spawn a Cube and have to solo it until one of the 4 guys gets bored by shooting probes and decides to attack the cube also.
And then I thought, if the others do what they want why shouldn't I claim the same privilege for myself? So, I stopped shooting, got to a standstill next to the cube. Maybe this will catch their attention. But almost immediately I felt a bit silly and just before I hit the Warp-Out button, this:
Others: "You wanna help us or just sit there or what"
[:eek: OMG they live!]
Me: "Oh so you can speak after all"
Me: "suck doesnt it. if someone refuses to team work"
Others: "Are you mad because of the optional?!"
Me: "No. Why didnt you respond before? Only when I come to a standstill you stop ignoring me"
Others: "I have put you on my ignore list now."
Others: "Me too"
[Oh my!
Me: "Seriously if you dont wanna teamwork, then please GTFO of elite STF's."
Others: "He just want to need the drops!"
Others: "I believe he's angry because of lack of communication etcpp"
Me: "No. I will not NEED. You can keep your lousy drops. If i am not entitled to your help, then you are not entitled to my help"
Others: "And now you are acting like a TRIBBLE"
[Goes back and forth a bit]
Me: "Since I've made my point, I will help you now to finish this mission. I just hope you speak to each other in future STF's"
[I start shooting the cube]
Others: "NOW"
[3 of them warp out]
Other: "I hope you are happy now. I have to go to work in 1 hour and thx to you I get leaver penalty."
[Which is not true]
I know, wall of text ^^. And also, chat is not verbatum but from memory. And yes I know, I maybe acted like a TRIBBLE. Won't do it again.
I was wanting the accolade and new then that this was now a waste, as this guy was not going to help in a high DPS STF.
I privately sent him a nice message saying, this is a team event and him showing up in shuttle will not help the team.
That open the door for many spams, he is having fun in a shuttle, what does matter, he has very high level consoles on board.
Later I get an email from the same guy saying I should really larrn how to play the game that he had a holo emitter on an escort.
I was teamed up with several of my fleet buddies and read the letter out loud, we all agreed they don't sell Fed Runabout holo emitters.
One of the guys in the fleet warped over to DS9 because he just had to check, go figure they don't seek them.
Why do you guys get all the nasty players and I get all the good ones.
Oh. I play in the wee hours of the morning or offpeak times as my network is much faster then. The losers are all in bed :P
I'm not sure about but I guess I have something attractive and bad players are always in my PUG
KASE. We started by the cube. I said "Hi". Someone said "hihi" and another said "Hey hey". Suddenly, one die. It was a Tac. Cube was killed. And we were 3 to fight spheres. Two went to the cube nearby the gate. When sphere were shooted. We 3 we went to cube. One of 3 players with a cute girl name said "10% rules". I answered "ok". The guy repeated "10% rules". The other guy who fought spheres with me said "ok". The guy with girl name said again "who doesn't know 10% rules?. No answer. We started shooting gen. Suddenly this stupid Tac went to shot my gen. I stopped at 12% and he was still shooting. Gen blew up. We did quickly to kill another gen. But it was too late. NAnites went and we fail the optionnals. Finaly we make clean the left side and we went to the right side. The guy with girl name said "10% rules". We started shooting gen. Suddenly I saw behind me there is no gen anymore. I shot mine quickly. The guy with girl name said. "good job". I said it's not me. And he said. It's the Tac. The other guy, the guy with girl name and me worked together to make clean the place. We heal each other of us not to be killed and we soot the gate and the cube. We ignored those two guys who don't communicate especially the saboteur. We did good job but it would be better if we work 5 teammates...
TCSN. We started. I said "Hi everyone
Sometimes I really think I'm not normal player because I like exchange with my teammate. Just to know who do what or something like this. When all of the team keep silence. It's like playing a boring daily mission.:rolleyes:
ISE is easily savable even if someone deliberately sabotages the 10% rule. It's called repulsors, or even better, gravwell
For CSE, avoid like plague unless with premade. You need DPS and lots and lots of DPS to even have a chance to survive there. Otherwise it'll soon become a slugfest against Raptors supported by Negh'Vars and the majority of PUGs will give up when the going gets tough.
Before you can get anyone into any kind of mode, they still need to have their chat screens on. Many still do not know how. I've flown up right in front of many where i know they can see my chat balloon and expressed my admiration of their noobness. And still no chat, not even anything nasty. :mad:
There I was....
I know I hit cure normal space but I was pugged into a cure elite space.
The first thing I see is I'M LATE!
The second thing I see is a cube go 'BOOM'. :eek:
I fly up next to the Kang and theres a guy there yelling and hollering about him telling the others not to kill the cubes.
Then someone replys (to my supprise) 'Why? You're supposed to kill the cubes.'
The rantor bails out with a quick 'DON'T PLAY ELITES NOOBES UNTIL YOU READ HOW'.
Another ship says 'FU Noobes' and bails out.
Now it's me and two oddys with technicolor rainbow beams.
I said, 'Yall have fun now, yahear?'
And I bailed out.
No big deal about the hour wait, I wasn't even really planning on doing that PuG.
I hate being called names when I did exactly what I am supposed to do per community agreement by a little snit that thought holding a cube at 20% and working as a group to get it there first before leaving a man on it was impossible.
As a matter of fact, I didnt make an issue of it. Instead I said if you want to do it differently fine, then lead the way. What do you want done? He didnt say anything just acted like a snit and seemed to think I should 20% one alone when the Neghvars spawned to somehow prove he was right and the guide trash .
I mean if you dont want to follow the guide fine, man up and call the PUG. But dont rage at people for doing what the community seems to agree is right and going further in trying to go along with them anyway when they are doing differently.
Is the Elite guide here in forum trash folks? I mean heck, everyone goes right instead of left at start anyway.
Maybe its my own fault for not finding an STF group yet.
Well until today. Two terrible experiences that make me wonder why I play this game when everything is a lottery anyways. I really wish there was more solo play that offered some kind of worth while rewards. :mad:
CGE I'll keep it short
1 Klingon player, 2 fleet mates, 1 girl ( I assume), and myself. Waiting in lobby for shield to come down, no one is saying anything. Shield drops, 1 fleet player starts typing "USE OMEGA" over and over in chat. I have no intention of changing my maco set, especially when he is being rude and said nothing during the wait to start. The girl player explains she doesn't has an omega set. We kill first set of Borg. The 2 fleet mates are still at start and refusing to continue, they than come on speaker and start shouting "USE OMEGA" over and over. Klink player leaves. I am about too leave also, but figure why should I take a 1 hour penalty. I go ahead and start the timer. For the rest of the way the 2 fleet mates bring up the rear while me and the girl take all the punishment.
So with only 4 we miss the option and finally get to Armek. Just as we start the Klingon player returns, disconnected I assume. The 4 of us quickly finish off Armek and for some reason the Klingon player starts using obscenities and calling us all noobs. Even though he was absent the whole time and now will get some free loot. The girl was the only reason I stayed, she was communicating and taking everything in stride with a good sense of humor. So hat's off to her, I was in a far worst mood.
1 player telling everyone what to do, 2nd player telling everyone what he is going to do, 3rd player in a shuttle.
The player in the shuttle refuses to leave. I end up on right side helping with cubes and taking care of probes.
Player 1 is mad at me because he wanted to handle right probes. I didn't want to handle the probes, it defaulted to me because everyone else flew away and he is on the left side, so I have no idea why he is mad. Everyone is bickering back and forth, I just keep my mouth shut and continue to blast away. Player 1 ends up leaving. So 3 of us and a shuttle have to finish the mission. It was painful, but still pushed through and came close on the option.
Only good thing I can say is that I found allot of new people to add to my ignore list...
For the second one, there is simply nothing to say about the dude in a shuttle except, "What. A. Dumbass"
I lost focus on what I was doing in anger and frustration and did a few dumb things of my own. I mean the noob went and tried to shoot the gens down to 10% while the nanite probes were active (which I couldnt see at first) on the next, a hateful waste of humanity being a brat to everyone
I had to quit as a worthless POS like that so called VET that couldnt man up and play just be insulting to everyone in his specialness took all the fun out of playing a PUG. I did make sure he knew I thought him a worthless piece of **** first but still left the run and am sitting here angry, trying to decide how to have fun anyway today.
I am starting to wonder if PUGS are good for my soul. Game is supposed to be fun, win or lose you know? Not an exercise in dealing with filth People like that ruin games everywhere every day and if Im not careful I could become akin to them by turning into an angry vet.
Jerk had to be a Klink. Now I dont even want to level my Klink today lol..
That's why you need to hang with another friend. That way even if things go south, you'll still have fun with a buddy.
Of course the ignore button is also your friend.
Misspelling "experience
With someone you know in the same team you can use him/her to break the stagnation of team chat easily by posting humorous subjects or just plain doing all the crucial team roles with your mates and everyone else would be filled with praise.
Having multiple persons with the right chemistry on the same map is also an automatic deterrence to the ones who came in just to be rude. After all you can demonstrate "cooperative engagement capability" not just on ships but on the chat box as well
The other side benefit is that with friends along for the elite PUG ride, you can create awesome videos (which also enhances team identity!).
Thats why when i blow up, i don't go "Dammit" (except on some occasions. I say stuff like, "Kaboombafoo", or "I fall down and go BOOM!!!!"