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Post your worst STF experiance



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Queued up ISE and was put into an existing team, I have to say I am really sick of this happening. Option was gone, only three other players on the team. They were struggling with the spheres on the left transformer.

    I help them clean up the spheres and we get the trans down. We move onto the other side and go to work on the cube. Now we are only three because one team member has parked at the bottom of the gate and is shooting at it.

    We actually take down the cube fairly fast and get all the gens to ten percent. We blow the gens and kill the trans.

    This is where it really falls apart. The person at the bottom of the gate was drawing allot of the spheres, than another person uses their repulsers to push the rest of the spheres to the gate. Now we have about 6-7 spheres right on the gate and of course the cube also get's drawn to the gate.

    It was a blood bath battling all the spheres, the gate, and the cube. Another person drops out, there are only three of us now. Manage to clean up the spheres and kill the gate.

    Now the three of us try the tact cube. I'm a tact in a fleet escort and do pretty good damage. Another is a sci in a adv escort and they seem to do decent damage. The last is a tact in the star cruiser with rainbow beams, they are doing no damage to the point where the cube doesn't even pay attention to them. I actually parked and watched as their attacks were all around 19, 25, 7, 18.

    The cube is a struggle, whenever myself or sciscort make a run on the cube it immediately focuses all fire on to us. We are all struggling to stay alive and end of blowing up quite a few times. Gotta love the invisible torps.

    Eventually we get the cube down to about 30 percent. Then we are all killed and everyone has 1min plus respawn times. I watch as the cube goes to full shields, then full hull. Well this is to much, I bail.

    Totally time elapsed was close to 40 minutes, that doesn't include the existing players time that were there at the start. It was very painful and to top it off I get hit with a leaver penalty. Total FAIL.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I got send into an already failed opt and almost failed main in KASE. Imagine, you queue, than when you appear you see 4 cubes loose, 6 probes already passed the central gate, 3 team members unconcious and the 4 one desperatly fighting for his life. Just waited for game to fail than warp out, about 2-3 min later.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The moral of the story is if you are quitting then quit as soon as possible so another can fill your space.

    Pugging IGE.

    One player bails after the option fails in the first room (No one checked if the team wants the optional or if they knew the tactics for winning it).

    A new player joins and after a few minutes (most of it sitting around the beam in point) declares that he is going to bail. However, he then proceeds to chat it up with another member on the team on why the mission is a failure (the team was having a hard time advancing). As he chats, other players continue to play and advance further into the game. At the first boss he finally bails. At this point the group has advanced too far into the mission for another new player to beam in.

    If you are going to be a flake (cannot commit for any reason), and I have flaked for various reasons myself, then flake early. Please do not take up valuable space in a group that you are not contributing to. Hopefully your spot can be filled.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    On NORMAL?!

    Yes, normal.

    Just a tid bit of information, I do believe i got unlucky and had several euro players. I'm assuming either they never did this mission before, or something gets lost in translation. Whatever it was, I facepalmed so hard and was extremely frustrated with them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    skittle bricks. those people with flying bricks are so amusing to watch
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What is it with folks using TBR on clustered enemies that are ripe for AoE strikes? Or on targets caught in gravity wells?

    Or, worse, into the vortex in KASE?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My worst STF experience is running Infected Ground respecting the other players, paying attention to trigger lines, healing team mates and getting none of the optional loot bag items (75% of the time I don't get a single item), defeating the boss and not getting the PSG Shield tech I need since I became playing the STFs, more then 500 runs ago. :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well, bailed (for only the second time ever) on Cure Space normal earlier.

    It was nothing more than a mess. One person shouting about how everyone should be running better weapons, but he wasn't doing fantastic DPS himself. Too many people obsessed with the cubes, and no-one paid attention to the Kang until it was MUCH too late.

    In no time flat the Kang was reduced to 12%, covered in plasma fire, with eight BOP's & two Raptors circling/firing and same person telling everyone how their weapons were too inferior. It was clearly a dead loss, so I took the leaver penalty.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Definitely just had THE worst STF EVER.

    God knows how - but the PuG I was with a few minutes ago failed CSE in, literally, 59 seconds. Admittedly, was probably partly my fault as I got smacked early trying to tackle two swarms of BOP's and wound up in respawn oblivion, but seriously - I respawned to a near-dead Kang and a sad, desperate and completely futile attempt to rescue whatever mess had occurred as a result of my uselessness and whatever the hell everyone else did that caused THE worst STF ever. Never have the words EPIC FAIL been more apt.

    59 seconds..... is that a new record?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well, here is my story...

    Last night in CSE I jump in to find myself with a group consisting of all beam boats except for me. There may have been a carrier...not sure. Things started out ok. I usually grab the Kang but somebody said they had it so I take probe killing duty. I soon realized that the group didn't have the firepower to do the kind of DPS needed, but eh it's a PUG and I don't really care as that kind of thing happens.

    To make a long story short, my oncall phone rings so I'm kind of flying in circles while answering. When I get back I'm disoriented and thought someone had already blown one of the cubes. I join another shiip and kill the other...big mistake; the other cubes were still intact. Ok, I messed up, it happens and I have always just rolled with in silence because everyone makes mistakes and it is just a game.

    In the past, the team would just knuckle down and still manage to pull out a win including the optional. But I guess in those cases, there were no emotionally crippled children in the group. The next thing I know someone I will call "stinker" takes time out from his busy schedule of getting blown up every few minutes to launch into a stream of semi-coherent profanity, punctuated by "noob" between rants. Now keep in mind we only had 3 minutes on the clock when I blew the cube and only one of the 3 cubes was completely cleared of probes. IOW, with the low dps people were puttng out there was no way we were going to beat the timer. I had the only ship with real firepower. Still, I figured you give it your all and hope for the best.

    But stinker thought it more important to rant in chat. We time out. Now stinker's equally mental friends start launching their own rants. I was cracking up mostly because I never saw anyone misspell the f-word, but also because these "fat kids in their mom's basement" were foaming at the mouth over losing an STF they would have lost anyway because they were ill equiped.

    My reason for posting this is thus; I think that some of the griefing people are seeing is the result of these kinds of people doing STFs. I have a pretty thick hide by nature, but some people take getting cursed out over and over personally. This isn't the first time some tardlet's ire was directed at me, but I ave seen the same kind of behavior time and again. I was tempted to leave after the first rant, but instead I told stinker to shut his hole and get on with it and stayed to the end. But I could see how others would just bail on them rather than listen to their blather. Or recognize them and TRIBBLE up the optional out of revenge. Just sayin'.

    For the record, if you are in a PUG with me, I will stick with it and you until the end. If you mess up, you won't hear it from me. I fact, I do PUGs in order to help people who don't know what they are doing (and because most fleets I've seen seem to be composed of 3 year olds).

    And if you feel the need to rant, by all means rant at me. I won't even put you on ignore. Just know that I am probably laughing at you, so don't think I am ignoring you if I don't respond. Frankly, after 8 uears of SWG, the tards of this community are rank amateurs in the flaming department. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I had my worst STF today - Infected Ground - I got a bunch of solo players (yes, everyone seemed to look out for himself) instead of a team. I'd to wait 5 minutes an healing that never arrived, a couple of player in front of me notwhitstanding. After the Respawn put me beyond a force field I cannot remove alone, I had to took the penalty and leave.
    Thank you losers!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What really annoyed me what the other night on 'The Cure', space.

    Was onto the last nanite on the left, the only nanite left in the entire map,

    TWO idiots, blow the far right cube when the rest of us asked them not to........then they move on to attack the middle cube, ignoring the spawns

    As you can imagine by the time I got over to the Kang, I had a lovely view of it exploding....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I never, never PuG. Except once ... and only once. KAGN (my first normal in ages, and my last), 1 guy that ran forward once and died by his stupidity, then did nothing but sit there "needing" everything, and another idiot that was somehow trying, probably 7 years old, went into the room and asked what to click after I said several times that I'd do it. When I saw him post a message I said "GET OUT!" And he actually left and gave a small amount of effort ... very, very slowly ... one other guy was attempting with a better amount of effort and knew what to do but was silent except when he said in all caps that I was doing something wrong (which I was not ... and don't tell that to a KHG Elite Ferasan). The last person was my fleetmate, can't remember who, he hadn't done KAG before but I explained it and he gave PLENTY of effort for a newb. He was also the only reason I did it as you'd expect. Had a little trouble but I was most impressed with him above anyone else. We DID however finish it, with me having to extend shield time, every time. When we got to Tosk I used my Engi stuff and he went down pretty fast. Still, by FAR, worst STF I've done. Probably just because I don't PuG.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I was doing KAGE with some fleet mates. THey were al****le green but not bad. But we were one short. So we pugged it.

    We were all pretty chatty, talking about the mission and stuff, except for this PUG. He didn't say a word to us the entire time, just chugging along flying ahead of use and getting himself killed by soloing everything.

    WE finally get to the node room with a minute left on the clock, one of my fleet mates is having computer problems, so he relogs. Whatever... Then FINALLY after 15 minutes of silence this guy pipes up and says "What is going on?"...

    After we just had this conversation about what is going on in chat...

    I tell him "One of our guys is having comp problems and is relogging."

    The optional expires D:

    "You guys suck. This is the worst team i have ever played with."

    "Fine, then Leave" I snapped back..

    He did like a angry 13 year old boy.

    We did the rest of the mission one person short, and everyone got prototype salvage XD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Feydman wrote: »

    For the record, if you are in a PUG with me, I will stick with it and you until the end. If you mess up, you won't hear it from me. I fact, I do PUGs in order to help people who don't know what they are doing (and because most fleets I've seen seem to be composed of 3 year olds).

    And if you feel the need to rant, by all means rant at me. I won't even put you on ignore. Just know that I am probably laughing at you, so don't think I am ignoring you if I don't respond. Frankly, after 8 uears of SWG, the tards of this community are rank amateurs in the flaming department. :p

    Actually, if I'm in a PUG with you, and I TRIBBLE up somehow, I WANT you to tell me.

    How else will I learn?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Every. Single. Cure. Elite. Run.

    Y u no drop prototype weapons tech? I don't need five of your rare borg weapons tech. :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oldkirkfan wrote:
    Actually, if I'm in a PUG with you, and I TRIBBLE up somehow, I WANT you to tell me.

    How else will I learn?

    Do you want me to go into an epileptic seizure and call you a noob? :p

    Somehow I don't think that's going to help you. If you ask, I'll tell you what I know, but I'm not going to start telling you you messed up simply because we don't know each other and who knows how you'll take it. I try to only **** people off on purpose and only when their stupidity or incivility demand it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My observation: usually those players who are insulting you usually don't know the difference between your and you're :-)

    Insulting player: your moron
    me: my what moron?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Professoor wrote: »
    My observation: usually those players who are insulting you usually don't know the difference between your and you're :-)

    Insulting player: your moron
    me: my what moron?

    What's worse, they have no imagination. What ever happened to the good old days when trolls and flamers took their craft seriously? If you are going to insult someone, put a little effort into it. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Professoor wrote: »
    My observation: usually those players who are insulting you usually don't know the difference between your and you're :-)

    Insulting player: your moron
    me: my what moron?

    I'm reasonably certain the middle schools have been teaching a cross between Hip Hop sub-English and Phone Texting SMS Language. This is to insure that the high school drop outs or 'No Child Left Behind' graduates will be able to do some form of written and verbal communication while they are searching for jobs as Computer Game Programmers. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just had a bad experience on kase with bad communication with all of them.

    First I join a kase even help the lad get some ppl in. I say ill go right but need someone on right probes which goes unanswered. When in game and the cubes done i go right and while travelling i keep asking ok who's coming right with me to do the probes while i do the rest of the right side. No replies. So i kill the first few probes but try to do most of the right. Of course some probes got by and the lead asks who was on right probes i said no one as no one was replying on chat when asked if someone can do em. He left in a fit of rage because the optionals were lost.

    Next was some other idiot who goes on about that he was on left side and only helped me once on right probes because i said i needed help with probes not to do all the right probes which obviously he wasn't reading chat at all except that one time i shouted in chat with all caps to try get someone's attention. He turns around to me saying i was the one in the wrong with bad communication and at that point i just thought to myself fk it he's on the ignore list now as he is just causing trouble and trying to pin it on me when it was him and the others who just wouldn't use chat to communicate and just made the whole experience really bad for me which i am used to doing elites with ease with my fleet and most of the time with good ppl from elitestf channel.

    Problem this time was that the guys were from the elitestf channel which i was very surprised about and shocked at how bad these ppl had acted.

    This has left a bad taste of stfs for me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    SkeeterUK wrote: »
    Problem this time was that the guys were from the elitestf channel which i was very surprised about and shocked at how bad these ppl had acted..

    Problem with the elitestf channel is it's too widely advertised and they accept anyone that comes along. It's highly polluted with noobes and middle schoolers. :eek:

    The good STF channels are by invite only and they don't advertise ever. If you recieve an invite it will be after you've proven yourself in a pug or in a battle with a group from one of the open STF channels.

    To be invited should be concidered an honor. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    SkeeterUK wrote: »
    Problem this time was that the guys were from the elitestf channel which i was very surprised about and shocked at how bad these ppl had acted.

    Access to / being in a chat channel means nothing about attitude and actual play ability.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I actually had one worse. Being invited into one, and the power going out five seconds later because of a lightning strike half a block away (literally, I heard the sizzle before the bang). Think someone was trying to tell me "thou shalt not STF on this day". :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I had a KAGE today, got to the node room. One jumps in the room leaving the 4 to clear. I guess another got DC because they just stopped and were standing there. So that left 3 of us to clear the room. One kept getting killed, and the injury list was massive. Then this person would not respawn themselves. So they basically played dead. Me and the other "survivor" cleared the room, go to the first node, and it's just the 2 of us, and the person in the room is doing nothing, not listening to which node was being called out. I have never had a node room be so messed up. But I did find out 2 well equipped tac can clear the nodes and finish the mission. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    oldkirkfan wrote:
    Actually, if I'm in a PUG with you, and I TRIBBLE up somehow, I WANT you to tell me.

    How else will I learn?

    i have got better over the last couple of months but still learning more. it does help when people tell others what they did wrong. i often see people calling someone a noob and telling them how stupid they are, but they don't tell them what they did wrong, so how will they learn? however, typically when i give advice, like get the gateway to 10%, the advice is ignored and they do as they please......all too often.

    Some of us do listen though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    beezle23 wrote:
    Is there a channel for STF training, or at least for people that run STF teams that COMMUNICATE beyond "ur doing it wrong"?

    For example, in Cure Space: -- deciding [A] who is going to guard the kang and which cube to work over first. As opposed to what seems to be the standard "everyone head off in a random direction, then realize they're alone, then try to fly to where the others are."

    I'm admittedly a newb and still working towards better gear. But, if the rest of the group actually acts predictably and *gasp* chats tactics instead of abuse I can figure it out.

    Note -- I'm only doing space STF's. I'm not sure how well I'd team with others on the ground.

    i prefer space, but do ground a lot more often now. khitomer is pretty easy, cure ground is a bit tougher, but with the right mix it is pretty achievable; have a pulse wave weapon. I like the antiproton split beam. now infected grould is hard. i'm still working on learning to jump fast enough, but hard to get much practice since many players quit well before the jumping even starts.

    I also think the ground game is less friendly and for me it seems like players quit more often.
  • captwinters1701captwinters1701 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Went through ISE last night twice. First run through started out good. Took out the patrol cubes and spheres and did a nice 10% job on the left transformers and generators. Then that's when everything went down hill. One member of the "Team" then proceeded to go over to the right generator area (while we're still fighting sphere's left over on the left), and instead of attacking the right side cube, starts taking down generators. But he's not doing it very quickly, because he's in a Skittle Boat. Despite pleas from the rest of us to get back with the program, he ignores us. So we get over to the right side and quickly lose the optional due to the skittle boat pilot. So while we're dealing with right side sphere's and transformer/generators, this guy moves over and starts attacking the gate (while the transformer is still up). We finally get the right side down, along with the sphere's and skittle boat man goes after the Tac Cube. the rest of us go after the gate, and it was nice to see this guy got to vacuum several times. :D so we ended winning the mission, but not the optional thinks to this guy.

    2nd run was weird. Started with 5, but one guy dropped for whatever reason. so the 4 of us managed to get the left and right sides down while maintaining a chance at the optional, and the right side was a near thing, considering how many Gravity wells, and repulsors had to be thrown to give the rest of the team time to knock down the right side transformer. In the end we lost the optional pretty much just due to not having a 5th guy in the mix.
  • rachelj88rachelj88 Member Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I was doing Infected Ground on Normal, optional was attempted by a very experienced player... until the room before the first boss, anyway the experienced player decided to go "idle" but we got all the way to Rebecca with four "not hard but time consuming".

    Anyway the player who destroyed hopes of the optional running guns blazing into the room mentioned, during the battle with Rebecca, he decided to hide! not shooting not doing anything forcing me and two other team members to attempt Rebecca, the hider left the game after the first attempt failed, the experienced player soon came back to life and we completed it.

    although at the time I would of shot him personally "if given the chance", I look back and giggle because it was pretty funny.

    Rachel J.
  • bladeofkahlessbladeofkahless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My friend and I queue up for ISE.
    My eng/cruiser tank, and his tac/escort.
    Got in with 3 tacs in cruisers.
    I was like: "Cool, this should be quick."

    Cube+spheres: Tac/cruiser rushes in way ahead of me and almost gets himself killed. I pull aggro, and heal him up. Easy peasy.

    Left side: Same dude rushes in again (I was still on red alert), almost dies again.
    No 10%. We tried taking the transformer down, but were obviously going too slow, so my friend and I take out the incoming nanite spheres. Barely pull it off in time, but got it.

    Right side: Same thing. This time, another dude busts a generator, while 2 others hadn't been touched yet. My friend runs interference on the incoming nanite spheres. I finish a generator then help him out. One barely gets a heal on the transformer before we got him.
    Optional failed.

    Gate+Cube: First guy rushes cube (we were shooting gate). He figures that out and evasive's just on the opposite side of us. I pull off and grab aggro (now have aggro of gate+cube).
    Tac cube went down without incident. Just a little slower than it should have.
    My friend look as me and says: "Why does it feel like we just duo'd that?"
    I don't care who you are, that's funny right there :biggrin:

    It's me, Chrome. [Join Date: May 2009]

    "Oh, I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer." ~Montgomery Scott~
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