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Post your worst STF experiance



  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What did they do to our forum?
  • bladeofkahlessbladeofkahless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    jake81499 wrote: »
    What did they do to our forum?

    It's been assimilated.

    It's me, Chrome. [Join Date: May 2009]

    "Oh, I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer." ~Montgomery Scott~
  • nightsistersnightsisters Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ever been in a elite STF where a troll flies a yellowstone runabout or a peregrine fighter? yeah that be a sight to see......
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Shuttles were nixed from STFs a couple updates back. (Supposedly)

    If you see a shuttle in an STF you better let Cryptic or whoever owns the game this week know they screwed up again.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I presume shuttles can get into STFs the same way capital ships can get into the Vault. Since it's both griefing and a bug exploit you could report it and see will it earn him a suspension or something.

    They've closed that bug off on Tribble, though, so it won't be something you have to live with for very much longer.

    Also, I feel really sorry for Archived Post. Poor guy's been in 100s of terrible STFs...:frown:
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Had another notable one yesterday.

    KASE. Full team, my in my Kar'fi.

    Took a bit longer than normal to kill the Tac Cube at the start... bad omen?

    I headed right, one of the new Akira Carrier Escorts followed me.
    Killed both probes in one volley. Looked right, Akira is starting on the Transformer.

    Killed two nodes on the left transformer and sicced my fighters on the Cube.
    Killed the second set of probes.
    Killed the Cube.
    Killed the Transformer, whlist killing the third and forth set of Probes.

    By this point the Akira next to me had managed to kill two nodes and then died, he'd managed to pull the cube up to the ceiling of the zone, and it was at about 50% shields and had full HP. The optional was failed because the other three team members had let a probe through, and neither of the left side's transformers was down. Two of the guys from the far side were running for my side (to where the Akira had died), leaving one very incompetent rainbow beam Escort to handle their probes.

    I made a run for the left hand side, killing the fifth set of our probes from the right gate on the way. I made a beeline for the right-hand transformer, letting my attention drift for the few seconds it took to wipe out the probes which were drifting happilly past the Rainbow Escort. Still only one probe on the counter.

    I reached the right-hand transformer, noting it still had all four nodes up, and fell into the usual routine of soloing the Cube, the probes and the transformer. By the time the smoke cleared another three waves of probes had been destroyed, and the rainbow escort had managed to commit Gateway-assisted suicide twice.

    Glancing back at the right-hand side showed that between them the remaining three ships had managed to kill the remaining cube and transformer, whilst letting another four probes past. Probe counter now says five.

    I made for the remaining transformer on the left-hand side.
    It had three nodes left.
    Kill nodes. Kill cube. Kill Transformer. Kill probes.

    The Rainbow Escort was nowhere to be seen, I assumed (correctly) that he'd given up and gone to the far side.

    With all transformers now down, and no probes let past on my side, I notice that with only the gateway and the probes to concentrate their firepower on, the remaining FOUR players had managed to let another two probes past, and hadn't killed the gateway yet.

    Probe counter says seven.

    I attack my left-side gateway. I kill more probes.

    About a minute into the fight there there are a few extra probes and a few spheres to deal with. I throw a Gravity Well at them all and dump some plasma. None get past.

    Probe counter says eight.

    The four remaining players make it over to me just as I kill the Gateway.
    Probe counter still says eight.

    We polish off the remaining Borg spheres (I say "we", but you can probably tell what happened) and I tank Donata. She cloaked three times before finally accepting the inevitable. There were three deaths, all of them from people failing to get out of the way of her MegaBeam, none of them mine.

    STF complete.

    Before I can click on the 'Exit' button, one of the Escorts pipes up with: "WTF N00bs no optional??"

    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Enter rage mode - was about to do Cure Space for the first time today, get to Starbase 24 and click on CS to do it, i get in and im ready to kick Borg butt.......oh its over and people are waiting to leave, while waiting for the box to come up another person gets caught in the trap and loses thier chance to do it for another hour..............at least 2 people had left as i managed to get in as had 1 other person

    WORKING AS INTENDED?.....SORT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nyasayanyasaya Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Archived Post sure is a TRIBBLE, 54 pages of complaints! He should have stopped at page 1. :tongue:
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    In case you haven't noticed ALL of the posts from the Cryptic site were archived. And whos complaining? We're having fun sharing our horrid stories about middle schoolers and farmers in the STFs. If you don't like having fun, tuff.

    There I was............ (They need to add a few emoticons)

    Cure Normal Space once again.

    I enter and say 'HI' as usual and head off to the first cube.

    I look back, NOBODY's Moving!

    Four oddys setting there picking their noses and haven't moved an inch. :frown:

    I say, 'Uh Anyone doing anything or is it all up to me?'

    Nobody responds.

    I kill a node and a couple borge ships and head off to the Kang.

    Someone says, 'You should have waited for the rest of us so we could plan our attack?' :eek:

    I Say, 'Huh? This is a normal what's to plan.'

    They all just set there.

    So I just sat at the kang and killed borg by myself until the optional went bye bye.

    The four oddys were hitting need every time something came up.

    I typed, 'see there, it doesn't take four ships to protect the Kang' (Being sarcastic)

    The same guy typed, 'You still lost the optional.'

    I said, 'what a noobe.' and bailed.

    After I bailed someone PM's me and said, 'Thanks for all the stuff.'

    I put him on ignore. :smile:
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There I was............ :eek:

    I entered an ISE.

    It was already started.

    Side one was dead and there was one ship working on side two with dozens of spheres everywhere.

    Somebody musta had some fun here. :redface:

    Off in the distance was one clown yelling Noobe this Noobe that Noobe this.... :mad:

    There wasnt another friendly ship to be found.

    I just bailed.

    No sence in playing one that badly trashed with an abuser/farmer off in the distance doing little of nothing. :biggrin:

    Bad day for STF's here.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This has been a very popular thread since the start. Now, being transfered to Perfect World, it has been archived.

    I'm thinking about restarting it new as a "#2"

    It's not only been funny but I know it's been helpful to many.

    We'll see if this is the last responce or if I need to start another.

    There I was.... :eek:

    I don't do ground hardly ever, but I entered a IGN this morning just for the heck of it.

    Somebody was yelling noobe this and noobe that and we hadn't even started! :mad:

    One person bailed, then another.

    Now there's three of us and we're still at the spawn point.

    I followed siut and bailed also.

    I'm not real sure how grounds go, I've only done a few and they never turn out good so I couldn't see waisting time. :tongue:

    Oh Well... :biggrin:
  • ipmonitoripmonitor Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i have seen it all but this one takes the cake.
    kitomer elite, 4 escorts and i am in a sov.
    we take care of the cube then go on from there. not a single person even gave a glance at the probes. after screaming 5 times that a sov cannot cover both sides and with no help whatsoever i decided just to sit and see what will happen as one already went in. not a single person even glanced at the probes and the game was lost.
  • daltarondaltaron Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've now read every single post in this thread and all have made me laugh and think 'wow is it really that bad?'

    I've had a few bad experience but nothing compared to KASE that I run about an hour ago with 3 fleet members,

    As we started everyone seemed to know exactly what they were up to and there roles, my fleet mate did voice concern that we were all in cruisers, after the cube was down I went left to deal with probes and genes and my fleet mates headed right, I had one guy in an oddy with me all seemed fine......

    So I thought then when I look for the 2nd guy we pugged with he was already taking on the left transformer and genes on the left side, I thought ok he is handling that well there are two of us here to deal with the probes....

    Continuing to destroy the genes as the second one drops the cube spawns and I then turn my attention to that, (I'm new to cruiser so I'm not so good but I put up a dam good fight I believe) the guy in the oddy had vanished when the cube appeared, when I look he is 20km from me and sitting next to my fleet mate popping his abilities and flying a circle, when this guy finally returns to me he goes straight for the genes and leaves the probes...

    We thought e would be ok as time passed the timer got to 30 seconds I new that we could destroy a gate in 30 seconds with all four of the guys on the right side, my fleet mates popped evasive engine batts to get the probes but just as they got there a single probe got though, this guy in the oddy starts blowing his horn ' you guys weekly ment to do this and we still failed'...

    Very interesting I thought due to the fact when we did finally ask why he was flying from one side to the other his response was 'it's my job, to get the probes' :eek:

    I would love to post my response here but i don't think it would be allowed, anyways this guy in the oddy dies several times whereas the guy that held up his own(second pug) did die but worked as a team with my fleet, by the time we cleared the probes and spheres mr loud mouth oddy was having a major rant in chat about us all being noobs by this time I'm just lolling in chat, considering that his ship had all the damage that needed repairs and on top of that he said he had done this before:eek:

    His ship must of been held together with duck tape and his power must of been for a hamster wheel because starfleet or KDF would not have commissioned this ship to that idiot....

    After about 20 minutes myself and my two fleet mates finally killed donata( I think is how it is spelt) and mr loud mouth oddy decided to have one last rant and left, we got our rewards and what did I see in the distance ? Mr experience left his reward

    If I am to pug again it will be normal on my tactical
    lthou we did have a major laugh about this after it was finished
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There I was.....

    ISE, I need some weapons tech to equip another ship.

    I enter and say '10%?'

    No responce....

    I say 'oh goody' :redface:

    We fly off and start killing the entry cube and spheres.

    There's already a klink there blasting away.

    The first group clears and we fly left.

    The Klink heads straight to the nodes.

    The rest of us kill the cube then a node goes boom that the klink had been working on.

    Someone yells 'What are you doing Noobe?'

    The klink says he isn't interested in the optional.

    We kill the nodes while spheres come pooring out.

    Then we work on spheres.

    One oddy with rainbow/technicolor beams is chasing a node 10k out.

    We get the spheres cleared enough for two of us to kill the gen.

    The klink speeds off to side two without helping clear the spheres.

    He's working on another node!

    Someobdy says 'you noobe, get back here and help.'

    The klink says 'FY'

    The oddy with the rainbow/technicolor beams is now 20k out working on the same sphere.

    One of the side 1 crew speeds off to side 2 and starts on the cube just as a node on side 2 goes boom.

    Now there's spheres on both sides.

    The oddy with the rainbow/technicolor beams is now 30k out working on the same sphere. :eek:

    Two of us finish side 1 and head off to side 2. There are still 2 nodes alive and spheres everywhere.

    The klink says 'you noobes are too weak.' and bails.

    The oddy with the rainbow/technicolor beams is now 40k out working on the same sphere.

    Now there are three of us left to finish this plus a worthless oddy way off in the distance.

    We get the remaining nodes cleared and knock down the spheres enough to kill the gen.

    The oddy with the rainbow/technicolor beams is now 50k out working on the same sphere.

    Two of us start working on the gate while the third goes off and helps the oddy with the technicolor/rainbow beams.

    The ship that was helping the oddy returns and starts helping with the gate.

    The oddy with the rainbow beams agros the cube and drags it right to us. :confused:

    We avoid the cube by flying to the other side and the oddy is following, agroing and dragging the cube to us as he goes.

    We finally kill the gate and then the cube.

    Someone tells the oddy captain to go get a real ship with some fire power.

    The oddy pilot says 'Yea, lets go for a private.'

    We all sent him an LOL. :biggrin:
  • quintarisquintaris Member Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So the lesson to be learned here is...don't ever do a STF with my Oddy, stick to DPSing in my escort. Got it :biggrin:
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Believe it or not, not all oddys are bad. I saw one once that killed two probes! :biggrin:
  • quintarisquintaris Member Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I had my Sci captain Oddy in a Starbase defense mission on Tribble yesterday (one of the 20 man ones). I was soloing a group of Klingon cruisers and doing absolutely no damage to them whatsoever. Despite 7 Mark XI Rare phaser arrays blasting them repeatedly for 5 mins, their shields held and their hull didn't drop below 99%.

    After that I decided to stick to doing group content with my Tac captain Army :)
  • bladeofkahlessbladeofkahless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You're all a bunch of meanies!
    *runs away*

    <-- cruiser captain

    It's me, Chrome. [Join Date: May 2009]

    "Oh, I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer." ~Montgomery Scott~
  • dapperdrakedapperdrake Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yesterday I ran 2 KASE.
    The first one.
    3 tacticals and one engineer from federation. Me from FDK.
    After we killed the Tac cube. Nobody's talking and nobody knows what they have to do. Finaly, the engineer went on the left. A tac with the new fed ship went on the right. One did afk. And the last one went with me to kill the transformer. The guy with me we started nice. Suddenly one probe passed out. Then 2, then 3. The tac and engineer have not enough dps to kill 2 probes. The guy with me went on the left to help the engineer. And I helped. We couldn't exchange our duty. I mean I take the probe and the tac kill the gate. Because nobody answer in the window chat. 10 probes passed out. We failed.

    The second one.
    We start nice. Suddenly one probe passed out. So then a bad player left the stf because we lost optionnal.We did our job. When it's time to deal with Donatra. Another player left. For 1h30 minutes we fight against Donatra.
    After this I went to bed.
  • synkr0nizedsynkr0nized Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm always amazed at stories of people outright failing normal STFs. I get that optionals aren't a guarantee, but sheesh. Every time I think I get a bad PuG in elites I remind myself of stories like the above.

    I mean, dying to a normal raptor??

    But it also sounds like you got a couple players who chose not to contribute at all (that carrier and sovvy sound like they were just there to mooch off your work), which doesn't help.
    equal parts cynical and helpful
  • quintarisquintaris Member Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    So I type into Team Chat "I really don't think that the Kang needs four ships defending it"

    I'd ask if we did an STF together yesterday, but it's not possible for us to both be the sole Armitage with a bunch of cruisers protecting the Kang.

    Of course worse than that is when you've got three cruisers protecting the time vortex in KA and still fail the optional because a couple probes got through.
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    jake81499 wrote: »
    Believe it or not, not all oddys are bad. I saw one once that killed two probes! :biggrin:

    i often see bad comments concerning oddys and understand why at times. i am a tac officer and use all types of ships; escorts, science and cruisers. my 3 oddys are tough ships and do plenty of damage. i only do elites and typically win them often getting the optional. So yes, not all oddys are bad. i did actually see a full rainbow oddy last night which looked really weird.

    Now for a bad experience which was all my fault. I wonder if anyone else has ever done this. i upgraded my reman set and eagerly loaded them on my ship. i go into an elite and it begins. my ship will not move. wtf i think. i check my ship and the engines are not there. i feel really bad at this point. i have no option but to bail quickly in hopes that the remaining players will pick up a 5th. time out for me and i have to wait to see how my reman set works. i really like the reman set btw.
  • dapperdrakedapperdrake Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Very true.

    Not surprised that Normal STF's fail though - one only has to look as far as some of the zone chat conversations that occur. Some idiot bragging about how he "runs six different weapon types as there is no way the enemy can have shields that protect against all of them" - a comment not worth dignifying with a response. The sad fact is, though, that this idiot plays STF's and clearly thinks he's good at them. There also seems to be a general aversion to taking advice from players who post on the forums.

    It's true. I ran an KASE. There was a rainbow oddyssey. I asked the player if she really thinks she is useful. She answered that she is veteran. She said she is playing from the beta.
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i love this thread. i'm tryng to read every post. i can relate to all of them.

    i got so tired of losing cure space elite because the kang goes down. the goal is to protect the kang and what do people do? they don't protect the kang.

    i now exclusively protect the kang....no matter what. i have my extend shields on kang as much as possible. i have found that as long as i focus on kang my win rate on cse has increased dramatically. i'm not saying i am a super player or have the best ship ever. i just simply protect the kang.

    when i use to work on cubes rather than protect kang it was alarming at how much that mission would fail. i still fail on protecting kang because of things you read about in this thread all the time, for example, someone destroys a cube early and then no one helps protect the kang when swarms of borg start coming.

    i figure that people that read these posts know much more than those that don't, like your rainbow warriors, but if i could get one point across to everyone it would be "protect kang".

    What part of "protect kang" do they not understand????
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    lost cure space in 25 seconds
    That must be some kind of record - how on earth did the mission fail in 25 seconds??

    i just posted concerning this. i'm serious....i was on one where we may have lost in less than 25 seconds. right at the start borg were swarming the kang......and of course no one noticed i was being over ran. typical.
  • quintarisquintaris Member Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Very first time I did Cure normal, we lost the optional almost immediately as well.
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Definitely just had THE worst STF EVER.

    God knows how - but the PuG I was with a few minutes ago failed CSE in, literally, 59 seconds. Admittedly, was probably partly my fault as I got smacked early trying to tackle two swarms of BOP's and wound up in respawn oblivion, but seriously - I respawned to a near-dead Kang and a sad, desperate and completely futile attempt to rescue whatever mess had occurred as a result of my uselessness and whatever the hell everyone else did that caused THE worst STF ever. Never have the words EPIC FAIL been more apt.

    59 seconds..... is that a new record?

    Not even close....believe me.
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Every Elite Cure..... Get's one shotted .. people leaves .. tried about 25 times... Every time fail... not even close.

    Cure Normal .... Sooooo easy... Elite... Impossible... I have given up.
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Depends on the PuG you find yourself in. Example from earlier today - played Infected Space Elite earlier - infected isn't really one that you can fail, but it CAN take one heck of a long time to do if you find yourself in a PuG with players who are clueless and/or have poor DPS.

    However, played one before work this morning with a great PuG - we blitzed everything within somewhere around ten minutes, and even then someone commented, on the chat screen, that our DPS could have been a little better!

    Cure Elite is a pain though, since it's wholly dependant on keeping the Kang in one piece; something that too many PuG's ignore.

    Infected is no problem .. 8 out of 10 completed with Opional and rarly dies, and im in Advanced Escort, But cure? I know it supposed to be hard ....not impossible, do I have to join a fleet to be able to do it on elite? (no more PUGS)
    There is so much in STO that almost require a fleet to be joyable. With the knowledge and experience about Elite STF:s it should be a requirement to be in a fleet to do Elite STF:s
    Would make it so much easier for mee ... I'm not in a fleet. :)
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    rdm1958 wrote: »
    i just posted concerning this. i'm serious....i was on one where we may have lost in less than 25 seconds. right at the start borg were swarming the kang......and of course no one noticed i was being over ran. typical.

    reyan01 wrote: »
    To be honest, this is pretty difficult to believe. Not saying it's impossible - but a few problems spring to mind.

    Firstly: The only ships that appear that early into the mission are the Borg BOP's

    Secondly: It takes at least 10 (?) seconds for the initial BOP's to get within weapons range of the Kang. Assuming that no-one intercepted them en-route, the worst case senario is that, within that time frame, the Kang would have four BOP's attacking it.

    Now, if you were protecting the Kang that's at least one BOP occupied - but that makes this senario worse. Because factoring in the time it takes for the BOP's to get within firing range, and the fact that you were fighting one, the end result is that the Kang was taken out by three BOP's in somewhere around 15 seconds. Not impossible as I've said, but either Captain Ja'rod killed and ate his shield repair officers, or Borg ships spammed the invisible torpedo of insta-doom.

    I've seen STF's fail quickly, heck - my aforementioned 59 second one qualifies - but most of those were a by-product of ships (enemy and allies), exploding too close to the Kang, weakening it's shields thus allowing the BOP's to shoot directly at it's hull.

    As i stated "may have lost in less than 25 seconds". I don't keep a stop watch handy. :smile: I seem to recall it seemed like 10 seconds. But anyway losing in under a minute is ridiculous.
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