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Post your worst STF experiance



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Even as I'm typing this message, the KASE that I just left is still going on. Worst utilization of DPS I've ever seen. It takes 2 escorts 4 minutes to kill one of the cubes, one of the escorts is ONLY LAYING DOWN MINES, and the other insists on helping me with the probes.

    I decided to just call it a night and exit the entire game when the optional still had 1:24 left on the clock.... and 3 transformers barely even touched.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    It was not my worst but my weird stf ISE.
    We started fine. Nobody said "hi" but nowaday who say "hi"?
    We went on the left. And suddenly everything becomes strange. one player shoot a node meanwhile the rest of pug is killing the cube. We had no time to kill the 3 other nodes. Spheres went out. We tried kill spheres. But I had to face those two klings can't give damage. every hit was minor than 100 points.
    We tried 2 times and I was thinking to quit. Suddenly a fed tac went on the left to try killing the cube. At this moment I thought. 2 klings push us in the hell dance. But now this moron from fed faction is making sabotage. I cloaked. There was an engineer from Federation was upset and he quit. I did the same.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I PUGed ISE. Said "Hello," as usual (I have a keybind for this) and someone said "Howdy":eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I had a KASE run the other night where a guy in an Atrox carrier (like I was) would go around and pop off all the Borg cubes, and then run off to the other side, where he'd do the same. When we told him to stick out in the fights to kill the cubes he was popping off, all we got back was the German equivalent of "it's your problem now" (Thank you Rosetta Stone :D ), so with two of us killing probes, and avoiding Cubes, and two killing 4 cubes, needless to say we missed the Optional by a wide margin. Where was Number 5 you ask, Mr, Pop a cube off and run? he was 50 K's off the battle hanging out. When we did manage to get to Donatra, he came in closer, but only so close as to make his fighters useful. And of course he needed everything.
    I PUGed ISE. Said "Hello," as usual (I have a keybind for this) and someone said "Howdy":eek:

    I wonder is that was me, that's how I usually respond :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    JoenATL wrote:
    Also in CGE this whole "shotgun" thing. Most people do not seem to know how to do it. I ALWAYS take my MK XII maco rifle to the back corner, and I can not tell you how many times I have taken out armek while the others are dead from the fiasco of the "shotgun" method. Of course when we plan this out I tell them I will snipe from back corner they all get ****y, but then do not thank me for killing him? nope. Or those who remain dead and dont respawn to buff etc when they see one person is taking out the boss and getting close, just need a little help. This goes for Rebecca as well as armek.

    There's two ways I've seen to do the shotgun method:

    1) Everyone stand around in a circle with pulsewaves and hope Armek falls down before he kills the team. In my observation, it has about 50% success rate, and even when successful leaves 3 people dead. I'm not really fond of it.

    2) Properly: Medic melee tank in front, with 4 players at a bit under 3 metres range standing directly behind him with pulsewaves. Directly, not slightly to the left or right, so he can't use his chain lightning. Success rate on it is pretty much 100% if the Medic tank does his/her job right. I've off days with it myself though.

    Everyone lately goes for choice 1 because it's less dependent on the abilities of one person, and even if the team isn't producing a lot of damage, you'll probably luck it by the 4th attempt anyway. And since the attempts only take a minute...

    I've not seen anyone fudge Rebecca (except when I was PuGging Normals for the lulz) unless the whole room is fudged and the Tac Drones kill everyone.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm telling ya, sniper in the back corner FTW. If the group can get past Armek's first level I can take him out on my own from that corner. It's tricky on level 2 with getting him targeted with the shields, but it's doable. This is why no matter what the group says I head to the corner and start picking at him. Works every time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Is it really so hard for people to take suggestions?

    I suggest that the whole group destroys all three cubes at the same time, the rest of them decide to destroy them one at a time when they're all ready. the other two cubes are still at 100%.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just had to post, some very entertaining reading!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Don't know what the heck was going on this morning!

    Played three STF's, all with my second toon (who is now a RA - Lower Half, flying a Fleet Escort), meaning I had to play them on normal.

    TWO failed completely - one passed (Infected). As for the failures:

    Cure: was a damned mess from start to finish; everyone bar myself and someone in a Vo'quv flew off and started shooting at the (furthest right) cube - not the generator spheres - the cube. So, with the Vo'quv coving the Kang, I fly over and, as well as typing 'shoot the spheres' in the chat box, start shooting at the generator spheres, which prompts the others to do so - then left them to it and assist the Vo'quv with despatching BOP's. Anyway, cut a long story short, two Cubes were popped too early, and once the first two were popped those doing the 'popping' simply moved onto the third with no regard for the fact that the Kang was overwhelmed - the Vo'quv and myself tried our damnedest to hold off the swarms but cube three went pop and more spawns headed our way. Laughably, 'Protect the Kang!' appeared in the chat screen - the first time anyone else had said anything! Have to admit, this annoyed me bigtime and I replied "Yeah - a real shame you didn't notice sooner!" and mere seconds later the red text of fail appeared.

    Khitomer: Simple one this - for some reason I wound up on Probe control solo. Yelled for assistance, but received none, so did my best but after a while I was only managing the take the first probe, of the groups of two, down and they started to slip past. Thankfully, a player in a Vor'cha noticed and assisted but once the first gate went bang, the subsequent swarm proved too much - the other players were paying no attention to anything but generators, and the last probe, whilst at 20% health, got through and I got to see the red text of fail again. Wish I'd been playing my science VA, in my MVAE - might have taken them down a little quicker

    Infected - passed that one, but it took MUCH longer than it should have - though did manage to obtain a rare shield drop from it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There I was!!!

    I just entered an ISE pug and out of the blue for no reason some clown starts yelling '$%@&^ you noobes!' :(

    I say 'Uh, nobody's started even firing yet? So who's the noobe?'

    The guy bales... :p

    That was proof, that some people are just in there to be jerks... He was probably on vacation from middle school and has nothing better to do than be a jerk. :eek:

    Life goes on, may his be filled with difficultys................

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    There I was!!!

    I just entered an ISE pug and out of the blue for no reason some clown starts yelling '$%@&^ you noobes!' :(

    I say 'Uh, nobody's started even firing yet? So who's the noobe?'

    The guy bales... :p

    That was proof, that some people are just in there to be jerks... He was probably on vacation from middle school and has nothing better to do than be a jerk. :eek:

    Life goes on, may his be filled with difficultys................


    Unfortunately with summer upon us, that will be happening more and more.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Unfortunately with summer upon us, that will be happening more and more.

    I think you're right. We'll probably see more of this for the next few months.

    My worst STF experience so far:
    45 min till I had to leave for work. So, queued up for the Cure Space.
    Waited a few minutes, then got the countdown.
    Entered the map.
    It was already completed, and the "leave now" countdown was running. Cubes already gone and Kang gone.

    So, I hit the leave now button, and was rewarded with a 1 hour cooldown :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    everyone got a proto weapon drop in the last cure ground elite i did except me, i only got 2 lousy edc's and a useless mystery lockbox, ive been spamming cure ground elite for several days and not once have i gotten either rare or proto weapon drop, and i want my proto weapon drop so i can finish my mkxii set.

    i was cheated out of my proto weapon drop.

    thought we were all supposed to get the same drops when finishing an stf
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Is there a channel for STF training, or at least for people that run STF teams that COMMUNICATE beyond "ur doing it wrong"?

    For example, in Cure Space: -- deciding [A] who is going to guard the kang and which cube to work over first. As opposed to what seems to be the standard "everyone head off in a random direction, then realize they're alone, then try to fly to where the others are."

    I'm admittedly a newb and still working towards better gear. But, if the rest of the group actually acts predictably and *gasp* chats tactics instead of abuse I can figure it out.

    Note -- I'm only doing space STF's. I'm not sure how well I'd team with others on the ground.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    There I was!!!

    I just entered an ISE pug and out of the blue for no reason some clown starts yelling '$%@&^ you noobes!' :(

    I say 'Uh, nobody's started even firing yet? So who's the noobe?'

    The guy bales... :p

    That was proof, that some people are just in there to be jerks... He was probably on vacation from middle school and has nothing better to do than be a jerk. :eek:

    Life goes on, may his be filled with difficultys................


    To be honest, whilst I haven't encountered what you experienced before, I have encountered some idiot spout off before the mission had started. He was gibbering about how the team was "fail" due to two science ships being present. I chose not to dignify his drivel with a response. And, typically, whilst I won'g pretend that his fleet escort was rubbish, I have seen better and, using target sub-systems/shield weakening/Viral Matrix III, Tetryon weaons & Tachyon Beam my T5 Bellerephon seemed to be almost as problematic to the Borg ships as his escort.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I dont normally pug a STF but yesterday I did and I had a team of 4 Oddys with Rainbow beams doing less then 50 DPS while I was hitting 1000+ with my AP dual cannons and Turrets, I said to one of them who was able to use GW2 to go to the gate and stop the nanite ships, he said he will but he then went over to the other set of gens and managed to pop them all which resulted in a massive wave of nanite ships, spheres and probes but the oddys had no affect and i destroyed most of them before the player that caused them to come went and stayed out the battle as he was 100km away causing the optional to fail, yet he was stealing all the loot by clicking need and called me and the rest of his fleet buddies noobs, he continued like this till the end of the mission. Turns out his fleet specialise in rainbow ships
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Graham6410 wrote: »
    . Turns out his fleet specialise in rainbow ships


    I'm a noob and I figured out early on that matching weapons and consoles are the way to go.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    thought we were all supposed to get the same drops when finishing an stf

    Where did you ever hear this?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    everyone got a proto weapon drop in the last cure ground elite i did except me, i only got 2 lousy edc's and a useless mystery lockbox, ive been spamming cure ground elite for several days and not once have i gotten either rare or proto weapon drop, and i want my proto weapon drop so i can finish my mkxii set.

    i was cheated out of my proto weapon drop.

    thought we were all supposed to get the same drops when finishing an stf
    Where did you ever hear this?

    AFAIK, it's EDC, "one mystery box" with the green Ferengi cube in it, and random leveled loot of mixed quality.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    OK, yeah, you always get EDC and the current lockbox flavour, but everything else is random. One player might get some blue shield, another a salvage, another borg tech, etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Played Cure Space normal.

    4 people defending kang.

    We don't lose optional due to time, we lose optional due to kang health issues.:eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    On NORMAL?!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I had the same thing happen last week. Cure Space normal, three science defending Kang, including myself. I'm popping every heal ability I have the instant it recharges, the other two were more interested in fighting. We failed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    On NORMAL?!

    If you read this string from the start you'll see that it's not at all unusual to lose the optional in a CSN. More often than not it's because of Oddys with Rainbow Beams flown by Instant Admirals combined with no communication. :D

    As far as drops go, the ship that hovers 100k off in the distance screaming, 'Noobe Noobe Noobe' and never fires a shot is the one that gets all the good stuff. :mad:

    If you can check their education level you will find they are from todays schools where reading writing and 'rithmatic are optional but computer gaming and cell phone texting are manditory. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Could I post about the best STF experience? I have just leveled up my Lib Borg-ette tac captain to VA, and have just started the STFs with her. This was my first go at KASN with her (my main toon is a sci captain), so I am adjusting to STF play with a tac.

    Entered the mission, immediate team chat (wow!!). Two guys went left, two to the right, which is kinda odd for Khitomer Accord in my experience. Asked where do you want me, and I got an answer. I pretty much went between the gates, assisting in spheres and probes so the two mini-teams could concentrate on the transformers and generators on each side. Left side popped both transformers at almost the exact same time and then we got the gate. Went over to assist right side with gate, it went down quickly. Optional successful! Then we dispatched Donatra insanely fast.

    I think the entire run took maybe 10 minutes tops. My hat is off to this awesome PUG. To the other four guys who ran KASN with my toon Four of Four, I salute you, you guys ROCK.

    And then I ran KAGN with the same toon, optional failed, ran in the IMR and got my accolade, but respawned at the very beginning of the map, and was unable to run back to the boss room in time to grab my loot for the run, as the team had eliminated the boss by the time I respawned. *sigh* Oh well...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Worst? Is getting matched up with a bunch of geniuses who wouldn't listen and went off and died on their own in pre-nerf Cure.

    Thankfully most of the pubs I've done have gone alright.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    About a month ago, one night decided to play a bunch of Cure Normal. EVERY SINGLE one we failed the optional, because NO ONE would help with the probes/cubes. I would ask for help, all heard was shut up noob shut up noob. FINALLY ONE FREAKIN crusier comes to help, but still not enough, and I kept dying because
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    SnogE00F wrote:
    Worst? Is getting matched up with a bunch of geniuses who wouldn't listen and went off and died on their own in pre-nerf Cure.

    Thankfully most of the pubs I've done have gone alright.

    Cure seems to have a lot of that "special" guy who insists on flying off and tackling one of the nanite/cube sets by themselves.

    And of course they ignore the raptors that spawn.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The best thing to do is instead of Pugging is to form a team from your friends list or fleet mates as a lot of pugs do not like to use chat and most of them seem to think a STF is a normal mission which cannot be failed as someone said this to me today while i was in a STF. The guy was doing an elite for the first time as he admitted he was new to the game and he wanted help with doing Cure Space Elite and he asked me to help him with the Probes and he followed my instructions, Middle Probes, right probes, right Cube middle Cube then the left probes and cube, but the others on the team decided to all hang about near to the Kang and just sit there so I had to run back and forth killing BoPs and heal the kang(bare in mind i was in a Qin Raptor) while the other guys sat there and chatted s*** about me and the new guy and needed everything. However we managed to complete the optional with 2 seconds to spare and me and the new guy killed the carrier as he was working really well in the team and following instructions and healing me and debuffing the carrier as I dealt the damage
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Did a good batch of ESTFs over the weekend.

    Bad News: I STILL need my MkXII KHG Armor... >.<

    Good News: I've finally managed to grab my MKXII Weapon Tech.

    Hurrah! I'm slightly disappointed now though, since my Klink Sci won't be tanking Armek any more - after all that practice I was beginning to get it down to a fine art... but at least I've finally managed to get my tactics down well enough to solo an Elite Tac Drone... :)

    I also found out that my latest Kar'fi build can take out an entire KASE side (cubes, transformers, gate whilst ALSO killing the probes) solo in less time than four other failboats could. I'm still not sure if that one was a really really good run or a really really bad run!!

    In a later attempt I had a helper on my side doing probe duty which left my Kar'fi free to just kill stuff. It got ridiculous. I ended up soloing both transformers and the gate, then flying over to the far side, helping the other three ships kill the Sphere/Probe spawn, soloing ANOTHER transformer and then helping the rest kill the second gate whilst dealing with the Sphere/Probes as they popped out. We got the optional.

    My most memorable STF experience of the weekend though was Fedside. I got a very random comment along the lines of "RIPSTAR... YOU ROCK, I LOVE YOU MAN!!!" in KASE teamchat. (Ripstar being my Federation Tac Captain who was flying a Nebula Retrofit at the time) I was slightly incredulous given that I had already managed to die once that mission due to a badly timed Gate torpedo shot... but it seemed that the guy who'd assumed probe duty on my side of the map simply wasn't used to seeing a Science vessel that could kill stuff. For my part, I was just thankful to find someone who could handle three probes at a time. He kept killing probes, I killed the rest. Our side's Cubes/Transformers/Gate died, and we made it over to the other side in time to help secure the optional.

    And I ended up tanking Donata.
    Always fun.

    I maintain that the solution to putting up with rainbow boats in ISE or KASE is to build a ship that can basically solo the entire mission. My Nebula may be slower than the Kar'fi, but it gets the job done.
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