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Cardassian Jevonite Order



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    We do not recruit in "I'm seeking a fleet" threads; True Cardassians will be drawn to us.

    We understand that Cardassians are not a popular species within the STO game; Those who wish to be Cardassians will find their way.

    WE ARE ALL CARDASSIANS. We are the only active all Cardassian fleet in STO.

    We are a small fleet

    We are a PvP, PvE, and RP balanced fleet; participate in what you enjoy and do not allow others to influence you into participating in activities you don't enjoy.

    We promote character development through bios and short stories (found on fleet forums).

    We seek those who enjoy writing and see the opportunity to BUILD a culture (based off of Post WW2 Japan) which lacks depth both canon and non-canon.

    We do have rank structure based off of those seeking responsibility within fleet operations (website access and creating new content. Not someone who is going to go running around telling people what to do because of my rank).

    We are more than a fleet, we are a family.

    We are determined to achieve the goal of playable Cardassians.

    If you are drawn towards these ideals and durable enough to overcome the obstacles in our way you to can become one of

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Give out cookies Nador and they will come. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Give out cookies Nador and they will come. :D

    That works unless the client in question is allergic to the prospect of 'additional calories' in which case I propose a list of alternative things that may work, depending on mood.
    • Cute kitten pictures
    • Handmade [Uncommon] Victorian pillows
    • [Very Rare] Victorian dolls
    • A dress (Cardassian haute couture)
    • A date with the Headmistress over tea, cakes and bat'leths
    • An assortment of slaves to (temporarily) rule over
    • A Seska type hired companion!

    Of course, it's meant to be homely on the top and properly Cardassian as it goes down the list :3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    That works unless the client in question is allergic to the prospect of 'additional calories' in which case I propose a list of alternative things that may work, depending on mood.
    • Cute kitten pictures
    • Handmade [Uncommon] Victorian pillows
    • [Very Rare] Victorian dolls
    • A dress (Cardassian haute couture)
    • A date with the Headmistress over tea, cakes and bat'leths
    • An assortment of slaves to (temporarily) rule over
    • A Seska type hired companion!

    Of course, it's meant to be homely on the top and properly Cardassian as it goes down the list :3

    I like your list

    cute kittens hung by their back toes.

    pillows? thats a Federation thing

    dolls? or voodoo dolls?

    the dress, nice..but it won't fit so I'll leave it.

    the date, very interesting... but potentially harmful.

    slaves to temporarily rule over? What this Cardassian mistress really means when saying temporary...30 seconds of master until they all have populated the bridge...then BAM. your vapor dust.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    1. cute kittens hung by their back toes.

    2. pillows? thats a Federation thing

    3. dolls? or voodoo dolls?

    4. the dress, nice..but it won't fit so I'll leave it.

    5. the date, very interesting... but potentially harmful.

    6. slaves to temporarily rule over? What this Cardassian mistress really means when saying temporary...30 seconds of master until they all have populated the bridge...then BAM. your vapor dust.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    1. Hmm, naw, don't show the hanging, kittens, like humans, have to be shown in their natural habitat. It will make future herding and training efforts much easier when they are 'comfortable'.

    2. Both would work, depending on the age group and religious orientation of the clientele.

    3. Won't fit? Just make the waistline tighter, cut the neckline lower and put a bustle on the back. Pass it off as Renaissance inspired just as the Klingons claim to have written Hamlet before the Federation did. Doesn't have to be true, just well executed enough that 'the masses' will be convinced! This will add prestige to Cardassian culture.

    4. Harmful is precisely the point. See my thesis on Klingon Diplomacy today. Besides, a good exhibition catfight will boost morale tremendously. And keep opposing families wary and respectful of each other. Controlled violence is a far more sincere form of settling disputes than sugar-coated words with hidden daggers.

    5. Loyal subjects must be rewarded with responsibility to allow longevity of leadership. As they say, only the weak are cruel. Strong leaders are harsh at certain times, but fair the rest of the way.

    ps. Cardassians are also renown for their wartime engineering prowess. We must uphold that tradition!

    Why Retrofits are a Bad Idea

    Follow up
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    To assist the rebuilding of Cardassia's security forces I may post articles on naval tactics and strategy from Federation historical archives.

    Today's topic involves Federation carriers' deep strike capability evolving to meet future decentralized warfare demands.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    To assist the rebuilding of Cardassia's security forces I may post articles on naval tactics and strategy from Federation historical archives.

    Today's topic involves Federation carriers' deep strike capability evolving to meet future decentralized warfare demands.


    I am proud to have such a loyal Cardassian sharing in the dream (independent Cardassia).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I am proud to have such a loyal Cardassian sharing in the dream (independent Cardassia).

    From what I've seen, in a all out enemy invasion (be it Borg, Dominion, etc), the Federation would move to protect its own, and Bajor's interests first before looking out for the Cardassians.

    Preparedness is better than running around panicking when the brown matter hits the rotating object.

    The fact too that an alarming number of Federation flag officers today refuse to acknowledge the value of military history, means that they will be unable to keep up with today's fast-changing strategic security environment. Don't expect anything decisive from them.

    Let them bicker, while we learn the grand strategy written by Clausewitz and other geniuses - the psychology of today's conflicts are no different than that in ancient times.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    From what I've seen, in a all out enemy invasion (be it Borg, Dominion, etc), the Federation would move to protect its own, and Bajor's interests first before looking out for the Cardassians.

    Preparedness is better than running around panicking when the brown matter hits the rotating object.

    The fact too that an alarming number of Federation flag officers today refuse to acknowledge the value of military history, means that they will be unable to keep up with today's fast-changing strategic security environment. Don't expect anything decisive from them.

    Let them bicker, while we learn the grand strategy written by Clausewitz and other geniuses - the psychology of today's conflicts are no different than that in ancient times.

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    George Santayana
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    George Santayana

    With modern databases, freely available network access, and instant communications, there is no excuse for lack of preparedness.

    Making excuses for failure only points towards a certain word. Hmm, what is it.

    Oh. Incompetence, yes.

    That is a serious matter with the potential to cause massive damage (economic or physical) and loss of life. One reason why I will never bother to try and write as or roleplay a flag officer - only one with true experience at the helm of a corporation or a vessel can write in that perspective convincingly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    The Jevonite Order seeks patriots to the cause. The Order seeks to re-establish an independent Cardassian government without external influences.

    We support the Detapa Council, but seek to end the occupation by Federation, Klingon, and Romulan forces.

    For thirty years they have controlled our governments and pulled the strings among our puppet "leaders" and yet no improvement has been made since the day of our great loss. Cardassians should ask themselves if they are better today then they were thirty years ago.


    We are PvE, PvP, and RP balanced

    We are a small fleet; with us you are more than a number, you're family.

    We support character development through RP, character bios, and short stories (fleet forums).

    We do not force any member to participate in aspects they do not wish to participate in. Have fun is the priority.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Just updated my sig to bring it in line with 'a sign of the times'.

    Coming back to STO now and it's either your fleet or TOS Veterans.

    As for my RP group - the only reason why I've not started running a fleet is because people can make me wait for 6 hours then send me a text to dump me. What nonsense. This isn't RL. Don't play politics, learn to communicate cleanly! Sheesh! Decided today was the last straw and I ain't wasting any more time waiting for people to get the hint of what all my writings are about.

    I'm guessing I will have to be VERY PARTICULAR about age and maturity from now on and TOS Veterans' fleet seems a good bet although I'm actually underage for their application requirements.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Although the mission appeared to be routine, the transfer of 1,600 colonists was no small task. Nador had spent weeks planning and preparing to take on these temporary guests. The mission to transport the colonists from Salva II to Hackton VII. After several attempts to regenerate various vegetation on Salva II, the Federation and Cardassian governments deemed the planet unsustainable.

    Still, Nador was irritated during this operation because of the presence of the Federation Admiral Flynn. A military attache and a most unwelcomed guest aboard the CDV (Cardassian Defense Vessel) Jevonite Order. Nador was also not happy to be forced to cut his weapons payload in order to create enough space to hold all of the colonists. With the civilians successfully transferred to the ship and the coordinates set, His map marked a path of Federation warships securing the entire journey so contact was not expected. Nador decided to return to his quarters for a few hours of rest.


    Admiral Flynn had spent most of his career on administrative duties and starbases. The opportunity to ride on an exotic Cardassian Hydeki Fighter was a thrill in its own right. He gracefully walked on the bridge and sat in the Captain's chair; admiring the work ethic of the bridge officers.

    Then the Admiral had a great idea. Helm, plot the following coordinates and engage maximum warp. He entered a set of coordinate from the console and transferred them to the ensign operating at the helm.

    For a moment the ensign stared at the coordinates like a deer staring at a set of headlights. Sir, these coord the junior officer was cut off, how dare he speak beck to an Admiral; Flynn thought. Do you have a problem obeying my orders ensign?

    Ensign Aldaran was fresh from the academy and backed down. He knew better than to tell the Admiral he was wrong in front of the entire bridge. So Aldaran set the coordinates and sped the little fighter through the stars.


    Nador was sound asleep until the ship rocked hard from what could only be weapons fire. At first Nador half awake from the jolt thought it was a dream...until second and third strike hit. Nador jumped to his feet and contacted the bridge What the rotten vole is going on up there he yelled Lieutenant Bettrin responded Sir, we have a problem. We're engaging a Jem Hadar warship.
    Nador jumped in anger, half wondering why a Jem Hadar ship would be in this area and why Federation ships weren't responding to the attack.

    The Captain slipped on his pants and rushed to the bridge to find the Admiral unsuccessfully giving commands. Every order given received a response; Sir this weapon is offline or Sir these system was been taken out. The little fighter was being gashed, the bridge filled with smoke and cables dangling from exposed walls.

    Nador moved towards the helm and punched up the coordinates of their current location. The Delta Quadrant??! We're supposed to be in Cardassia!! Admiral Flynn approached the Captain Explain yourself Captain, I provided the correct coordinates. Nador looked at the Ensign, Where are the coordinates I provided? The ensign shaken by the current events pulled up Nador's last entry.

    If you had the correct information which I plotted already, who changed the coordinates
    the Cardassian leader becoming agitated. The Admiral responded I changed the coordinates, yours were wrong. Nador stared at the Admiral Well yours are clearly wrong too Admiral, we're in the Delta Quadrant being attacked by Jem Hadar!!!

    Nador reasserted his command on the bridge, bridge officers rushed through their progressions as the fighter maneuvered through unconventional flight patterns and was able to retreat through the worm hole back to safety. The Cardassian ship in critical condition was slowed but able to maintain life support.

    Nador contacted the Cardassian government for ship reinforcements to arrive. As the fighter sat waiting for aid, the Admiral continued to berate Nador on the Bridge You failed your mission Captain, this is unacceptable performance, and poor leadership. I tried to help you and you didn't perform.

    Needless to say........ It wasn't a Cardassian day for me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Wow, that Admiral is so going out the airlock, with no warning given, should it be a Klingon vessel! Not enjoying your new Federation friends, are you?


    If you want to continue your RP with Ms Valmy, feel free to do so - she just had a tremendous character development boost in the TOS Veterans' fleet I signed up for yesterday.

    Feel free to participate/comment - you may notice a mention of a certain 'acquisition programme' intended to aid the reconstruction efforts underway on Cardassia.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    Wow, that Admiral is so going out the airlock, with no warning given, should it be a Klingon vessel! Not enjoying your new Federation friends, are you?


    If you want to continue your RP with Ms Valmy, feel free to do so - she just had a tremendous character development boost in the TOS Veterans' fleet I signed up for yesterday.

    Feel free to participate/comment - you may notice a mention of a certain 'acquisition programme' intended to aid the reconstruction efforts underway on Cardassia.


    If my RL were surrounded by those which embrace the Klingon philosophy, this would have never happened. But it pays the bills (at least for 98 more days; layoffs). The Feds promote on diplomacy and being pretty. Klingons promote based on actions. I have to find more like us for my next employer.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    If my RL were surrounded by those which embrace the Klingon philosophy, this would have never happened. But it pays the bills (at least for 98 more days; layoffs). The Feds promote on diplomacy and being pretty. Klingons promote based on actions. I have to find more like us for my next employer.

    But my new fleet is proving that you can be both pretty and efficient :)

    There is even video proof of the awesomeness!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    We seek Cardassian patriots who seek an independent Cardassia free from occupiers.

    We seek the end of the Federation Molesters that pollute our culture.

    We are a small fleet of Cardassian fans. We are the only all Cardassian fleet actively in STO.

    We are a PvE, PvP, and RP balanced fleet

    We are casual (participate in aspects you enjoy and don't let others involve you in aspects you don't)

    We support character development through (character bios, RP, and short stories)

    We seek to develop a Cardassian culture which is vague from canon and non-canon resources.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    eA<Open a secure channel to the Legate>

    comm<channel open sir>

    eA<Leagate, personally I see that time and the weathered age of experience has given you much wisdom and I sense a new self assurance like aged wine. Your anger has mellowed which almost has me lulled into believeing that, is it possible that The dastardly, notorious double-headed snake could achieve his goal of a New Cardassian Order? My old friend, I would offer my assistance in your quest but know instinctively you would refuse, for it would hamper your hegemony. We, or should I say, I trust, you may accomplish your goals peacefully and look forward to a "New True Way" of the Jevonite Order for the Cardassian people. Hopefully, you won't mind I monitor your progress?>
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ethanADAMS wrote: »
    eA<Open a secure channel to the Legate>

    comm<channel open sir>

    eA<Leagate, personally I see that time and the weathered age of experience has given you much wisdom and I sense a new self assurance like aged wine. Your anger has mellowed which almost has me lulled into believeing that, is it possible that The dastardly, notorious double-headed snake could achieve his goal of a New Cardassian Order? My old friend, I would offer my assistance in your quest but know instinctively you would refuse, for it would hamper your hegemony. We, or should I say, I trust, you may accomplish your goals peacefully and look forward to a "New True Way" of the Jevonite Order for the Cardassian people. Hopefully, you won't mind I monitor your progress?>

    When has the Federation not "monitored" others or interfered in the affairs of others? I know well that the Federation keeps their eyes on the Order....it is called FEAR. It does honor me to know that Starfleet has only the toughest and brightest Commanders keeping watch on the Jevonites. You are also correct about seeking assistance; What kind of leader would I be to preach the removal of all Federation occupiers only to allow exceptions? I am well studied of the Federation and know about your politicians...I am not a politician.

    As for mellowing it is the Straufmek. Return to your Kotra board Admiral, make sure you see EVERY piece on the board. Remember, I earned my title with quick, subtle strikes that burned deep into the hearts of my prey. The opportunity will soon enough present itself and I'll strike again..until then, I shall wait for the prey to lower it's weary head or stray from the flock.

    By the way, did you just call me old?? I'm only 85, still young for REAL lifeforms.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Q: (KeithCrimson) When do we get to play as a Cardassian?

    Dstahl: We’ve been holding off on having playable Cardassians and Romulans for the time being as we envision having a complete faction devoted to these races. That is the only reason we haven’t added them as playable species in the game yet. They are reserved for future expansions. That said, depending on what our timeline is for future expansions, we haven’t ruled out the possibility of having a few Cardassians or Romulans appear in Fed/Kdf ranks. So this is very TBD still.

    THE DAY SHALL COME When Cardassians return to our rightful place as THE ULTIMATE LEADERS of the Alpha Quadrant.

    THE DAY SHALL COME When the Legate once again Commands the Galors and Keldons to victory over our enemies. Our first target? Finish off Bajor of course. Remove the plight upon the galaxy.

    Let the reign of terror commence
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's seriously good news. Having more half-factions would create nothing but trouble since KDF can't even receive a modest amount of development time as it is.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    That's seriously good news. Having more half-factions would create nothing but trouble since KDF can't even receive a modest amount of development time as it is.

    Half of Cardassia is better than a complete Federation.

    Technically the Jevonite Order's main goal (independent and free Cardassia) has officially been achieved. Eventhough we still don't have the date on a calendar.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    That's what you think. It's not what the STO community thinks.

    If Cardassia is to succeed as a sovereign power in future, it has to embrace the trends of the times and sail with them to gain influence.

    Sadly, I grow sick of pointless violence and have returned to the Federation, where I am in charge of a task force assigned to "Project Christopher", a humanitarian research effort notable for its proactive problem solving methods and impeccable civil-military training programmes.

    I didn't become in charge of my own task force by making everyone follow my orders. Quite the contrary. I work for my clients' interests and they in turn reward me with further assignments and leeway to develop new systems and seek new challenges.

    Likewise, you will have to learn these crucial collaborative skills to qualify for further Federation aid. You can be a power in the Alpha Quadrant just as your Dominion War era ancestors did, if only you would look beyond what you want, and focus on the MEANS to achieve it instead.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    That's what you think. It's not what the STO community thinks.

    If Cardassia is to succeed as a sovereign power in future, it has to embrace the trends of the times and sail with them to gain influence.

    Sadly, I grow sick of pointless violence and have returned to the Federation, where I am in charge of a task force assigned to "Project Christopher", a humanitarian research effort notable for its proactive problem solving methods and impeccable civil-military training programmes.

    I didn't become in charge of my own task force by making everyone follow my orders. Quite the contrary. I work for my clients' interests and they in turn reward me with further assignments and leeway to develop new systems and seek new challenges.

    Likewise, you will have to learn these crucial collaborative skills to qualify for further Federation aid. You can be a power in the Alpha Quadrant just as your Dominion War era ancestors did, if only you would look beyond what you want, and focus on the MEANS to achieve it instead.

    149 races have joined the precious Federation; most sold out much like the human religious figure Judas. After the initial celebration though, what do they get? There are only six or seven member societies that actually thrive. They also sacrifice their identity by allowing the humans and vulcans to interfere in their internal affairs.

    The Cardassians alone, without aid from others fought to stalemates with this same 150 member Federation and with the Klingons. We would rather that the Dominion finished our race off than to be known as one of those races which sold their souls to be part of this "peaceful expansion" program that the Federation promotes. They seem to believe it is alright for them to explore and bring in more "members" while other races are condemned for the same acts.

    I am disappointed to hear that you have become one of those numbers. You had so much promise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I am disappointed to hear that you have become one of those numbers. You had so much promise.

    I am sorry too. But I go where the strongest leadership is.

    In my culture, the fairer ones do not lead. Sometimes, you have to respect your own roots, even at the cost of dignity. If you were human and lost your entire ancestry to warfare, you'd understand.

    But I am sure, we will meet someday.

    My subspace channel strangely, has no security (perhaps for diplomatic contact) - codename "Pioneer12".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    I am sorry too. But I go where the strongest leadership is.

    In my culture, the fairer ones do not lead. Sometimes, you have to respect your own roots, even at the cost of dignity. If you were human and lost your entire ancestry to warfare, you'd understand.

    But I am sure, we will meet someday.

    My subspace channel strangely, has no security (perhaps for diplomatic contact) - codename "Pioneer12".

    My dear friend, my ancestry lost 800 million in one battle. I doubt humans could comprehend such a loss. You are a strong woman and soon enough the eyes of your peers shall look at you with envy. With the Federation your enemies play games in offices and behind desks. At least the Klingons will stand in front of you and tell you about their hatred.

    Our honor and dignity is earned within our culture; Earning such positions with blood and pain. We do not give it up so easily, nor do we sacrifice our honor for the perception of peace or prosperity. We also do not mistaken totalitarianism as a form of leadership; and do not be mistaken that the Federation is a Totalitarian state ( "Do what we say, or we'll shoot you).

    They have this compulsion to interfere in the affairs of every race in the alpha and beta quadrants. They even brought the BORG and the Undine to our quadrants because of their Haphazard expansion and nosing into everyone's business. Warranted or not.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    The Jevonite Order seeks to reclaim the independence of Cardassia, free from external interference.

    We no longer wish the so called aid the Federation claims to provide. Thirty years of so called rebuilding and support has only resulted in Cardassia losing a planet to yet another enemy of our people.

    We have seen the true light of those who for so long claimed to be allies or coming in peace. The Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Breen, and Dominion have all interfered in Cardassian affairs and we shall clear the blemish of those mistakes. To call any allies was a mistake made by civilian puppets and has done nothing for the people of Cardassia.

    The Jevonite Order is


    2. A small fleet where you are not just a member, but family.

    3. PvP, PvE, and RP balanced

    4. Promote Character development through RP, Bios, and Short stories
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012


    If STO based its game soley off of the community, the Federation would fly God ships while the Klingons fly tooth picks.



    We are a small fleet

    We are balanced PvP, PvE, and RP

    We promote character development through (RP, bios, and story telling).

    So expand your imagination, create a unique culture from scratch

    Join the Cardassians
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Here's some intel - having my share of RP-related harrassment/mismanagement I'm now a free trader at the moment.

    Next waypoint, Cardassia for the usual GE crops delivery. I may bring an aerospace defense mercenary (302nd STW) unit along for the ride, see if they can learn a bit of your unique security situation.

    Also, have some STF-level contacts on DS9 who may be interested in rekindling their cooperative writing roots.
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