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Cardassian Jevonite Order



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    Well written! I like the 'urgent' military style atmosphere which is more true to life than *leisurely looking around the Academy taking in the scenery* (which is IRL impossible!)

    One suggestion is try and break the text into paragraphs of no more than 30-50 words, to make it easier on the eyes.

    Although if you are typing this on a mobile device it may be inevitable that it gets lumped into a big chunk.

    Thank You for the advise, I'll start following it. still using this clumpy old lap top.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    It's very easy to claim that a Fleet conducts RP but can their reputation speak for themselves during the course of everyday communiques? Roleplaying should be accessible to all and written in a prose so naturally, it should feature prominently the moment you log on to STO.

    The Jevonite Order definitely features promptly in its dedication to restoring Cardassia's excellence as a culture of starfarers and elite intellectuals.

    Feel free to make use of this little bit of Federation propaganda here:


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I think eventually you will be able to play in a cardassian faction but when lol ..

    alot of ppl say *neveRRR* but they said the same thing about interior's as well and we have them .

    im looking forword to playing in a civilian faction myself , would be nice to play the maQie , they were all working outside the law and no friendly faction's to help them .

    someone told me next yr they will have the romulan faction playable ?
    we had some romulan fleet's on here at one time didnt we ?

    ohh yh , friendly bump !

    I feel the old excitment building my old friends....lol

    In warming up my Hidike Class...hhmmmm

    Was just going over the old <Archive>Gamma 7 threads, the Sphere, De Rhanna, Mortoc, etc...

    Looking forward....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The fire burns deep in the hearts of ALL TRUE CARDASSIANS

    The day will come when we find independence from our oppressors.

    We shall return to the glory which our fathers found and we shall honor their memory.

    The Jevonite Order actively seeks True Cardassians for this movement.

    This fleet isn't for everyone, we understand that.

    We work to build the cultural and sociological background of the Cardassian species.

    We are a PvP, PvE, and RP balanced fleet.

    We are casual and allow members to participate in what aspect of STO they want and do not force them into aspects which they don't want to participate in.

    We promote character development through short stories and bios

    If this sounds like something you can get into; We invite you to become a member of the family.

    You too can become one of

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ethanADAMS wrote: »
    I feel the old excitment building my old friends....lol

    In warming up my Hidike Class...hhmmmm

    Was just going over the old <Archive>Gamma 7 threads, the Sphere, De Rhanna, Mortoc, etc...

    Looking forward....

    We will one day strike fear in the hearts of our enemies flying Galors and Keldons from star to star my friend. Throw more fuel on the fire brother, make that excitement roar like a bond fire.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    It's very easy to claim that a Fleet conducts RP but can their reputation speak for themselves during the course of everyday communiques? Roleplaying should be accessible to all and written in a prose so naturally, it should feature prominently the moment you log on to STO.

    The Jevonite Order definitely features promptly in its dedication to restoring Cardassia's excellence as a culture of starfarers and elite intellectuals.

    Feel free to make use of this little bit of Federation propaganda here:



    Thank You for the kind words and you are always welcomed to visit our fair lands.

    Throw away your Targ....Love a Cardassian (hee hee hee) :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    With the close relationship the Jevonite Order is building with the TASK FORCE VIGILANT RP Guild, we are creating a new rank for the Guild's membership.

    It is the Obsidian Harp rank, it is a civilian position which allows members of other groups participate in RPs and create their own character short stories within our Forums.

    They will be welcomed as family without any fleet requirements (like there are any). So, when you meet a member of the Task Force welcome them aboard and demonstrate the exceptional Cardassian hospitality.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Legate Nador Ekoor
    The Dastardly, Notorious, Double-Headed Dragon Snake
    Fleet Commander Cardassian Jevonite Order

    I can give you some Cardasian Lock boxes if you wish? Get a Galor Class.???..Are you in game???

    Let me know my friend...

    Wont be back on till weekend...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Below is the continuing Story of fleet character Marritza Nador.


    The five uniforms were heavy and awkwardly hanging as I was smaller than the average entrants. The Head mistress just stared at me before moving on. I continued to follow her down the hallway with several opened metal doors. Each door had a number and inside each cell furnished a concrete bench with a blanket, a desk with a glowing ball. This is your room, remember your number it will be yours for the next four years. If you survive that is.

    She continued walking, her Clud'Jothen tapping the floor with every step. Click,click, click sounding like a clock as it tapped between each step. She led me into an auditorium with the other students, as we approached the front she pointed to a chair Sit and she continued climbing the steps to the stage.This is your first test, you shall stay alert and stand immediately when a mistress enters the room. There are no second chances, no forgiveness, and certainly no talking. You will stand before a single word is spoken or you will be punished. From there her speech ended and the mistresses filed out of the room behind the leader.

    Doors were locked from the outside, the lighting shut off, and the vent systems closed cutting off any air flow that might cool the auditorium. Two hundred children sitting quietly in a dark and scorching room. The fact is that we weren't just children, we were Cardassians. For hours we sat, not one word, not even a cough or loud breath. One of the doors began unlocking and chains pulled from the handles; The group stood up, but the door didn't open. After a few moments everyone returned to their seats. Every several hours this occurred three more times, each time no one entered the room. As time passed, heads began to nod, bodies stretching out, and even a few snoring.

    Without notice the doors burst open from all directions only ten of us stood up in time. The mistresses began yelling and striking those not standing with heavy sticks, pounding the students until massive wounds appeared on their faces and bodies. Those which were snoring had their throats slit by the sharp edge of Jevonite Blades. As I said, no second chances and no reprieve. The head mistress walked in.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The entrants were sprawled throughout the aisles; grasping tight to their wounds. You will now file out and proceed to your quarters, courses begin on Frekson at pre-dawn. You will meet in the field, follow the green line to your formation. Candidates began filing out of the auditorium, gingerly stepping or holding their wounded arms. Mistresses used their boots to shove those who moved too slowly or crawling up the aisles.

    At first, I thought thankfully we have a day to recover as we arrived on the Vesma and it still a day away with no activity scheduled until then. There was no way to determine time or date; no lights, no windows, no calendars, and no clocks. As we began arriving into the assigned quarters, several of the candidates discovered that they were assigned cells already provided to other candidates. Chaos was breaking out with the older children.

    I was already introduced to my cell. I moved into the room and closed the door. As I began pealing off the uniforms in solitude, the sounds of mistresses entering the quarters ordering students into their cells, smacking some with switches for remaining in the hallway or not remembering their numbers. I continued undressing ignoring the screams of pain outside, removing my stockings caused the feet to begin bleeding again. The first foot, I peeled the cloth off slowly and the pain burned deep within the wound; I decided to rip the second off and though it was painful, it receded quickly.

    The strikes continued for some time until each cell had an individual candidate. As the groans and the strikes continued, I proceeded in my cell as though nothing was taking place. My uniforms were placed neatly in a drawer of the desk and I laid down on the concrete slab. The first hours were restless, trying to figure out how to situate the blanket around me and still support my neck. I thought I'd have plenty of time to figure it out, but it wasn't long until yelling started again.

    Mistresses stormed the various cells; first angry that candidates hadn't stood up promptly upon their entrance, next that we folded our uniforms incorrectly, didn't have this or that properly aligned, blankets weren't folded, we weren't dressed for duty, and finally we were not in formation. Uniforms were thrown in the hallways, blankets, boots, and of course candidates.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    Proud Cardassians who seek the Independence of our people from Tyranny.

    Patriots possessing courage to stand against our enemies

    Heroes serving the needs of the people.

    We are more than a fleet, we are family

    We are PvP, PvE, and RP balanced

    We promote character development through RPs, Character Bios, and short stories

    Whether you choose to be family or just friend...We are always willing to team, RP, or help others.

    You too can be more than just another number. You can become one of

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The snaps of switches striking flesh, the yelps and screeches of unarmed victims sounded through the halls. The clicks of that cursed Clud'Jothan became louder as the head mistress approached. No personal items authorized in the hallways!! and I thought I said formation at pre-dawn on Frekson. I expect everyone in formation by the time I arrive at the field. The stern figure continued stepping through the rubble towards the field.

    As the mistresses continued beating the children, we feverishly tried to grab clothing and linen and tossing it into our cells. I tossed whatever I could into my room and locked the door before rushing out of the living quarters to beat the head mistress to the field. When I arrived, I was welcomed with the blunt globe of the Clud'Jothan to my head. I was to late. Yet, I was lucky; the other students were unrelentingly being beaten by mistresses to the formation. Many missing items to their issued uniforms.

    The Spear yielding demon stood on a pedestal like a stone statue as the initiates formed what appeared more like an evacuation center than a military formation. You are all late, I directed you to be in a location at a specific time and you failed to heed my instructions. How can you be expected to fight our enemies and care for those who loyally follow you when you can't complete a simple task as being where you are directed to be? For this failure, we will skip the morning meal and utilize this time getting from one location to another in a timely manner.

    The head mistress ended her speach and tapped her Clud'Jothan on the pedestal. The junior instructors then led the gaggle on a four hour run which contributed to a missed lunch as well. When we returned to our quarters, it was time to clean the mess we left behind. As I folded and returned the clothing to their appointed drawers, I discovered two additional pairs of boots and a second blanket among the pile.

    I approached one of the junior mistresses as she stared coldly in my direction. What recruit? Did you forget your number? I just looked up with a pair of frightened eyes and squeaked out Mistress, I have discovered excess items in my inventory. I was expecting another brow beating, but was shocked at her response. So, it was in your room. Congratulations it is yours now. You can choose to be weak like our enemies or you can become a Cardassian and build your Vesala.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    A friendly nudge to the top.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    ethanADAMS wrote: »
    A friendly nudge to the top.

    Thank you for taking the time to check it out and welcome back old friend..it has been too long since Galactic and Jevonites RPed on the forums.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012


    We are not big

    We are not pretty

    There will be times you'll be in game and we are not around; We do have friends and those friends are always willing to cover our backs during our absence.

    We have a rank structure, but is not a formal chain of command...it is RP.

    We are casual; RL is everyone's priority.


    We are PvP, PvE, and RP balanced. Participate in aspects you wish and leave out the rest.

    When we are in game; we are open to teaming with others, whether it is a fellow patriot or someone just wanting help. There is no membership requirement to have a friend here.

    We are well known amongst the founding fleets and old timers as one of the best RP forum writers on site. The fleet has authored three major RPs. We are also active in game RP.

    If you enjoy the challenges, have the imagination to expand on a culture which has very little background (canon and non canon), and have the endurance to reach a goal....You to can become one of

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    For readers wanting to know if the Cardassian Academy is four years of getting beat. The answer is no, the first 72 hours are filled with it and the 36 hour response drill (the auditorium) is the harshest of it. Once the recruits begin working together and having some discipline, the beatings cut down.

    As I said, they cut down; they don't stop and bad decisions result in bad Consequences. However, it produces strong and disciplined officers with a rigid command climate.

    For more readings apply to the fleet site and let me know you just want civilian access (a couple forum areas).

    We are still looking for TRUE Cardassians and will open our arms as family and patriots.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    This fleet may not be for you

    1. We are not a large fleet
    2. We are not a pretty fleet
    3. We no longer accept species outside of our own superior race.

    This fleet is

    1. Effective and Effiicient
    2. Patient
    3. Dedicated to the ideals of a free and independent Cardassia
    4. Currently serving in both factions until such time as a Cardassian faction is decided upon.
    6. PvP, PvE, and RP balanced
    We promote character bios and stories

    It takes a special person to be a member of the Jevonite Order; It is not popular to be patient or be a Cardassian.

    We are outnumbered
    We lack the technology
    We lack fans (fans equal popularity equals Devs spending time on the faction equals occupation or freedom)

    We must be stalwart in our purpose
    We must be patient in our quest
    We must be determined in our path

    If you are interested in the ideal of creating and building upon a culture which lacks depth. You to can become one of

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    We are not one of the many drone fleets which look like everyone else

    We choose to be the spice in STO's soup.

    We are a small fleet but everyone is more than a number, they're family

    We are not pretty, but you don't have to be pretty to be effective

    We are balanced and allow each member to participate in their own special way. Participate in the game aspects you enjoy and don't partake in aspects you don't.

    We support RP and character development by providing forums for those who enjoy authoring short stories and character bios.

    We are ALL CARDASSIAN which gives us a different flavor from the norm.

    We seek those who want more from their STO experience, the ability to create a new culture from a species which lacks content and background.

    If you enjoy writing, teaming up for missions, socializing in RP scenes, or solo adventures but just seeking friends... You to may become one of

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    We are not pretty, but you don't have to be pretty to be effective

    Seska is not pretty by human standards but she's entertaining to be with but more importantly, -very- effective when you want things destroyed, enemy commanders' hearts broken and lots and lots of other crazy fun covert ops possibilities to gain an advantage over the enemy, and steal information for your faction's advantage.

    The more 'carebear' the enemy faction, the more effective our special ops!

    She is the perfect special agent. More importantly, she's Cardassian!

    So, is it a good idea to play a Cardassian in a skirt with dual disruptor pistols?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    Seska is not pretty by human standards but she's entertaining to be with but more importantly, -very- effective when you want things destroyed, enemy commanders' hearts broken and lots and lots of other crazy fun covert ops possibilities to gain an advantage over the enemy, and steal information for your faction's advantage.

    The more 'carebear' the enemy faction, the more effective our special ops!

    She is the perfect special agent. More importantly, she's Cardassian!

    So, is it a good idea to play a Cardassian in a skirt with dual disruptor pistols?

    Disruptor pistols, clubs, or just plain heart breaking.

    Armor or skirt?

    If your a true Cardassian; you are dangerous. If you are good at covert operations, you fit in quite well. We did ;) have one of the best Intelligence/Security forces in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants at one time. Remember the Obsidian Order?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    \Remember the Obsidian Order?

    That's a name that sends shivers down everyone's spine, mine included.

    I'm thinking the Seductive duty officer trait is just too lame for a Seska type agent.

    Seduction usually reminds me of just using one's physical 'assets' to trip the hormones of the other party.

    What Seska does is subterfuge on a rather high level. She doesn't need to be pretty. She will get in your mind, get you to have children with her and 3 years later commences divorce proceedings, takes away your 5 million dollar house, your garage full of supercars, your awesome custom made LCARS room and leaves you a naked nobody living on the street. Just like a Russian mail order bride but more awesome!

    Oops, a bit off topic there.

    But there you see, Cardassians kick butt. Naturally.

    So much that any kid watching DS9 will instantly be scared whenever a Cardassian appears on the station. LOL
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    That's a name that sends shivers down everyone's spine, mine included.

    I'm thinking the Seductive duty officer trait is just too lame for a Seska type agent.

    Seduction usually reminds me of just using one's physical 'assets' to trip the hormones of the other party.

    What Seska does is subterfuge on a rather high level. She doesn't need to be pretty. She will get in your mind, get you to have children with her and 3 years later commences divorce proceedings, takes away your 5 million dollar house, your garage full of supercars, your awesome custom made LCARS room and leaves you a naked nobody living on the street. Just like a Russian mail order bride but more awesome!

    Oops, a bit off topic there.

    But there you see, Cardassians kick butt. Naturally.

    So much that any kid watching DS9 will instantly be scared whenever a Cardassian appears on the station. LOL

    Just like a true Cardassian, I'm proud of you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    A simple few minutes researching and cross referencing and doing a prototype RP scene does all that.

    Proof that roleplaying doesn't require elaborate "soliciting" on the forums. Just go out there with an idea and make it happen.

    If a Cardassian and a traitor to the Federation can produce quality, intellectual and professional military RP as strangers, so can everyone else.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    A simple few minutes researching and cross referencing and doing a prototype RP scene does all that.

    Proof that roleplaying doesn't require elaborate "soliciting" on the forums. Just go out there with an idea and make it happen.

    If a Cardassian and a traitor to the Federation can produce quality, intellectual and professional military RP as strangers, so can everyone else.

    Traitor is such an ugly word; Lets just say that our discussion was enlightening and now you are "enlightened" to the truth.

    Now....How many lights do you see?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Traitor is such an ugly word; Lets just say that our discussion was enlightening and now you are "enlightened" to the truth.

    Now....How many lights do you see?

    It matters not how many lights there are.

    I say, second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    It matters not how many lights there are.

    I say, second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning!

    And what then shall I ask. A cup of tea? a one way ground mission on the Genisis planet? or maybe we just build a vacation star base for the Federation. If the latter, I suggest we replace Dabo with a more archaic game resembling a gauntlet filled with danger, death, pain, and lots of intrigue.

    Should keep the Federation busy for hours.

    Also, if anyone were to become unconscious, we would have a little genetic prize upon their resuscitation. They would appear to be Klingon...the feds would just pew pew each other and we keep the energy credits.

    :D sounds Cardassian to me :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    And what then shall I ask. A cup of tea? a one way ground mission on the Genisis planet? or maybe we just build a vacation star base for the Federation. If the latter, I suggest we replace Dabo with a more archaic game resembling a gauntlet filled with danger, death, pain, and lots of intrigue.

    Should keep the Federation busy for hours.

    Also, if anyone were to become unconscious, we would have a little genetic prize upon their resuscitation. They would appear to be Klingon...the feds would just pew pew each other and we keep the energy credits.

    :D sounds Cardassian to me :D

    I have an idea... whomever fails at the 'Tactical Course' (need fancy Fed name for 'marketing' purposes) will be reinitialized as a 'Tosk', or prey. They will know what it is like to be hunted, and reminded of the true cost of failure in war.

    The prospect of utter humiliation in the hands of their friends should teach them to stop bickering about which female Captain to date tonight... and concentrate on mastering the scenario at hand.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    I have an idea... whomever fails at the 'Tactical Course' (need fancy Fed name for 'marketing' purposes) will be reinitialized as a 'Tosk', or prey. They will know what it is like to be hunted, and reminded of the true cost of failure in war.

    The prospect of utter humiliation in the hands of their friends should teach them to stop bickering about which female Captain to date tonight... and concentrate on mastering the scenario at hand.

    Do not tell me that there is no spoon on your forehead. With every plot it reveals itself more clearly. You have taught me this yet again.

    Humiliation is certainly a greater punishment than even death. Humiliation and Dishonor haunts generations after the death.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Indeed. And once those self-centered fools learn to listen to their masters instead of moaning like little girls having their first time at it, I can work on developing their professional talents.

    Some say submission can be a lovely thing in itself - indeed, those who willingly subject themselves to... superior authority are usually granted higher privledges for they think like me - to make things happen is to collaborate and to cooperate, not claim to be such things as "Admiral", "I Am The Best", "I have 20 years of RP Experience" but not have anything to show me.

    If harsh lessons are the only way they learn, then I shall give them just that *cracks whip*.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    carmenara wrote:
    Indeed. And once those self-centered fools learn to listen to their masters instead of moaning like little girls having their first time at it, I can work on developing their professional talents.

    Some say submission can be a lovely thing in itself - indeed, those who willingly subject themselves to... superior authority are usually granted higher privledges for they think like me - to make things happen is to collaborate and to cooperate, not claim to be such things as "Admiral", "I Am The Best", "I have 20 years of RP Experience" but not have anything to show me.

    If harsh lessons are the only way they learn, then I shall give them just that *cracks whip*.

    Ouch!! be careful with that thing.

    any fly foolish enough to fly into the spider's web deserves to be eaten.
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