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Why are feds so gutless?



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Then why did you reply to my post in the first place?


    Because you replied to mine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Englebert wrote:
    Because you replied to mine.
    Then why did you reply to my post in the first place?


    It's like forum PVP
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Startruck wrote:
    It's like forum PVP


    Actually, I think the PvP queue indicators have been broken for a long time. I almost never see Klingons queue up as you have an issue with Feds. :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    We don't kill them all and hardly ever on purpose.
    Its our customary Nektai body shots afterwards to celebrate where the problem begins....
    That actually reminds me of another culture where it's customary to fire shots in celebration... some people consider them slightly less civilized. :rolleyes:

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »
    That actually reminds me of another culture where it's customary to fire shots in celebration... some people consider them slightly less civilized. :rolleyes:

    Well I know that Body shots are very popular in the Earth areas of Panama City beach and Fort Lauderdale during the humans summer breeding months of their youth.
    Its actually one of that races redeeming qualities.....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    ...Its actually one of that races redeeming qualities.....
    For Barbarians, most definitely.... Upon further inspection of your avatar... yeah... gotcha! ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Zanshi wrote: »

    Actually, I think the PvP queue indicators have been broken for a long time. I almost never see Klingons queue up as you have an issue with Feds. :p

    The OP whine gets old, especially after losing and then seeing the forums light up with "Klingons are OP" threads at the same time.
    Why submit oneself to it?
    Its more fun to play in Ker'rat where anything goes as long as its not an outright cheat. (though that happens often enough as well from both factions)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »
    For Barbarians, most definitely.... Upon further inspection of your avatar... yeah... gotcha! ;)

    I even found some old footage in the Imperial archives...

    Cream of the crop of the Human race, I'm sure.
    I have to admit though it seems the humans knew how to party well 400 years ago.
    What happened?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Why is are there so few feds in KvF because you have probably less than 200 KDF players that PvP religiously KDF. I have 7 toons 3 KDF 4 fed and I only PvP with my main KDF tac and usually end up teamed with the same guys each time I queue up. So when you see 5 feds and 0 KDF there could be a match going on on the 5 KDF on are int hat match. If you think PvP was neglected badly the KDF faction has been neglected just as much if not more. Yeah we have PvE missions but most we have to repeat ad nauseum to level. We have 5 empire defense missions and the only difference is we blow up different NPC ships in different nebulas, awesome, now do it 3 times for your reward. Oh yeah lets go destroy mounds of tribbles, or little beacons, or kill feds. Besides the FE KDF has no storyline whats so ever.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Besides the FE KDF has no storyline whats so ever.
    [citation needed]
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    I have to admit though it seems the humans knew how to party well 400 years ago.
    What happened?
    I think we got told, by a reborn toaster-head rockstar/messiah wannabe and his cronies, that we weren't serious enough about the srs bzns of PvP. :rolleyes:

    It all went downhill from there... ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »
    I think we got told, by a reborn toaster-head rockstar/messiah wannabe and his cronies, that we weren't serious enough about the srs bzns of PvP. :rolleyes:

    It all went downhill from there... ;)

    Undead dead rockstars with lobsters on their head. Please if you wish to insult do it with gusto!
    You may even be able to compete in next week swearing contest on Qo'nos.:D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Undead dead rockstars with lobsters on their head. Please if you wish to insult do it with gusto!
    Oh, I'm sorry... been calling Klingons toaster-heads since my buddy and I first saw TNG and Worf's ridges seemed to imply that his favorite pass-time was hitting his forehead with a toaster. :D
    Roach wrote: »
    You may even be able to compete in next week swearing contest on Qo'nos.:D
    Oh... you mean that recently re-decorated slum? Tsk tsk tsk... it all went downhill after Praxis blew up, didn't it? :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    My main problem with PvP remains PvPers. Just look around Fed space and Klingon space. K-side everything is named IKV BigBoobies or IKV Yo'Momma. While there's some of that in Fed space it's a much smaller part of the whole. You'll see a few too many USS Serenitys and USS Normandies but fewer IKV Facials.

    PvP culture, not every individual PvPer mind you but in general, is just kinda nasty and immature. Maybe I'm just too old to appreciate the, uh, creativity there. Be that as it may I want to steer as far clear as possible.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »
    Oh, I'm sorry... been calling Klingons toaster-heads since my buddy and I first saw TNG and Worf's ridges seemed to imply that his favorite pass-time was hitting his forehead with a toaster. :D

    Actually I would not be surprised if Tattooing similiar to the what is found in some earth cultures of leaving the skin raised through deliberate scarring did not exist in the KDF culture.
    Oh... you mean that recently re-decorated slum? Tsk tsk tsk... it all went downhill after Praxis blew up, didn't it? :rolleyes:

    Slum only to those whom don't see its true beauty and a more hospitable place than the sterile and passionless halls of star fleet academy.....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    OddjobXL wrote: »
    My main problem with PvP remains PvPers. Just look around Fed space and Klingon space. K-side everything is named IKV BigBoobies or IKV Yo'Momma. While there's some of that in Fed space it's a much smaller part of the whole. You'll see a few too many USS Serenitys and USS Normandies but fewer IKV Facials.

    PvP culture, not every individual PvPer mind you but in general, is just kinda nasty and immature. Maybe I'm just too old to appreciate the, uh, creativity there. Be that as it may I want to steer as far clear as possible.

    lol- right as if the KDF player hold the patent on immaturity and the responding creativity... How many JT kirks, Picards, janeways and sisko's exist in the universe becuase those name are found as easily as tossing a rock in a pond fedside.

    Also makes me wonder how many of the IKS Boobies belong to those saem mature fedfans....

    If your gonna start flinging maturity aspirations around STO, your gonna hit almost everybody ingame regardless of faction and possibly hurt yourself from the exertion, especially after F2P begins.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Actually I would not be surprised if Tattooing similar to the what is found in some earth cultures of leaving the skin raised through deliberate scarring did not exist in the KDF culture.
    I come from an Earth culture that does not allow these customs of defiling the body so it's all nonsense to me anyway. :o
    Roach wrote: »
    Slum only to those whom don't see its true beauty and a more hospitable place than the sterile and passionless halls of star fleet academy.....
    Passion? You mean, like this:
    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    Only bloodshed shall free me. I changed the last line for obvious reasons. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    [citation needed]

    Very few of the mission interconnect. On the fed side when you do missions in Psi Velorum there are connections that will tie couple of missions together, not necessarily require you do them in order but at least provides a brief story for 2-3 missions. KDF side not some much you have a few but nothing compelling in the smallest of scales. KDF missions equate to this, go to this nebula and kill <insert race or object>, go defend the empire kill 3 groups of 6. Oh you can do "Bringing down the House" that has a semblance of a plot but that is it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »
    I come from an Earth culture that does not allow these customs of defiling the body so it's all nonsense to me anyway. :o
    You will have it for life so its a choice not made lightly...

    Passion? You mean, like this:

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    Only bloodshed shall free me. I changed the last line for obvious reasons. ;)

    Yes! But where is this passion manifest? Is it scrawled upon the walls of starfleet as a reminder and is it given life among its people to lead them to bold ideals and accomplishments?

    I have no doubts my Klingon brothers and sisters are filled with passion for those things that life offers, the feds not so much...... Possibly the journey spent chasing Utopian ideals has tempered your spirits too much?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    lol- right as if the KDF player hold the patent on immaturity and the responding creativity... How many JT kirks, Picards, janeways and sisko's exist in the universe becuase those name are found as easily as tossing a rock in a pond fedside.

    Also makes me wonder how many of the IKS Boobies belong to those saem mature fedfans....

    If your gonna start flinging maturity aspirations around STO, your gonna hit almost everybody ingame regardless of faction and possibly hurt yourself from the exertion, especially after F2P begins.

    Not really. Just go and look. You have eyes. And it's a pattern of behavior I've seen everywhere from SWG to Eve Online to Age of Conan and so forth. That's just how it is.

    I'm not worried about Free to Play at all. I was on LoTRO. I thought it'd mess up a pretty good and tightly knit community of fairly mature players. But...it didn't. People who fit in and appreciated the kind of folks there stuck around. People who didn't moved on.

    I fully expect players Fed side to settle into the same kind of situation they have now and the Klingon side to keep on doing it's own...thing.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    an ADD PvP'rs response:
    It has nothing ...

    1) the complete lack of attention Cryptic has shown that part of the game since launch


    Sorry Nagus.... I completely Disagre...... Ohhhh Now isn't that a pretty scarf the admiral has... and a snow ball too!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    Yes! But where is this passion manifest? Is it scrawled upon the walls of starfleet as a reminder and is it given life among its people to lead them to bold ideals and accomplishments?
    Yes, exactly that. Thank you for figuring it out! :D

    Look at all the young men an women willing to sacrifice their lives in the line of duty, or endanger themselves exploring phenomenons that would curdle ones' blood such as Black Holes and alien entities!

    Consider if you will the aid Starfleet has rendered to other races in the galaxy, heck... even to Klingons after Praxis blew up.

    All this, and more was done and is continuously done for the passion of cherishing life, even ones' enemys' life, and furthering knowledge. It is more challenging to be passionate about saving ones' enemy than killing ones' enemy. Think of it while you drink your bloodwine and sing your battle-songs.

    And speaking of battle-songs, please remember, just because the works of Shakespeare have been translated into Klingonese doesn't mean you're suddenly more cultured or passionate than you were before the translation.
    Roach wrote: »
    I have no doubts my Klingon brothers and sisters are filled with passion for those things that life offers, the feds not so much...... Possibly the journey spent chasing Utopian ideals has tempered your spirits too much?
    Oh no, make no mistake my uncombed friend. Your brothers and sisters are drunk on the ideals of adrenalin rush and that alone. After all, why else would you separate from the Federation just so you could have one more front in a war of attrition against the Undine, the Borg, and now the Federation as well?

    Not very logical although very passionate, and for all the wrong reasons! ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    OddjobXL wrote: »
    Not really. Just go and look. You have eyes. And it's a pattern of behavior I've seen everywhere from SWG to Eve Online to Age of Conan and so forth. That's just how it is.

    I'm not worried about Free to Play at all. I was on LoTRO. I thought it'd mess up a pretty good and tightly knit community of fairly mature players. But...it didn't. People who fit in and appreciated the kind of folks there stuck around. People who didn't moved on.

    I fully expect players Fed side to settle into the same kind of situation they have now and the Klingon side to keep on doing it's own...thing.

    I play only KDF everyday and see no more immaturity of names than I see everyday on the feds as I fly through sector space.

    Sillyness and immaturity are hardly faction specific in STO or linked to just PvP players of which our 18% KDF population hardly makes up the bulk of the pvp crowd.
    Hell, I can almost name from memory those whom play almost exclusively KDF as oppossed to the feddies alting a klink for the hell of it.
    So yeah, really - being silly and immature is universal in STO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    So yeah, really - being silly and immature is universal in STO.

    I actually still have a Lethean Captain but I rarely play him because PvP doesn't appeal to me as much as PvE and to be honest, Cryptic's STO PvE has gotten old for me and Champions Online is more fun these days anyway. :o

    Also, I'm never excited about war and the whole "Choose Your Side" thing. That's one thing, among many, I've never liked about MMO's.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »
    Yes, exactly that. Thank you for figuring it out! :D

    Look at all the young men an women willing to sacrifice their lives in the line of duty, or endanger themselves exploring phenomenons that would curdle ones' blood such as Black Holes and alien entities!

    Consider if you will the aid Starfleet has rendered to other races in the galaxy, heck... even to Klingons after Praxis blew up.

    All this, and more was done and is continuously done for the passion of cherishing life, even ones' enemys' life, and furthering knowledge. It is more challenging to be passionate about saving ones' enemy than killing ones' enemy. Think of it while you drink your bloodwine and sing your battle-songs.

    Also, please remember, just because the works of Shakespeare have been translated into Klingonese doesn't mean you're suddenly more cultured than you were before the translation.
    The you need to express it more in your lives as from viewpoint on the outside, you seem a passionless people more often than not.
    Of course that could be due to a muddling of your human culture in your drive to be the unasked policing force of the qaudrant blurred by some inner drive to be both caretaker and judge for those races that you exist alongside.

    We did not seperate from the federation, the federation refused to help us in our quest to root out the Undine and that is why Worf no longer wear that little feddie symbol.
    Lacking a focus of passion is not our issue, we tried to save the quadrant in spite of itself and where rebuffed. Our passion in our daily lives has never been more vibrant.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    LordOfPit wrote: »

    Also, I'm never excited about war and the whole "Choose Your Side" thing. That's one thing, among many, I've never liked about MMO's.

    Conflict , wether PvE or PvP has always been a driving cornerstone to MMO's and I'm not suprised it was used in STO.
    Besides the Genre is repelat with our two races less than friendly relationship that is more love to hate - hate to love- unstable peace - back to love to hate - hate to love existance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Roach wrote: »
    The you need to express it more in your lives as from viewpoint on the outside, you seem a passionless people more often than not.
    Passion is expressed in many ways but if you first raise a blade against your enemy, intent on spilling blood, don't be surprised that instead of seeing passion, you're met with cold resolve to protect those endangered rather than meet your challenge with the same zeal in which you offer it!
    Roach wrote: »
    Of course that could be due to a muddling of your human culture in your drive to be the unasked policing force of the quadrant blurred by some inner drive to be both caretaker and judge for those races that you exist alongside.
    The Federation makes mistakes, just like any other galactic group of civilizations. At least the Federation asks questions first and shoots later. I wish I could say the same for Klingons.
    Roach wrote: »
    We did not seperate from the federation, the federation refused to help us in our quest to root out the Undine and that is why Worf no longer wear that little feddie symbol.
    Lacking a focus of passion is not our issue, we tried to save the quadrant in spite of itself and where rebuffed. Our passion in our daily lives has never been more vibrant.
    More often than not, is passion used as an excuse for many evils and decisions that should have been contemplated in depth before executed.

    The mark of experience is knowing when not to succumb to passion.
    Roach wrote: »
    Conflict , whether PvE or PvP has always been a driving cornerstone to MMO's and I'm not surprised it was used in STO.
    Besides the Genre is repelat with our two races less than friendly relationship that is more love to hate - hate to love- unstable peace - back to love to hate - hate to love existence.
    Oh it's not the conflict I mind. I just don't see why I should dedicate my play sessions to one faction or another. If I'm paying for something, or spending my time on it, I'd like to experience it to its fullest. In MMO's this means I'll want to have characters in many factions and across all classes, at least until I know which factions/classes are more to my liking for various reasons.

    I must say though that regarding the KDF, I would've liked that faction in STO a lot more if it actually were fleshed out and not as PvP-dependent.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    OddjobXL wrote: »
    My main problem with PvP remains PvPers. Just look around Fed space and Klingon space. K-side everything is named IKV BigBoobies or IKV Yo'Momma. While there's some of that in Fed space it's a much smaller part of the whole. You'll see a few too many USS Serenitys and USS Normandies but fewer IKV Facials.

    PvP culture, not every individual PvPer mind you but in general, is just kinda nasty and immature. Maybe I'm just too old to appreciate the, uh, creativity there. Be that as it may I want to steer as far clear as possible.

    Have you ever considered that people might find having a ship name made of a string of unpronounceable consonants and apostrophes might be a little... unnerving?

    I mean even I try to find a name that's half-way pronounceable but that's because I like the immersion, but it doesn't have to be that way. Which is easier to recognize and/or remember? IKS pHlkw'vhl or IKS Ragequit?

    Those made-up Klingon names are meaningless after all and people like to name stuff for what they're familiar with, have meaning for and show creativity. And since the Klingons are the "bad guys" there's a bit more freedom in naming a Klingon ship the IKS Boobies. I've seen some very immature names and some really creative ones as well.

    And since not every player in STO likes to play the "bad guys" you're seeing a bottleneck effect. But, dont think for a second that I haven't seen the U.S.S. Boobyprise fly by me in Sirius Sector as well.

    Lastly, why not? Klingons are fun! It's nice to "let your hair down". The profanity filter works pretty well and not everyone who flies the IKS Kotex is a slobbering 13-year-old boy (admittedly, there might be a good chance - but still...).

    For example, I keep on threatening to name my T5 raptor the IKS Rainbow Dash 'cause that's my girl's favorite character in MLP:FIM. I just think that would be hilarious but does it necessarily mean I'm a "brony"? Nope, sure doesn't.

    If someone assumes I am, well I guess that's ok. I can talk about it on a civil level but wouldn't that be making the same assumption that I'm a woman because I have several female toons? It would be just as wrong however.

    I mean, I get it that we can fall into the trap of "first impressions" - I would never name a ship anything "gang" or "hate group" related, but making assumptions in MMO land is pretty dangerous as well.

    (nice to see you back, by the way) :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    DaveyNY wrote: »
    Perhaps folks are just so awed by your greatness that they are unwilling to attempt taking you on...

    Or maybe it just because PvP play at this time, isn't that great a draw for the game.


    I loved PVP when I was leveling my KDF main; however, it was a forced love because PVP was all we had back then.

    The problem with PVP in STO is there’s just no variety, the maps never change the objectives are always the same and generally you encounter the same 15 or so players over and over again.

    You can also add that Cryptic took away the one PVP map that showed promise.

    I can’t remember what the map was called but we had to steal supplies from the other faction and transport assault squads into enemy bases.

    That PVP map was lively and completive; you have to make sure that the other squad could not complete any of the objectives before your squad did.

    Granted that PVP map did benefit the KDF because of the cloaking device; however, if it meant the return of the map I’m sure players would be more than happy to run it with cloaks disabled.

    I have not PVP on holodeck in well over a year and until I see something new added to PVP, I doubt I’ll ever bother with again.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2011
    Ithaqua wrote:
    I mean, I get it that we can fall into the trap of "first impressions" - I would never name a ship anything "gang" or "hate group" related, but making assumptions in MMO land is pretty dangerous as well.

    (nice to see you back, by the way) :)

    Good to be back.

    At this point in my long, long, MMO career we're not talking about assumptions or impressions we're just talking about how a subculture functions based on observation over an extended period of time in many discrete environments. It is what it is. Anyone both experienced and honest knows what I'm talking about.

    And it's why many people steer clear, to get back to the subject. Folks can argue to the contrary all they want in a forum but most of us are also playing the game too. Not really that easy to sell the notion of PvE = PvP in terms of behavior and maturity when...anyone can just step outside and see for themselves.
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