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Path to F2P Dev Blog #14



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    metaQ wrote: »
    On crafting: Why are there replicators in every starship which can replicate almost everything at any time with programing (='wits'!;)) and energy as the only requirements? So concerning Star Trek, the actual STO crafting system is very inconsistent!
    IMHO a consistent STO crafting system should be based only on these two requirements: wits and energy (credits)

    Now if they did something like that, I would be on board with it. Making it so that the Starbases would have Industrial Replicators that can make the big stuff that our Ship Replicators can't. Like Engines and so on. While our Ship Replicators should be able to handle ground equipment.

    Quality and what you can replicate will depend on skills and training.
    Quantity on what resources you have available.

    Take one Standard Impulse Engine Mk X.
    Make a schematic with the bonuses you want.
    Put in some Anomaly Resources and Particle Resources.
    Depending on which bonuses you pic and how many resources and bonuses you put in it will become Uncommon, Rare or Very Rare.
    And when you have made one of these you can save it as a template in your replicator.
    So any time in the future you want an other you can just replicate it for a cost of resources (less then it costs to make the prototype).
    We should also be able to put any items we like in to the replicators and gain resources for them.

    (Those items that comes with ships that is bought with real money or comes with new BOffs should be able to be put there as well for a minimal resource gain of 1 (as it is now: open inventory, right click the item, click Discard, click OK in the new window that opens. Instead of: open inventory, click and drag item to replicator and drop.)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Koppenflak wrote:
    Money might not exist, but the SCE can't simply pull a Sovereign Class Starship out of its trousers, plonk it in a spacedock and say "There you go!"

    The resources and/or energy to construct and replicate things must still come from somewhere. Dilithium is an established power source in Star Trek that is widely understood and accepted in Star Trek Canon.

    That should be enough.

    thank you kopper. he ignored me when i said that part of it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Cryptiecop wrote:
    He specifically says "money dosent exist in the 24th century"...which means to me, money dosent exist, so again, back to my original question...

    do you watch TOS much?

    in the motion pictures Doctor McCoy had to go get back to the dead Vulcan Spock on the Geneis planet. the plan was asked "how will you pay for the flight" and McCoy said he has credits.

    Energy credits sounds like credits to me?

    or perhaps you just one of those people that are so hardbeat to want free stuff, that you think we shouldnt have anything at all.

    anyways mr. cop. i think im done with being civil with you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Simale wrote:
    Now if they did something like that, I would be on board with it. Making it so that the Starbases would have Industrial Replicators that can make the big stuff that our Ship Replicators can't. Like Engines and so on. While our Ship Replicators should be able to handle ground equipment.

    Quality and what you can replicate will depend on skills and training.
    Quantity on what resources you have available.

    Take one Standard Impulse Engine Mk X.
    Make a schematic with the bonuses you want.
    Put in some Anomaly Resources and Particle Resources.
    Depending on which bonuses you pic and how many resources and bonuses you put in it will become Uncommon, Rare or Very Rare.
    And when you have made one of these you can save it as a template in your replicator.
    So any time in the future you want an other you can just replicate it for a cost of resources (less then it costs to make the prototype).
    We should also be able to put any items we like in to the replicators and gain resources for them.

    (Those items that comes with ships that is bought with real money or comes with new BOffs should be able to be put there as well for a minimal resource gain of 1 (as it is now: open inventory, right click the item, click Discard, click OK in the new window that opens. Instead of: open inventory, click and drag item to replicator and drop.)
    Sounds good for me. Implement further the chance to fail (f.e. due to being too unskilled for the required level of quality you want or some "computer malfunktion" or whatever) so that you have to start again. That too would be a very nice, fun (and time consuming!) gameplay component. It further would make items 'harder' to get - but in a more suitable way concerning the gameplay of a Star Trek game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Doing all of these would make ALOT if not ALL crafters happy.

    Respectfully I disagree, though I welcome your input - the more feedback on this issue the better. The actual amount of dilithium is not the issue, even if nothing else changed I would have expected those values to have been adjusted anyway. No, the real problem is that the dilithium must be obtained solely by the crafter since it is not directly tradeable. The crafter can do this by accumulating it in game or by trading for it with c-points. Also do not forget that there a brake on just how quickly the ore that is the reward for most activities can be converted to usable dilithium. (I expect that this value would change also - I don't want to get hung up on numbers).

    While this might be viable for a single toon and you might even put up with it when crafting for alts, it destroys the community aspect of crafting. There is no way for the crafter to recoup the dilithium used as finished items can only be sold in game for energy credits. Fleets often have just a few crafters who will take materials supplied by other members and craft items for them - they cannot do this with dilithium. You cannot expect a player to donate their time/money to craft for other players. In any case they may well need the dilithium for their own use.

    I do agree that there has been some outstanding communication for other parts of the game, the duty officer system, STFs, and the skills revamp, where devs are actively working with the playerbase and incorporating the feedback where possible, or at least explaining why something is not possible. I would hope that we could get that for crafting also.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sambril wrote:
    I do agree that there has been some outstanding communication for other parts of the game, the duty officer system, STFs, and the skills revamp, where devs are actively working with the playerbase and incorporating the feedback where possible, or at least explaining why something is not possible. I would hope that we could get that for crafting also.

    Yes! I totally agree with this
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    do you watch TOS much?

    in the motion pictures Doctor McCoy had to go get back to the dead Vulcan Spock on the Geneis planet. the plan was asked "how will you pay for the flight" and McCoy said he has credits.

    Energy credits sounds like credits to me?

    or perhaps you just one of those people that are so hardbeat to want free stuff, that you think we shouldnt have anything at all.

    anyways mr. cop. i think im done with being civil with you.

    You can find every pro and contra on topic 'Money in the Fed (-eration ;))'
    over here:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    zordar wrote: »
    I am reminded of STOked #85 where Jeremy said "Perfect World does not meddle." Ah yes, the good old days when we were innocent and full of hope...

    Ah, but did you watch his MMOrgue on F2P where he continually harped on and vilified the selling of power...?
    CivilPhil wrote:
    As Stormy said (in the newer dev blog) they have read the responses in this thread, but at this point they don't have an organized response/answer.

    Which raises the question: How is that acceptable?

    The issues people have with it are obvious and should have been obvious to anyone who even suggested something like this during the planning stages. So how could they not have a response?

    This is a problem that keeps popping up with the STO dev team. They make a change that is unsatisfactory and poorly thought out with obvious issues that don't even seem to have occurred to them, or have alternately been ignored. When the issues are raised the whole thing festers while they circle the wagons and try to figure out where everything went wrong, or alternately how to sell us the change, despite the fact that it should have been obvious at the design phase, well before such a thing was ever anywhere near being implemented.

    They should have known. If there is some hidden "saving grace" that is planned to be implemented later during the beta then they should have had the foresight to implement it along the side the change. If this is viewed as "necessary" for some other reasonable point which the consumer would find acceptable then they should have had this answer ready to go along side the change, or even issued the information beforehand.

    It may not be cowardice, but what's the other alternative? Incompetence? Or are the changes intentionally malicious and they can't actually justify them?

    Why aren't we being kept in the loop? Why aren't they briefing us on all of these changes before they are implemented? Why aren't prospective fixes for what doesn't work being made known before they are implemented? Especially considering that we consumers have been keeping their lights on during a painfully extended content drought. We have been paying for these changes, funding the developer time that is being wasted on ideas which no one should have ever thought acceptable enough to let get off the drawing board.

    The only rational answer is that they know we won't like the changes and the prospective"fixes" for them and that they're hoping that spreading all of this out will in turn lessen how much this damages STO in the view of the consumer. And obviously that approach isn't working so they might as well drop the charade and just flat out tell us what's in store.
    You know, here's an interesting challenge of the masses: Try and find three separate portions of the game that, with F2P, won't be touched by either the C-Store directly or indirectly through Dilithium. It'll be like trying to find Waldo, but harder and less fun.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sorry folks, no matter what alternatives the community proposes, the fact still remains dilithium has no business being in crafting period. This is nothing more than a money grab by PW and Cryptic, which destroys the community aspect of fleet crafters. The very rare items with the exception of the Aegis system and rare Mk XI consoles are for the most part inferior to the vendor items, yet they want you to spend 60% of what a vendor very rare/rare item would cost in dilithium. Leave Dilithium in crafting and watch the economy be turned on its head as every crafter goes to mem a or the first city and craft until they have no samples left.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Cursix wrote:
    I just noticed today that when you buy from the dilithium exchange, the items are now Bind on Pickup. I used to be able to buy my fleet mates emblem items from time to time. I guess that's gone too.

    Exactly ... It's another non-grinding hole in the system they are closing up. ... Just like crafting.

    It will become a system where an individual is responsible per character for earning what they need by either grinding for the dilithium or using the C-Store to buy dilithium at most likely unreal prices on the dilithium exchange.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Exactly ... It's another non-grinding hole in the system they are closing up. ... Just like crafting.

    It will become a system where an individual is responsible per character for earning what they need by either grinding for the dilithium or using the C-Store to buy dilithium at most likely unreal prices on the dilithium exchange.

    And it defeats the whole social aspect of the game......do these guys even know what a MMO is?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Ah, but did you watch his MMOrgue on F2P where he continually harped on and vilified the selling of power...?

    And now his job is dependent on it. ;)

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    do you watch TOS much?

    in the motion pictures Doctor McCoy had to go get back to the dead Vulcan Spock on the Geneis planet. the plan was asked "how will you pay for the flight" and McCoy said he has credits.

    Energy credits sounds like credits to me?

    or perhaps you just one of those people that are so hardbeat to want free stuff, that you think we shouldnt have anything at all.

    anyways mr. cop. i think im done with being civil with you.

    I dont want free anything, as I kinda like spending my time working on things to do to earn my items like I did in SWG...and you were not ignored by any means...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    . . .

    The only rational answer is that they know we won't like the changes and the prospective"fixes" for them and that they're hoping that spreading all of this out will in turn lessen how much this damages STO in the view of the consumer. And obviously that approach isn't working so they might as well drop the charade and just flat out tell us what's in store.
    You know, here's an interesting challenge of the masses: Try and find three separate portions of the game that, with F2P, won't be touched by either the C-Store directly or indirectly through Dilithium. It'll be like trying to find Waldo, but harder and less fun.

    I suspect you mean gameplay concepts?

    Everything in this game is being MONETIZED. Everything. Grind or Pay. Pay to win. It's all the same. Perfect World in their fact sheet says the following about their strategy:

    "Enhance User Experience to Increase Monetization of our Games"

    Here's the link: http://www.pwrd.com/html/en/images/factsheet.pdf

    I see the folks at Cryptic being faced with one possibility only . . . do things the Perfect World Way. Jack Emmert is looking at his people and saying, "Sorry folks, I really messed up on this one."

    These devs see what BPWI (Beijing Perfect World International) want to do and say, "That won't work here. We've been double dipping from the get go, and our players haven't ever been happy about it."

    "This is the Perfect World Way. Do it, or find another job."

    "Okies . . . so how much do we charge for someone to craft a Mark IX Phaser Array? Five dollars?"

    "Make it Six. Then we'll have, what do you call it? A SALE."

    So while I don't blame Cryptic for all the problems here, I will just point out that Cryptic made outrageous claims about what they could do when Perpetual bit the dust. Everything that hasn't worked out with this game goes right back to Cryptic's leadership overselling and then under delivering.. Perhaps Cryptic should never have involved itself with this IP in the first place? Perhaps Star Trek Online is being experimented on by PW precisely because they believe the game is fundamentally flawed and would require a complete and total relaunch?

    Regardless, it's pretty clear to me that this game has already seen it's better days. Maybe the devs have an agreement with BPWI that if the dilithium changes don't work, they can change it back . . . but they have to know that even going down this route holds the real risk of pooping on their target audiences.

    So, to those that really are disgusted with this, I would start putting up posts and blogs in places like Yahoo, Twitter and Facebook. Hell, I'll even dust off my Facebook account just to join a campaign to stop this in it's tracks (if possible).

    The late Senator from Minnesota, Paul Wellstone, was fond of saying this to those who would listen: "Don't get angry . . . ORGANIZE."

    If we put Cryptic's reputation, and therefore BPWI's reputation on the line . . . if we go after their BRAND, they have very little recourse but to listen to us.

    Maybe we can save STO. Maybe.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I wouldn't normally post immediately following something I just wrote, but it occured to me that Cryptic is doing something very different, in terms of process, that other Developers.

    Has anyone noticed that there isn't a Non-Disclosure Agreement that beta testers on Tribble have to abide by?

    This is a very public Beta. Perhaps that's what Cryptic is doing with crafting? Perhaps they want us to be vocal so they can take it to PWI and say, we told you so.

    Just a thought.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I wouldn't normally post immediately following something I just wrote, but it occured to me that Cryptic is doing something very different, in terms of process, that other Developers.

    Has anyone noticed that there isn't a Non-Disclosure Agreement that beta testers on Tribble have to abide by?

    This is a very public Beta. Perhaps that's what Cryptic is doing with crafting? Perhaps they want us to be vocal so they can take it to PWI and say, we told you so.

    Just a thought.

    if that were indeed the case it would be the coolest thing ever, but since we will never know (if it were so, there should WOULD be a non disclosure agreement about THAT for Cryptic employees) I have to say: doubt it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Coming from a newer STO player, and a long time veteran of MMO's (SWG Beta player!), I can honestly say that there is nothing good about this blog. The whole point of a F2P structure is to give players the 'option' of either paying a solid subscription fee to experience the full game. Or to pay as they go via in-game store (C-Store), to experience content in increments.

    The ideas from this blog? Are pretty much just spitting in the subscriber's faces. (ESPECIALLY the lifetimers) There are hundred, upon hundreds of better suggestions in this thread, I suggest you developers find a good one and use it. This game IS NOT Perfect World. I can honestly bet that if you keep trying to restructure it as such, then you'll be seeing a lot of your players jumping ship and moving to other games, such as TOR.

    So please, I ask you developers, don't kill this game with ideas like this. Star Trek Online has a ton of potential, but if you go and turn it into a money sink for both "free" and subscribing players, then you'll be snuffing out every last bit of potential it had.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I wouldn't normally post immediately following something I just wrote, but it occured to me that Cryptic is doing something very different, in terms of process, that other Developers.

    Has anyone noticed that there isn't a Non-Disclosure Agreement that beta testers on Tribble have to abide by?

    This is a very public Beta. Perhaps that's what Cryptic is doing with crafting? Perhaps they want us to be vocal so they can take it to PWI and say, we told you so.

    Just a thought.

    This isn't a pre-release closed beta, hence no NDA.

    That's normal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This isn't a pre-release closed beta, hence no NDA.

    That's normal.

    Wasn't aware that there were set protocols. You would think that with as large a change as this that they would have kept this quiet . . .
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Also, one wouldn't have to actually add the dilithium costs to get feedback. This idea could have been thrown without any actual updates and get reasonable feedback. The only feedback that would be lacking is the exact pricing of dilithium.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Wasn't aware that there were set protocols. You would think that with as large a change as this that they would have kept this quiet . . .

    It's an open beta. You don't keep things quiet in an open beta.

    They could have run a closed beta, but it would have either had to include numbers so small as to not be able to gather the appropriate metrics (especially with the end of the year deadline imposed), or it would have been so large as to make enforcing any kind of NDA impossible, thus making the closed nature kind of... pointless.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm fine with organizing to maintain a viable crafting system and encourage fleet crafting. I've certainly blogged about this proposed crafting change and the dilithium grind here in a rather acid fashion, since I do feel betrayed to a certain extent as a customer.

    However, the only organization I would ever support is one that has a positive goal--a viable crafting system in STO. I would never organize to do anything that would bring down the game or the developers.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Too bad there aren't any other examples out there for Cryptic to learn from.

    "Netflix shares plunged Tuesday after the one-time Wall Street favorite revealed a massive departure of subscribers angered by price increases and other questionable changes at rental service that was created to make entertainment a snap."

    Another major update called the "New Game Enhancements" (abbreviated as NGE) was implemented on 15 November 2005, and created huge demonstrations in game from the majority of players....
    "We've learned a thing or two with our experiences with the NGE and don't plan on repeating mistakes from the past and not listening to the players."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    iamjoffy wrote: »
    Too bad there aren't any other examples out there for Cryptic to learn from.

    "Netflix shares plunged Tuesday after the one-time Wall Street favorite revealed a massive departure of subscribers angered by price increases and other questionable changes at rental service that was created to make entertainment a snap."

    Another major update called the "New Game Enhancements" (abbreviated as NGE) was implemented on 15 November 2005, and created huge demonstrations in game from the majority of players....
    "We've learned a thing or two with our experiences with the NGE and don't plan on repeating mistakes from the past and not listening to the players."

    dude you may want to edit this post... looks way off topic in a way that you depicting another company (netflix) in that is a massive violation in the TaC, and if a mod see's it; it could be a massive 2 points on the forum violation thingy. trust me, i got hit hard for 5 points for the same thing, and mine was a joke...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    dude you may want to edit this post... looks way off topic in a way that you depicting another company (netflix) in that is a massive violation in the TaC, and if a mod see's it; it could be a massive 2 points on the forum violation thingy. trust me, i got hit hard for 5 points for the same thing, and mine was a joke...

    posting your infraction points could be considered "discussing moderation" . . . which is itself a violation.

    Careful ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    dude you may want to edit this post... looks way off topic in a way that you depicting another company (netflix) in that is a massive violation in the TaC, and if a mod see's it; it could be a massive 2 points on the forum violation thingy. trust me, i got hit hard for 5 points for the same thing, and mine was a joke...

    Uhm,you might want to edit your post as well.....the whole discussing moderation thingy.:o
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    JaeOnasi wrote:
    I'm fine with organizing to maintain a viable crafting system and encourage fleet crafting. I've certainly blogged about this proposed crafting change and the dilithium grind here in a rather acid fashion, since I do feel betrayed to a certain extent as a customer.

    However, the only organization I would ever support is one that has a positive goal--a viable crafting system in STO. I would never organize to do anything that would bring down the game or the developers.

    ...because as we all know, one of Gene Roddenberry's great ideals in Star Trek was indentured servitude.

    BWAHAHAHA... I love it, that's brilliant!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As you can probably tell I don't post much, or know about points. But I don't mind being a sacrificial lamb. I do feel like its extremely on topic as I feel like our complaints against this are being barely acknowledged as we cry out "not like this! not like this!" and they are thinking "yeah this is gonna happen". I mean they are making me identify with Shinzon! Thats not good. Maybe my voice shall echo through time, long after theirs has faded to a dim memory! Free my Reman brothers from the Dilithium mines!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    iamjoffy wrote: »
    Too bad there aren't any other examples out there for Cryptic to learn from.

    "Netflix shares plunged Tuesday after the one-time Wall Street favorite revealed a massive departure of subscribers angered by price increases and other questionable changes at rental service that was created to make entertainment a snap."

    Netflix is between a rock and a hard place. The Movie Studios have Netflix by the private part. They've up the licensing fees feeling burned by their initial contract with Netflix. But the Movie Studios really need to learned from Netflix woes (but they won't. they never to learn.)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    dude you may want to edit this post... looks way off topic in a way that you depicting another company (netflix) in that is a massive violation in the TaC, and if a mod see's it; it could be a massive 2 points on the forum violation thingy. trust me, i got hit hard for 5 points for the same thing, and mine was a joke...

    Agreed. rather off topic.
    Btw, your signature can't exceed 5 lines. yours is 6. might wanna fix that too.
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