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Path to F2P Dev Blog #14



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I believe my personal prolem with Dilithium in crafting is to point of what Dilithium is/was supposed to do in the game...

    Replace Badges, Marks and Emblems.

    There is no required quantity of Badges, Marks or Emblem in crafting.
    So why is Dilithium being put into crafting?? It does not make sense to me.

    Wise words indeed ;)

    In the new economy we cannot even earn dilithium like we can with badges.
    Right now on holodeck I can go do 4 explores in a row (12 actual missions) and be rewarded for each set of three. On tribble I can only do one a day and be rewarded, how is that better? :confused:

    If we could earn dilithium as readily as we can earn badges etc now on holodeck, maybe the crafting with dilithium wouldn't have been such a problem, but seeing as its so heavily gated in not only how much you can refine, but how much you can even earn to begin with, it makes anything requiring dilithium not worth bothering with! :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Actually, I've been both a systems lead and a lead designer on other projects here at Cryptic and elsewhere, but those were on projects I had been on from the beginning. When I came on STO, I knew squat about the way the team had set things up, so wasn't in a position to be a lead - I like to know what I am doing before I start offering direction.

    In fairness, while I do communicate a lot, it is an enormous effort to do both that and the rest of my job. I do, however, appreciate people's kind words.

    The truth is, the game is undergoing a period of massive change, and even in the best of circumstances that will leave people uneasy and sensitive. There are a lot of factors going into the decisions being made, and a lot of very hard decisions being made to accommodate an array of requirements and ramifications. People are - quite understandably - upset about a lot of the changes.

    There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have, so we can give ourselves the best chance possible to arrive at at least tolerable solutions for all involved.

    I'm gonna assume here that You meant "more tolerable"...?...

    never mind... I see it was a puncuation typo at an ungodly hour in the morning for most folks...

    "...the best chance possible, to arrive at, 'at least tolerable solutions' for all involved."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Actually, I've been both a systems lead and a lead designer on other projects here at Cryptic and elsewhere, but those were on projects I had been on from the beginning. When I came on STO, I knew squat about the way the team had set things up, so wasn't in a position to be a lead - I like to know what I am doing before I start offering direction.

    In fairness, while I do communicate a lot, it is an enormous effort to do both that and the rest of my job. I do, however, appreciate people's kind words.

    The truth is, the game is undergoing a period of massive change, and even in the best of circumstances that will leave people uneasy and sensitive. There are a lot of factors going into the decisions being made, and a lot of very hard decisions being made to accommodate an array of requirements and ramifications. People are - quite understandably - upset about a lot of the changes.

    There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have, so we can give ourselves the best chance possible to arrive at at least tolerable solutions for all involved.

    What I am confused about is why this massive game change even exists.
    Why have the boff system, the skill change, the academies, and f2p all in the same update?
    The amount of effort to keep it the same update rather than little updates is against everything I ever did as a project leader, analyst, programmer, designer.
    Of course, it wasn't gaming, but I was a programmer for 15 years and I always was told and told others to push the updates as little at a time.
    Or else you get the Christmas tree effect where you fix and add and update and fix and add things to the tree and right when you put the star on the top, it all falls over.
    I understand about your code branches but to have them so linked to the entire application seems rather dangerous
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Although this horse has been beaten to death already, I'd like to leave my two cents:

    Bad idea. Bad execution. Bad intentions?

    Really now. How is this economy going to function anyway? We need Dilithium now for the most basic items, that are easily outmatched by Feature Series and STF rewards. The time investment for playing a mission is now totally out of balance with grinding for craftable items. And since there is no attractive big sink for Dilithium like the Tier 6 ships on Holodeck, we will get an army of Dilithium farmers trying to sell the stuff on the C-Points exchange to get any real value from it.

    Here is what happens: There will be much inflation on the C-Points exchange, so that people who are willing to pay real money can effectively circumvent grinding altogether, while the majority of the player-base will never be able to trade enough C-Points to buy a Tier 6 ship.

    • Restore Crafting to what it was. If you must, increase the prices, but attach EC rather than dilithium or more samples.
    • Allow per-character unlocks for EVERYTHING on the C-Store at rates comparable to what we have currently on Holodeck:
      • 1 Ship
      • = 1,200 CP
      • = 500 Emblems
      • = 168,000-240,000 Dilithium

    Isn't that a fair price? dStahl fought long and hard with the bean-counters to make this conversion possible. Why give it up?

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Katic wrote: »
    They want to change crafting? My solution...
    Brilliant idea. I don't get adding Dilithium to crafting. I mean, Dil is supposed to be a time currency, right? Aren't we spending out time farming for anomalies (especially the random rare ones, which are required for the higher-end items). And if not spending our time, we're buying off the exchange which we do with EC (that we got from playing) and effectively spending other peoples' time.

    Making crafting itself take time? I like it. 1-4 hours to craft an item, so long as we can have a handful going at once. That's fine. Want to offer anomalies via a Dil store? I'm ok with that too (in fact I love that idea).
    Heretic wrote:
    ...The truth is, the game is undergoing a period of massive change, and even in the best of circumstances that will leave people uneasy and sensitive... There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have..
    Thanks for checking-in Heretic. Is it possible to get a better idea of how long F2P Beta is due to last? I think that would give people a better sense of perspective and/or reduce some of the pressure if people saw there was another X number of weeks/months (assuming there is, obviously just the opposite if there's little time left, heh).

    Also, while the Blogs are, I'd like to think, trying to be helpful, they come off as to sales-pitchy. It would be nice to know more about the inside rationale behind these massive and complicated changes. For example, like kirian_darkstar had said, Dil was supposed to replace badges, markes, emblems, etc (each of which was a form of Time Currency) and you don't need any of those in crafting now, why would you add Dil going forward?

    And Stephen's earlier remark about not telling us in advance about changes. That seems silly. Look at other non-communicated ideas (like adding Dil to Crafting) and they all come out as bad or ill-received. Look at well informed and shared-info (both ways) projects (like the DOff System) and they are Da Bomb!

    Sigh. Anyway, crossing my fingers. Hoping the resulting Holodeck Conversion is more full of reasonable "final" decisions than failures. I'm hoping Golds get that VA Ship Token, a better Old Currency to Dil Conversion rate, Higher/Non-existant Refinement limits, a fixed T5 Excelsior (give me back all my TWs), basically anything on the "bad" list here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    Actually, I've been both a systems lead and a lead designer on other projects here at Cryptic and elsewhere, but those were on projects I had been on from the beginning. When I came on STO, I knew squat about the way the team had set things up, so wasn't in a position to be a lead - I like to know what I am doing before I start offering direction.

    In fairness, while I do communicate a lot, it is an enormous effort to do both that and the rest of my job. I do, however, appreciate people's kind words.

    The truth is, the game is undergoing a period of massive change, and even in the best of circumstances that will leave people uneasy and sensitive. There are a lot of factors going into the decisions being made, and a lot of very hard decisions being made to accommodate an array of requirements and ramifications. People are - quite understandably - upset about a lot of the changes.

    There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have, so we can give ourselves the best chance possible to arrive at at least tolerable solutions for all involved.

    Thank you Heretic for building a Fabulous Doff system and being so incredibly interactive with the community with that system, for listening to feedback and for instituting needed fixes and changes. Good Job! Atta Boy!
    Now, if you would please direct the individual responsible for the Dilithium/Crafting debacle to this thread so they can answer for their horrendous mistakes, we would appriciate it!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have, so we can give ourselves the best chance possible to arrive at at least tolerable solutions for all involved.

    **Looks at the large swimming pool full of blood**

    Dear sir, I think that is quite an understatement.

    It is good to hear someone finally chiming in on this matter and that you're aware of the problem and that changes aren't easy to make. With that said, these changes shouldn't have ever seen the light of day to begin with.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kutunto wrote:
    One thing to note, why cant we mine the asteroids we find in the different missions? That could be the source of items for crafting and at the same time can open a new line of ships, like miner ships, transport ships, players that can have alts to be miners, merchants, etc.

    cause have you ever heard of a federation captain in star trek say "hey there is a asteroid, LETS MINE IT" i know i havent. this game has to follow a set number of rules to apply with CBS via a contract ordeal this game has. that would be in direct violation cause it is no where near the lore of ST to which anyone is made aware of.

    now i think its a good idea, dont get me wrong. and i wouldnt mind a mining operation on a set planet(s) and maybe some asteroids. but rules are rules and these ones cant be broken cause we would lose the game in a lawsuit.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    cause have you ever heard of a federation captain in star trek say "hey there is a asteroid, LETS MINE IT" i know i havent. this game has to follow a set number of rules to apply with CBS via a contract ordeal this game has. that would be in direct violation cause it is no where near the lore of ST to which anyone is made aware of.

    now i think its a good idea, dont get me wrong. and i wouldnt mind a mining operation on a set planet(s) and maybe some asteroids. but rules are rules and these ones cant be broken cause we would lose the game in a lawsuit.

    Although, i wouldn't mind seeing "Mining" opperations in the later Starbase operations...

    but this is off topic
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Although this horse has been beaten to death already, I'd like to leave my two cents:

    Bad idea. Bad execution. Bad intentions?

    Really now. How is this economy going to function anyway? We need Dilithium now for the most basic items, that are easily outmatched by Feature Series and STF rewards. The time investment for playing a mission is now totally out of balance with grinding for craftable items. And since there is no attractive big sink for Dilithium like the Tier 6 ships on Holodeck, we will get an army of Dilithium farmers trying to sell the stuff on the C-Points exchange to get any real value from it.

    Here is what happens: There will be much inflation on the C-Points exchange, so that people who are willing to pay real money can effectively circumvent grinding altogether, while the majority of the player-base will never be able to trade enough C-Points to buy a Tier 6 ship.

    • Restore Crafting to what it was. If you must, increase the prices, but attach EC rather than dilithium or more samples.
    • Allow per-character unlocks for EVERYTHING on the C-Store at rates comparable to what we have currently on Holodeck:
      • 1 Ship
      • = 1,200 CP
      • = 500 Emblems
      • = 168,000-240,000 Dilithium

    Isn't that a fair price? dStahl fought long and hard with the bean-counters to make this conversion possible. Why give it up?


    wow never thought of this, great point. we managed to get rid of farmers for STO at live. but now that we have gone or about to go F2P people who get banned can just simple make a new account to farm out and stop spamming these currencies like there was no tomorrow.

    and frankly dstahl was a great producer, and this is a insult to what he has done here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Although, i wouldn't mind seeing "Mining" opperations in the later Starbase operations...

    but this is off topic

    ok bud back off it was a reply to someone else, if your going to reply as a crypic police officer you going to end up real fast on peoples ignore list as this is no place for it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    ok bud back off it was a reply to someone else, if your going to reply as a crypic police officer you going to end up real fast on peoples ignore list as this is no place for it.

    Sorry, if you want a private conversation use mail. On the forums it's open for anyone to reply.

    That said, the DOff system would be a good way to rationalize our Captain's overseeing mining operations as I believe duty officers aren't just on our ship(s), they're officers that report to us. Just saying, it's not unworkable.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    cause have you ever heard of a federation captain in star trek say "hey there is a asteroid, LETS MINE IT" i know i havent. this game has to follow a set number of rules to apply with CBS via a contract ordeal this game has. that would be in direct violation cause it is no where near the lore of ST to which anyone is made aware of.

    now i think its a good idea, dont get me wrong. and i wouldnt mind a mining operation on a set planet(s) and maybe some asteroids. but rules are rules and these ones cant be broken cause we would lose the game in a lawsuit.

    I dont remember in any star trek show the captain having to spend dilithium on ship upgrades or anything to do with ships in general.
    The only exception was voyager when needing to find deuterium or other supplies, but even then I dont recall them being limited in anyway because of a daily refinement limit or being restricted on ho much they can get... ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    In many episodes they traded with other races, many mineral samples were beam aboard the ship from asteroids and planets. specially when they were stranded in the Delta Quadron and because it didnt show in TV doesnot mean it couldnt happen.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Are we really looking at yet another day of cowardly and/or blatantly disrespectful silence?

    Even the few that agree with Cryptic/PW on this issue have to admit that this kind of indifference and/or crafty silence towards customers is unacceptable.

    I understand Stormshade and Heretic have said something from themselves but the people who bare the responsibility for this disrespect need to mosey on in here whenever they're finally ready and start talking.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Erixander wrote:
    Are we really looking at yet another day of cowardly and/or blatantly disrespectful silence?

    Even the few that agree with Cryptic/PW on this issue have to admit that this kind of indifference and/or crafty silence towards customers is unacceptable.

    I understand Stormshade and Heretic have said something from themselves but the people who bare the responsibility for this disrespect need to mosey on in here whenever they're finally ready and start talking.

    The more time passes,the more I see the hand of PWE here.Think about it,this whole F2P model,including the Dilithium for C-points,is a 1 on 1 copy of PWE's F2P.And if Cryptic really felt that that was the best F2P business model,they would have applied it to Champions when it went F2P.They don't say anything because it's shoved down their throats as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    SHARKFORCE wrote: »
    The more time passes,the more I see the hand of PWE here.Think about it,this whole F2P model,including the Dilithium for C-points,is a 1 on 1 copy of PWE's F2P.And if Cryptic really felt that that was the best F2P business model,they would have applied it to Champions when it went F2P.They don't say anything because it's shoved down their throats as well.

    I am reminded of STOked #85 where Jeremy said "Perfect World does not meddle." Ah yes, the good old days when we were innocent and full of hope...

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Palmera wrote:
    ok bud back off it was a reply to someone else, if your going to reply as a crypic police officer you going to end up real fast on peoples ignore list as this is no place for it.

    umm... At what point did you believe i was attacking your perspective?
    I was more agreeing with you on the second paragraph of you post.
    That mining opperation sub-missions could be later institutued with the Starbases.

    And the off topic comment was as much to me as anyone else.
    The topic is Dilithium/Crafting, not mining operations or the Napoleanic wars.

    So can we both pretty please get back to Dilithium/Crafting? Thank You.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Erixander wrote:
    Are we really looking at yet another day of cowardly and/or blatantly disrespectful silence?

    Even the few that agree with Cryptic/PW on this issue have to admit that this kind of indifference and/or crafty silence towards customers is unacceptable.

    I understand Stormshade and Heretic have said something from themselves but the people who bare the responsibility for this disrespect need to mosey on in here whenever they're finally ready and start talking.

    In all fairness, Heretic did reply, and in this thread, that took guts !
    He may not have had the answer we're looking for, but at least he said something.

    It would be nice to get a little bit more of a direct response with some information, even if it's just general info at first, and more specific later, as to how they're planning on responding to our feedback though... :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    SHARKFORCE wrote: »
    The more time passes,the more I see the hand of PWE here.Think about it,this whole F2P model,including the Dilithium for C-points,is a 1 on 1 copy of PWE's F2P.And if Cryptic really felt that that was the best F2P business model,they would have applied it to Champions when it went F2P.They don't say anything because it's shoved down their throats as well.

    You know, I'm starting to think the same thing. While I don't know much about PWE's business model, I am pretty sure that these changes aren't Cryptic's doing. The model between CO and STO is just way too different.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ^ My same opinion.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You know, I'm starting to think the same thing. While I don't know much about PWE's business model, I am pretty sure that these changes aren't Cryptic's doing. The model between CO and STO is just way too different.

    But it poses the question of weather they are converting STO first, and then they will do the same to CO?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have, so we can give ourselves the best chance possible to arrive at at least tolerable solutions for all involved.

    you ain't just whistlin' Dixie there bud

    funnier than that is that people overlook your reply and STILL say nobody with yellow in their name's replied (makes me wonder how blind they are)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    But it poses the question of weather they are converting STO first, and then they will do the same to CO?

    Yeah. That's something that's been nagging me for a while too. While I haven't played CO since my original 6-month sub ran out, I do fear for those who still play CO getting the same treatment. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Necrion wrote:
    In all fairness, Heretic did reply, and in this thread, that took guts !
    He may not have had the answer we're looking for, but at least he said something.

    It would be nice to get a little bit more of a direct response with some information, even if it's just general info at first, and more specific later, as to how they're planning on responding to our feedback though... :(

    What I'm wondering is if Heretic took it upon himself to try to ease tension in this thread by posting here or if he was told to post here because everyone else was afraid to? :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic will repply soon, I have his name tatooed in my vodoo doll Getsesmunda, she is mighty powerful. Heretic you hear me, come and repply and those headaches will go away, Getsesmunda has spoken!!!


    Ps well was worth a shot.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Erixander wrote:
    Are we really looking at yet another day of cowardly and/or blatantly disrespectful silence?

    Are we really looking at another personal attack on the morals of cryptic employees? :(

    As I has said before I do not want people to feel like they can't express opinions. Quite the opposite, I welcome civil discourse. :) That being said, this sort of rhetoric helps no one and may actually exacerbate the problem.

    I sincerely doubt the delay in dev response is due to cowardice. To suggest so is unnecessarily inflammatory.

    The reaction to the proposed crafting changes was/is so strong and so one-sided, that it may take a reasonable amount of time for an alternative to be posted. A fully fleshed out alternative, with everyone's interests taken into account (ours, Cryptic's, and PW's). Yes, even PW's opinion deserves to be considered, they do own this whole mess. :rolleyes:

    Calling them out and/or disparaging them with personal attacks is not useful, helpful, or otherwise a positive contribution to this thread and the forums as a whole.

    I look forward to more of the ideas/alternatives/suggestions that many of you have been posting. I would imagine that Cryptic is finding them interesting and useful. Keep it up! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    well you could have just slipped the NWN beta key under the door wink

    simple solutions are not determine by Team Sizes only the determination of the team
    bring mike Ditka in for a pep talk if it looks bad and go to Emil's in Vegas for a week end

    refresh the creative spirit..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    CivilPhil wrote:
    The reaction to the proposed crafting changes was/is so strong and so one-sided, that it may take a reasonable amount of time for an alternative to be posted. A fully fleshed out alternative, with everyone's interests taken into account (ours, Cryptic's, and PW's). Yes, even PW's opinion deserves to be considered, they do own this whole mess. :rolleyes:

    Calling them out and/or disparaging them with personal attacks is not useful, helpful, or otherwise a positive contribution to this thread and the forums as a whole.

    This thread, posted by Katic, is a great compromise, IMHO. I would fully support a middle-ground like this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Heretic wrote:
    The truth is, the game is undergoing a period of massive change, and even in the best of circumstances that will leave people uneasy and sensitive. There are a lot of factors going into the decisions being made, and a lot of very hard decisions being made to accommodate an array of requirements and ramifications. People are - quite understandably - upset about a lot of the changes.

    There's no denying this beta has been pretty bloody, but the team really is trying its best to navigate through extremely complicated waters. It isn't always going to succeed on the first (or second) try, but that's why we have made this beta as long as we have, so we can give ourselves the best chance possible to arrive at at least tolerable solutions for all involved.

    Thank you this message. It's good to know that someone has taken an understanding stance at Cryptic about all this instead of dismissing vocal people as scared, angry doomsayers.

    I just hope PWE can be understanding also as it seems like their F2P model is being imposed on STO.
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