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STO Season 4 - FAQ and Known Issues Update



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fleet Emblems on ground uniforms have been (accidentally?) moved up the arm. They also appear to be at a small distance from the characters geometry. Looks a bit weird...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The newiest lil patch still hasnt solved my issue, my space is stil red and all. So, what the few of us who are having the similar issues have to deal with it??? :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The S4 patch notes claim that rarity offers a 5% damage boost per level. However, based on the numbers being displayed in game, it appears that it's actually only 2.5% boost.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The queues man, fix the queues. I keep getting dropped and queues keep hanging. There's a thriving PvP community at the lower levels right now. I fear these people may quit if this goes unfixed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm also experience serious problems with the Delta Data (Daily) mission. I've used a runabout in both Delta Volanis and the B'Tran cluster to no effect. Judging from what I've seen on the forums, this appears to be a widespread problem.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Dunno if anothers said it:

    A: Select Costume option by right clicking character icon doesn't scroll any more if you have more costumes than the screen can show (it used to scroll)

    B: Not a known issue, but a personal hate - change the walking animations back.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm having a similar issue with B'Elotja, but it's the Honor Bound quest. As soon as I logged in i was teleported to Qo'Nos and I i have no way of finding B'Elotja and moving on with the quest line?

    At this point do I just need make a new character and start over?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    a.Noel wrote:
    I am unable to assign a BOFF to a lieutenant tactical station on an Escort ship. The drop-list for that station only lists an ensign engineering BOFF. Unassigning all BOFFs and then reassigning them does not mitigate the issue, nor does restarting the client. The Escort was requisitioned after the July 8 patch, by the way. I reported this in-game as a bug, but did not remember to note down the #, sorry.

    In said Lieutentant Tac BOFF's Skills panel, incrementing her Space Skill also increments her Ground Skill.

    The ensign engineering station on the same Escort is filled, but the adjacent powers bubble is empty. The assigned officer's applicable power does appear in the power tray, however.

    Certain sections of certain panels (for example, the away team listing in the Assignments panel) is noticeably vibrating when the panel is positioned flushed against the upper-left corner of the screen. Other panels in the same position do not exhibit the problem. Changing UI scales (0.8 - 1.0) does not mitigate the effect. 1680x1050 resolution, DVI-D connection, Radeon HD 4870, Catalyst 11.5 drivers.

    Occasionally, after entering a sector or system map, the view is completely blank save for your ship and the UI. Once the ship moves, the spacescape appears.

    Hello I am having the same problem here with my LT tac station. Will this be fixed soon? Is this an issue or do I need to make a new tac? I have not had any problems with this game sence the trophy issue at DS9, but I got over that. This is a big problem I cannot play my Tac right now, and I scared to play my eng which is a Vice Admiral til the game is working right again like it was before season 4. Dont miss understand I Love the new changes, but havent had a chance to check them all out.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well the new patch now created some bugs.

    The Borg Shield visual effect that creates a green glow from our ship's nacelles is now a dim un-glowing puke green.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well i would take the puke green off from the visual effect Borgs Shields, then having the whole space looking redish\pink. Which i will not play looking like that. :mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm only having this problem on one of my characters.

    In Shooter mode, whenever I trigger my Tray 1, Box 1 attack with the L-Mouse button, that box goes to Autofire by itself and will not cease firing when I release the L-Mouse button. I have to hit the #1 key to disable the Autofire again. The next time I fire that attack, it goes right back to Autofire.

    It does not matter if I have energy, melee or fists equipped, Tray 1 Box 1 goes to Autofire every time I initiate the attack by using the L-Mouse button.

    I have a pretty generic Logitech Trackman corded trackball, and this bug does not occur on the other character I've tested.

    I've tried making sure the Autofire on that box is disabled in RPG mode. I've R-clicked on the box in Shooter mode by opening my Inventory window. The Autofire turns off like it should, but then comes right back on if I initiate that attack again using the L-Mouse button.

    I've tried removing all attacks from that slot, even the fists, and then readding them and the issue returns every time so far. I've also unequipped all weapons at the same time the attacks are removed from the powers tray, no effect.

    I've also tried swapping the button assignments in the Options window, where the mouse buttons are primary and the keyboard buttons secondary, but the issue still persists, I've since returned the button assignments back to the default.

    Suggestions? :confused:

    UPDATE: I've found that if I only tap the L-Mouse button (just like a normal click,) this engages the Autofire automatically. However, if I hold the L-Mouse buttion down, the attack does not launch, but the Autofire (with the green rectangle) does not engage, either. On my "normal" character, holding down L-Mouse spams the attack until it is released, but not on this one. Once the Autofire is engaged and the attack is spamming over and over on its own, if I again hold the L-Mouse button down, it will cancel the Autofire without pressing the #1 key on the keyboard, simply clicking the L-Mouse button will not achieve this.

    I've also taken screenshots of all Options on the "normal" character to ensure the "broken" character is setup identically on all settings.

    NEW UPDATE: This issue still persists on this one character, no change with the patch yesterday.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    FallingSky wrote:
    The bug where you can't take over events from members that are no longer part of the fleet has been fixed for Season 4 (and should be on Tribble right now). The repeating canceled events not disappearing I'm still looking at though.

    ok so on june 20 we were told this but when i checked yesterday NOPE NOT FIXED also it was never included in the release notes. I would like to know if it was fixed or not and since apparently i cant get it to show cancel/remove on the fleet event tab. also this may be a bug but please someone tell me why its still not working.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Not so hot.
    Impressions so far:

    Server time out is now an issue. I tried 3 diffrent systems and still have the same "disconnected from server". It's not my PC, my firewall nor the voice chat settings. Yes I tried them all still get the same annoying "server not responding"

    Second, Fleet actions: Why do we punish the majority in lieu of the few. Abuse by a small majority of players to make fleet actions more fair for all its not the only justifaction.
    The queue system is broken and useless. Before this patch, I can fly into any fleet action and start on my own and it was fun to wait for others to show up at their leisure. Some people stayed with it others just dropped out but you have that choice. Now I have to spend countless of hrs just to be thrown back into the queu because someone doesnt show up.
    Real "Fleets" dont have the option to customize private events since it is "rank" based and still requires a certain "limit" of players in order for you to start it. Why dont we actually give all tools to the "private" events including to whoever is making the event the ability to dictate how many people to set a limit and forget about ranking. Anyway who cares since it is a "private" event. It is so insanely hard for a fleet to help others using this new system and I think it punishes those who want to help others. I certainly understand that some VAs abused the system before but then again some low levels do need the help as well. We need to balance this.

    Just for your consideration.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    2007-2007 wrote:
    Not so hot.
    Impressions so far:

    Server time out is now an issue. I tried 3 diffrent systems and still have the same "disconnected from server". It's not my PC, my firewall nor the voice chat settings. Yes I tried them all still get the same annoying "server not responding"
    Most definitely this has become quite an issue since the patch. My sig pic isn't for nothing :rolleyes: I read somewhere that the engineers are looking into it - here's hoping they find the reason and fix it.
    Second, Fleet actions: Why do we punish the majority in lieu of the few. Abuse by a small majority of players to make fleet actions more fair for all its not the only justifaction.
    The queue system is broken and useless. Before this patch, I can fly into any fleet action and start on my own and it was fun to wait for others to show up at their leisure. Some people stayed with it others just dropped out but you have that choice. Now I have to spend countless of hrs just to be thrown back into the queu because someone doesnt show up.
    Real "Fleets" dont have the option to customize private events since it is "rank" based and still requires a certain "limit" of players in order for you to start it. Why dont we actually give all tools to the "private" events including to whoever is making the event the ability to dictate how many people to set a limit and forget about ranking. Anyway who cares since it is a "private" event. It is so insanely hard for a fleet to help others using this new system and I think it punishes those who want to help others. I certainly understand that some VAs abused the system before but then again some low levels do need the help as well. We need to balance this.

    Just for your consideration.

    I miss the old fleet actions. Now it's just waiting on a queue that even when it kicks in, doesn't work. Why fix what wasn't broken?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This just started happening since the new release. I have been playing for over a year and have never had this issue. I have a 1 year old Alienware and a cable modem. I went to speedtest.net and I am getting 22Mbps down and 2.67Mbps up. I got booted 4 out of the last 4 times that I logged in. In the last year I cant remember a single time that I got booted. I cant start a mission...its very frustrating to get in a fight and...then BAM disconnected. Then start back over from the beginning.

    I tried to submit a ticket via http://www.startrekonline.com/tickets When I try to submit I get a red error saying that I need to specify a language...there is no place to specify a language that I can find. :confused:

    Any ideas appreciated
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Anyone know of an issue preventing KDF BG from entering the Azleso Expanse?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    jam062307 wrote: »
    I tried doing the delta daily in my captains yaht and had the same experience...no shuttle data to complete the daily. I'm almost there getting my delta flyer too!!!

    haveing the same problem, the delta daily is broken
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm the easiest player in the game to make happy. I just like space combat. I don't care about the story, or the ground missions, that probably actually take a lot of work to produce. All I need is some enemy ships to shoot at. I prefer to do so in fleet actions because enemy signal contacts get boring after a while, and so often get stuck or glitched. Fleet actions are a reliable way for me to get my space combat fix, and what's more, they're more of a challenge and I feel I'm actually accomplishing something. As it stands, I cannot play any fleet actions, and it's because of the new queue system. There just aren't enough people online at the times I want to play, which is rarely at peak times. Other people are complaining that the queues don't actually work, but I've never even been offered a chance to join a fleet action game so I don't know. All I know is my quick space combat fix is gone now, and I'm not happy with it.

    If the option to just join a game isn't brought back in a patch soon, or the minimums eliminated, I have no choice but to cancel my subscription. You've removed content from the game, for me. My favorite content. What option do I really have?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Xakazomog wrote:
    I'm the easiest player in the game to make happy. I just like space combat. I don't care about the story, or the ground missions, that probably actually take a lot of work to produce. All I need is some enemy ships to shoot at. I prefer to do so in fleet actions because enemy signal contacts get boring after a while, and so often get stuck or glitched. Fleet actions are a reliable way for me to get my space combat fix, and what's more, they're more of a challenge and I feel I'm actually accomplishing something. As it stands, I cannot play any fleet actions, and it's because of the new queue system. There just aren't enough people online at the times I want to play, which is rarely at peak times. Other people are complaining that the queues don't actually work, but I've never even been offered a chance to join a fleet action game so I don't know. All I know is my quick space combat fix is gone now, and I'm not happy with it.

    If the option to just join a game isn't brought back in a patch soon, or the minimums eliminated, I have no choice but to cancel my subscription. You've removed content from the game, for me. My favorite content. What option do I really have?

    I totally agree with your feeling...and seriously hope that some of those DEVs really pay attention to the players. I myself enjoyed playing fleet actions in the past and socializing with strangers while killing some enemies. Never abused the system as it was the"excuse" for making the case of Season 4 "fairness doctrine" (making it fair for all). Yesterday, I was asked by a friend to help out at SB24. However, I couldn't join him becasue we are different ranks. How about that? How about preventing some folks from helping each other. This kills the game for me as well. Less enjoyable with less content.

    Season 4 fleet action "revamping" was a very bad idea and please roll back the patch (sounds crazy) but there are other major issues as well. As far as I'm concerned this is the worst pacth ever for this game. Not so much input from real players and its really buggy....juts keep reading other postings from other discussions forums.
    This makes Season 4 virtually umplayable and the worst ever.../Just my opinion

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Have skimmed over this entire thread, but there is one issue I have encountered which is almost crippling...

    The Exchange is broken. I don't mean not being able to pull auctions, or faults with return mail, I mean the search filters.

    If I search for Uncommon items, it shows me Rare items.
    If I search for Rare items, it shows me Very Rare.


    So basically, I can no longer assess market prices when trying to sell gear, and if I want to buy anything Uncommon, I can't find the best price.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Koppenflak that's a known issue, it's just unfortunately not on this list, and if you want to find uncommon item prices. Drag the item you're searching for from your inventory to the exchange, make sure you use the filter 'Any' for rarity otherwise you'll not be able to find any uncommon items at all.

    Once you've searched, you'll see common items first, but keep looking (clicking the next button).

    Looking for rare, search uncommon.

    Looking for very rare, search rare.

    It's a big issue, so I'm hoping it'll be fixed in a patch I'm guessing is *coming tomorrow night.

    *Coming Soon ™
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The fleet action are all but ruined I hate the queue system. I rather do a fleet action solo then sit and wait to hope to get into one. I like off of season 4 except for this, whos bright idea was this? Put it back it was 1000 times better the old way.

    Leveling a new toon SB24 Dropped will not be doing this after sitting here for 20 minutes waiting to get in. I have better ways to waist my time other then making sure I dont auto disconnect from the server.:mad:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Count me in as well for being affected by this one.

    Regardless of which escort I try, at ESD or in space, I can no longer assign anyone to my Lt. Tactical slot.
    When I click the dropdown, it lists Engineering officers instead, and then populates an Engineering slot if I select one of them. That, along with the 'Server not responding' latency issues, has made this a bummer so far.

    I know S4 was supposed to be a far-reaching, extensive revamp, but it sure seems like it could have used some more time in the oven and for taste-testing before going into production. Hope the Devs can replicate some rabbits to pull out of their hats to quickly deal with all of these issues... Good luck, and Giddyup!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    nope still in the dark after the updates....just find it funny how suddenly how the video on this game was perfect to a clutter of red\pinkish back drop even no matter what the setting is at. Get all excited getting this game now led to disappointment after this new seaon. Play it for couple wks(more like less), i guess thats all i get out of it, a tease. 3 other games are fine besides this, and dont have it on default on those games. :cool: I even reinstalled it & updated, same situation. :confused:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    pokesomi wrote: »
    Oh by the way Emancipation Daily is Not functioning. objectives complete but unable to complete mission.

    I found that out last night as well.. Still bugged as of 7-11-11. I am sure they fix it when they have a chance.

    Right now I suspect the have bigger fish to fry with all the other bugs. The exchange, The foundry, The fleet actions, etc.

    Im using the mission as a test bed to sharpen my shooting/ground skills. Granted I don't get to compleat the mission but at least I get some training in.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    StrykerX11 wrote: »
    The newiest lil patch still hasnt solved my issue, my space is stil red and all. So, what the few of us who are having the similar issues have to deal with it??? :(

    Turn off soft particle effects it worked for me

    I have got a problem with my pointer: it is "clicking" 1cm to the left of where it is displaying. Which means that when i select an icon i needtohave the pointer at the right of what I want activated. Anyone else seeing this? Could is be a screen resolution issue?

    Buggered if I know

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Draehgo wrote:
    Ok, my problem is ...I can't log in on my main toon. I have a trial account, with 4-5 days left. I have, or had every intention of upgrading my account until today. After the season 4 patch when I try to log my main toon I get the message ...."You cannot login to a character that has a different type than your account"....Main toon is Federation and level 10, almost 11. At first I thought maybe there was a level cap on trial accounts, if thats the case then fine, but I've seen others complaining of the same thing. I can make a new toon, which I did. But I found it odd that before today I couldn't make a Klingon, today I could, and did. I'm hoping to see a hotfix.

    Be Safe.

    There is a cap...but it's level 13. Previously, the behavior was that you could play, but once you hit that point you'd stop gaining experience, and were locked into only being able to access ESD, Sirius sector, and the SS Azura Mission.

    And if you'd been on a demo previously but had already upgraded your account, you could still log in, with all the demo restrictions, and your character's level reduced without changing their rank (Vice Admiral -47 for example). You could also still login if you were in a place demo players normally couldn't go, but couldn't get through any other loading screens. (EG: If you were on DS9, you could log in on DS9, but trying to go up to ops or undock would fail).

    This issue seems related to demo accounts in specific somehow: I don't know if it was some intentional thing to prevent former demo players logging in their post-demo toons or if some code from champions accidentally got activated or what.

    One thing I haven't been able to determine is if the very few posts about this issue are from players currently on demo status, or if some of them have active accounts or what.

    I'm certainly not gonna pony up any money to reactivate though, as it'd be stupid to do so without some confirmation that doing so would fix the issue. For all I know, even if I felt like playing for a bit again, I'd pay and end up unable to login still.

    Especially since your toon shouldn't be locked out: you're on a trial, not the unlimited demo, and well within the demo's level limits anyway, so I suspect it's some sort of misconfiguration.

    Whatever it is, it means cryptic doesn't get any money from me until it's either clarified or fixed. (meaning either I can login on a non-new character again, or it's confirmed by both cryptic and players that (re)activating fixes it).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    dstahl wrote: »

    Season 4: Crossfire is finally here and all the heaps of new code are now live on Holodeck. In general we feel that this new build is far superior in performance and function than the previous build and we continue to monitor issues and feedback and will undoubtedly be posting patches to address concerns and fine tune new features.

    This thread will highlight some frequently asked questions and issues since we pushed the update to Holodeck.


    Q: How do I switch to the new "shooter mode"?
    A: Press the B key to toggle between Shooter and RPG modes. Also check out our Ground Combat Tutorial Page for additional information and a new ground combat Tutorial Video.

    Q: How do I now get into a Fleet Action like Starbase 24?
    A: You now use the PVE Queue to access Fleet Actions that are avaialble to your level. You'll find this option in the minimap menu. When you load up the PVE Queue menu, you'll see Fleet Actions available for you to queue for. You can also click the JOIN tab at the top to see all existing Fleet Actions in progress or Create your own Private Fleet Action. Fleet Actions now require a minimum of 5 players to start and you cannot close the UI until you have enough players to start your private queue.

    Q: I'm not seeing Fleet Actions that I used to be able to run. Where did they go?
    A: Fleet Action level requirements have changed. We wanted to ensure that there was a new Fleet Action for players to experience at each rank up. Furthermore, we wanted to keep level bands consistent and easily understood, while allowing for a large enough range to increase the chances of finding players to join the queue. For example previous level bands had some Fleet Action bands at 17-20 and the next one 21-30 which made it incredibly unlikely that the 17-20 queue would ever fill up. So the new Fleet Action level band requirements now look like this.

    Fleet Action Level Bands (FED)
    Lvl 4 - 10 : Starbase 24
    Lvl 11-20 : (all above plus), Halting the Gorn Advance
    Lvl 21-30 : (all above plus), Klingon Scout Force, Breaking the Planet
    Lvl 31-40 : (all above plus), The Big Dig
    Lvl 41-50 : (all above plus), Crystalline Catasrophe
    Lvl 51 : (all above plus), Gekli Feeding Grounds

    Fleet Action Level Bands (KDF)
    Lvl 11-20 : Federation Minefield
    Lvl 21-30 : (all above plus), Breaking the Planet
    Lvl 31-40 : (all above plus), The Big Dig
    Lvl 41-50 : (all above plus), Crystalline Catasrophe
    Lvl 51 : (all above plus), Gekli Feeding Grounds

    To create your own private queue of these Fleet Actions, you must meet the following lvl requirements. (but note that you can set the enemy level of the Fleet Action in the UI)
    Starbase 24 : lvl 4
    Halting the Gorn Advance, Federation Minefield : lvl 11
    Klingon Scout Force, Breaking the Planet : lvl 21
    The Big Dig : lvl 31
    Crystalline Catastrophe : lvl 41
    Gekli Feeding Grounds : lvl 51

    Q: Why can't I fly up to a Fleet Action door and just go in by myself anymore?
    A: Fleet Actions were always intended to be missions for "Fleets" and therefore now require a minimum number of players to start (5 for a private queue, 10* for public). This helps prevent abuse as well as encourge larger groups to complete these missions. Note that we are also looking at increase rewards in these fleet actions as a result to ensure participation at least provides a decent item.

    *update - we have heard the feedback on this and are testing some new code on TRIBBLE that will allow Fleet Actions to have a minimum of 8 players to launch, and if 8 aren't found after 5 minutes, it will look for 5.

    Q: Why did you change the Fonts?
    A: There have been some inconsistencies between Fed and Kdf player font sizes. We have standardized these to the same size. We are continually looking to improve readibility and will update fonts in future patches if new font sizes create issues for the majority of players.


    When we updated the shard to Season 4, UGC projects go through a process where they are republished to update with newer code. This process takes nearly 8 hours to complete for all missions in the database. After today's republish, it was uncovered that even though the process reported all was well, the missions themselves were in a randomly broken state. To address this issue, we have taken UGC (The Foundry) offline temporarily while we identify the issue and work on a fix. This is a big issue and may require anywhere from one to several days to fix properly. The UGC team will continue working on it and once the issue is addressed, we'll turn Foundry back on.

    *July 8 - 5:15pm update: We have some fixes going to Tribble to correct the corruption issues in your Foundry projects. We will be testing republish and once everything looks good, we will turn mission play back on and then ensure editing is working properly and turn that on too.

    We have tracked down a bug that was causing some loot drops to inherit improper statistics from an unexpected source. We have a fix incoming that will fix loot drops so that they are dropping stats at the appropriate level. Another fix after will correct previously looted items to their proper stats. This was not an intentional nerf. ;)

    Expired auction emails were withheld while an action server configuration change was being made, it has since been updated. If you feel your are missing emails, close your client and restart and log back in to refresh your mail list.

    While we don't condone using auctions as additional storage, we have identified an issue where auctions could not be pulled down properly. We do acknowledge that players want to adjust pricing and need this feature, so we have Engineers making a fix and it will be patched soon.

    Some players are reporting static and other degradation issues. We are investigating with Vivox and will update the service as necessary to improve performance.

    Players have reported that using weapons autofire in RPG ground combat prevents the use of sprint, roll, and secondary fire. Engineers have identified the issue and a temp fix will be put in the next patch to address spring and secondary fire. Roll is proving to be problematic with autofire in Season 4, and will take longer to address, but the engineers are working on it and will get patched when ready.

    This is a bug and will result in your tac officer throwing grenades at their own feet. A fix has been made and will be patched soon.

    * 7/8 - 5:25pm We have an incoming Hotfix tonight to address issues with the queue. These fixes are going to Tribble now.

    Since it has been a few days when this was posted,could we get an update......please?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Don't know if this has been posted already but when I zone into a PVP map.. I have no FX of my ships impulse engines or Aegis set or anything. Works perfectly fine everywhere else but just not in PvP
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Specineff wrote:
    Don't know if this has been posted already but when I zone into a PVP map.. I have no FX of my ships impulse engines or Aegis set or anything. Works perfectly fine everywhere else but just not in PvP

    The same thing happens with Intrepids and Ablative Armor. Anytime you zone into a PvP map, your Armor is visually up (though the ability itself is not active). This is does not correct itself on respawn, and only effects PvP maps.
This discussion has been closed.