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STO Season 4 - FAQ and Known Issues Update



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The C-store Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade are showing default 'normal' textures, not the 'Ceremonial Lirpa' or 'Kri'stak Blade' skins.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Minimum of 5 for a Fleet Action? Guess that's it for my late night trios.

    And a queue? Why the hell are they even on the map then? If you can activate the queue without going to the map location what is the point?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Two issues I've noticed

    Breen Chel Gret cruisers in Deferi Outpost 3 now con -39 in Deferi outpost 3 at VA on Advanced. Amusing but definitely a bug :-)

    Phase shifted personal shield seems to have suffered a power fluctuation while in inventory as the mission reward version is 241 capacity with my equipped version having 292.

    Both bugged.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It's a minor issue, if not a bit silly but the zoom in and out buttons in the tailor do not work. (Rolling the middle mouse button does the job, but still...if that was the intention, why leave the buttons in the tailor then?). Same goes for the log in screen---you can't zoom in to the toon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    dstahl wrote: »
    We are going to get the queues working first (they are obviously now working now) before we make any reversions such as players are suggesting. Fleet Actions are not meant to be content that an individual can grind for loot or emblems. They were named Fleet Actions because they are intended to be done by "Fleets".

    I would suggest that you get a new fleet action design working first, then implement the queues to gate it.

    You can call them whatever you like, and you can intend them to be whatever you like - you can even change the game so that reality matches the name and the vision - but until you do, don't put up a barrier to content people have been enjoying for no better reason than "that's how we intended it all along" - the demonstrable practice of over a year indicates there is no urgency in enforcing that vision. That horse is out of the barn, down the road, and his descendants have evolved into a starfaring race of equines.

    Honestly, the rewards for doing fleet actions at the moment are less than those for repeating the daily missions, and those are faster - so it's not a matter of exploiting them for goodies - they were fun, spontaneously multiplayer experiences (when folks were around) and now they're gone.

    By the time you get around to changing things, people will have gotten out of the habit of playing them - they'll have found other things to do that don't involve wasting their time - the current implementation is simply ill-conceived.

    Having the private queues exist is fine, so that fleets / teams can have their own fleet action, but the minimum to create a public, unpassworded instance should be one - and you should change that as soon as is practicable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    dstahl wrote: »
    We are going to get the queues working first (they are obviously now working now) before we make any reversions such as players are suggesting. Fleet Actions are not meant to be content that an individual can grind for loot or emblems. They were named Fleet Actions because they are intended to be done by "Fleets".

    Good point but why not keep the option to make private ques and keep the old system aswell?
    From my point of view my fleet mates are on at different time than I am and I do STFs with them for the hours there on. I normally solo the fleet actions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Here are some minor bugs I've found:
    Bug #1,146,434
    Grenades No longer shows Skills
    Plasma, Photon and Smoke Grenade Descriptions no longer shows which skills contribute to its enhancement. This is both in the Power window and on the Skill List. Pre-S4 it used to be: Assault Training, Special Forces, Grenades.


    Bug #1,146,723
    Investigate Officer Dailies is giving VA1s 75 Badge of Exploration, 4th Order instead of Emblems when level appropriate badges is selected. Pic, see reward listing in chat on the left:
    ...Please think about this from the players' perspective for a minute. Some of us spend a lot of our free time paying YOU to test your software for you...
    Fixed it for your. :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Trek17 wrote:
    Occasionally and randomly, my ship's target lock would disappear entirely, like i had pressed Esc to clear it (but I hadn't). Getting the lock back was easy enough, but the lock shouldn't randomly unlock like it was doing. EDIT: this issue has shown up in other space missions.

    You do know there are skills that remove your target lock, right?
    dstahl wrote: »
    We are going to get the queues working first (they are obviously now working now) before we make any reversions such as players are suggesting. Fleet Actions are not meant to be content that an individual can grind for loot or emblems. They were named Fleet Actions because they are intended to be done by "Fleets".

    We understand that fleet actions are meant to be done by a fleet of ships, but honestly, not everyone likes waiting. One of the main reasons I hate PvP so much is because I have to sit around and wait for the queue to fill up. Can't do other missions while you're waiting because if you do then you lose all progress when the queue hits. More then half the time when the queue does finally fill there's someone that doesn't join and not enough people in standby to take their place so no PvP for you.
    CyberC9000 wrote:
    Ground combat is now grossly imbalanced. Enemies, even even-level trash mobs do damage way too quickly to have a chance to heal. Every other mob is killing my PC in 2 seconds flat.QUOTE]

    This. Was playing on the basic 1 bar difficulty yesterday and my character died I can't tell you how many times only a second or two after combat begins... ofcourse my Klingon general was fine on tribble over the weekend, so something wrong with this character maybe... she was fine and doing 3 bar difficulty missions before season 4 though (and not dying as much in them)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    LordEvan88 wrote: »
    Finally got through most of The Cure tonight. Combat is fun and fast. However I get to the ground boss and he is friggin impossible. He just slaughters us. Just in seconds. We can barely do any damage and when we do it instantly regenerates. Maybe there is some new 'trick' to fighting him, but this really seems ridiculous.

    yeah, somewhat. But Remember! We are making the game tune for PVP! :rolleyes:

    Heard that till I am just sick of it. I won't be as nice as Perrigrene, wasting my time now that I am paying you for. I stated the basic complaint and nail it of the lack of processes and quality control. Here we did all that testing on tribble, and walla, here it comes to holodeck and the same issues are still here with us and now worse and more things are broken.

    The ground combat: yeah... riiight... faster turn over... no comment on this one, lets give that a week or two for folks to adjust and settle in to the new scheme of it. Personally I can see no less then about 3 issues with this, but will hold off and see if those issues can be overcome with some personal changes.

    Advance mobs one shotting me for 797, 815, 773, 917, and 823 damage, through mark XI, purple shields and mark xi purple energy dampening armor... and me having max of 765 hp's (shields and all)
    Yeah having fun now! NOT and yes I can provide screen shots if you like they are on my home pc. I was simply laughing my head off and talking on vent to the fleet stating, yeah I see that not working.

    Walking animation: Who authorized that change? UGG! ME Caveman... You Jane... Ticket was made for this on tribble, but lets go over it again, for the fourth time.
    Knees - too far apart X axis, ridgid lost fluidity that had before update
    Feet - too far apart X axis, ridgid lost fluidity that had before update
    upper body - too forward on the Z axis, you do not slump forward like that to walk.

    PVP Queues: yeah this done stated

    PVE Fleet Queue: yeah, the private thing is good. However forcing it to the public side will come back to bite the game. Already sated maps not populating.

    Covarient/Regenerative shields tweak: umm 1900 points snatch off the top of the Covariant shield? 8965 to 7065... THAT is some "tweak". No increase in regeneration on it either. The Regenerative shield gained about 1100hp's ? this is an attempt to slow the game down, or to make all ships squishier. Problem is, the NPC do not suffer under the same mechanic. Especially the borg, but not only them.

    Lets not forget a major issue that is going on. About 12 folks reported on tribble, that season 4 was causing their network systems to crash, an the game to crash severely. Now the 1 that was in our fleet has a much better system then I do, and has had it checked by a profession group. his own internet company has rechecked his system and their systems. He has even removed and reloaded his entire comp... Same crash occuring.
    Now add to that about 3 more folks in our fleet, one mentioned here in this thread, suffering the same thing. Crashing. They have followed even the extra steps by the good netop group at cryptic has suggested, and nadda, still crashes.
    So lets see, 1 that was having the issue, suddenly, just in my fleet became 4. Tiimes that by how many fleets in game and by how many times this was reported on just tribble? by 12 folks? Yeah, growing issue there... especially those 4 are stating simply they just going to quit and move on, no other games or systems they play on have any issues with, and even holodeck worked great before Season 4, they played with no issues what so ever. Season 4 hits, bam, instant crashing.

    Means simply you Cryptic, have an issue with season 4. One I see growing quickly.

    No excuses on this folks, you push that ticket thing down our throats, now I am, at least, holding Cryptic responsible for doing something about what we told you was wrong many times while on tribble. Understand the system works IF you fix it before you let it on Live. You didn't, so get out your seat belt, your consumer base isnt very happy with you right now.

    This doesnt even represent the half page of things i have to add, lets just see if the basics that were already not broken can be fixed. I removed a good amount of stuff cause to be honest I was fairly justifiable venomous and dead on stating it. But, lets all, including me breath and step back...

    Ok, now we know what isn't working, question is how much is being fixed right now?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Every single one of these issues was reported by multiple people while all of this was still on Tribble, with both in-game bug reports and posts on the forums. So my question is: Why was this build allowed to go live with none of these issues fixed?

    simple answer: Deadlines.

    none of these issues are serious enough to tell your Boss(es), your Publisher (Atari) or the Players that are waiting already that they have to delay everything ...for another week? ...or two?

    as long as they will fix the issues, i am fine with it...

    ...not like some other bugs that stay in the game forever until *somebody* randomly decides to put it on a schedule again.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Blackavaar wrote: »
    Minimum of 5 for a Fleet Action? Guess that's it for my late night trios.

    And a queue? Why the hell are they even on the map then? If you can activate the queue without going to the map location what is the point?


    Not being able to enter a Fleet Action at will is bologna. I like the queue interface. I like the ability to see all the running fleet action instances. I like the ability to gather up a bunch of people and start a private instance. However, when you see what fleet action instances are running, and none of them are what you want to play or are password protected, or full, and you don't have enough friends online at that particular moment to satisfy the minimum player requirement, you are left with what happened to me last night. Putting yourself in a queue and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and being kicked off the server for being inactive for 15 minutes.

    I'm sorry, but I want to play what I want to play right when I want to play it. Not be told I cannot play and be kicked from the server. And please don't tell me do something else in-game while waiting. If I wanted to do something else in-game I'd be doing IT and not attempting to enter a fleet action.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Add BOFF pathfinding to the issues. I'm having a hard time keeping my BOFFs with me during ground missions. They either get stuck or won't follow. I've tried every option of giving them different orders, turning them on and off.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    FallingSky wrote:
    The bug where you can't take over events from members that are no longer part of the fleet has been fixed for Season 4 (and should be on Tribble right now). The repeating canceled events not disappearing I'm still looking at though.

    ok so on june 20 we were told this but when i checked yesterday NOPE NOT FIXED also it was never included in the release notes. I would like to know if it was fixed or not and since apparently i cant get it to show cancel/remove on the fleet event tab. also this may be a bug but please someone tell me why its still not working.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    simple answer: Deadlines.

    none of these issues are serious enough to tell your Boss(es), your Publisher (Atari) or the Players that are waiting already that they have to delay everything ...for another week? ...or two?
    as long as they will fix the issues, i am fine with it...

    ...not like some other bugs that stay in the game forever until *somebody* randomly decides to put it on a schedule again.

    THis is a joke yes? if so ok its funny :) but if its not, then oh yeah their has been, one that was just fixed on this season update that has been around since beta.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It's a minor issue, if not a bit silly but the zoom in and out buttons in the tailor do not work. (Rolling the middle mouse button does the job, but still...if that was the intention, why leave the buttons in the tailor then?). Same goes for the log in screen---you can't zoom in to the toon.

    Not a minor issue for those of us who have wireless mice for which the scroll does not work properly with the game. Please fix the Tailor (ship and personnel) zoom buttons ASAP.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The chat box in general has been "buggy" for me sinse yesterday:

    Most of the most about 1/4 of the letters aren't getting acknowledged (especially "R"), and I have to constantly fix what I was going to say; making a normal conversation way longer than it should have. This is a problem while in STF's to be hoenst.

    Now the map for the First City is totally bugged. At its default view it's already zoomed out, and not matter how much one tries to zoom in, it's still a far view. Hell zooming out all the way makes the map a dot, literally.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I am unable to assign a BOFF to a lieutenant tactical station on an Escort ship. The drop-list for that station only lists an ensign engineering BOFF. Unassigning all BOFFs and then reassigning them does not mitigate the issue, nor does restarting the client. The Escort was requisitioned after the July 8 patch, by the way. I reported this in-game as a bug, but did not remember to note down the #, sorry.

    In said Lieutentant Tac BOFF's Skills panel, incrementing her Space Skill also increments her Ground Skill.

    The ensign engineering station on the same Escort is filled, but the adjacent powers bubble is empty. The assigned officer's applicable power does appear in the power tray, however.

    Certain sections of certain panels (for example, the away team listing in the Assignments panel) is noticeably vibrating when the panel is positioned flushed against the upper-left corner of the screen. Other panels in the same position do not exhibit the problem. Changing UI scales (0.8 - 1.0) does not mitigate the effect. 1680x1050 resolution, DVI-D connection, Radeon HD 4870, Catalyst 11.5 drivers.

    Occasionally, after entering a sector or system map, the view is completely blank save for your ship and the UI. Once the ship moves, the spacescape appears.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    ... snip....
    Thanks for reading, have a good weekend.

    You bet. Have a good weekend yourself.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For whatever reason, one of my KDF chars (LG) couldn´t enter the standard version of the Azlesa Expanse. The elite version was there, but the other option was completely missing from the dialogue box. :(

    Boss mobs are not a challenge, but rather an execution squad. A Starlian Commander killed three members of my away team (including me) in a few seconds. On normal difficulty. Yes, I know how to play and yes I´m well equipped. (;))

    After changing my Guramba to my Raptor, I wanted to reassign my tactical Boffs. The game kept putting them in other slots, not the ones i chose. After gambling on this slot machine for a while, I got it right though. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fleet Actions should not be limited to 5 player teams pugs formed inside of Star Base 24, now you have effectively removed more content than you have added with this launch for the casual player (that will pug team) I love to test builds at Star Base 24 its my favorite Fleet Action?

    What needs to be done is no minimums on the Fleet actions/STFs/ Missions and make it work so as many as 5 Captains can team and each can bring a 5 man away team, Then you have a system that works....until then your just going to have to live with a large majority of the player base that is not going to be thrilled with the new minimum requirements.

    We should also be able to select the number away team members in our party at any given time/ place and should include beaming to social and ESD.

    Also I have seen nothing as far as Boff exchange and or training revision :(

    Thank you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    dstahl wrote: »
    We are going to get the queues working first (they are obviously now working now) before we make any reversions such as players are suggesting. Fleet Actions are not meant to be content that an individual can grind for loot or emblems. They were named Fleet Actions because they are intended to be done by "Fleets".

    If this is so then why put emblems on them at all , and also the purpose for the emblems is so people can grind for them to get the weapons and ships they would like to play, and also do u think we have nothing better to do then wait for and hour or two to get in one, they worked great before like they where, i know of no complains about them, but they prob was some where by some one, so why fix something that wasnt broken, and to be honest with all the complaints ya'll had about pvp queus why would ya make ur own life harder by putting it on fleet actions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Z3R0B4NG wrote: »
    simple answer: Deadlines.

    none of these issues are serious enough to tell your Boss(es), your Publisher (Atari) or the Players that are waiting already that they have to delay everything ...for another week? ...or two?

    as long as they will fix the issues, i am fine with it...

    ...not like some other bugs that stay in the game forever until *somebody* randomly decides to put it on a schedule again.

    But see thats the problem issues dont get fixed there are still issues from as far back as season 2 and season 3 that where never fixed
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Edit: Fixed my problem. Carry on all. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I did the Breen dailies yesterday, and the Breen NPC Cryo Grenade almost instantly wiped out my away team, I think it needs adjustment for the new shield/health values.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    StrykerX11 wrote: »
    Why after this update my whole space backround has turned red??? I load up from where i last was out in space and now my space and that is red??? I even put all video settings to default??? It was going perfect till the update, i checked on acouple other games i play and everything is fine ...besides star trek online. I just bought the game and was getting into this and now "BAAAAAAM CRIPPLING UPDATE"???? Hopefully its just lil issue they need to fix otherwise i guess few friends and i wont be playing this after all. :(

    I am also having this issue. It was like this for me during a tribble run and I pulled out of it because of the blur, now it's part of the update. I've updated my drivers with no change. Have the system requirements changed???
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Why bring the servers down at 930pm PDT? Its prime playing time. Unless something is going to crash the whole galaxy for a week, can't we wait till like 5am Sunday morning? But 930pm on a Friday? I mean, the sun is up in Eastern Europe, and rising for Western Europe. East coast its 1230am, and West Coast 930pm. Weekend playing time. And the server is taken down. Just feel there could be a better way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i have noticed that with the recent launch of season 4 crossfire, that the pips on the uniforms seem to be now showing up correctly. I realize that this is probably just a minor glicth that always seems to happen when a major improvement in STO is launched.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I probably should have read through the entire post here I admit, but I didn't have time, I just wanted to throw this out there, Vulcan Mind Meld when used by your captain will crash my STO instantly (this was happening on tribble also) I put a bug report in when it asked me to submit one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fleet Actions should not be limited to 5 player teams pugs formed inside of Star Base 24, now you have effectively removed more content than you have added with this launch for the casual player (that will pug team) I love to test builds at Star Base 24 its my favorite Fleet Action?

    What needs to be done is no minimums on the Fleet actions/STFs/ Missions and make it work so as many as 5 Captains can team and each can bring a 5 man away team, Then you have a system that works....until then your just going to have to live with a large majority of the player base that is not going to be thrilled with the new minimum requirements.

    We should also be able to select the number away team members in our party at any given time/ place and should include beaming to social and ESD.

    Also I have seen nothing as far as Boff exchange and or training revision :(

    Thank you.

    I totally agree with this point. Why are we removing content rather than enriching the game experience. Many times people just drop off from fleet actions anyway and you end up being the only one with at most with a couple of courageous players who stick to the end. Would you please revise and leave it alone before season 4 patch? If it aint broken why fix it....the majority should overrule the minority of complaints that only a few players might abuse during fleet actions. Why are we all being punished for the crimes of the few. Please fix it.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    dstahl wrote: »

    Season 4: Crossfire is finally here and all the heaps of new code are now live on Holodeck. In general we feel that this new build is far superior in performance and function than the previous build and we continue to monitor issues and feedback and will undoubtedly be posting patches to address concerns and fine tune new features.

    This thread will highlight some frequently asked questions and issues since we pushed the update to Holodeck.


    Q: How do I switch to the new "shooter mode"?
    A: Press the B key to toggle between Shooter and RPG modes. Also check out our Ground Combat Tutorial Page for additional information and a new ground combat Tutorial Video.

    Q: How do I now get into a Fleet Action like Starbase 24?
    A: You now use the PVE Queue to access Fleet Actions that are avaialble to your level. You'll find this option in the minimap menu. When you load up the PVE Queue menu, you'll see Fleet Actions available for you to queue for. You can also click the JOIN tab at the top to see all existing Fleet Actions in progress or Create your own Private Fleet Action. Fleet Actions now require a minimum of 5 players to start and you cannot close the UI until you have enough players to start your private queue.

    Q: I'm not seeing Fleet Actions that I used to be able to run. Where did they go?
    A: Fleet Action level requirements have changed. We wanted to ensure that there was a new Fleet Action for players to experience at each rank up. Furthermore, we wanted to keep level bands consistent and easily understood, while allowing for a large enough range to increase the chances of finding players to join the queue. For example previous level bands had some Fleet Action bands at 17-20 and the next one 21-30 which made it incredibly unlikely that the 17-20 queue would ever fill up. So the new Fleet Action level band requirements now look like this.

    Fleet Action Level Bands (FED)
    Lvl 4 - 10 : Starbase 24
    Lvl 11-20 : (all above plus), Halting the Gorn Advance
    Lvl 21-30 : (all above plus), Klingon Scout Force, Breaking the Planet
    Lvl 31-40 : (all above plus), The Big Dig
    Lvl 41-50 : (all above plus), Crystalline Catasrophe
    Lvl 51 : (all above plus), Gekli Feeding Grounds

    Fleet Action Level Bands (KDF)
    Lvl 11-20 : Federation Minefield
    Lvl 21-30 : (all above plus), Breaking the Planet
    Lvl 31-40 : (all above plus), The Big Dig
    Lvl 41-50 : (all above plus), Crystalline Catasrophe
    Lvl 51 : (all above plus), Gekli Feeding Grounds

    To create your own private queue of these Fleet Actions, you must meet the following lvl requirements. (but note that you can set the enemy level of the Fleet Action in the UI)
    Starbase 24 : lvl 4
    Halting the Gorn Advance, Federation Minefield : lvl 11
    Klingon Scout Force, Breaking the Planet : lvl 21
    The Big Dig : lvl 31
    Crystalline Catastrophe : lvl 41
    Gekli Feeding Grounds : lvl 51

    Q: Why can't I fly up to a Fleet Action door and just go in by myself anymore?
    A: Fleet Actions were always intended to be missions for "Fleets" and therefore now require a minimum number of players to start (5 for a private queue, 10* for public). This helps prevent abuse as well as encourge larger groups to complete these missions. Note that we are also looking at increase rewards in these fleet actions as a result to ensure participation at least provides a decent item.

    *update - we have heard the feedback on this and are testing some new code on TRIBBLE that will allow Fleet Actions to have a minimum of 8 players to launch, and if 8 aren't found after 5 minutes, it will look for 5.

    Q: Why did you change the Fonts?
    A: There have been some inconsistencies between Fed and Kdf player font sizes. We have standardized these to the same size. We are continually looking to improve readibility and will update fonts in future patches if new font sizes create issues for the majority of players.


    When we updated the shard to Season 4, UGC projects go through a process where they are republished to update with newer code. This process takes nearly 8 hours to complete for all missions in the database. After today's republish, it was uncovered that even though the process reported all was well, the missions themselves were in a randomly broken state. To address this issue, we have taken UGC (The Foundry) offline temporarily while we identify the issue and work on a fix. This is a big issue and may require anywhere from one to several days to fix properly. The UGC team will continue working on it and once the issue is addressed, we'll turn Foundry back on.

    *July 8 - 5:15pm update: We have some fixes going to Tribble to correct the corruption issues in your Foundry projects. We will be testing republish and once everything looks good, we will turn mission play back on and then ensure editing is working properly and turn that on too.

    We have tracked down a bug that was causing some loot drops to inherit improper statistics from an unexpected source. We have a fix incoming that will fix loot drops so that they are dropping stats at the appropriate level. Another fix after will correct previously looted items to their proper stats. This was not an intentional nerf. ;)

    Expired auction emails were withheld while an action server configuration change was being made, it has since been updated. If you feel your are missing emails, close your client and restart and log back in to refresh your mail list.

    While we don't condone using auctions as additional storage, we have identified an issue where auctions could not be pulled down properly. We do acknowledge that players want to adjust pricing and need this feature, so we have Engineers making a fix and it will be patched soon.

    Some players are reporting static and other degradation issues. We are investigating with Vivox and will update the service as necessary to improve performance.

    Players have reported that using weapons autofire in RPG ground combat prevents the use of sprint, roll, and secondary fire. Engineers have identified the issue and a temp fix will be put in the next patch to address spring and secondary fire. Roll is proving to be problematic with autofire in Season 4, and will take longer to address, but the engineers are working on it and will get patched when ready.

    This is a bug and will result in your tac officer throwing grenades at their own feet. A fix has been made and will be patched soon.

    * 7/8 - 5:25pm We have an incoming Hotfix tonight to address issues with the queue. These fixes are going to Tribble now.

    Regarding fleet actions:

    Why are we removing content from players? I used to love fleet actions and that is the main reason why I'm still playing STO. With this new patch you are handicapping most players.

    Many times people just drop off from fleet actions anyway and you end up being the only one with at most a couple of barve players who stick to the end. Would you please revise and leave it alone as it was before season 4 patch or at l;east have the option of beaming down /entering the fleet action by yourself?

    If it aint broken why fix it....the majority should overrule the minority of complaints that only a few players might abuse during fleet actions. Why are we all being punished for the crimes of the few. Please consider to fix it.

    Thanks kindly
This discussion has been closed.