Or they could spend their limited time remaking the 25th century interiors. You know the time period in which the game actually takes place.
Once all of the series and movies have been added then sure go for the 25th century stuff. I think it's safe to say that the fans of the various TV series and movies outnumber the fans of the 25th century stuff.
The Ship...
The shuttle...
The Bridge...
The interiors...
The sound effects...
The uniforms....
The weapons....
I have NEVER felt so canon in my life! THIS is why I bought the lifetime sub back at the end of beta.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
But seriously,...T5 connie? Please? Maybe?
How about a T3 or 3.5 TOS Connie and a T4 Connie Refit, so as to not reopen the firefight over potential T5 Connies sinking Sovereigns?
I'd be happy with a T3 TOS and T4 TWOK Connie, plus it keeps the Exclesior ahead of the Connie, as it should be.
Or maybe we should call it "Vice Admiral" Connie instead.
In other words, let's try and change the dialouge a bit so that it doesn't spark firestorms again as have burned up these boards the past couple of weeks.
I will simply say that the level of detail on the TOS ship interiors is positively stunning. Well done, Cryptic!
And, having just stepped into a Jeffries Tube for the first time, let me add... Right down to the "GNDN"! (Or, in this case, "DN/GN.") This is brilliant stuff.
How about a T3 or 3.5 TOS Connie and a T4 Connie Refit, so as to not reopen the firefight over potential T5 Connies sinking Sovereigns?
I'd be happy with a T3 TOS and T4 TWOK Connie, plus it keeps the Exclesior ahead of the Connie, as it should be.
Or maybe we should call it "Vice Admiral" Connie instead.
In other words, let's try and change the dialouge a bit so that it doesn't spark firestorms again as have burned up these boards the past couple of weeks.
Let's just change it to "new/improved ship system." Saves everyone the trouble of talking about tiers and placement.
Click-to-sit! Probly one of THE BEST additions to the game... now if ionly they would add it to all the seats in the stations and ship interiors.
I THINK the patch said that it is universal, but I wouldn't swear to it...
Needless to say, I am looking forward to Jeffries tubes in 25th century layouts that lead somewhere... about the same time they redimension everything so it's a more reasonable scale.
Does anyone know if the new costumes include new shoes/boots/pants? Or are they the same as the stuff already in the game.
As far as I can see, shoes, boots, belts, and pants are the same as those already associated with available TOS uniforms. Aside from the nurse's skirt, there are no new elements for the lower half of your costume.
In other words, let's try and change the dialouge a bit so that it doesn't spark firestorms again as have burned up these boards the past couple of weeks.
I am all for this. Also all for "T4.5 Connie" as the terminology.
Let's just change it to "new/improved ship system." Saves everyone the trouble of talking about tiers and placement.
No doubt.
If a system could be developed that gave ALL ships some sort of relevancy at ALL levels, instead of "Ships as exchangeable equipment" like we have now, then the debate becomes moot.
But alas, that's a discussion for another thread, and I don't want to get this thread sidetracked too much.
I am not a TOS fan at all, it was before my time and I watched a grand total of maybe 3 TOS episodes, but I love the ammount of detail put into the packs just gives me hihg hopes for the TNG/future packs that I hope will come.
Only down side the door sounds give me headaches, just me seeing I always get headaches from the part in EF where you are on that scavenger base. It is form ther ei reconise most of the things even (shows how much I know about TOS)
I have to say, even with the glitches on my system... it just... clicks. It's no longer this place that doesn't entirely feel right.
It feels like the ship belongs to me, is mine, and mine alone. That it's alive, functional, that people are DOING something, instead of sitting around looking pretty. It has a vibrancy no other interior has. And I luv it.
I am not a TOS fan at all, it was before my time and I watched a grand total of maybe 3 TOS episodes, but I love the ammount of detail put into the packs just gives me hihg hopes for the TNG/future packs that I hope will come.
Only down side the door sounds give me headaches, just me seeing I always get headaches from the part in EF where you are on that scavenger base. It is form ther ei reconise most of the things even (shows how much I know about TOS)
TOS was before my time too, but I still remember watching the reruns back in the 70/80s, and loving every bit of it.
Nurse Cathy Drell looks over, "Doctor? Commander Meese is awake..."
Doctor Boyce steps to the biobed, "Well, now. How do you feel?"
Feline eyes roll around, "Like I have been mugged."
Doctor Boyce chuckles. "Really? Now who do you suppose would have done that?"
"Cryptic! That's who. They stole my wallet. Again."
Dr. Boyce and Nurse Drell watch the biobed gauges climb ever higher.
"Now, now, Commander. Cryptic is only a dream. I thought I explained that to you the last time that you fainted? This..." the Doctor gestures widely. "...is reality."
This thread seems safe so far, I'm just mentioning it in case it is moved and people are wondering what happened to the thread.
Once all of the series and movies have been added then sure go for the 25th century stuff. I think it's safe to say that the fans of the various TV series and movies outnumber the fans of the 25th century stuff.
The Ship...
The shuttle...
The Bridge...
The interiors...
The sound effects...
The uniforms....
The weapons....
I have NEVER felt so canon in my life!
THIS is why I bought the lifetime sub back at the end of beta.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
But seriously,...T5 connie? Please? Maybe?
Thanks to everyone involved in this your work has really paid off.
Please please please TNG next ?
You have it already. Take your Connie and fly it in the T5 areas: T5 Connie! :cool:
But since I hate the c-store and everything it stands for....
I am playing this other new mmo that is having "special week" and new mounts/items come out during it!!
And it's free.
Wake up Cryptic/Atari!!!
More like T5 expanding debris field
How about a T3 or 3.5 TOS Connie and a T4 Connie Refit, so as to not reopen the firefight over potential T5 Connies sinking Sovereigns?
I'd be happy with a T3 TOS and T4 TWOK Connie, plus it keeps the Exclesior ahead of the Connie, as it should be.
Or maybe we should call it "Vice Admiral" Connie instead.
In other words, let's try and change the dialouge a bit so that it doesn't spark firestorms again as have burned up these boards the past couple of weeks.
T5 skeet target. Even shaped correctly.
I just spent the last three and a half hours, reliving all the wonderful Trek fantasy's of my late childhood to early adulthood (1966 to 1979)...
If I never play this game again... (Which is Highly Doubtful)...
...I can die a completely happy Trekker in my sleep tonight...
A Very Heart felt Thank You to Everybody at Cryptic, who made this Big Geeky-Nerds' dream come true....
And, having just stepped into a Jeffries Tube for the first time, let me add... Right down to the "GNDN"! (Or, in this case, "DN/GN.") This is brilliant stuff.
Let's just change it to "new/improved ship system." Saves everyone the trouble of talking about tiers and placement.
Does anyone know if the new costumes include new shoes/boots/pants? Or are they the same as the stuff already in the game.
I THINK the patch said that it is universal, but I wouldn't swear to it...
Needless to say, I am looking forward to Jeffries tubes in 25th century layouts that lead somewhere... about the same time they redimension everything so it's a more reasonable scale.
As far as I can see, shoes, boots, belts, and pants are the same as those already associated with available TOS uniforms. Aside from the nurse's skirt, there are no new elements for the lower half of your costume.
I am all for this. Also all for "T4.5 Connie" as the terminology.
No doubt.
If a system could be developed that gave ALL ships some sort of relevancy at ALL levels, instead of "Ships as exchangeable equipment" like we have now, then the debate becomes moot.
But alas, that's a discussion for another thread, and I don't want to get this thread sidetracked too much.
Only down side the door sounds give me headaches, just me seeing I always get headaches from the part in EF where you are on that scavenger base. It is form ther ei reconise most of the things even (shows how much I know about TOS)
It feels like the ship belongs to me, is mine, and mine alone. That it's alive, functional, that people are DOING something, instead of sitting around looking pretty. It has a vibrancy no other interior has. And I luv it.
TOS was before my time too, but I still remember watching the reruns back in the 70/80s, and loving every bit of it.
Finished that for you.
Nurse Cathy Drell looks over, "Doctor? Commander Meese is awake..."
Doctor Boyce steps to the biobed, "Well, now. How do you feel?"
Feline eyes roll around, "Like I have been mugged."
Doctor Boyce chuckles. "Really? Now who do you suppose would have done that?"
"Cryptic! That's who. They stole my wallet. Again."
Dr. Boyce and Nurse Drell watch the biobed gauges climb ever higher.
"Now, now, Commander. Cryptic is only a dream. I thought I explained that to you the last time that you fainted? This..." the Doctor gestures widely. "...is reality."
I would be very interested to learn if the pack met or exceeded sales expectations.
And if the latter, by how many factors.
And I want this pack SO badly... I just can't make myself spend the money...
Thanks. But I'm actually in the T3 column. I just prefer to not beat a dead horse.