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"I don't want no 23rd Century ships poppin my OMGWTFPWNAGE Soverign."



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Blayyde wrote:
    Yeah, sure, it's "magic", but apparently only magic if you want to pilot an Excelsior, NOT a Constitution. Or an Akira, or Nova, or Sabre.

    I was just being silly. Feel free to laugh. Y'know, break the tension a little.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    bluegeek wrote: »
    I was just being silly. Feel free to laugh. Y'know, break the tension a little.

    All I can say is "tanj!"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Blayyde wrote:
    Seriously, I've been wanting to ask for four pages now, "What if we get a TOS Connie that's upgraded to Tier 4 instead? Will that be okay with you?"

    Except I'm sure there's some Tier 4 Captain who will protest that he doesn't want his Galaxy to get pwned by a Connie.

    Actually, I've been proposing for a long time, a "Tier 3.5" version of the TOS Connie:
    Tier 3.5 "Retrofit" TOS Constitution Class
    Available at Captain rank and above

    Hull: 27500
    Turn: 8 Deg. / Sec.
    Consoles: 2 Eng / 2 Sci / 2 Tac
    Bridge Officers:
    •Lieutentant Commander Engineering
    •Lieutentant Engineering
    •Lieutentant Science
    •Lieutentant Tactical
    Weapons: 3 Fore / 3 Aft
    Crew: 500
    Devices: 3


    Personally, I would be plenty happy to have a TOS Connie with the specs above, with a scaling system so if we ever got into Tier 6 or 7 ships, then this ship would creep up a little behind the other ships so it wouldn't need yet another Refit version later.

    This set of specs is intended really for the person that loves the TOS Connie and wants to fly around and do some stuff at end game without blowing up in 3 seconds flat. It's not really intended to be a PWNGE ship or PvP capable. It won't stand toe to toe with T4 and T5 ships, but in a massive group, it might be sufficient to contribute.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Then how do you explain the Defiant having as much, if not more firepower than a Sovereign, with a mere 50 crew, and being structurally smaller than the Constitution Class and Constitution Class Refit? Based on that assumption you have made, several of the lower tier ships (Nova, Miranda, Centaur, Excalibur, Akira) should all be much more powerful than the Defiant, if your theory were true.

    How do you explain the T5 Bird of Prey, with just slightly below the firepower of the regular T5 Escort for the Klingons?

    The defiant is designed as a brick, with very little in the way of creature comforts. It doesn't have a "stylish" neck section and extraneous pylons. It has that hull integrity due to its unique (at the time) structural geometry. Remember, the Valiant didn't last very long against against the dominion battleship on its own. The Defiant was beat down pretty bad against that cube. Sure it'll take a hell of a beating, but its designed uniquely for combat. The Miranda would still be a weaker ship, even if it had the same hull armor, because the design itself has fundamental structural weaknesses.

    The Defiant vs the Scimitar would be a very bad match. The Sovereign class took that beating fairly well, the Defiant would have been the proverbial grape.

    Also, taking the words of an 18th century author and implying that physics doesn't matter (when all throughout the IP they preach how you can't break the laws of physics) is somewhat sad. I mean really? Thats the best counter someone can come up with? There's physics models today that can describe the goings on in this IP. It's not magic.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Adondria wrote:
    Also, taking the words of an 18th century author and implying that physics doesn't matter (when all throughout the IP they preach how you can't break the laws of physics) is somewhat sad. I mean really? Thats the best counter someone can come up with? There's physics models today that can describe the goings on in this IP. It's not magic.

    You aren't referencing the Arthur C. Clarke or Tom Robbins quotes are you? That's the only ones I see immediately (I could be wrong), and those authors are from the 20th century.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Actually, I've been proposing for a long time, a "Tier 3.5" version of the TOS Connie:


    Personally, I would be plenty happy to have a TOS Connie with the specs above, .

    Gimped to the extreme.

    I want to be able to fly it at Level 41 and beyond. Not commander....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Oh. My. Goodness.

    You know this is way over the top when a joke about magic draws angry counter posts from both sides of the argument.

    I just wanted to say "It's Magic", but the forum wouldn't let me post anything that short.

    Anybody got a spare Cryo Grenade to toss into this topic? We need some serious chill.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Gimped to the extreme.

    It's already gimped to the extreme. I don't think Cryptic is going to break the game so far as to have the Constitution be the badass of the game. I think when Cryptic does get around to refits, you'll see a compromise take place.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Adondria wrote:
    We might actually have them, i'll check.

    I personally don't have the pics. Not a pic happy kinda person.

    I've asked my fleet.

    But, the game is working as intended if someone can take a T2 connie to Infected and survive. The point isn't that all of you are in T2 connie's, its that you have the ability to do it and pull off the mission, which has happened.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Gimped to the extreme.


    If it came down to having this version, so you could put around and have some fun at Vice Admiral, or keeping things status quo and only having the Tier 1 version, which is infinitely more gimped than this version, which would you chose?

    Me, personally, I'm sick of only getting to fly my favorite ship when I'm a Lieutentant, then having to leave it behind for ships I have very little fondness for.

    If these specs produced a ship we could use, and put an end to the debate on this issue, I'd be plenty happy.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Adondria wrote:
    But, the game is working as intended if someone can take a T2 connie to Infected and survive. The point isn't that all of you are in T2 connie's, its that you have the ability to do it and pull off the mission, which has happened.

    Right, so what's wrong with bringing about a compromise retrofitting system so that you can bring your BOffs up to speed and add little things to the ship to improve the hull and consoles?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Okay, the squabbling will end now. Both sides had their points, after that it's sadly become way too hostile from _both_ sides to continue on this discussion.

    With that, I'll close now and work on the reported posts. Thanks all for sharing your ideas.
This discussion has been closed.