zedk999 Arc User


  • Lol erm Id take ill be AoE dual Axer xD but i don't know stats ;o i'm lvl 6 with 25 unused stats xO
  • Have you tried updating your graphics card and Direct X?
  • Firstly do not touch MSCONFIG until you know what you’re doing with it because it can mess up your computer and it can never work again especially Vista, secondly the reason it probably crashes that it might be a conflict between software or your virus scanner isn’t letting you that can be a conflict as well especially for…
  • It's not your graphics driver lolz it's your graphics card. Ok do the follow: look on your computer what graphics card is it Update it & also update Direct X, then try running if that doesn't work let me know :)
  • My only solution is that your computer is too much to handle for the game which gives it a "memory drop" because it uses all of it's Memory just to load the game and then get into the play so you might want to check your specefications with the computer and compare it with the game. post back if this doesn't help. but i…
  • Lol avast isn't the worst there a lot worst out there which i know of but ye it's allways the website's fault :P
  • Lol nope, the issue to this problem is simple your computer can't handle the specifications for the computer, yes the requirements says your computer can but there's just something in the patches that add more affects, my only suggestion is by turning down your settings to Low try it, then if that doesn't work please feel…
  • Have you tried to Very + Obtain Patch Automaticly? if you click on Upd. Sets. Tick off Manually and Tick only the first box to obtain the patch automaticly, if this does work then Verify.
  • Ok there are possible solutions to this question, 1. Kaspersky is an anti virus that detects everything even if you are using a 100% safe hacking tool for other games, so does McAfree and AVG. if you want to scan your game use this B]ttp://virusscan.jotti.org/[/B with an h. If you really don’t want to use that then my…
  • So if i had that weapon i'm ok? with dual swords AoE? and also can you help with stats? :P
  • Lol ok then help me fix my stats i am lvl 5 with 20 points :) lol :S
  • mhm..ok now all i need is..to understand what to add into stats STR is one of them VIT is also but do i need DEX?
  • Ok ok ive decied to be an AoE blade But! what sword does more damage Blade Sword Dual Sword Dual Blade O,o or what weapon is best for BladeAoE ~ i like blade lmao :P
  • Thank you very much so i can become a blade AoE also? if that is a yes that just leaves the stats and skills haha :)
  • Hello I was wondering can you help me I would like to become an AoE with Dual Axes is that possible if not what weapon can I wield or which is best/strongest for an AoE? And also what stats do I need to add up? I’m level 4+ but I haven’t used any of my stats/skills; also I want to know what skills do I need for an AoE? If…