no matter how clever u hide it ur teaseing and insultive, dosent matter what i KNOW OR NOT KNOW i asked the GM/DEVS not u to let US know when it would. instead u choose to bicker. stop trying to act mighty or knowledgble ur jjust sounding more and more like u dont know a thing about what u are talking about. basic point…
was it prodcutive? or was it's intent to put someone down? u could jsut have put" well if no info them e-mail and find out? no u choose to be insultive. reap ur reward ntm i still state no answer from gm/dev so where is it that im wrong ?
jab jab jab if ur not gonna be useful dont post bickering banter
find it funnny we havce no rights, we cant speak, but where here only for ur amusement? intresting how ur logic works, what benefits u works? hmmm mmaybe if u would stop alienanateing everyone and pushing them down, calling them ignorant/stupid/morons and such people wouldnt be so upset. btw yes we do have rights to know,…
just shove it, we have a right to know when content will come, and we can ask, if u want to flame someone flame all the others
id just like to point out , as mucvh as we voice our thoughts, u all have bashed us, so again where is the freedom to voice ur thoughts?, i see each one pushing us down
wonder indeed
fine before im banned jsut for speaking u get ur wish enjoy it the way it is
becuase in almsot every game u mention something like that ur banned 100% so why should i get banned for saying something i dont do?
im sorry where am i insultive? attacking any 1 person? breaking TOS? where does it say what im saying is bannable offsiene?
again +2 proveing my point theres no open forum jsut dissluison, i point out failures and u come out with ban pls, ntm id like to know why isnt everyone banned on forums for every speaking? im jsut pointing out how u say report and i do and nothing ever done, u say it will be looked at and i see nothing done there still…
ok fredom of speech is no more ty for proveing my point
are u dense? take a look its everywhere and all over , its not jsut veno stuff tis everything they use
so ur saying gamemaster dont do anything for the game really? then why are they gamemaster? i think ur jsut trying to make sure nothing is done, i take it u enjoy all these gltichs/illegal programs? and such? i find that highly intresting, also like to point out every bot/hacker i reported still in game and still sueing so…
way to prove the point lol basic point its very well within there power to stop it all but why dont they? why do they jsut say" o u report" i eman come on..... i eman these players taken full advantage and reeping rewards from it and they can only say"u do our job"
my point is this: gms who go thru the server and watch and see these gltichs/illegal stuff, if a simple player can find/see them all why is it still there? gms are supose to be there to do this. since u cant explain it, it comes down to u really only care if it affect u, as for players it dosent matter were at ur mery for…
if it worked i would, i do report i and still see thme allin use and takeing full advantage, u need to have actul gms not payed employs there, otherwise ur still only in it to make sure u make money and nothing for the player base
i think not if u couldnt ever lvl or step out o town id love to know where u hunt where they enver come kill u, not to mention u forget about balance if the player has no way over defneding or fighting back how is that pvp?
id love ot see when a nix comes to kill u 24/7 and se ehow u feel ntm there over 30+-20+ lvls above u wher eis the real challenge ?
i see u cant even reply... but tis the fact of the game i can go anywhere and show u them useing illegal/glitch/cheats. the pure fact is if a player can then gms can so why is it still going on?>
it has been put out in order to get the top orb or refinement u have to spend, if not then basiclly ur gonna get either insanity/heartattack from never sleeping u cant get around the pure amount it requires
they dont care about users otherwise they wouldnt come out with the lines they do
those the only good new thing, cuase venos will no longer be able to do that bull of pking from safe anymore
vulpix u ned to learn to have an actully debate u think u can one side everyone? o then agian ur a veno im sure u love the nix glitchs><
LOL do the math in order to get that u HAVE to spend it unless u spend every wakeing hour useing methods to make money ntm u still allow illegal things on the server and u cant denie it its there for everyone to see
according to them they beleive pvp means they are allowed to abuse it and do w/e they want so basiclly they want them to go killing lowibies and useing stupid stuff like that
they beleiv ein dictatorships fre will to them is for the insane ><
jsut look at the cost to do anything in this game they only care for makeing themselve rich ><
ok so u really think its better to spend over 3000 ur money on this game jsut to get things? funny id love to see ur cc bill>< whitch btw in order to get +12 u have to spend 3,000$ >< so do the math
i see u cannot answer>< its ok we know how the game works>< its alright if u cant realize how much a failure that is