slamstone Arc User



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  • seems to work now....go kill the server again b:laugh
  • True about the link weapon, but that reminds too much of the nirvana days :P, and yes i should have added C packs too. About the rest you should visit HL :P. The factions with most active players produce a hoard of alts and do this ****, kinda pathetic if u think about it. Even one of the biggest factions has one of the…
  • hey don't be mean with the professional rager...he's just doing his job b:laugh
  • cudos for the number one fan, now don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  • thank you for making me an imagine about your pvp knowledge, that explains alot.b:chuckle anyway on topic: this should be a good factor in tw, hopefully it was designed good ad not glitchy (the mechanics).
  • hey you were the one asking for 2x in the first place (me want 2x me want PS remember?). Now enjoy the gold price u've earned it (u can't open pandora's box and then expect it to close) b:victory
  • Sadly that calculator is outdated, because when u put into equation spirit, as an alternative source of def/atk lvl, the scores may change. About the 20 vit thing idk where u guys read that, since CN barelly got +12 stones into packs, so it may take a long time till they implement the 20 if ever(or i have missed a CN news…
  • That is kinda the thing, you consider better what you feel it is better for you. I consider better what i feel is better for me. Maybe i consider better for my playstyle a 20 seconds bestial rage even if it doesn't add that much chi in the 1st 10 seconds, maybe i prefer more hp for a less accuracy, maybe i prefer bigger…
  • Pls don't try to generalize your idea of sage barbs as an absolute truth. If you haven't met one, that doesn't mean there are no sage barbs with endgame gear. Again pls try to refrain yourself from the god complex, as you FROM MY POINT OF VIEW have no idea what a sage barb can do. These debates have been going on for some…
  • Pls share those 6-7 skills u hit in those 6 seconds (try to include cast time+channeling time into the equation, also try to consider delay in lag and fps as that has a role too). ty
  • you clearly overestimate your bo as a general point in your arguments demon vs sage, might wanna revise your strategy for the almighty demon lore. this has changed alot since NH.
  • same can be applied to you also b:chuckle ijs, although because demon barb fanclub has so many followers, the chances to find an actual good sage barb and see it's potential are very slim. @LucKaS_SiX: you do realize you're arguing with a demon fanclub right? When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and…
  • someone has serious anger issues. maybe i didn't put it with the right words, put a scout as in an alt char...lvl 1 or w/e that u just log it on and off to check those bosses, before you do your normal stuff. but do go on, don't let me stop you in your burning crusade.b:laugh P.S. no worries soon you'll get to only push a…
  • that error also occurred just before tw 20.00 last weekend. and it wasn't just me. worked after 2-3 tries to relog and a keyboard smash. about may wanna edit a bit the text. "Dragon Orb Ocean is a powerful item that only the most hardcore…
  • Yes, cuz all players use their main email address to register game accounts. I'dd be ok with your statement if the player was the one that screwed up (acc sh pishing w/e), but in this case not. Do you use your main email on every site you need to register these days? do you keep track and archive your data from the…
  • I said it in the past and i'll say it again....alll wb and miniwb have RANDOM spawns (can be 1->x spawns/week at any hour of the day) after the 1st kill. Put a scout there and take a look from time to's a one time only...thats scout it, do it and get over it. IT IS NOT A BUG/GLITCH W/E. P.S. Took me…
  • u mad!!! b:angry u wanna kill the token merchants profit margin!!! b:angry Now on a serious note, i'm somewhat reserved on such a measure. Less books would remove a good use of tokens, and contribute to lowering the token price. From my point of view token prices must be as high as possible (i know ima get rage over this),…
  • in what world? Hellfire Hatchets: Sky Physical attack 646-1508 Slaying Level: +60 At 60 slaying level (as found on G15 morai weapons) you only have +50% damage amplification. ☆Unicorn's Tragedy Physical attack 1020-2379 Atk. Level +40
  • that's probably the most tardish reply i've seen in a long time. let me explain this slowly for you: you pay for ingame's a commodity that the game lets you exchange for time spent anywhere (working) but farming. f2p players and p2w players each have their role in a fsp game equally important, i won't explain why…
  • can someone change this beast title with wannabe2x? should be a pretty good image for his daily forum activity.b:laugh seriously dude stop spamming the forum with 2x....i get it (notice....not "we" as u like to refer to your opinions)! u want 2x! now don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  • just set a scout on the location and check once a'll find it eventually. it doesn't need to be on maintenance time.
  • i guess this is the "2x spam on forum" week. go complain about arc or something...goes better with the fanbase b:laugh
  • To make PvE more interesting Worldbosses that could be spawned inside faction base with a possibility to scale them to insanely hard. WB No.1 WB No.2 WB No.3 WB No.4 WB No.5 WB No.6 WB No.7 WB No.8 WB No.9 Just give those things a great exp reward to make them a fun alternative to lvl up instead of solo pv runs. Fixed…
  • @aldonal You should play the lottery. By your logic you'll win the grand prize with 2 tickets b:laugh
  • 4 years of playing: TT: First timer - everyone is lucky at gold mats, but me Aba: First timer - those fireballs wreck my chars...PVE OP FSP: First timer - dat filthy high level instance, is up for half a year as a necessary daily and random ppl don't want to take a chance and risk doubling the time with me My guess - UCH:…
  • cuz 1-4,7 doesn't sound like a good glitch :D.
  • i wish we get an update where "by mistake" the autoculti glitches as in "the pickup function" doesn't work anymore, and also "by mistake" page 5-7 dissapears from Mysterious Merchant b:pleased
  • +1 turn off autoculti 4 ever @c44102: Treasure Hunt Bosses on 2x: chrono: that sank with the Freebie 79/100 skills Quest and Morai crafting page incomparable: do the weekly tome frags: do gv (way more rewarding if done smart) from my point of view these were viable options before those above mentioned, now its....meh. TT:…
  • maybe...maybe not 1. a new guy to the game or tt90green girl who only plays for the lolz and not at least try to compete would opt for the fashion...which isn't the case... is it? 2. if u want 3/5 to answer: depends on what u define "cool kids" 4. in the 1st week and maybe the next 2, random factions appear on the…
  • i'll try to clarify some of her quetions #1: If you had a decent G16 gear you're happy with, and the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose? #2: What's the common place for afking for "the best geared players"/ or "the special titled ones" ? #4:…
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