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  • You might as well ban me while you're at it then. After all, the only reason my main's not forum banned at the moment is that your moderator didn't have the guts to make it a permaban to begin with.
  • Why on earth would they cut off a reasonably significant income source for themselves? Random pigments from DQ points. Lots and lots of DQ points.
  • A PVP player in non-cashshopped non-rank gear. (Seriously, the joke/irony only works for arcane barbs. Any other combination aren't nearly as much of an ironic contrast, and/or make the joke seem old because "arcane barb" has already been done. AA Seeker? same as arcane barb. HA Cleric? Might actually work if you sink…
  • Even if that HAD been my point, you'd be wrong. It's not laziness to not want to have to do a pointless, meaningless task that was added on to one's job list suddenly, without warning, and for no good reason; that's just common sense. Edit: that said, Olba probably nailed it. The confirm dialog was added in so PWE customer…
  • Ackshully... If you go digging through the game files (naughty naughty, PWE doesn't want us to know what's in those files!) then somewhere in a directory I've forgot you'll find a text file that lists the quests you've completed, with dates of completion. What I don't know is whether that's per-character, per-account, or…
  • When I logged in the first time, I got a help and hints window right in my face very first thing. That told me what to do. In the upper right corner of the UI should be an annoying blinking icon; through that you can get back the help and hints window, and many more clues as to what to do. Besides, at least one of those…
  • Just for you. Yeah, sure, it'd hit like a starved and sickly kitten. But c'mon, 14k HP wizzy! 18k with barb buff!
  • This, seconded, as well as the OP's point about essentially single-player events versus group events. The snake isle race, I can see a purpose for having timed; you want other people there to race against. Dragon temple, TW, that arena event, tigers --- all of them make sense to have scheduled, because you want to gather a…
  • PWI itself is actually a fairly stable piece of software; the client will crash on me once in a quite long while, usually just straight out to the desktop without any further consequences. All my real problems with running it have been with the underlying software --- OS, video drivers, and so on. Most of those in turn…
  • There's no way to lock the camera at a specific location and distance from your character. If you did you'd just blind yourself the first time you ran that camera into an obstacle, and that sort of blinding happens often enough as it is. Click and hold the right mouse button and you can drag the camera around to a new…
  • FWIW, I tanked the boss for those devil hunter's swords on my seeker, at level. I had a level-6x cleric to heal me and nobody else in the squad. It was fun, but it took forever and probably wasn't worth the effort. At least get more DD to help if you try it, otherwise your repair bill will be too high. I haven't found…
  • Running two clients shouldn't have anything to do with it. I've been doing that for my catshop since ages, and the two characters' info have never influenced one another unless I specifically trade between them. Factions can't take your coin at all, you'd have to give it to them knowingly. Did anything appear in the other…
  • Yes. Even in PvE, yes they are.
  • Level 27 is really too soon to make much decision about squishiness, just about every class sucks that early on. Use life powders, drink plenty of potions, try to get cleric and BM buffs whenever you can, and persevere until maybe level 40 or so; things'll get better. Once you're past maybe level 50, start looking at your…
  • The quest for level 4 blacksmith should begin at the archosaur elder. If you can't get it from him, check to see if your quest list is full; try relogging a couple times; double-check against the full description of that quest, which you'll find in this fine guide which you really should have read already; and if all that…
  • I decided your example is crazy because venos shouldn't need 67 base str unless they're going HA or something. So I reset some of the stats --- cut down the vit to where I think it'd make more sense to cap it, for instance --- changed two pieces of gear (arms and tome), as well as added on a cheap & nasty magicsword.…
  • Or they got a sale or two at the higher price, and then convinced themselves that selling any cheaper would be "losing money". Apparently some merchants somehow do make mistakes that basic. (I've been forced to stop merching something or other because competitors undercut my breakeven price before. It happens, I can…
  • Up in the left corner(-ish) of the browser window, click where it says "edit your avatar". Then click the character you want to post here as.
  • No it won't. When you mouseover the mine, it'll be named iron ore; once you dig it, "pig iron" is what'll appear in your inventory. The earthguard territories are pretty poor when it comes to level-1 resources like iron ore, and such. But not long after you first need those things, you'll get a quest to go to the elder and…
  • FWIW, few people at the end-game levels these armors require run around in their armor any longer; by that point most folks have bought fashion to cover up the ugly looks of nearly every set of armor in the game. Wearing fashion doesn't take away the protection of the armor you'll be wearing "underneath", the fashion just…
  • I may not be a very clever merchant then... I do no cash shopping, at least not in the sense of buying zen/gold with RL money, and only farm for mats my playing chars need, never for resale. All my merchanting these days is reselling cash shop stuff I bought with the income from my previous sales. I do OK, though I'll…
  • With a whole lot of classes, killing jewel and krimson (and a few other bosses) at the level you get the quests for them teaches you exactly nothing --- because at that level you can't do anything useful about them. Helping lowbies get those quests done with your higher-level toon might actually teach you more, because if…
  • That's full rank 9, it'll run you a couple thousand USD. See here and here.
  • For all we know that one might still be there, it's just that people know better than to make ruby gems these days.
  • What server are you playing on? On heaven's tear you'll rarely if ever see anybody else doing quests until... Level 50-60 or so? Maybe higher, depending what time of day you play. I'd still recommend new players do their quests, even so. As you said, those quests teach a lot about game mechanics, combat tactics, and the…
  • I'd guess it's partly because seekers debuff, and partly because seekers can do a good deal of magical (metal element) damage if you focus on the right skills.
  • If you're a beginner to the game, do most every quest that the "available quests" list shows you. Focus on any ones displayed in yellow/gold color, but don't be shy of doing them all. You may not be able to do them all, because the game is now so slanted towards powerleveling that --- in the early game, anyway --- the XP…
  • I'd go to and look up the gear you're interested in. If it's attainable in-game, the database will usually have at least hints as to how. Not all the gear in the encyclopedia is attainable, though, or not anywhere near its nominal level. Much of it is NOT quest-reward gear, or not for quests…
  • 10mil big notes aren't rare, though. I sold eight of them just this morning, and another eight yesterday. I hope to sell another four later today. The reason the game might ask you about selling "rare" items to NPCs is, most times when you sell something to an NPC you can never get it back. But 10mil big notes, them you…
  • Let's put that confirmation dialog box on every single NPC sale you make then, not just on "rare items". Or, make every single thing you might ever sell to an NPC be a "rare item" that'll trigger this box. If it only takes you two seconds to click OK on it --- and it does for me too --- then you're probably not…
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