Earthguard Quest Guide 1-19

Nephice - Heavens Tear
Posts: 8 Arc User
This is a Detailed Quest Guide for levels 1-19 of the Earthguard
Thanks again to Ence.
1. With the new Genesis expansion, a Level Guide will popup when you level up to a new range of levels (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc.). You can also get to this guide by selecting the "Rookie Guide" from the encyclopedia.
2. There are merchants around the Earthguard starting area to more easily sell off "vendor trash" and get a pickaxe to start farming for materials.
3. The quests for Mystics and Seekers are not often the same. This will be noted.
4. The first time around I found Tellus City to be a maze. There's two paths that go from the center to two different sections of the city. They both have vendors, bankers, mailboxes, etc. Take the path that goes north from the teleporter to get to Beckenast.
Supply Stash Notes
1. Level 5 - You get two items. One to trade for a weapon, the other to trade for a utility charm.
- The weapon only lasts for 1 day, 23 hours. I used to sell my current weapon when I got the supply stash one. Do not do this unless you have a better weapon once the supply stash weapon expires.
2. Level 10 - Again you get two items. 10 Teleport Incense - Teleports you to the nearest city. 1 Fantasy Fruit - Used to get 5000 Exp and 1000 Spirit.
3. Level 15 - Trade the Immortal Fetaher for a flying mount. 3 day time limit. You will need this flying mount for two level 19 quests.
The current version of this guide: 2.0
Version 1.0 Notes:
-All quests added for Earthguard class levels 1-18
-Mystic Specific quests up to level 15
Version 2.0 Notes:
-Added all quests through level 19
-Mystic specific quests through level 19.
Comprehensive Quest Guide:
Levels 20-29 General Quests:
Levels 20-29 Cultivation Quests:
Level 1
The Birth of a New Age
1. Speak to Watcher of the Earth (143, 230)
-One Genie
Gift From Above
1. Speak to Instructor Yeeg (Seeker)/Sooh (Mystic) (142, 246)
2. Receive one Supply Stash
Rude Awakening (S) / Reawakening (M)
1. Speak to Instructor Yeeg/Sooh (142, 246)
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (S) (153, 247)/Priestess of the Mind (M)(150, 241)
-Reward (Coin:16, Exp:26, Spirit: 6, Rep:2, 10 Small Healing Potion (S)/ 10 Small Mana Potion(M))
3. Continue on to Level 1 Quest: Visit the Priestess (Seeker)
3. Continue on to Level 1 Quest: Across the Void (Mystic)
Visit The Priestess (Seeker)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- Reward (Coin:20, Exp:32, Spirit: 8, Rep:2)
3. Continue on to Level 2 Quest: Priestess of the Mind
Across the Void (Mystic)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- Reward (Coin:20, Exp:32, Spirit: 8, Rep:2)
3. Continue on to Level 2 Quest: Duty and Sacrifice
Leap Of Faith
1. Speak to Strange Old Man (151, 243)
Starting from the East of the Void Seer(149, 246) jump onto the short wall with two stones piled on top of it.
Double jump onto the ledge across the stairs to the West of the Void Seer. You will be at approximately (149, 245) at a height of 15. Walk up the ramp to the Strange Old Man.
- 1 Small Spirit Charm
Level 2
Duty and Sacrifice (Mystic)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Staff
- Reward (Coin:62, Exp:102, Spirit: 24, Rep:2)
2. Continue on to Quest: A First Test
A First Test (Mystic)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- Kill 4 Bluepaw Lemurs
- Kill 4 Redwing Nymphalids
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- Reward(Coin: 64, Exp: 106, Spirit: 25, Rep: 2)
Priestess of the Mind (Seeker)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Sword
- Reward (Coin:62, Exp:102, Spirit: 24, Rep:2)
2. Continue on to Quest: Test Your Might
Test Your Might (Seeker)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- Kill 8 Bluepaw Lemurs
2. Report to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- Reward(Coin: 64, Exp: 106, Spirit: 25, Rep: 2)
Level 3
Visit The Skill Masters
System Message upon reaching level 3.
Seeker Trainer
1. Speak with Seeker Ian Qine (145, 229)
Mystic Trainer
1. Speak with Mystic Paige (146, 229)
-Reward: (Exp: 100, Spirit: 200) - After speaking to both trainers.
The Damaged Crystal (M)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
(From the Priestess of the Soul, head northeast)
- Collect 4 Crystal Deposits (Common quest drop from Purple Butterflies)
- Collect 4 Evil Tree Saps (Common quest drop from Puzzled Dryads)
3. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
- Reward(Coin: 141, Exp: 234, Spirit: 54, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Repairing the Crystal
Repairing the Crystal (M)
1. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
2. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
- Reward(Coin: 141, Exp: 234, Spirit: 54, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Strengthening Bonds
Strengthening Bonds (M)
1. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
-Collect 1 Rough Crystal (Farmable from Soul Rest Stones. Note: You do not need a pickaxe to harvest these)
-Collect 1 Medium Ink (Farmable from Soulbreed Plants. Note: You do not need a pickaxe to harvest these)
2. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
3. Continue on to Quest: Strengthening Bonds - One More Thing
Strengthening Bonds - One More Thing(M)
1. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
2. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- Reward(Coin: 261, Exp: 435, Spirit: 100, Rep: 2)
Reinforcements (S)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
2. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
(From the Priestess of the Mind, head west.)
- Reward (Coin:141, Exp:234, Spirit: 54, Rep:2)
Broken Emblem (S)
1. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
- Collect 8 Broken Emblems (Common quest drop from Puzzled Dryads)
2. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
3. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
- Reward (Coin:141, Exp:234, Spirit: 54, Rep:2)
4. Continue on to Level 3 Quest Lunastone Altar Emblem
Lunastone Altar Emblem(S)
1. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
2. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
3. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
- Reward (Coin:261, Exp:435, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)
Level 4
Commendations (Mystic)
This quest gives the beginner armor. Instead of an option of a quest reward, the items are automatically rewarded based on class.
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Blacksmith Gink (145, 247)
- 1 Apprentice Headgear
3. Speak to Tailor Marin (149, 249)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Robe
4. Speak to Craftsman Yara (150, 249)
- 1 Apprentice Trousers
5. Speak to Apothecary Theo (149, 248)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Shoes
6. Speak to Merchant Fritz (146, 247)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Sleeves
7. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- 2 Celestone Fragments
- Reward (Coin:262, Exp:436, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)
8. Continue on to Quest: The Black Altar
The Black Altar (Mystic)
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
- Kill 4 Stone Puppets
-Kill 4 Valley Lemurs
3. Use the Solstone Altar to teleport to Tellus City.
- Reward (Coin:265, Exp:441, Spirit: 101, Rep:2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Visiting the Elder
Visiting the Elder (Mystic)
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
Behind the fountain that is behind Teleport Master Selena (378, 230) is an amphitheater with a column of light. Walk into it and you'll be teleported to in front of the Elder.
- Reward (Coin:560, Exp:932, Spirit: 213, Rep:2)
Preparation (Seeker)
This quest gives the beginner armor. Instead of an option of a quest reward, the items are automatically rewarded based on class.
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Blacksmith Gink (145, 247)
- 1 Apprentice Helm
3. Speak to Tailor Marin (149, 249)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Cuirass
4. Speak to Craftsman Yara (150, 249)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Greaves
5. Speak to Apothecary Theo (149, 248)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Boots
6. Speak to Merchant Fritz (146, 247)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Gauntlets
7. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- 2 Celestone Fragments
- Reward (Coin:262, Exp:436, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)
8. Continue on to Level 4 Quest From Altar to City
From Altar to City (S)
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
- Collect 1 Banner of Wisdom (Common quest drop from Purple Butterflies)
- Collect 1 Tag of Wisdom (Common quest drop from Greentail Lemur)
3. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
4. Use the Lunastone Altar to teleport to Tellus City.
The Altar is Southwest of the Swordsman along the path.
- Reward (Coin:265, Exp:441, Spirit: 101, Rep:2)
5. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
Behind the fountain that is behind Teleport Master Selena (378, 230) is an amphitheater with a column of light. Walk into it and you'll be teleported to in front of the Elder.
- Reward (Coin:560, Exp:932, Spirit: 213, Rep:2)
Level 6
Learn Production Skill
System Message recieved upon reaching level 6
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
Path of the Blacksmith
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Blacksmith Balar (372, 214) (Inside the building to the East of Apothecary Hulk and Craftsman Raina) Tellus City
-Collect 2 Pig Iron
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Blacksmith Balar (372, 214) Tellus City
-Basic Blacksmith Skill
Path of the Apothecary
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Apothecary Hulk (368, 212) Tellus City
-Collect 5 Salvia Root
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Apothecary Hulk (368, 212) Tellus City
-Basic Apothecary Skill
Path of the Tailor
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Tailor Tara (368, 208) Tellus City
-Collect 2 Logs
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Tailor Tara (368, 208) Tellus City
-Basic Tailor Skill
Path of the Craftsman
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Craftsman Raina (369, 212) Tellus City
-Collect 2 Sandstone
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Craftsman Hu Raina (369, 212) Tellus City
-Basic Craftsman Skill
After finishing these quests, you will have a number of items in your inventory. This allows you to purchase the crafting skills from the elder. The skills cost 0 SP, 0 coin. Talk to The Elder and select the 2nd option on the list: Learn Manufacturing Skill. If you have the booklet, you will be able to learn the skill. Also note that the Bookseller sells these skill books. He has a quest icon over his head, but do not take the quest. You will end up purchasing one of these books.
The Gathering
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
To get back to the main part of the city. Walk west from the Elder and into the column of light. You will end up at the bottom of the amphitheater.
2. Speak to Ritualist Septus (378, 243)
3. Speak To Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
4. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
- Reward (Coin:583, Exp:970, Spirit: 222, Rep:2)
5. Continue to Quest : Return to the Source
Return to the Source
1. Speak to Teleport Master Selena (377, 229)
2. Continue to Quest: A Simple Solution
A Simple Solution
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- Reward (Coin:393, Exp:654, Spirit: 150, Rep:2)
Eyes of the Awakening
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
-Kill 4 Possessed Pricklers and 4 Corrupt Dryads
2. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
- Reward (Coin:632, Exp:1053, Spirit: 241, Rep:2)
3. Continue on to Quest : Halt the Ceremony
Halt The Ceremony
1. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
- Kill 1 Bladeleef Treeant
2. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
- Reward ( Coin: 1445, Exp: 2407, Spirit: 549, Rep: 2)
Level 7
Learn Summoning skill (M)
System message upon reaching level 7
Covenant Guide - Devil - Guidance (M)
1. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Continue on to Quest: Devilish Training
Devilish Training (M)
1. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Kill 1 Devil Scout (Near the Solstone Altar, 1000 HP)
3. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- 1 Devil Chihyu (Training Book. Take it to the Mystic Trainer to learn the skill for the first Mystic Pet)
- Reward ( Spirit : 810)
Level 8
Guard of the Shrine
1. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
2.Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 1008, Exp: 1680, Spirit: 384, Rep: 2)
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Collect 1 Ancestor's Fire Token ( Common Quest Drop from Ice Puppets)
-Collect 1 Ancestor's Order (Common Quest Drop from Blue Beard Apes)
2. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn twice (232, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 1070, Exp: 1782, Spirit: 407, Rep: 2)
Level 9
Spiritual Cultivation
System message recieved upon reaching level 9
Just Some Progress
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-Get 1 Cultivation Acknowledgement
2. Speak to Anchoret Alexandria ( 214, 227)
-Collect 10 Spirits of the Rocks ( Common Quest Drop from Ice Puppets)
3. Speak to Anchoret Alexandria ( 214, 227)
-Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth or Celestone Fragment: 1 (Random)
-Reward (SP: 3000 Rep: 10)
Cultivation Rank is changed to Spiritual Adept (New skills become available)
-Chi Bar added (Chi is stored up via attacks/use of skills. Certain skills require chi in order to be activated.)
Spiritual Cultivation Guide
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-Reward( Exp: 40, Rep: 2)
Crazy Little Spy
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
2. Speak to Captive Water Chimei (232, 230)
3. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 1080, Exp: 1800, Spirit: 411, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Curious Potion
Curious Potion
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Collect 10 Weird Drug (Common Quest Drop from Forest Chimeis)
2. Speak to Captive Water Chimei (232, 230)
3. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Reward( Coin: 1551, Exp: 2585, Spirit: 590, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Counter-Agent
Level 10
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
2. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 264, Exp: 440, Spirit: 101, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Just a Whiff
Just a Whiff
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
- Collect 10 Stink Glands ( Common Quest Drop from Bluetail Lemurs)
2. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
3. Speak to Captive Water Chimei (232, 230)
4. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Reward ( Coin: 1800, Exp: 3000, Spirit: 684, Rep: 2)
5. Continue on to Quest First Strike
First Strike
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Kill 10 Forest Chimei Hunters
(A Mystic or its Devil Chilyu may aggro nearby Primal Smilodons.)
2. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Violet Corona Sword ( Seekers)
- Dark Corona Staff ( Mystics)
-Reward( Coin: 1200, Exp: 2000, Spirit: 456, Rep: 2)
Level 11
System message recieved upon reaching level 11 ( Mystics)
Learn Punishing Sting
1. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247) Spire of Awakening
(You must have reached Spiritual Adept )
2. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
- Collect 1 Stinging Nettle Heart (Quest drop from Stinging Nettle in Starry Wilds, north of Shrine of the Ancestors. Aggressive mobs)
3. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-1 Punishing Sting skill book.
Speak to a Mystic trainer to learn the skill Punishing Sting
The Rebel
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
2. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
-Reward (Coin: 300, Exp: 500, Spirit: 114, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: A Step Too Far
A Step Too Far
1. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
- Collect 10 Sharp Fangs ( Common Quest drop from Primal Smilodons)
2. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
- Collect 10 Dragonfly Wings ( Common Quest drop from White Dragonflies)
3. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
- Reward (Coin: 1806, Exp: 3010, Spirit: 687, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to quest: Master of Ants
Master of Ants
1. Kill Shadowy Harbinger (1172 HP, Fire DOT) and 5 Mutated Ants
2. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Dark Corona Headgear ( Mystics)
- Violet Cornoa Helm ( Seekers)
-Reward ( Coin: 1890, Exp: 3150, Spirit: 719, Rep: 2)
Level 12
The Bloody Beach Treasure Hunt quests are now available:
Opening Worlds
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
- Waypoints added : Etherblade City, City of the Lost, Cit of the Plume, City of Raging Tides
-Reward (Exp: 2000, Spirit: 400)
The Lost Expedition
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
2. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Reward ( Coin: 268, Exp: 446, Spirit: 102, Rep: 2)
First Aid
1. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Collect 3 Staunching Herbs ( Farmable material found inside the Valley of the Ants)
2. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Reward ( Coin: 1200, Exp: 2000, Spirit: 456, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Surrounded
1. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
- Kill 10 Chimei Calvary
2. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Reward( Coin: 1500, Exp: 2500, Spirit: 570, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Breakout
1. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Kill 10 Hoofed Yaks
2. Speak to Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
- 1 Violet Corona Breastplate ( Seekers)
- 1 Dark Corona Robe (Mystics)
-Reward (Coin: 1800, Exp: 3000, Spirit: 684, Rep: 2)
Level 13
Off the Hoof
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Collect 5 Tainted Grain ( Farmable Material found around 266, 267, between Dragon Slayers Tribe and Valley of the Ants)
-Collect 10 Bull Blood Samples ( Common quest drop from Hoofed Yaks)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage Twice (256, 237)
-Reward( Coin: 2760, Exp: 4600, Spirit: 1049, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Level 14 Quest: Restoration Drug and Level 14 Quest: A Cure for the Soul
Opening Threats
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Kill 15 Forest Chimei Warriors
2. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Violet Corona Boots (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Shoes (Mystic)
-Reward( Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Road Hazards and Level 15 Quest: A Cunning Plan
Road Hazards
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward( Coin: 483, Exp: 804, Spirit: 184, Rep:2)
Level 14
The Ol' Fishin' Hole
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Kill 15 Bluefin Pomfret
2 Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Reward: (Coin: 1950, Exp: 3250, Spirit: 741, Rep: 2)
Restoration Drug
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Collect 5 Tranquil Herbs (Farmable material located on the southern shore of Treehollow Lake around 255, 232)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward( Coin: 1500, Exp: 2500, Spirit: 570, Rep: 2)
A Cure for the Soul
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Collect 15 Water Essences (Common quest drop from Cauldron Immortals, also located on the southern short of Treehollow Lake)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward(Coin: 1950, Exp: 3250, Spirit: 741, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Calm the Beasts
Calm the Beasts
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Replace Potion Cask contents (Farmable item located near the Tainted Grains around 266, 267)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Violet Corona Greaves ( Seeker)
-Dark Corona Arcane Pants (Mystic)
-Reward(Coin: 1196, Exp: 1993, Spirit: 455, Rep: 2)
Level 15
System message recieved upon reaching level 15 ( Mystics)
Befuddling Creeper
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Twice
-Farm the Befuddling Creeper near (273, 204). A mob will appear, the True Befuddling Creeper. There is a 5 minute time limit to kill it.
2. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
-1 Befuddling Creeper
Speak to a Mystic trainer to learn the skill Befuddling Creeper
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
- Collect 15 Poisoned Horns (Common quest drop from Gold Armored Oxen)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward (Coin: 2700, Exp: 4500, Spirit: 1026, Rep: 2)
A Cunning Plan
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
- Collect 15 Ant Claws (Common quest drop from Forest Chimei Warriors)
2. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Reward(Coin: 2863, Exp: 4771, Spirit: 1088, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Righteous Vengeance
Righteous Vengeance
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
2. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
-Wait one minute
3. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
4. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Violet Corona Bracers (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Gloves ( Mystic)
-Reward( Coin: 2100, Exp: 3500, Spirit: 798, Rep: 2)
5. Continue on to Level 16 Quest: Opening Salvo
Level 16
Opening Salvo
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Collect 15 Bloodstained Staffs (Common quest drop from Chimei Wizards)
2. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
- Collect 8 Golden Ox Skins ( Quest drop from Gold Armored Oxen)
3. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
-Wait 15 seconds
4. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
-Reward(Coin: 2940, Exp: 4900, Spirit: 1118, Rep: 2)
5. Continue on to Quest: Restore Order
Restore Order
1. Kill the Mysterious Man (2028 HP, Slows) (Around 251, 284), collect 1 New Ant Queen
2. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
3. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Violet Corona Belt (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Belt (Mystic)
-Reward (Coin: 2880, Exp: 4800, Spirit: 1095, Rep: 2)
Maritime Affairs
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
2. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239) (Under the tree)
-Kill 15 Captured Beetles
3. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239) (Under the tree)
-Reward(Coin: 2580, Exp: 4300, Spirit: 981, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Trade Broker
Trade Broker
1. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239)
2. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Reward(Coin: 364, Exp: 606, Spirit: 139, Rep: 2)
Level 17
Sweeten the Deal
1. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Collect 10 Gator Skins ( Quest drops from Redscale Crocodiles)
2. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: A Deal's A Deal
A Deal's A Deal
1. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
2. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239)
-Reward (Coin: 387, Exp: 645, Spirit: 148, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Something Stinks
Something Stinks
1. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239)
-Kill 10 Water Chimei Psychics
2. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000. Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Light in the Dark
Light In the Dark
1. Collect 1 Signal Light (Uncommon quest drop from Purplefin Pomfrets) This drop will go into your regular inventory, not the quest inventory.
2. Use the Signal Light on the Light Altar (220, 200) on the top of the island South of Shrine of the Ancestors, West of Loch Nocturne.
-Kill 1 Spiritual Lord ( 2628 HP, Metal)
3. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Violet Corona Ring (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Ring (Mystic)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Reconnaissance
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
2. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-Reward (Coin: 420, Exp: 700, Spirit: 160, Rep: 2)
A Life Stolen
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Kill 10 Water Chimei Bandits
2. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
Level 18
Crazy Old Man
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Reward (Coin: 879, Exp: 1466, Spirit: 334)
3. Continue on to Quest: Stuff of Legends
Stuff of Legends
1. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Kill 15 Horned Tree Fairies
2. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Reward (Coin: 3519, Exp: 5865, Spirit: 1337)
3. Continue on to Level 19 Quest : Prophetic Blindness
Level 19
Spiritual Cultivation
System message recieved upon reaching level 19
Improving Ability
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-Reward (Exp: 50)
Celestial Balance
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
-Collect 1 Giant Compound Eye (Uncommon quest drop from Huge-Eye Dragonflies) These are flying mobs. Hopefully you still have the flying mount given in the level 15 supply stash.
-After the Giant Compount Eye, collect 1 Veil Herb (Farmable material at (343, 229)
2. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
-1 Book: Subtle Sutra (Right-click to open. Continue on to Quest: The Voice of the World)
-Elite Blade Charm (30) or Elite Fury Charm (10)
-1 Ressurection Scroll
-Reward (Spirit: 8000, 1 Celestone of Human/Heaven/Earth)
-Archosaur, North District waypoint added
Cultivation Rank is changed to Aware of Principle (New Skills Available)
The Voice of the World (This race's FB19, essentially)
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-Kill 1 Corrupted Brute (Fire Boss, 65000 HP, Slows)
2. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-1 Comet Sword (Seeker)
-1 Meteor Staff (Mystic)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Exp: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
Prophetic Blindness
1. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Kill 15 Mountain Ancestrals
2. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Reward ( Coin: 3519, Exp: 5865, Spirit: 1337)
3. Continue on to Quest: The Prophet's Friend
The Prophet's Friend
1. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 879, Exp: 1466, Spirit: 334)
3. Continue on to Quest: Preserving Purity
Preserving Purity
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Collect 10 Earth Proofs (Farmable Material from Tellus Fruits found around (342, 205) and (341, 209) )
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 1759, Exp: 2933, Spirit: 669)
3. Continue on to Quest: Mercy Killing
Mercy Killing
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Kill 20 Greenwing Nymphalids
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Rep: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
3. Continue on to Quest: Fallen Leaves
Fallen Leaves
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Kill 20 Dull Dryads
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Exp: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
3. Continue on to Quest: Connection
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Collect 10 Penance Letters (Common quest drop from Dark Skirmishers)
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Exp: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
3. Continue on to Quest: Allen
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
2. Speak to Allen (328, 207)
-Reward (Coin: 918, Exp: 1530, Spirit: 349)
The City Of Archosaur
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-He will send you directly to Archosaur
Divine Order of Light
1. Speak to General Summer (521, 629) West Archosaur
(This quest cannot be completed until level 20 is reached)
Thanks again to Ence.
1. With the new Genesis expansion, a Level Guide will popup when you level up to a new range of levels (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc.). You can also get to this guide by selecting the "Rookie Guide" from the encyclopedia.
2. There are merchants around the Earthguard starting area to more easily sell off "vendor trash" and get a pickaxe to start farming for materials.
3. The quests for Mystics and Seekers are not often the same. This will be noted.
4. The first time around I found Tellus City to be a maze. There's two paths that go from the center to two different sections of the city. They both have vendors, bankers, mailboxes, etc. Take the path that goes north from the teleporter to get to Beckenast.
Supply Stash Notes
1. Level 5 - You get two items. One to trade for a weapon, the other to trade for a utility charm.
- The weapon only lasts for 1 day, 23 hours. I used to sell my current weapon when I got the supply stash one. Do not do this unless you have a better weapon once the supply stash weapon expires.
2. Level 10 - Again you get two items. 10 Teleport Incense - Teleports you to the nearest city. 1 Fantasy Fruit - Used to get 5000 Exp and 1000 Spirit.
3. Level 15 - Trade the Immortal Fetaher for a flying mount. 3 day time limit. You will need this flying mount for two level 19 quests.
The current version of this guide: 2.0
Version 1.0 Notes:
-All quests added for Earthguard class levels 1-18
-Mystic Specific quests up to level 15
Version 2.0 Notes:
-Added all quests through level 19
-Mystic specific quests through level 19.
Comprehensive Quest Guide:
Levels 20-29 General Quests:
Levels 20-29 Cultivation Quests:
Level 1
The Birth of a New Age
1. Speak to Watcher of the Earth (143, 230)
-One Genie
Gift From Above
1. Speak to Instructor Yeeg (Seeker)/Sooh (Mystic) (142, 246)
2. Receive one Supply Stash
Rude Awakening (S) / Reawakening (M)
1. Speak to Instructor Yeeg/Sooh (142, 246)
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (S) (153, 247)/Priestess of the Mind (M)(150, 241)
-Reward (Coin:16, Exp:26, Spirit: 6, Rep:2, 10 Small Healing Potion (S)/ 10 Small Mana Potion(M))
3. Continue on to Level 1 Quest: Visit the Priestess (Seeker)
3. Continue on to Level 1 Quest: Across the Void (Mystic)
Visit The Priestess (Seeker)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- Reward (Coin:20, Exp:32, Spirit: 8, Rep:2)
3. Continue on to Level 2 Quest: Priestess of the Mind
Across the Void (Mystic)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- Reward (Coin:20, Exp:32, Spirit: 8, Rep:2)
3. Continue on to Level 2 Quest: Duty and Sacrifice
Leap Of Faith
1. Speak to Strange Old Man (151, 243)
Starting from the East of the Void Seer(149, 246) jump onto the short wall with two stones piled on top of it.
Double jump onto the ledge across the stairs to the West of the Void Seer. You will be at approximately (149, 245) at a height of 15. Walk up the ramp to the Strange Old Man.
- 1 Small Spirit Charm
Level 2
Duty and Sacrifice (Mystic)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Staff
- Reward (Coin:62, Exp:102, Spirit: 24, Rep:2)
2. Continue on to Quest: A First Test
A First Test (Mystic)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- Kill 4 Bluepaw Lemurs
- Kill 4 Redwing Nymphalids
2. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- Reward(Coin: 64, Exp: 106, Spirit: 25, Rep: 2)
Priestess of the Mind (Seeker)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Sword
- Reward (Coin:62, Exp:102, Spirit: 24, Rep:2)
2. Continue on to Quest: Test Your Might
Test Your Might (Seeker)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- Kill 8 Bluepaw Lemurs
2. Report to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
- Reward(Coin: 64, Exp: 106, Spirit: 25, Rep: 2)
Level 3
Visit The Skill Masters
System Message upon reaching level 3.
Seeker Trainer
1. Speak with Seeker Ian Qine (145, 229)
Mystic Trainer
1. Speak with Mystic Paige (146, 229)
-Reward: (Exp: 100, Spirit: 200) - After speaking to both trainers.
The Damaged Crystal (M)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
(From the Priestess of the Soul, head northeast)
- Collect 4 Crystal Deposits (Common quest drop from Purple Butterflies)
- Collect 4 Evil Tree Saps (Common quest drop from Puzzled Dryads)
3. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
- Reward(Coin: 141, Exp: 234, Spirit: 54, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Repairing the Crystal
Repairing the Crystal (M)
1. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
2. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
- Reward(Coin: 141, Exp: 234, Spirit: 54, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Strengthening Bonds
Strengthening Bonds (M)
1. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
-Collect 1 Rough Crystal (Farmable from Soul Rest Stones. Note: You do not need a pickaxe to harvest these)
-Collect 1 Medium Ink (Farmable from Soulbreed Plants. Note: You do not need a pickaxe to harvest these)
2. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
3. Continue on to Quest: Strengthening Bonds - One More Thing
Strengthening Bonds - One More Thing(M)
1. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
2. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- Reward(Coin: 261, Exp: 435, Spirit: 100, Rep: 2)
Reinforcements (S)
1. Speak to the Priestess of the Mind (149, 241)
2. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
(From the Priestess of the Mind, head west.)
- Reward (Coin:141, Exp:234, Spirit: 54, Rep:2)
Broken Emblem (S)
1. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
- Collect 8 Broken Emblems (Common quest drop from Puzzled Dryads)
2. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
3. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
- Reward (Coin:141, Exp:234, Spirit: 54, Rep:2)
4. Continue on to Level 3 Quest Lunastone Altar Emblem
Lunastone Altar Emblem(S)
1. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
2. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
3. Speak to Librarian Yua (157, 250)
- Reward (Coin:261, Exp:435, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)
Level 4
Commendations (Mystic)
This quest gives the beginner armor. Instead of an option of a quest reward, the items are automatically rewarded based on class.
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Blacksmith Gink (145, 247)
- 1 Apprentice Headgear
3. Speak to Tailor Marin (149, 249)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Robe
4. Speak to Craftsman Yara (150, 249)
- 1 Apprentice Trousers
5. Speak to Apothecary Theo (149, 248)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Shoes
6. Speak to Merchant Fritz (146, 247)
- 1 Earthguard Thinker Sleeves
7. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- 2 Celestone Fragments
- Reward (Coin:262, Exp:436, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)
8. Continue on to Quest: The Black Altar
The Black Altar (Mystic)
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Warrior Mairead (163, 269)
- Kill 4 Stone Puppets
-Kill 4 Valley Lemurs
3. Use the Solstone Altar to teleport to Tellus City.
- Reward (Coin:265, Exp:441, Spirit: 101, Rep:2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Visiting the Elder
Visiting the Elder (Mystic)
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
Behind the fountain that is behind Teleport Master Selena (378, 230) is an amphitheater with a column of light. Walk into it and you'll be teleported to in front of the Elder.
- Reward (Coin:560, Exp:932, Spirit: 213, Rep:2)
Preparation (Seeker)
This quest gives the beginner armor. Instead of an option of a quest reward, the items are automatically rewarded based on class.
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Blacksmith Gink (145, 247)
- 1 Apprentice Helm
3. Speak to Tailor Marin (149, 249)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Cuirass
4. Speak to Craftsman Yara (150, 249)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Greaves
5. Speak to Apothecary Theo (149, 248)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Boots
6. Speak to Merchant Fritz (146, 247)
- 1 Earthguard Fighter Gauntlets
7. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- 2 Celestone Fragments
- Reward (Coin:262, Exp:436, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)
8. Continue on to Level 4 Quest From Altar to City
From Altar to City (S)
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
2. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
- Collect 1 Banner of Wisdom (Common quest drop from Purple Butterflies)
- Collect 1 Tag of Wisdom (Common quest drop from Greentail Lemur)
3. Speak to Swordsman Connor (126, 238)
4. Use the Lunastone Altar to teleport to Tellus City.
The Altar is Southwest of the Swordsman along the path.
- Reward (Coin:265, Exp:441, Spirit: 101, Rep:2)
5. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
Behind the fountain that is behind Teleport Master Selena (378, 230) is an amphitheater with a column of light. Walk into it and you'll be teleported to in front of the Elder.
- Reward (Coin:560, Exp:932, Spirit: 213, Rep:2)
Level 6
Learn Production Skill
System Message recieved upon reaching level 6
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
Path of the Blacksmith
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Blacksmith Balar (372, 214) (Inside the building to the East of Apothecary Hulk and Craftsman Raina) Tellus City
-Collect 2 Pig Iron
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Blacksmith Balar (372, 214) Tellus City
-Basic Blacksmith Skill
Path of the Apothecary
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Apothecary Hulk (368, 212) Tellus City
-Collect 5 Salvia Root
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Apothecary Hulk (368, 212) Tellus City
-Basic Apothecary Skill
Path of the Tailor
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Tailor Tara (368, 208) Tellus City
-Collect 2 Logs
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Tailor Tara (368, 208) Tellus City
-Basic Tailor Skill
Path of the Craftsman
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Craftsman Raina (369, 212) Tellus City
-Collect 2 Sandstone
You cannot gather materials unless you have the pickaxe in your inventory. You can purchase the pickaxe for 2000 coins at any Merchant. Pickaxe is the 2nd item found in the 2nd tab. Having it in your inventory will let you farm any material in your level range.
3. Report to Craftsman Hu Raina (369, 212) Tellus City
-Basic Craftsman Skill
After finishing these quests, you will have a number of items in your inventory. This allows you to purchase the crafting skills from the elder. The skills cost 0 SP, 0 coin. Talk to The Elder and select the 2nd option on the list: Learn Manufacturing Skill. If you have the booklet, you will be able to learn the skill. Also note that the Bookseller sells these skill books. He has a quest icon over his head, but do not take the quest. You will end up purchasing one of these books.
The Gathering
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
To get back to the main part of the city. Walk west from the Elder and into the column of light. You will end up at the bottom of the amphitheater.
2. Speak to Ritualist Septus (378, 243)
3. Speak To Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
4. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229)
- Reward (Coin:583, Exp:970, Spirit: 222, Rep:2)
5. Continue to Quest : Return to the Source
Return to the Source
1. Speak to Teleport Master Selena (377, 229)
2. Continue to Quest: A Simple Solution
A Simple Solution
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
- Reward (Coin:393, Exp:654, Spirit: 150, Rep:2)
Eyes of the Awakening
1. Speak to Void Seer (148, 245)
-Kill 4 Possessed Pricklers and 4 Corrupt Dryads
2. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
- Reward (Coin:632, Exp:1053, Spirit: 241, Rep:2)
3. Continue on to Quest : Halt the Ceremony
Halt The Ceremony
1. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
- Kill 1 Bladeleef Treeant
2. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
- Reward ( Coin: 1445, Exp: 2407, Spirit: 549, Rep: 2)
Level 7
Learn Summoning skill (M)
System message upon reaching level 7
Covenant Guide - Devil - Guidance (M)
1. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Continue on to Quest: Devilish Training
Devilish Training (M)
1. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
2. Kill 1 Devil Scout (Near the Solstone Altar, 1000 HP)
3. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247)
- 1 Devil Chihyu (Training Book. Take it to the Mystic Trainer to learn the skill for the first Mystic Pet)
- Reward ( Spirit : 810)
Level 8
Guard of the Shrine
1. Speak to Swordsman Jasmine (180, 218)
2.Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 1008, Exp: 1680, Spirit: 384, Rep: 2)
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Collect 1 Ancestor's Fire Token ( Common Quest Drop from Ice Puppets)
-Collect 1 Ancestor's Order (Common Quest Drop from Blue Beard Apes)
2. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn twice (232, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 1070, Exp: 1782, Spirit: 407, Rep: 2)
Level 9
Spiritual Cultivation
System message recieved upon reaching level 9
Just Some Progress
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-Get 1 Cultivation Acknowledgement
2. Speak to Anchoret Alexandria ( 214, 227)
-Collect 10 Spirits of the Rocks ( Common Quest Drop from Ice Puppets)
3. Speak to Anchoret Alexandria ( 214, 227)
-Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth or Celestone Fragment: 1 (Random)
-Reward (SP: 3000 Rep: 10)
Cultivation Rank is changed to Spiritual Adept (New skills become available)
-Chi Bar added (Chi is stored up via attacks/use of skills. Certain skills require chi in order to be activated.)
Spiritual Cultivation Guide
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-Reward( Exp: 40, Rep: 2)
Crazy Little Spy
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
2. Speak to Captive Water Chimei (232, 230)
3. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 1080, Exp: 1800, Spirit: 411, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Curious Potion
Curious Potion
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Collect 10 Weird Drug (Common Quest Drop from Forest Chimeis)
2. Speak to Captive Water Chimei (232, 230)
3. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Reward( Coin: 1551, Exp: 2585, Spirit: 590, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Counter-Agent
Level 10
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
2. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
- Reward ( Coin: 264, Exp: 440, Spirit: 101, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Just a Whiff
Just a Whiff
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
- Collect 10 Stink Glands ( Common Quest Drop from Bluetail Lemurs)
2. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
3. Speak to Captive Water Chimei (232, 230)
4. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Reward ( Coin: 1800, Exp: 3000, Spirit: 684, Rep: 2)
5. Continue on to Quest First Strike
First Strike
1. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Kill 10 Forest Chimei Hunters
(A Mystic or its Devil Chilyu may aggro nearby Primal Smilodons.)
2. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Violet Corona Sword ( Seekers)
- Dark Corona Staff ( Mystics)
-Reward( Coin: 1200, Exp: 2000, Spirit: 456, Rep: 2)
Level 11
System message recieved upon reaching level 11 ( Mystics)
Learn Punishing Sting
1. Speak to Priestess of the Soul (153, 247) Spire of Awakening
(You must have reached Spiritual Adept )
2. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
- Collect 1 Stinging Nettle Heart (Quest drop from Stinging Nettle in Starry Wilds, north of Shrine of the Ancestors. Aggressive mobs)
3. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-1 Punishing Sting skill book.
Speak to a Mystic trainer to learn the skill Punishing Sting
The Rebel
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
2. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
-Reward (Coin: 300, Exp: 500, Spirit: 114, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: A Step Too Far
A Step Too Far
1. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
- Collect 10 Sharp Fangs ( Common Quest drop from Primal Smilodons)
2. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
- Collect 10 Dragonfly Wings ( Common Quest drop from White Dragonflies)
3. Speak to Forest Chimei Rebel (223, 277)
- Reward (Coin: 1806, Exp: 3010, Spirit: 687, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to quest: Master of Ants
Master of Ants
1. Kill Shadowy Harbinger (1172 HP, Fire DOT) and 5 Mutated Ants
2. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
- Dark Corona Headgear ( Mystics)
- Violet Cornoa Helm ( Seekers)
-Reward ( Coin: 1890, Exp: 3150, Spirit: 719, Rep: 2)
Level 12
The Bloody Beach Treasure Hunt quests are now available:
Opening Worlds
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
- Waypoints added : Etherblade City, City of the Lost, Cit of the Plume, City of Raging Tides
-Reward (Exp: 2000, Spirit: 400)
The Lost Expedition
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
2. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Reward ( Coin: 268, Exp: 446, Spirit: 102, Rep: 2)
First Aid
1. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Collect 3 Staunching Herbs ( Farmable material found inside the Valley of the Ants)
2. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Reward ( Coin: 1200, Exp: 2000, Spirit: 456, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Surrounded
1. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
- Kill 10 Chimei Calvary
2. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Reward( Coin: 1500, Exp: 2500, Spirit: 570, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Breakout
1. Speak to Expedition Survivor (248, 268)
-Kill 10 Hoofed Yaks
2. Speak to Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
- 1 Violet Corona Breastplate ( Seekers)
- 1 Dark Corona Robe (Mystics)
-Reward (Coin: 1800, Exp: 3000, Spirit: 684, Rep: 2)
Level 13
Off the Hoof
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Collect 5 Tainted Grain ( Farmable Material found around 266, 267, between Dragon Slayers Tribe and Valley of the Ants)
-Collect 10 Bull Blood Samples ( Common quest drop from Hoofed Yaks)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage Twice (256, 237)
-Reward( Coin: 2760, Exp: 4600, Spirit: 1049, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Level 14 Quest: Restoration Drug and Level 14 Quest: A Cure for the Soul
Opening Threats
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Kill 15 Forest Chimei Warriors
2. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Violet Corona Boots (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Shoes (Mystic)
-Reward( Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Road Hazards and Level 15 Quest: A Cunning Plan
Road Hazards
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward( Coin: 483, Exp: 804, Spirit: 184, Rep:2)
Level 14
The Ol' Fishin' Hole
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Kill 15 Bluefin Pomfret
2 Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Reward: (Coin: 1950, Exp: 3250, Spirit: 741, Rep: 2)
Restoration Drug
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Collect 5 Tranquil Herbs (Farmable material located on the southern shore of Treehollow Lake around 255, 232)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward( Coin: 1500, Exp: 2500, Spirit: 570, Rep: 2)
A Cure for the Soul
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Collect 15 Water Essences (Common quest drop from Cauldron Immortals, also located on the southern short of Treehollow Lake)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward(Coin: 1950, Exp: 3250, Spirit: 741, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Calm the Beasts
Calm the Beasts
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Replace Potion Cask contents (Farmable item located near the Tainted Grains around 266, 267)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Violet Corona Greaves ( Seeker)
-Dark Corona Arcane Pants (Mystic)
-Reward(Coin: 1196, Exp: 1993, Spirit: 455, Rep: 2)
Level 15
System message recieved upon reaching level 15 ( Mystics)
Befuddling Creeper
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Twice
-Farm the Befuddling Creeper near (273, 204). A mob will appear, the True Befuddling Creeper. There is a 5 minute time limit to kill it.
2. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
-1 Befuddling Creeper
Speak to a Mystic trainer to learn the skill Befuddling Creeper
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
- Collect 15 Poisoned Horns (Common quest drop from Gold Armored Oxen)
2. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
-Reward (Coin: 2700, Exp: 4500, Spirit: 1026, Rep: 2)
A Cunning Plan
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
- Collect 15 Ant Claws (Common quest drop from Forest Chimei Warriors)
2. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Reward(Coin: 2863, Exp: 4771, Spirit: 1088, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Righteous Vengeance
Righteous Vengeance
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
2. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
-Wait one minute
3. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
4. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Violet Corona Bracers (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Gloves ( Mystic)
-Reward( Coin: 2100, Exp: 3500, Spirit: 798, Rep: 2)
5. Continue on to Level 16 Quest: Opening Salvo
Level 16
Opening Salvo
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Collect 15 Bloodstained Staffs (Common quest drop from Chimei Wizards)
2. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
- Collect 8 Golden Ox Skins ( Quest drop from Gold Armored Oxen)
3. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
-Wait 15 seconds
4. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
-Reward(Coin: 2940, Exp: 4900, Spirit: 1118, Rep: 2)
5. Continue on to Quest: Restore Order
Restore Order
1. Kill the Mysterious Man (2028 HP, Slows) (Around 251, 284), collect 1 New Ant Queen
2. Speak to Banished Forest Chimei (277, 268)
3. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Violet Corona Belt (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Belt (Mystic)
-Reward (Coin: 2880, Exp: 4800, Spirit: 1095, Rep: 2)
Maritime Affairs
1. Speak to Wildwood Sage (256, 237)
2. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239) (Under the tree)
-Kill 15 Captured Beetles
3. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239) (Under the tree)
-Reward(Coin: 2580, Exp: 4300, Spirit: 981, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Trade Broker
Trade Broker
1. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239)
2. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Reward(Coin: 364, Exp: 606, Spirit: 139, Rep: 2)
Level 17
Sweeten the Deal
1. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Collect 10 Gator Skins ( Quest drops from Redscale Crocodiles)
2. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: A Deal's A Deal
A Deal's A Deal
1. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
2. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239)
-Reward (Coin: 387, Exp: 645, Spirit: 148, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Something Stinks
Something Stinks
1. Speak to Tideborn Agent Blune (258, 239)
-Kill 10 Water Chimei Psychics
2. Speak to Water Chimei Priest (274, 218)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000. Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
3. Continue on to Quest: Light in the Dark
Light In the Dark
1. Collect 1 Signal Light (Uncommon quest drop from Purplefin Pomfrets) This drop will go into your regular inventory, not the quest inventory.
2. Use the Signal Light on the Light Altar (220, 200) on the top of the island South of Shrine of the Ancestors, West of Loch Nocturne.
-Kill 1 Spiritual Lord ( 2628 HP, Metal)
3. Speak to Ancestral Guardian Shawn (232, 230)
-Violet Corona Ring (Seeker)
-Dark Corona Ring (Mystic)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
4. Continue on to Quest: Reconnaissance
1. Speak to Spirit Watcher Lynn (233, 230)
2. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-Reward (Coin: 420, Exp: 700, Spirit: 160, Rep: 2)
A Life Stolen
1. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Kill 10 Water Chimei Bandits
2. Speak to Wildwood Champion (256, 240)
-Reward (Coin: 2400, Exp: 4000, Spirit: 912, Rep: 2)
Level 18
Crazy Old Man
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
2. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Reward (Coin: 879, Exp: 1466, Spirit: 334)
3. Continue on to Quest: Stuff of Legends
Stuff of Legends
1. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Kill 15 Horned Tree Fairies
2. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Reward (Coin: 3519, Exp: 5865, Spirit: 1337)
3. Continue on to Level 19 Quest : Prophetic Blindness
Level 19
Spiritual Cultivation
System message recieved upon reaching level 19
Improving Ability
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240) Tellus City
-Reward (Exp: 50)
Celestial Balance
1. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
-Collect 1 Giant Compound Eye (Uncommon quest drop from Huge-Eye Dragonflies) These are flying mobs. Hopefully you still have the flying mount given in the level 15 supply stash.
-After the Giant Compount Eye, collect 1 Veil Herb (Farmable material at (343, 229)
2. Speak to Beckenast the First Mage (356, 240)
-1 Book: Subtle Sutra (Right-click to open. Continue on to Quest: The Voice of the World)
-Elite Blade Charm (30) or Elite Fury Charm (10)
-1 Ressurection Scroll
-Reward (Spirit: 8000, 1 Celestone of Human/Heaven/Earth)
-Archosaur, North District waypoint added
Cultivation Rank is changed to Aware of Principle (New Skills Available)
The Voice of the World (This race's FB19, essentially)
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-Kill 1 Corrupted Brute (Fire Boss, 65000 HP, Slows)
2. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-1 Comet Sword (Seeker)
-1 Meteor Staff (Mystic)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Exp: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
Prophetic Blindness
1. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Kill 15 Mountain Ancestrals
2. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
-Reward ( Coin: 3519, Exp: 5865, Spirit: 1337)
3. Continue on to Quest: The Prophet's Friend
The Prophet's Friend
1. Speak to Zaier (311, 233)
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 879, Exp: 1466, Spirit: 334)
3. Continue on to Quest: Preserving Purity
Preserving Purity
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Collect 10 Earth Proofs (Farmable Material from Tellus Fruits found around (342, 205) and (341, 209) )
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 1759, Exp: 2933, Spirit: 669)
3. Continue on to Quest: Mercy Killing
Mercy Killing
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Kill 20 Greenwing Nymphalids
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Rep: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
3. Continue on to Quest: Fallen Leaves
Fallen Leaves
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Kill 20 Dull Dryads
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Exp: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
3. Continue on to Quest: Connection
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Collect 10 Penance Letters (Common quest drop from Dark Skirmishers)
2. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
-Reward (Coin: 3672, Exp: 6120, Spirit: 1395)
3. Continue on to Quest: Allen
1. Speak to Brighid (346, 204)
2. Speak to Allen (328, 207)
-Reward (Coin: 918, Exp: 1530, Spirit: 349)
The City Of Archosaur
1. Speak to Elder Star (393, 229) Tellus City
-He will send you directly to Archosaur
Divine Order of Light
1. Speak to General Summer (521, 629) West Archosaur
(This quest cannot be completed until level 20 is reached)
Many thanks to all the info (good, bad, and otherwise) in the forums for making me the noob I am today.
b:chuckle b:cool b:cute b:thanks
b:chuckle b:cool b:cute b:thanks
Post edited by Nephice - Heavens Tear on
Thank you. This was extremely helpful!!!b:victory0
Light In the Dark
1. Collect 1 Signal Light (Uncommon quest drop from Purplefin Pomfrets) This drop will go into your regular inventory, not the quest inventory.
Great. Now that i notice e__e
I was like, killing purplefins for two hours and that shi* don't dropped lol0 -
bit of a newb question, but where is the Solstone Altar, and how do i use it to teleport to the city of tellius, or whatever it's called?0
Solstone altar is south-west of the Spire of Awakening. I think you get a popup when you reach the right place.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
ok cool thanx0
This was very useful, thank you for this guide.Youtube Username: TifaAmakura
many thanks for the guide b:kiss[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Where is the greentail lemur? I see alot of greenpaw lemurs, but no greentail lemurs.0
@redfox1963 just keep going past the green paw lemurs for a little while you will then see them their tales are hard to miss, make sure you dont get stuck in the wrong passage because one fissure entrance only leads to an altar the other leads out to the world.0
When I jump on the wall to get onto the ledge to go speak to the strange old man, there is like some sort of invisiable wall stoping me from getting me onto the ramp.0
soo i got a noob qustion but can someone give me the exact coordinates for solstone altar? u guys said it was south west of spire of awakening but im having no luck.....0
Did you try zooming in on your map? It's plainly marked...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
can you tell me the exact location of the sting nettles in starry wilds because i am having a hard time i mean like is it in the dragon slayer tribe or the dragon hunter tribe or the island in the middle?0
how can I kill dragon butterflies?(quest for lvl 11)..I am a seeker...:/0
- mistake..they are called White dragonflies xD thnx...0
Lunastone altar is in fissure solstone isnt i have looked all over the place and still can't find it. This game is a Waiste of time !0
Ok, so I have a problem. I havn't played PW for one year, and then I decided to come back. I used to be a Necromancer, but now I made a Mystic. The problem is, I know I was supposed to get a quest on lvl 7, I think, to get my summon. However, I am already level 19 and don't have it. I havn't done the quest that gives me the summon because I simply can't find it anywhere. I even have those two other summons you get after the big purple-ish guy that I forgot the name, but don't have him yet. What should I do? I have never had a problem like this, so this is frustrating me :x0
this is probably a stupid question, but where do i find pig iron in tellus city?0
You need a pickaxe (bought from a merchant).
Then go outside the city and look for it - it will look like a heap of grey stones but when you hover over it with cursor, the name will be 'pig iron'.0 -
mrcharlytoo wrote: »You need a pickaxe (bought from a merchant).
Then go outside the city and look for it - it will look like a heap of grey stones but when you hover over it with cursor, the name will be 'pig iron'.
No it won't. When you mouseover the mine, it'll be named iron ore; once you dig it, "pig iron" is what'll appear in your inventory.
The earthguard territories are pretty poor when it comes to level-1 resources like iron ore, and such. But not long after you first need those things, you'll get a quest to go to the elder and have your teleport points to the other races' home towns opened. (This is maybe level 10-12 or so, IIRC.) And it so happens that the tideborn starting areas are positively lousy with such resources. You can easily get all you need of them for the level-1 crafting quests just running between raging tides city and the very first treasure hunt quest location, back and forth.0 -
-Collect 1 Giant Compound Eye (Uncommon quest drop from Huge-Eye Dragonflies) These are flying mobs. Hopefully you still have the flying mount given in the level 15 supply stash.
i didn't get any Supply Stash b:shocked0 -
Hello, I've played PWI a year ago, and as I remember, on level 15 you get a quest called Fly(I think) and you get it from the mailbox, which gives you an Immortal Feather and you need to Exchange it for a Flying mount? I remember getting my flying kite with my main character (Mystic). I have a Mystic now, level 16, and I searched almost everywhere for that quest, but there was no sign of it, now I'm trying it with my Venomancer, but It still doesn't work!!
Can someone please reply with the case of this problem, maybe the game renewed or something and that quest doesn't exist anymore?
I'm waiting for an Answer!
Thank you!:P
0 -
I can explain. You are required to open your memento chest. The immortal feather is in there.0
Embergrowl - Archosaur wrote: »I can explain. You are required to open your memento chest. The immortal feather is in there.
Embergrowl - Archosaur replied to a message that was 7 months 14 days 8 hours 12 minutes old.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:
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SweetieBot please start saying if it's a double, tripple, quantraple etc necrob:cuteyou only purge once #yopo0
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »SweetieBot please start saying if it's a double, tripple, quantraple etc necro[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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