Because the activeness points trigger on the daily instance quest completion. You either died and it didnt complete or you are stacked on the quest. You only get activeness points if the quest is recieved on the day you do it. If you have no extra keys to run an extra run I would delete the old quest and you should be fine…
You'll have to keep push the GMs to fix your specific issue (via ticket). Do not rely on the quality corner section for this.
This sounds like a specific issue to your character and I would send in a ticket with more details and explaning that you are unable to proceed on the character.
(TT Server) Battle of Survival doesnt work, sometimes cant enter homestead from certain maps, but thats about what I found so far. People are forming a lot of instances atm - so we will see if we end up getting stuck there anytime soon.
Able to log TT just now.
Im curious about the gender regarding the fashion. If you are female, can you put male fashion in the illustration book towards the title and vice versa? What happens if you gender swap? I know that people may not know the answers to these questions yet - but its something to look out for.
Morning. Im having issues as well (TT). Tideswell and Dawnglory can get to character selection just fine.
I did mine just fine yesterday. M/A is a little weird sometimes. The instance and weekly counter can sometimes reset during a maint, but the quest that actually gives the point will not reset during maint. This means the counter sometimes can be "out of sync" and not accurate. The M/A point quest resets every monday, and…
Im pretty sure that I read in one of the PWCN updates that they fixed this. In expecting we are getting this the next expansion/content update - so in like half a year or whatever.
I havent felt a difference coin wise yet, but it will take time for the server economy to adjust. Been a few days and honestly I have 0 silver coins. With FSJ nerfed I dont bother do that instance anymore, so thats going to be my nerf in coins but it was far from my main income. I'll only get silver coins when its actual…
If you are playing full screen, characters tabbed out of focus are moving slower.
The culti bosses are outside the instance now. you can auto path to them ^.^
send a ticket, we cant help.
send a ticket we cant help
I went there to check. I still get 15 exp with my Lv71 pet. So the mobs are fine. Could it be you can out of your daily Earning Time on your veno thus not getting exp for the pets? Not sure if it affects pet levelling at all, but worth to note I guess. I cant really think of anything else that could cause lowered exp gain.
Theres a spot south of timberfield (theres a red dot thingy on the map if you zoom in) where theres lv100 (or 150? cant remember) rats with only 100 hp that gives your pet the maximum exp it can get per mob kill. They are magic immune so just smack them with your weapon
Just mobile version coming.
Every "Plum" flower item counts as 1 item in your homestead, and you can max have 1000 items placed in your homestead. Mind you, this can cause your homestead to lag and I really dont recommend going above 200 items. You can only place as many plums as you have gotten from the market place. However, "Grass: Plum" is like a…
You need to make sure that neither master nor apprentice is swimming, flying, on mount, meditating, etc, else it wont work. They just gotta stand next to eachother doing nothing for it to work
Did you squad up? Yeah you can be in the instance together without being in squad.. Did the apprentices level to 105? Heard cant get points as apprentices if 105 (current level though, mine are 105 in book and gets it fine)
I wouldnt use temporary emails at all. It should be an email you can log if you ever need to. Open Arc (the software) and click the settings icon on the top right. You'll see Arc Defender right away which you can turn off.
You can turn that option off, or get the code from the emails as long its a permanent email and not a temp that gets auto deleted, though thats a hassle. I prefer the arc protector off. Personally I use my own web server that can have unlimited mails so I really dont have problems with my mails.
I duo a ton of different instances with my spouse - FSJ, UPD, DHD, sometimes TTR. They arent all for profit though. I also do duo the world boss Haspoon with an old friend Its mostly the glyphs and C packs we have been selling, sometimes medias from badges from haspoon. Then theres merchanting. I always hated calculating,…
As mentioned they are on a different server than my main server. I only focus on my main server now (Twilight Temple) so I really have no reason to play them anymore. I also have a larger amount of HS toons on TT server to take care of anyway, though I mostly keep their materials for upgrading weapons and not for…
JoJ maybe, but its likely we see this one die completely when the coin management patch hit us. Homestead for sure. Not on 1 character, but on as many you can handle. Focus on this one. I would use the remaining of my playtime to work on a main or farming character. Farm badges from ws you could as you mentioned - but for…
Yeah I couldnt figure it out at first either, but eventually it showed up. it was one of the other area questlines that made it possible to complete it. Cant remember exactly which one but im guessing the shrone of immortals. If not dont worry, it'll come up eventually.
you could help the pwi wiki out!
Its kinda messed up though as far I heard you need R9.1 armor to make R9.3. So if you go r9.2 armor, rip you However the belt and weapon needs r9.2 to go r9.3
Didnt even start yet, too busy. Maybe next week!