sanai01 Arc User


  • Hello Surevalla, Here's a discussion on Archer builds under the Class Discussion forum. I hope it helps you out. As for the servers, it really is up to you and the type of game play you enjoy more. Lost City is a PvP server, so if you enjoy PvP that's the way to go.
  • Awww, I'm at Sanctuary :( I figured if I was going to start a new game might as well start at their newest server.
  • LOL. So that's what I've been missing! I knew there was something that just wasn't quite right!! Wait. Where do I get a chicken?
  • I think this is a really neat idea you guys are getting at. Good luck to all of you and hope you all have fun.
  • You know, that really is unfortunate that some people have to act in that manner, but it can't be helped. Feraldreamzz is right, don't let those type of people ruin your perception about everyone else in the game. I hope you have a better experience next time around. Good luck to everyone :)
  • PvP servers were fun when I use to run around in Wow, but I seem to have more fun in the PvE servers here. Some people tend to take things a little too seriously when they get pk'ed. They start bad mouthing them and I don't like hearing people getting mad over a game. I rather drink my coffee, run around in groups with…
  • I believe you should run one and a half cirlcles counter-clockwise then run one and a half clockwise to create a balance.
  • Oh Kahlan, your posts are so cute :) I was actually on another thread about KS'ing. It was a good conversation and I think I saw a comment from you there. Also, thank you for your kind words on the other thread and unless I'm mistaken, your other account is Dagnytaggart right? Well in any case, it was very sweet of you to…
  • I think that it's very clear that most of the people here (including myself) view that the kill stealing that occur in PWI is accidental; so the only thing left for users to exercise is common courtesy and I think most of the people that posted on this thread has done just that. :)
  • Some things that were discussed on this post: Dagnytaggart asked; to what standards does a "poster" use to measure the injustice done to them or other users when they create a post? He or she felt that some users are quick to blame the GM's, Devs, and Mods when something is not the their liking. Hlywoodhogan and Ren…
  • Thank you both! Cookies are yummy. b:chuckle Anyways, I think most of the people here on this post had very good opinions and I hope that the GMs, Devs and Mods are reading these. It's really fun to have a good debate with people and hear their (non-derogatory or condescending) comments or "complaints". b:pleased
  • This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Condescending comments like the one above solves nothing. I don't mind criticism, but comments that patronize opinions or offers no solution to the subject serves no purpose in a debate. Also, you might want to check your grammar and spelling before you decide to…
  • Veno... you are one smart cookie.
  • I couldn't agree more. We are all different in many aspects, but I feel that it should not stop us from practicing patience. In the same token, you can also argue that it's hard to practice patience when others are not willing to listen. Like I've stated earlier; complaints can serve a certain benefit, but I feel we should…
  • I think some "complaints" can serve a certain benefit for games; it allows the creators to get an idea of what their users want. Whether they like or use the idea is a different issue altogether. I also think that some of these "complaints" can be a bit immature or far-fetched and some just turn into inappropriate subjects…
  • Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast version) WoW (decided it wasn't for me) Ragnarok (played it for 2 days and hated it) R.O.S.E Online (3 months then got bored) Rappelz (until epic 5 completely ruined the pet system... IMO) 4story (A little too similar to Wow...) RF Online (took me 2 hours after playing it to decide that I…
  • I think that would be a good idea. I've played other games where other users cannot pick up your items for a certain amount of time. I don't know how the process works, but I'm sure it's possible. I haven't had much problems with "ks'ers" myself and if and when I do run into one, I'm usually not bothered by it. Unless it's…
  • There was another discussion about this on another post and in all honesty, Vallove and Vhuntrd is right. Ranged fighters and magic users rely on their ranged attacks and some takes time to cast, so while a tank or melee fighter is running up to the same target, it may seem like they're trying to steal your kill. There…
  • That's a very good observation. I guess potheads do have a lot of common sense, isn't that right maverick?
  • The name of the song is Feather by Nujabes feat. Akin and Cise Starr.