Your Complaints - By What Standard?

Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear
Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
I read the incredibly reactive threads to things like small bits of downtime and I wonder by what standard the posters measure the injustice of it all. While unexpected downtime can be frustrating, the outright trauma it seems to bring to some leaves me mystified. I've been playing since beta and don't need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of times the servers have been down beyond normal maintenance. I have seen the names of the pay games like Vanguard, WoW, EQ, etc. and having played those games and more I wonder if senility is setting in for some. The level of frustration the pay games have taken their subscribers through with lag, unplayable bugs, and excessive downtime make the tiny and infrequent problems here even more impressive.

I believe that those complaining the loudest are similar to my students who, through lack of drive and caring earn C's or lower. They are the first ones to scream injustice when there is homework (which they will likely not do anyway) or a test. These same people do eveything half-assed including their jobs. They have no qualms about delivering ineffective, incomplete, and substandard results in an out of school yet the first time they are faced with being on the receiving end of something less than perfect, the apocalypse has come.

I like to think that rational and compatent people realize that sometimes things don't go just so and realize that is part of life. While we may be a little frustrated, the world doesn;t come to an end. I wish people were as diligent in what they do as the perfection the demand from everyone else. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Post edited by Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear on


  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I would die of shock if people actually put the same effort in they expect others to do for them.

  • spudfuzz
    spudfuzz Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It'd be a bit easier if we were told exactly what was going on, but asking that earlier I was told to hush, even had my thread locked for aparently no reason.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Awesome post. I would vote you up like reddit or digg if I could b:victory
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  • Hlywoodhogan - Lost City
    Hlywoodhogan - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Do you not understand many players just made millions of gold using an exploit and there was no rollback to fix this?

    And when I say millions I mean MILLIONS.
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    When he says millions he means "each member of conqueror just made 30+ mil per person and now nobody can compete on lost city and people are ragequitting the game"

    Other games rollback after such a fatal flaw, but PWI, no way. Hmm, reminds me of some multi level marketing greed, ignoring people getting screwed out of names due to not informing the players of a dumb server customization, etc.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It is the same issue on Sanctuary server it seems to be always the same people who get announcement through the Duke and it is still going on. Was before they took the server down and still now and always the same people.
  • Carolinesivi - Heavens Tear
    Carolinesivi - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    When he says millions he means "each member of conqueror just made 30+ mil per person and now nobody can compete on lost city and people are ragequitting the game"

    Other games rollback after such a fatal flaw, but PWI, no way. Hmm, reminds me of some multi level marketing greed, ignoring people getting screwed out of names due to not informing the players of a dumb server customization, etc.

    I wish that everyone sees my -> LOL!
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's appalling how people always see just one side of the coin.

    Yes, people have made millions with this bug but can you imagine how many people a roll back would **** over? The sheer number of people a rollback would **** over outnumbers the ones who took advantage of the bug.

    If the bad outweights the good then it's logical what to do here. In this case, no rollback.
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's appalling how people always see just one side of the coin.

    Yes, people have made millions with this bug but can you imagine how many people a roll back would **** over? The sheer number of people a rollback would **** over outnumbers the ones who took advantage of the bug.

    If the bad outweights the good then it's logical what to do here. In this case, no rollback.

    So people lose a mere 12 hours of grinding... quit whining.
    The bug abusers would lose a few weeks worth of ill gotten cash.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    So people lose a mere 12 hours of grinding... quit whining.
    The bug abusers would lose a few weeks worth of ill gotten cash.

    I'm not talking about lvls here. I am talking about real cash being spent. If there's a roll back will the admins add the $50 back to my bank account? Because I'm sure as hell not gonna get lucky enough to get 2 mounts and the duck using $25 on angels again. So I'd request my money back.

    And funny you're calling me a whiner when you yourself are doing it. Hypocrite.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm not talking about lvls here. I am talking about real cash being spent. If there's a roll back will the admins add the $50 back to my bank account? Because I'm sure as hell not gonna get lucky enough to get 2 mounts and the duck using $25 on angels again. So I'd request my money back.

    This is the problem with a rollback, is all the people who used RL money to buy angels to get their items. These people deserve to keep what they have. However, when there are people who got to use their ingame money at 10x its normal rate, it throws off the balance. $25 of angels was what, about 80 tries? Territory wars on LC are going for more that 30 million in game money (somewhat unrelated, but to give you an idea of what type of money is being thrown around), which at 10k a piece is 3000 tries. Sure 300 tries is still a lot, but it does not throw off the game balance the same way that 3000 does.

    Also, this pretty much ***** over anyone who has a decent amount of in game gold who wasn't on last night. I would have thrown in a lot of money for 10k a piece, and gotten a lot more chances to get good items that I will at 100k a piece.
  • Nebakanezer - Heavens Tear
    Nebakanezer - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i definately agree with you on that matter Ren.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think some "complaints" can serve a certain benefit for games; it allows the creators to get an idea of what their users want. Whether they like or use the idea is a different issue altogether. I also think that some of these "complaints" can be a bit immature or far-fetched and some just turn into inappropriate subjects that can completely steer off an originally good point of view, suggestion, or idea.

    People are very quick to judge with prejudice intent, and those comments never solve anything. I hope this community focuses more on the issues that affect users and the game, rather than concerning themselves with calling each other cruel names.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • zoroasterr
    zoroasterr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well i spend 150$ for this event and dont get a flysword and see ppl who want sell it to me for 4 or 5mil
    they get it for free (10k) i mean here is not a **** private server im begging here 2 weeks or more for the damn fortune stones but they dont put it in CS cause they want us to waste more money for refining i cant be on 24/7 so i missed the 10k bug. i just try to support the server but all i see is **** in CS why we dont have new swords in CS only this noob swords same thing with charms prices 2.5$ for a silver charm pls dont bring the gold charms cause i realy dont want to know how much they will cost.
    ya can tell me i cry or what ever but many ppl will leave the server and go to ms server just cause the gold prices.anyway sorry for my bad english but i hope everyone understand me btw i know its not easy to manage the server so thx anyway.
  • Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear
    Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'll be honest, when I made my post I was unaware of what the issue was. All I coudl see were flames of rage without a clear head explaining what the issue was and why all the anger. Primarily I saw people upset about the downtime and that was my primary beef.

    As a primarily solo player, I don't really care who got what or who has more than me. That said, I think it stinks that PWI chooses to do nothing to rectify the issue. There are a number of possible reasons for their lack of action.

    1) They don't care
    2) They don't have the ability or knowledge to actually roll the game back
    3) The game itself does not have the capacity to be undone and can only move forward.
    4) They just don't know what to do so they choose to do nothing.

    There may be more reasons.

    What I would suggest is to not react out of anger. It is the right of PWI to do nothing. If people have inside information, as someone suggested, that is the right of PWI to proliferate as they see fit as well.

    We have rights too. If enough people are upset, then make yourselves heard through your dollars. That is the only noise that will matter.


    PS please note I did not side with bad business practices, I only acknowledge a business' right to make bad decisions and suffer the repercussions.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    What I would suggest is to not react out of anger. It is the right of PWI to do nothing. If people have inside information, as someone suggested, that is the right of PWI to proliferate as they see fit as well.

    We have rights too. If enough people are upset, then make yourselves heard through your dollars. That is the only noise that will matter.

    Well said.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • jenenji
    jenenji Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think most of the outrage comes from the lack of answers or response from GMs/Admins/Mods. If they would simply have listed the bug/bugs and the planned fix for it, some of this outrage would have gone away. Or if we had a explanation as to why they did it this way. Instead we get them leaving half baked posts in threads threatening to ban people or leaving a post like the one in this thread. Locking/deleting a thread and banning people with out answering simple answers does nothing to help calm people down. If they did a better job in communicating with us, a lot of the outrage would go away.
  • Venoblood - Heavens Tear
    Venoblood - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The name Perfect World isn't synonymous to GM's being able to perfect everything in the flick of a few keystrokes; everyone makes mistakes, no matter if you're running a business or working for one, because I promise you that that problem will arise.

    That being said: no one here is perfect. Not everyone has the kind of patience to be able and sit out on the sidelines and watch for hours, thus we have impatient people in the world. Sure they complain about downtime, sure they complain about the addition of downtime, sure they might complain about a lot of things, but that came with the world when we were created as homo sapiens.

    We are as different as the finger prints on our fingers, so for you to complain about people who do not act the same way you do is simply complaining about people being different, which in perspective is inevitable that people be different or complain about things they abhor.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The name Perfect World isn't synonymous to GM's being able to perfect everything in the flick of a few keystrokes; everyone makes mistakes, no matter if you're running a business or working for one, because I promise you that that problem will arise.

    That being said: no one here is perfect. Not everyone has the kind of patience to be able and sit out on the sidelines and watch for hours, thus we have impatient people in the world. Sure they complain about downtime, sure they complain about the addition of downtime, sure they might complain about a lot of things, but that came with the world when we were created as homo sapiens.

    We are as different as the finger prints on our fingers, so for you to complain about people who do not act the same way you do is simply complaining about people being different, which in perspective is inevitable that people be different or complain about things they abhor.

    I couldn't agree more. We are all different in many aspects, but I feel that it should not stop us from practicing patience. In the same token, you can also argue that it's hard to practice patience when others are not willing to listen. Like I've stated earlier; complaints can serve a certain benefit, but I feel we should turn away from derogatory comments that only deviate us from solving the complaints people make.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Venoblood - Heavens Tear
    Venoblood - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    sanai01 wrote: »
    I couldn't agree more. We are all different in many aspects, but I feel that it should not stop us from practicing patience. In the same token, you can also argue that it's hard to practice patience when others are not willing to listen. Like I've stated earlier; complaints can serve a certain benefit, but I feel we should turn away from derogatory comments that only deviate us from solving the complaints people make.

    Of course. I agree that while filing a complaint to your boss that needless banter is unnecessary, but it is good to receive criticism for everything that you do. It shows that people care about what you're doing, as if they didn't then they wouldn't be giving up their time to make it better. Now, I'm not say that despiteful words are A-OK with me, but it is good to voice your opinion to people - angry or not. Sure, the White House will probably shoot you down for voicing your opinion on their front lawns, but we have a little bit more space to freely breathe here - and not simply because however anonymous we may be.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Veno... you are one smart cookie.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Jebbediah - Lost City
    Jebbediah - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I read the incredibly reactive threads to things like small bits of downtime and I wonder by what standard the posters measure the injustice of it all. While unexpected downtime can be frustrating, the outright trauma it seems to bring to some leaves me mystified. I've been playing since beta and don't need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of times the servers have been down beyond normal maintenance. I have seen the names of the pay games like Vanguard, WoW, EQ, etc. and having played those games and more I wonder if senility is setting in for some. The level of frustration the pay games have taken their subscribers through with lag, unplayable bugs, and excessive downtime make the tiny and infrequent problems here even more impressive.

    I believe that those complaining the loudest are similar to my students who, through lack of drive and caring earn C's or lower. They are the first ones to scream injustice when there is homework (which they will likely not do anyway) or a test. These same people do eveything half-assed including their jobs. They have no qualms about delivering ineffective, incomplete, and substandard results in an out of school yet the first time they are faced with being on the receiving end of something less than perfect, the apocalypse has come.

    I like to think that rational and compatent people realize that sometimes things don't go just so and realize that is part of life. While we may be a little frustrated, the world doesn;t come to an end. I wish people were as diligent in what they do as the perfection the demand from everyone else. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

    If your truely a teacher I feel sorry for your students,As you need to go back to school and learn proper grammer and spelling.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If your truely a teacher I feel sorry for your students,As you need to go back to school and learn proper grammer and spelling.

    This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Condescending comments like the one above solves nothing. I don't mind criticism, but comments that patronize opinions or offers no solution to the subject serves no purpose in a debate.

    Also, you might want to check your grammar and spelling before you decide to correct others.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Venoblood - Heavens Tear
    Venoblood - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    sanai01 wrote: »
    This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Condescending comments like the one above solves nothing. I don't mind criticism, but comments that patronize opinions or offers no solution to the subject serves no purpose in a debate.

    Also, you might want to check your grammar and spelling before you decide to correct others.

    We call people like him trolls, who serve no purpose other than to try and bring other people down. b:scorn

    (Thanks for your earlier comment b:chuckle, you're quite the cookie too)
  • Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear
    Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If your truely a teacher I feel sorry for your students,As you need to go back to school and learn proper grammer and spelling.

    Do you mean "you're"and "grammar"? How about "truly"? How about a period after students if youa re going to follow with a capital "A" in "as".

    I'm truly sorry for your teachers, parents, friends, etc.

    Teachers should never ever be poor typists, sleepy when they post, or not feel comfortable enough to make an informal post.

    You're a sad little boy, aren't you?
  • Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear
    Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    We call people like him trolls, who serve no purpose other than to try and bring other people down. b:scorn

    (Thanks for your earlier comment b:chuckle, you're quite the cookie too)

    You're both quite the cookie... I love cookies :-) <3
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you both! Cookies are yummy. b:chuckle

    Anyways, I think most of the people here on this post had very good opinions and I hope that the GMs, Devs and Mods are reading these. It's really fun to have a good debate with people and hear their (non-derogatory or condescending) comments or "complaints". b:pleased

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear
    Dagnytaggart - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If your truely a teacher I feel sorry for your students,As you need to go back to school and learn proper grammer and spelling.

    Funny, out of curiousity I went back and reread my original post. Exactly where were the grammar and spelling errors? I'm a poor typist so I assumed I hade made a typo here or there... didn't see them though.
  • Shygirl - Lost City
    Shygirl - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I read the incredibly reactive threads to things like small bits of downtime and I wonder by what standard the posters measure the injustice of it all. While unexpected downtime can be frustrating, the outright trauma it seems to bring to some leaves me mystified. I've been playing since beta and don't need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of times the servers have been down beyond normal maintenance. I have seen the names of the pay games like Vanguard, WoW, EQ, etc. and having played those games and more I wonder if senility is setting in for some. The level of frustration the pay games have taken their subscribers through with lag, unplayable bugs, and excessive downtime make the tiny and infrequent problems here even more impressive.

    I believe that those complaining the loudest are similar to my students who, through lack of drive and caring earn C's or lower. They are the first ones to scream injustice when there is homework (which they will likely not do anyway) or a test. These same people do eveything half-assed including their jobs. They have no qualms about delivering ineffective, incomplete, and substandard results in an out of school yet the first time they are faced with being on the receiving end of something less than perfect, the apocalypse has come.

    I like to think that rational and compatent people realize that sometimes things don't go just so and realize that is part of life. While we may be a little frustrated, the world doesn;t come to an end. I wish people were as diligent in what they do as the perfection the demand from everyone else. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

    Troll thread.

    Mods lock pls.
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Troll thread.

    Mods lock pls.

    Why would the mods lock this thread? Check out post #4 b:victory