so after the devs fix LH abuse PROPERLY can you guys fix red glyphs on bms?
green glyph on condesnsed thorn green glyph on spell cutter(wont interupt) red glyph elimination as long as those 3 main skills are in your macro you should be ok for continuous damage, id suggest grey earthen rift to consume hit charges for dmg in pve for the mean time. now that i helped. im sure somebody will come along…
why u all crying. LH still works in NR and cross server :smirk:
why the radio silence instead of taking accountability for the mess up and just telling us you got it wrong and are working to fix it instead of being bombarded by tickets and using that as an excuse?
the dev's had ONE job and you screwed it up yet again. this is the kind of that makes us have 0 faith in the GMs, the reason so many people have quit and will continue to quit. i noticed the marketplace update notifications are working fine but the ONE thing the community as a whole wants(besides the ones abusing…
Now Server Network Error. Good job.
relog and dont move then 1st thing u click is flyer. then u can use tele stone
probably because its SVS mount you can make with the coins but that ones bound. just like golden riding dog mount from petal dreams
no, you can take them after DST maint as you would on monday and again on monday. you will just not have talents next week unless you can get the nessecary chiv all on sunday
what anniversary? no events or anything. only 2x.
also whats with the crashing while reconnecting after a dc?
why is it such a gauntlet to simply log into forums on browser and on arc client the forums dont even work at all.
i mean, i could make some stuff up too and claim to be in such a bad way because of a game, but at the end of the day it is just that. A GAME. if this person is SO much stress to you, BLOCK them. theres so much fun on pwi without world chat. ask your faction for help. i know tempest isnt THAT dead.
what about the Lantern Festival quest in wonderland? and just have tw on some kind of auto reset every x amount of weeks. also wishing the best to those affected by the corona. its just a shame how PWI fell apart overnight. also how about another kind of spend / charge promo similar to the one we just had but with actual…
you all are lucky Psy. is not in the mood to talk here or he would cement his ban. enough of your ****, he charges more than you fake talkers. and if you're going to make cancer jokes. you should be banned too
there are many speculations but 0 evidence and 0 shreds of evidence. as a GM i think you would contact them to stop as to avoid the ban and enjoy the game. if persisting and it is chat related, chat mute for x minutes. if they then log an alt then ban. you guys need to make a reliable system for bans and fix your email…
CRUSH has never wined ANY tws regardless of gank or not, im simply stating dyna has a big mouth and a bigger ego. my point has been proven, and im in none of the ego factions. i was simply stating facts. dont hate the player, hate the game!
my "insult" was facts. why are you admitting to insulting me? also this would be a waste of time to insult you as you would not understand it if i did. as such, have a nice day.
you got wiped by a PvE faction . you NEVER bid on Tempest. but you claim you went after them? they bid on your land and took it with ease, as i stated previously. enjoy your 3rd place podium, its better than last season and the one before
did u ever wonder why Dynasty let them lands to Oldies? bcuz they gave it to them and fight for the strongest faction on server (Tempest). meanwhile theres a 3 or 4 gank in Dynasty at the same time. they still manage to defend 2lands in 4fights even they lost to Tempest. that is what u called "Hardwork" while CRUSH and…
is Dynasty salty because they couldnt abuse another glitch of pwi? gms make a mistake and you try to cover it up. dynasty are all here being salty but have alts in CRUSH so why are u upset? ur alts get a good reward. want to talk about op btw? didnt Dynasty get beat by Oldies 2 seasons ago? CRUSH has NEVER wined ANY tws.…
*Furious Ocean's range has been increased from 8 meters to 10. (never used in pvp-due to low damage) *Psionic Infusion's duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40. (increasing debuff but not buff) *Spirit Phalanx's channeling time has been reduced from 2.0 seconds to 1.0. (still costs 2 sparks and basicly useless…
ive hit 17m on my psy, and im 90% sure its thx to the seeker, quid pro quoing the mobs debuff to the boss, just in the nick of time, considering i did it with half a squad. hope this helps with ur confusion