n9crawler Arc User


  • sorry to hear about this. as long as the "stuffs" were not npc'd, it may be possible for GM to retrieve them thru the logs of your toon. i'm not sure how sophiscated pwi is with logs and how long they keep those around. since this game involves real money (real business transactions), hopefully pwi could track it down and…
  • u just realized that? b:chuckle.. this thread has dragged on long enough.. time for a new QQless battle report? b:dirty
  • That goes the same for the so-called high lvls who think they know-it-all, and won't accept guidance from others.. they'd be like "dude, i'm lvl 85...", then they spam heal a barb in bh69 wondering why the barb dies so quickly...
  • enelysion, outlaw, redraidrs all took lands and have been able to hold their lands. that to me is strongness. having TWs every week doesn't necessarily mean strongness. a faction constantly attacks Nef every week for a 5 minute joy is rated as 3rd strongest? b:chuckle get real.. this thread is nothing more than your…
  • QQ much b:laugh ... you go from "strongest faction in TW" to "activeness".. in your so-called logisitic thought, "activeness" = "strongness".. awesome.. why dont your faction go poke redraidrs, outlaws, enelysions lands and find out...
  • to reduce lag, download and run Game Booster from iobit (just google for Game Booster). there are also settings in game you can do to reduce lag as well, but you will sacrifice the pretty visuals. turn graphic settings down: flowers, trees, clouds, textures, etc... turn off customization (everyone in the same class and…
  • bah.. i thought i was composing a new thread but instead was replying to this.. lol
  • ya, i saw that too.. tideborn is slowly taking over the world b:chuckle