minitar0 Arc User


  • well this could be good and bad i think it should be a contest like thing were every one gets to creat a mount and then the GMs or wat ever look through them and pick out like ten or so mabey even less and put them in game. just would hope no one would copy one already made...b:pleasedb:thanks
  • u see i totally agree bc the iron hammer is way too expensive to have to buy it at least twice for the supply chest at lvl 50 and 80 i do think it should cost like 750k to 900k for it to even be worth it if u look at the chest of coins theres about 200ish of them out there being sold bc they dont want to buy hammer i…
  • well if it was p2p and now f2p then they should make it to where if u want a house u buy it and then go from there i dont think they should have taken it out. you see i used to play an f2p/p2p mmorpg game and it had houseing if u chose to pay and be a member instead of free playe.whew b:sweat
  • want to know a funny thing i had an idea sorta like this vampire like but u were able to make every thing up for it congratz i am 100% behind u on this but uh wat lvl r the mounts to bc the wagon should be for like lvl 5 or lvl 10 since 1m a sec and how bout a scythe to
  • the whole get rid of shop thing is stupid but i do agree with the veno rip why make them worth 1 gold in shop then sell for like 10 to 20k when u could get it for free i know i sell for 100gp up to 5k depending on the lvl and skills the pet has
  • actually people will say ur cheating ur lagging or anything they can think of
  • sad thing about this is that it isnt just with pking its with monster killing to. you could be doing a quest and when ever u go to kill a monster someone will try and kill all of them just so u cant complete it. this has happend to me many times and it just grinds my gears