lightcharm Arc User


  • Doubt anyone can out spam that guy. However, the number one spot for annoy things in game would be jerky players esepcially the me so pro you so noob ones as like Duke their off button seems to be broken.
  • they could tell us why which would be very considerate and appreciated but perhaps they haven't cuz a.) the reason why the mass random dc's are happening would make people run to another game (though the issue I think can do that job solo/without some horrible truth being revealed) b.) they figure why bother as the rage…
  • Okay, thanks. Never had this issue before when using the lock so had to ask what was up.
  • You're a sweetheart. Yes that does seem to be helping today. Before changing the display yielded no results, but couldn't hurt to try again since it worked for you. Just to be clear for anyone else having this issue previously no matter what I did to the graphics settings, changing display from fullscreen to windowed to…
  • Yep, done done and done. I'd be a little doubtful of it being a bug too if I hadn't had it happen to me as obscure as it seems to be, but seeing as everything with my computer is in check plus having ample time to ask others to know it's not just me (as in something weird gong on with my account) it is definitely a…
  • I can't speak on the problem with taking screenshots you're having but as for your face if you're a venomancer with a fox tail it's a bug. Hopefully one day it will be fixed for us.
  • Same thing happened to me after a recent re-install of the game.
  • One of the things I'd like to see... hear fixed too.
  • Perhaps a lot of the "newcomers" you saw were just old players playing the new race. Perhaps the newcomers are just not playing on the server you frequent. Perhaps it's because the people that would play this game don't know about it or Perhaps PWE doesn't have the best reputation for game quality or good player support? I…
  • The tracking is a on the glitchy so that needs fixing. Auto tracking for quests and the ability to turn that on and off while still allowing players to add or remove certain quests from the track list. Aside from that just requesting general fixes to bugs that have been around for years like the skin color issue with the…
  • Sigh, that sounds kinda game breaking to me. (In case it wasn't obvious, I do not have a flying pet and this turns me off from even thinking of investing anything in one.) I'm seeing veno in a serious fight with one of those things that likes to run then shoot you. It runs to a hill and pet gets stuck veno dies. (-_-) I'm…
  • ^ Is actually the world's only typing goldfish and lols like crazy everytime someone mistakes them for being human.
  • Seriously, it's really shameful for y'all to offer and push a broken freebie. I mean at least openly acknowledge/let people know that the thing is broken. Hey everyone! We're giving away free rolls of tissue!!! Everyone grabs up a free roll just for at least half the people to find they picked up a soiled roll.
  • Done. I don't know what they did but this time when I tried to get it got stuck in a page load loop. Well at least my page didn't get spammed with the ad and I get no Jone's Blessing for the umpteenth time.
  • Same exact problem. Thought this was gonna be fixed this patch. What happened?
  • Same thing going on with me but judging by the above they are working on the problem. *Patiently waits.* b:cute
  • Not that I have a problem with Forsaken but I do have an issue with giving out fake popularity points. Say you like me/or something I like or I won't give you my cookies. Plus it fools people into thinking the game is more poplular than it is. Not that I don't think it can stand on its own merits but apparently Perfect…
  • Naughty website says all is good to go. Guess it hasn't tried logging in. >.>
  • Have D/Ced twice on Dreamweaver so far. and want to add haven't been able to get back on bleh.
  • I'm one of the few it seems that have gotten replies to my tickets but no matter what the issue was I've gotten the same cut and pasted response. Sure you might get a reply but that's just it a reply; not any actual answers to your questions or resolving of the problem(s) you are having. Sad thing about it is it took a…
  • b:sad I was there when it started. Went to the low level meet point but no one- not even the GM were there. There is no way I could have went to the high level meet point to scrap with a level 80 for sardines... I want my sardines!b:cry <Yes, am being melodramatic for effect.)
  • To Cholla; Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've been having a similar problem. That water tip helped a lot. I didn't think to turn up my settings (specifically that one) just disabling and lowering. Weird water graphic quality would have anything to do with your character going glitchy. It's part of the…
  • I don't get it. If something is supposed to being there and isn't people have the right to complain about it. I do have to agree that an absurd amount of people complain about features that allow for fast leveling and that's senseless. It just looks like folks hating on newcomers that can use the fancy leveling features…
  • So my character is mooning me? XD (_ _)o Well considering I can't keep from killing him 10+ times in a row....b:shedtear I don't have any fashion just the standard issue armor. He's not just pantsless but has not underwear on. It's just him. The rest of my characters keep their cloths on. This is something I just noticed…
  • (T_T) Yeah, everything is up to date and did try turning off effects etc. Even went through it again just to make sure. All I can say is I know it's nothing on my end. Is this going to end up like the fox venomancer (among other things)b:sad and never be fixed? At least Psytrac knows I'm not some pantless sicko. b:sad
  • Do you mean ALL by certain angles? XD Sorry, but yeah no matter which way you look at him or turn him he's bottomless while in the water.b:shocked Is it really known? I did a search before posting and found nothing that indicated such.
  • Thanks everyone. That's explains it. So if you don't wanna drop out the sky use a cleric.b:laugh Now, if I can just anyone to tell me how to fit the camera controls to my gamepad that'd be awesome.
  • I noticed this when you click on "GM" in game as well. What's going on?
  • b:flowerb:thanks Thank you. Ima keep trying.