hopaqo Arc User


  • Wrong. Archer, low to mid level archer is the best PvP class, simply due to range for one. Around L90 all classes start catching up, and now its the gear that matters the most.
  • One reason I'm playing BM is Fists. If prefering fists makes me a noob then might as well go become a Seeker.
    in So Fist Comment by hopaqo July 2012
  • Server is Raging Tides. Modest Lucky Points say less than 20. How much more Zeal will fetch say in comparison to Longevity, at lev40. Just trying to get some rough idea as others been asking as well.
  • I take it you can't get chi stones from the auction. b:surrender
  • What the hell you on about? b:puzzled b:irritated
  • Did you even read my above post, who said about charm requirement to play a class or to learn it?? Wiz survival and charm I'm certainly talking about. And tell me what percentage of people give up playing wiz before 6X and why?? I haven't used charm for anyother class but the time it took you or the time it will take me…
  • Trust me your friend uses charms or he never would've started another wiz. 90% of wiz give up before reaching 6X. Like I said it doesn't matter how good you are but simply wiz are like wet paper all it takes is a little tap and you're gone. Increase magic resistance mobs wouln't die, ranged mobs kill you, two mobs attack…
  • Didn't say anything about ability to play or prices. You haven't played a wiz have you. Trust me you WILL buy a charm. b:victory
  • True except try levelling a wiz without a charm even at lower levels.
  • I just started a wizard as well and agree would really appreciate more detailed explanations of skills and their uses, pros/cons etc. In the Newcomers guide above(Sticky) skills have been categorized as level of importance; http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=95192 If High level wiz's plz give us more…
  • Pure Build is the only build you should follow as an archer, there is a reason. Some do add some vit but that is completely useless.
    in Survival? Comment by hopaqo June 2010
  • There is NO such thing as Fist archer, just a crappy version of BMs. No Bow = No Archer
    in Archer build Comment by hopaqo June 2010
  • Why you jealous? b:laugh
  • Was wondering the same thing, not to mention difference between physical vs magic boss, or range vs melee. I'd appreciate it if you can shed some light on all classes plz. Thx b:victory
  • Vit is complete waste and will waste valueble Dex point. Not much difference you will have problems till you're maybe 35/40, then you have enough range, dmg and knockback to deal with any problems. Eventually nothing will touch you and be dead even before it touches you. b:laugh Trust me stick with it yes it is difficult…
    in Archer build Comment by hopaqo June 2010
  • If you're willing to spend a lot of dough on the game then pk by all means. Otherwise you can join us on PvE server. b:pleased
  • I will get all four crafting skills to L3 atleast, for one you might want to roll another char later, and you'll find it easier to get all the mats you need. However archer is not the best to farm mats at earlier levels hence the mats you need. After that you can decide what you want to continue with and what not.…
  • & Varden attacks Vibrant Cliffs held by QQme.
  • That was very useful no idea why that was changed. Unable to mail directly now as well which was a great feature. Only way is to advance search, and use "Search by User Name".
  • Officially the best thread ever . . . I Demand it be stickyed b:laugh All Hot Archers BUT one thing I didn't see. An archer with a Bow Sexyyy!! b:dirty
  • Dude still waiting for results b:pleased and ty b:thanks
  • Why? Why are the ****? Don't blame us you don't have any eye candy. Still there are many guys walking around half naked suddenly you don't seem to complain about that b:victory Last week I told a Barb dude go put some chit on and reply, Barb in underwear Sexyyy b:shocked
  • How, how are women portrayed as ****? Just because they look sexy they're apparently ****? A lot of women in the game wear sexy clothes thats not armour so now they're suddenly ****. Hell I'd be lying if say I don't like looking at sexy venos( & their hot Butts). b:laugh Next part is odd how exactly you keep looking at…
  • There really isn't a way not that I can think of, Press 'E' and see if there is anything. But thats what its suppose to do attack. That said you have to use your normal attacks with your skills. Skills cost a lot of mana and higher the skill level more mana they cost. Some skills also require Chi. Take Aim is not very…
  • Not a lot dude thats what I'm saying. If they were available at lower levs and not having to spend extra $10 a lot more people would buy them. Exactly I checked and cost like $60.
  • Don't really see that on RT, yeah some have but not a lot. You mainly see when you come to archasaur and still not that prevelant. Exactly b:pleased Only elves get their wings at lev1 and they use mana, others have to wait till lev30. b:sad and you know how much those aerocrafts cost but again compare with mount speed.…
  • Thx Asmodiel, manually downloaded the 'NEW Incremental Patch 337-340' worked. b:pleased Good luck with going admin.
  • Simply No!! b:pleased
  • The problem is NOT using the charms but that 80% of it is wasted. If we spend money then it should be us who set at what % it should tick, we should be able to equip or unequip. Simply because we can't unequip 80% is burned for nothing. Mana charms are complete waste. That said tbh if you need charms to survive and pk and…
  • Kinda sure does b:surrender But you're forgetting the most important thing, "Range".