hoodat Arc User


  • ok i figured it out its the genie icon in your inventory screen b:laugh. Thanks
  • Ok so i have chi stones for my genie stamina which is quite low. But i cannot figure out how to use them? does this happen automatically?
  • Yeah, i figured i would need higher lvl. but i can hope! So 8pm on saturdays, usually. Re-roll a char? u mean make new one? whats CQ stand for? Im trying to figure out how all this works. So there is no schedule for the actuall timing of your specific event? I mean how do you know when you need to defend or attack…
  • what character class are you? What does that mean "besides nothing enable you to run away from him." What does this mean 2nd debuff genie?
  • ya... lowering there accuracy would work. But i dont know quite what you mean by 2nd debuff genie. no comprende..... Honestly im completely dumbfounded by genies.........
  • ya, i guess people just whine. I just thought maybe it was like a un written rule or something... kinda like the no potions during a duel thing...... that i was un aware of. Or am i mistaken about the potion thing too? b:bored
  • LOL. ya. Ok now next question.... What do i do when they can fly too ?? b:shocked I guess when they come up go down and vis-versa? Why do people frown on this flying thing so much ?b:scorn
  • Very cool...... so the cooldown is not allowing the spell to cast thus stopping the entire macro. Nice i just lightning upgrade and im gonna try that macro out now. Thanks for all your help.
  • Hmmm ill try that when i get lightning. Maybe the 2nd quickshot isnt ready like dude says. ill try that thanks.
  • I have the normall attack sword icon at the end of the macro. the final one. but he just stands there doing nothing....
  • Thanks alot ill let you guys rest. b:victory
  • Ok so i just manufactored alot of things to get my skill up to make something that i wanted. I kept making things only to notice that i was stuck at 100% lvl 1 tailoring. It was then i remembered about going to the eldar to get lvl 1. So i go and there it is the lvl 2 tailor skill. Now for my question: Do i have to…
  • Thanks guys. Im in the process of turning all that stuff into junk now! havent even made a dent in it and im almost lvl 2 smithing already! LOL and all the stuff that i want to make now doesnt even use the materials that i have! TOO FUNNY! Irony at its best. Although i will say very creative with the alt account. But at…
  • Thanks all. I guess i will just make cheap items and get my skills up so i can make something usefull. Although i am tempted to make this "alt" account. lol. But then how will i pass things to and from this char with only one computer? Mom quits quite pissed if i use her computer. And it would be a long download.
  • You raise some interesting points. Thanks for your advice. But what should i do with all these matz?
  • Yes i have friends, yes im in a guild. Yes i help people. I take a quest go to the monster that it requires killing and ask for invite, put the yellow letters above my head looking for squad... etc. invite others.... no responces usually other than KS'in. or i get a member and they just do whatever or run off. I even…
  • Ok, i thought of something after i wrote that. If i join a good faction and everyone wants to help each other, wouldnt we basically have to all be the same level and remain that way to do quests and stuff. So if i play alot, which i do, then everyone else will have to play that much too or in a week ill be lvl 30 and they…
  • Ive been in many factions and they dont help out with anything and most of them dont know even as much as i do about the game. Should i start my own faction? i have 100k Could i join yours?
  • Well. I have gotten two chars to level 20 both bms. and so far the only thing that was "fun" in this game was the FB 19. And it wasnt fun because the only people i could get to help me with it were level 70. BORING. So far ive seen no group dueling, no pking, barely any groups, when people do get into a group they just run…
  • that helped me out thanks!