Archers and Pcp/PK/Duel

hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Archer
Ok so every tank wants to duel me cuz im a archer and then QQ because i fly....... Isnt this what im supposed to do?

So, if i choose not to fly, what can i do to be competitive against tank classes?

I am lvl 26 archer pure build all light armor. b:victory

preciate ur help fellow archers.
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  • drmarley
    drmarley Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Anything goes in a duel. Let them QQ.
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LOL. ya. Ok now next question.... What do i do when they can fly too ?? b:shocked

    I guess when they come up go down and vis-versa?

    Why do people frown on this flying thing so much ?b:scorn
  • Randoms - Dreamweaver
    Randoms - Dreamweaver Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Its just that some players dont get the "how to" part. They are pissed off even when clerics self heal themselves. It doesnt mater that they have such skill, they just dont like to loose.
    I kill things b:victory
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ya, i guess people just whine. I just thought maybe it was like a un written rule or something... kinda like the no potions during a duel thing...... that i was un aware of.

    Or am i mistaken about the potion thing too? b:bored
  • Kvic - Dreamweaver
    Kvic - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I was challenged by a Barb to a duel, I'm pretty sure he was a higher level than I was.
    I tanked a few hits, then brought out the wings and started "death from above". As he was running from me, he was complaining how I was running from him. I told him he shouldn't have challenged an elf if he didn't want to fight winged people. My def and health suck, and flying is my only real defense right now.
    After all his complaining, I dropped the wings and told him to kill me, just to end the duel. He was happy then, and I didn't have to waste anymore arrows.
  • Fuhjeebies - Harshlands
    Fuhjeebies - Harshlands Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol i <3 mah wings

    if u need to fight melee units then get a 2nd debuff genie use the 40% decrease accuracy buff and they can't hit **** lol

    also if u has wings then u has teh right!!!!

    i use winged shield in duels lol but then again i like hearing noobs QQ
    just tell them "dude it could be worse i could be pk'ing you and stealing yer stuff while on my wings ^^"

    now that would make someone cry lol
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ya... lowering there accuracy would work. But i dont know quite what you mean by 2nd debuff genie. no comprende.....

    Honestly im completely dumbfounded by genies.........
  • ZwyIIa - Lost City
    ZwyIIa - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Everyone will be able to fly after lvl 30,
    So in my (my own b:chuckle) opinion, i think that if they ain't able to fly yet, it's not fair to fly. We're in duel here, not in pK.

    Besides nothing enable You to run away from him.
    And Duels ain't made for archer so don't bother about loosing.
    Everything is about pK for an archer.b:bye
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    what character class are you?

    What does that mean "besides nothing enable you to run away from him."

    What does this mean 2nd debuff genie?
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This is why you can't pk until lvl 30. But yeah, just tell them
    "dude it could be worse i could be pk'ing you and stealing yer stuff while on my wings ^^"
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  • Fuhjeebies - Harshlands
    Fuhjeebies - Harshlands Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    for the people asking about what i said about a 2nd debuff genie:

    i have 2 genies one with wind force lvl 3 (pve genie for faster flying n stuff)
    and i have a secondary genie which has 3 debuffs err 2 of which are aoe's i think....

    so yeh that's what i meant ^^
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hm I think if you're both under level 30, and the other person can't fly then you shouldn't fly. Because once you start flying it's not a duel anymore it's just you shooting some guy that can't hit you back. Kiting and stuff is fine, people always call me runner when I leap back and cloud sprint away from venos who put up bramble hood or barbs that use invoke the spirit. Honestly if you're either gonna reflect 200% of my damage back at me or reduce damage by 90% who in their right mind would stick around?