I am completely bored out of my mind.

hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Some please explain to me what is multiplayer about this game? It seams like a quest fest with no goal. FB's suck, arena is not coming back everyone tells me. Its next to impossible to do quests with someone else. Theres no events. you cant do anything untill your level 30. Someone please enlighten me on what i am missing about this game that seams like it got everything PERFECT but noone is doing anything with it. i mean dueling and quests are great but no group duels, no party quests, no arena, whats the goal?

In short there is absolutly no team work anywhere in this game that ive seen other than fb and if you dont have a level 60-70 with you you will die, and if you have a lvl 70 with you he just does everything.

Ok territory wars. Seams awesome great concept, but i see someone put up the cash to declare war and then 2 seconds later someone spends liek 14 million on it. Who the heck has 14 mil b4 you can get and hold a territory?

I keep telling myself to wait till level 30 and it will get better but i have been playing alot and i dont level up very fast at all. It seams to me im doomed till i get to lvl 30. But then what? Will i be then just as disapointed as i am now?

I really like the game, the concept, the customization, the depth. But it seams to me all this is not being put to use, at least by the majority of the player base.

Im really hoping someone can tell me what im doing wrong. Also i have my entire inv filled with stuff to manufactor things, but not what i need to manufactor anything usefull. and if i did get those items to manufactor usefull thigns then my skill isnt high enough to do so. Should i just sell it all off? Whats the point in always being able to manufactor stuff thats not as good as what you can buy at the npc for cheaper? Not to mention the money you will earn from selling off the matz to people.

Please dont just remove this thread.
Post edited by hoodat on


  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Seriously, you need a good faction. That will answer all your questions.
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ive been in many factions and they dont help out with anything and most of them dont know even as much as i do about the game. Should i start my own faction? i have 100k

    Could i join yours?
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I will guess a bit, tell me if I'm wrong:

    1) you have no guild.

    2) you have no friends in game.

    3) You don't help anybody in game.

    4) Your toon is like any toon from your race in PWI (stats and skills as per guides) and nothing special from you in it.

    Am I right?

    If I'm right, join a guild and start helping people. All your problems will be solved.b:victory

    Otherwise, this game is not for you.b:cry
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, i thought of something after i wrote that. If i join a good faction and everyone wants to help each other, wouldnt we basically have to all be the same level and remain that way to do quests and stuff. So if i play alot, which i do, then everyone else will have to play that much too or in a week ill be lvl 30 and they will be lvl 20 and whoever is helping them lvl up is gettin the shaft on exp. See what i mean? what should i do?
  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes i have friends,

    yes im in a guild.

    Yes i help people.

    I take a quest go to the monster that it requires killing and ask for invite, put the yellow letters above my head looking for squad... etc. invite others.... no responces usually other than KS'in. or i get a member and they just do whatever or run off.

    I even announce the quest and all that jazz. Maybe they dont speak english? Ive started using online translators.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hoodat wrote: »
    ill be lvl 30 and they will be lvl 20 and whoever is helping them lvl up is gettin the shaft on exp. See what i mean? what should i do?

    So, you want a fare trade right?

    Honestly, for me there is no better game satisfaction than helping somebody. I wish I could do in real life what I do in game.b:sad

    If your squad mates are lower level than you, you are their protector/mentor and the player they look for help.

    The right guild is the one full of friends.

    The guild in which a cleric will travel from one end of the map to the other end to ress a guildmate.

    The guild in which the veno is doing many TT runs to help squad mates to get their TT mats. Without her keeping any for herself.

    The right guild is the one in which the Barb is called for every minor boss in the map and he shows up to each of them, regardless on gear repairs.

    The right guild is the one in which the helpers take roles in the squad not suitable for them, just to help a guildmate.

    In the right guild you are no afraid of your FB being a nightmare on drops or on quest inside the dungeon.

    I have received and offered help in many cases similar to above and the satisfaction is really good.

    When I was level 30+, I recalled many high level friends getting killed on my quests. Now I understand all the exps they were losing in helping me.

    If you are the high level on your guild, networking is important to get help ouside of guild.

    Another satisfaction is to do imposible tasks, as soloing mobs that you are not supposed to do.
  • PinkEvil - Dreamweaver
    PinkEvil - Dreamweaver Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    To me the problem is: the people are to "selfish" maybe???

  • hoodat
    hoodat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You raise some interesting points. Thanks for your advice. But what should i do with all these matz?
  • PinkEvil - Dreamweaver
    PinkEvil - Dreamweaver Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hey i dont postr this...my message has so much more things....why dont apper more nothing???
  • Jakob - Harshlands
    Jakob - Harshlands Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So, you want a fare trade right?

    Honestly, for me there is no better game satisfaction than helping somebody. I wish I could do in real life what I do in game.b:sad

    If your squad mates are lower level than you, you are their protector/mentor and the player they look for help.

    The right guild is the one full of friends.

    The guild in which a cleric will travel from one end of the map to the other end to ress a guildmate.

    The guild in which the veno is doing many TT runs to help squad mates to get their TT mats. Without her keeping any for herself.

    The right guild is the one in which the Barb is called for every minor boss in the map and he shows up to each of them, regardless on gear repairs.

    The right guild is the one in which the helpers take roles in the squad not suitable for them, just to help a guildmate.

    In the right guild you are no afraid of your FB being a nightmare on drops or on quest inside the dungeon.

    I have received and offered help in many cases similar to above and the satisfaction is really good.

    When I was level 30+, I recalled many high level friends getting killed on my quests. Now I understand all the exps they were losing in helping me.

    If you are the high level on your guild, networking is important to get help ouside of guild.

    Another satisfaction is to do imposible tasks, as soloing mobs that you are not supposed to do.

    That made me cryb:sad

    None of my guilds ever did any of that stuff for me lol
    And I find this game fun because some of my real life friends play it so we can hang out in-game and **** like that.

    Cheers b:bye
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    That made me cryb:sad

    None of my guilds ever did any of that stuff for me lol
    And I find this game fun because some of my real life friends play it so we can hang out in-game and **** like that.

    Cheers b:bye

    I forgot to mention that one of my friends logs off from one his non-cleric toons and re-log as cleric just to ress me.b:victory
  • Rule - Heavens Tear
    Rule - Heavens Tear Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hoodat wrote: »
    Ive been in many factions and they dont help out with anything and most of them dont know even as much as i do about the game. Should i start my own faction? i have 100k

    Could i join yours?

    Starting your own faction would probably make things worse. Need to find one with a good range of levels, currently mine is a bit high lev for ya. You should look for a concentration of 3x,4x,5x so that you have plenty of room to grow. FB's should be parties where people are willing to slay each other to get in with you. That said, they also make sure and get you in on thiers. Most of your quests can be done in squad, I usually stockpile mine till I got a buddy to do some with. Quest = Bored.
    Get a squad together of people your lev and grind some monsters a few lev's higher. Good XP and good times.
  • Averian - Lost City
    Averian - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Okay well the fun part about this game is what everyone is saying, helping others. Also, you dont lvl slow. You just dont know how. If you play very little like maybe 2 hours a day, lvl 30 can be reached lets say in like 2 weeks? maximum. And every quest you do just lvls you all the way to 36 and you start needing to grind a little. You cant find squads cause no one your lvl grinds. At later lvls, FB becomes really fun for you cause you are the one helping your team mate kill the mobs and you get xp instead of grinding all day, fb gives you lots of xp. Seriously. Like i am 48 now. When i do fb, i get 6% well that was what i got the first time i checked. Anyway 6%, thats 60 mobs( yeah i calculated). Quest gets less and less, grinding gets more and more. I still dont find squads yet but instead talk on the guild chat and communicate. Really ease your boredom. Another great feature on this game is TW. Yeah only high lvl guild gets to do it. For example, my clan havent do it yet. But we already start preparing for it and it needs weeks. You gotta think of strategies to win. It isnt just about high lvls. Yes high lvls is one factor. But if that clan dont think and just charge into battle each doing their own ****,they wont win even if all their members are like say 1-3 lvls above the other clan. Well thats what i get from watching TW videos. Anyway right now, do these since you said you aint high lvl yet. This is what you do to have fun at lower lvls.

    1) Do quest and while doing so talk to your clan mates.
    2) Try to help your clan mates when you have time
    3) LVL( this is important cause when you get to 40++ you can start helping out in fb19 and maybe just maybe 29 but not so much on 29)
    4) Make friends as in not clan mates but other clan members.

    okay if you are in lost city, when you are 30 you will get pissed cause many people start pking you. This time, your friends from other clans and i mean high lvl ones would help you. Is these progresses you make that is fun. Making friends with other people also makes it fun. So just lvl and make friends and all will be well.

    Oh and about the mats, just keep lvling them. doesnt matter if they can help you or not. At later lvls you will need them, alt you can ignore them but one of your friends got to have high lvl crafting so you could ask them help you.

    Hope this helps.
  • Bolinhas - Lost City
    Bolinhas - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That made me cryb:sad

    b:shy Pandas are kewt