gerrick222 Arc User


  • Currently I'm doing a similar setup, with a friend, and we have two "mains" One is a cleric + barb, currently on hiatus. Interesting duo, and we are the core of an instance group right there. But killing things can be SLOW! Right now, we are trying out a Venomancer + Wizard combo. This has been a TON of fun. We simply…
  • There is an item you buy in the cash shop that lets you use those extra slots, as well as give you a piggy on a treasure chest look (instead of a cat balancing on its tail).
  • As far as I can tell, the only good reason to feed your own XP to a genie is to freeze your level advancement at a certain point. I've used that when I am leveling with a friend, since I play a bit more, if I go herb hunting or something and do some mob slaughter, I'll dump some xp into the genie to not level past my…
  • The level locked part I don't mind at all. That is kinda nice, really, to NOT see level 1 ubercraftmules. Crafting tends to be one of my favorite things in MMOs, even if hard, just nice to know which ones tend to be skippable or useless, and from what I am seeing so far, that is none of them! <chuckles> Between that and…
  • Cheers for Drive By Buffings! Something I always loved doing in some other MMOs, so definitely nice to see folks do it here as well! :)
  • Oh, no, not on all of them! I am not QUITE that insane! <grins> Though I did do similar stuff back when I played WoW (leveling fishing on everyone, back when it was actually hard to do, for instance). Leveling the three just on the main sounds a good idea. I'm starting to see that they are more important than I had…
  • Thankee. So far Apothecary does seem super useful! The others seem a bit tougher to work on for some reason, even though making powders and potions requires a lot more materials. I did manage to get enough mats to make a bunch of Life Powder and hit rank 2 in under an hour, which seemed pretty good. Put a bunch of them on…
  • Thanks for the answers so far! Makes me a bit less leery about trying out a cleric as a newbie :) Though the mana potions cost could be a prohibitive factor! From the sound of the replies so far, no one server is more populated or accessible than any other? That is a plus, if so, to me at least. I suppose once I "settle…