Crafting newbishness

gerrick222 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
So, I've done the "learn a craft" quests on each of my characters I've been testing out (so far Venomancer is just ridiculously easy compared to the others), and have been wondering: How worthwhile is grinding crafting?

Apothecary seems good, even if it takes a LOT of herbs to grind up. What about the others? Are they worth gathering the mats for to grind up? Or are the mats themselves more valuable to just vendor?

And as part of that, do you ever get more than just one or two things when gathering? Seems like it takes forever, both to find things, and then get enough, when you get 1 log at a time, or 1 piece of ore! :)
Post edited by gerrick222 on


  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't ever sells mats to NPC vendors. Sell them to players - they are worth a LOT more than the items you can craft.

    This is because you need high level crafting to make some of the top gear in the game, so higher level players suddenly realise "Oh! Gotta craft!" and are unable to farm the items themselves.

    Crafting is also useful because it allows you to decompose gear - either to feed your aerogear/genie or to sell the stones to other players - which often makes more than the gear would.

    Apothecary is very VERY nice early on.
  • gerrick222
    gerrick222 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thankee. So far Apothecary does seem super useful! The others seem a bit tougher to work on for some reason, even though making powders and potions requires a lot more materials.

    I did manage to get enough mats to make a bunch of Life Powder and hit rank 2 in under an hour, which seemed pretty good. Put a bunch of them on the AH, as my venomancer does not really get hurt much, and I could not see a way to use the powders on the pet! Must've way underpriced them though, as they vanished within 20 seconds. Ah well, a bit more cash at least! :)
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yeah, life powder isn't so useful to a veno. The magic regen powders are nice though.
    And as you noticed, every other class will snap them up :)

    Non-apothecary crafting is more annoying, because some of the items needed are random drops from mobs (as well as needing mined materials). Herbs you just mine.
  • DeadRaven - Sanctuary
    DeadRaven - Sanctuary Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I am not sure if I am reading your original post right but it sounds like you are trying to level ALL your manufacturing skills for ALL of your characters,.... is this right?

    If so, I would strongly recommend that you only bother to level your blacksmithing, crafting, and tailoring for your main character only. Levelling these skills gets to be incredibly expensive (and time consuming) later on in the game. Besides, you only really need these skills on one character as you can then use that character to make all your stuff for the rest of your characters.

    The one exception to this is with apothecary which is relatively easy to level in comparison to the other manufacturing skills. Apothecary is the only one I level with all my characters,

    <3 apothecary.
  • gerrick222
    gerrick222 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh, no, not on all of them! I am not QUITE that insane! <grins> Though I did do similar stuff back when I played WoW (leveling fishing on everyone, back when it was actually hard to do, for instance).

    Leveling the three just on the main sounds a good idea. I'm starting to see that they are more important than I had suspected.
    I've not settled on a main yet, been trying out each of the classes for a few levels to get a feel for them, though am definitely planning on keeping a Venomancer as either main or "main alt", cause they are so much fun (at least right now, sub level 20), and pretty easy to deal with, leveling wise. Archer was neat until about 14 when I started hitting massive roadblocks of damage and mana use.

    I was shocked at how fast the Life Powder sold (I put it up for 35k for 5 on Dreamweaver), and it was quite literally gone in seconds. Either that was cheap, or people REALLY like using it! I can not make the mana powder yet (well, my Veno CAN, but she can not use it, or get the mats for it yet), but it is one that looks to be pretty much a must have for most classes.

    Thanks again for all the info and advice. Nice to be playing a game where the forums don't make me want to wash my eyes with bleach, and where people are actually helpful! :)
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Note that leveling crafting, smithing and tailoring up to level 3 on all chars isn't that hard and isn't a bad idea... you'll be able to decompose mob dropped equipment up to level 6, which lets you get chi stones to give stamina to your genie/endurance to your aerogear/make attack and defense charms with your apothecary skill. Getting any of them beyond 3 is the tough part.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'd also note that crafting is level locked - so yes, you have to do it on your main - you can't just get an ubercrafter level1 mule.
  • gerrick222
    gerrick222 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The level locked part I don't mind at all. That is kinda nice, really, to NOT see level 1 ubercraftmules.

    Crafting tends to be one of my favorite things in MMOs, even if hard, just nice to know which ones tend to be skippable or useless, and from what I am seeing so far, that is none of them! <chuckles>
    Between that and making cash to get fun things to wear (as well as leveling and all that jazz), this should keep me busy for a while.
    Now to just settle on a main (if I can keep my alt-itis under control), and find a guild that fits!

    Thanks all, very helpful answers!
  • meshktenye
    meshktenye Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh, no, not on all of them! I am not QUITE that insane! <grins> Though I did do similar stuff back when I played WoW (leveling fishing on everyone, back when it was actually hard to do, for instance).

    Leveling the three just on the main sounds a good idea. I'm starting to see that they are more important than I had suspected.
    Pick only one character, preferably your main character, and level all of that crafts on that single character. Let's say your veno is your main and your cleric needs some armor. Have the veno craft the armor for your cleric and just mail it to your cleric. 500 coins per item - not bad - and it arrived in about an hour. I guess you can use the new shared inventory - but it costs 15 gold - YOWZERS.