gatts87 Arc User


  • If you think PWI's prices are high, then you are on crack and need some serious help. They are by far the lowest I've ever seen(especially considering its based in north america). Of course its cheaper on different versions of PW, because they are in different countries. It may be cheaper for north americans to purchase…
  • Direct is usually the faster way, the only reason to use torrent is if your connection is irregular and unstable. Torrents allow you to pause, resume, and pretty much do anything with your download if its stopped/disconnected for some reason. What speed are you downloading at? You could try pausing the download then…
  • He means the verify that goes through every single file, takes like an hour or more, but it downloads/updates any files that might need it. Not sure how useful that would be for you since you just reinstalled, but maybe some files were lost while downloading? Are you experiencing white screen flashes or server errors that…
  • They can heal, but not during battle. The heal is too slow and is easily interrupted by mobs/players etc. Only do a wizard if have the patience to wait till 59+, thats when things get interesting for wizards.
  • Wizard is the most challenging if you have lag or cant kite. Every other class has something keeping them from dying fast except wizard.
  • I think this has created more questions than answers hehe. Anyone know definite answers or is this speculation?
  • Can anyone answer my other questions?
  • Yes click the box in between the two arrows on the bottom or side of it. Once you click that box you can move the two rows anywhere you want, sadly you only get 1-6 for numbers, id rather have more numbers than F1-F8 etc etc. Like 1-0 above the letters on my keyboard.
  • Thank you =). Can anyone answer the other questions as well?
  • Still happens. However, its random now happens often just randomly. It was continuous when I first posted so atleast its improving a bit, but can anyone help me fix this issue?
  • I just think people should have a choice to reset skills and that resetting stats should be a less costly experience. Perhaps add two new items to the cash shop, reset all stats and reset all skills items. Would make people who messed up or that want to try new setups feel better. Plus the company will make a profit so it…
  • You might have issues, but not because of your gpu memory. You have enough of that to run the lowest settings. Just give it a try, make sure you put lowest possible settings on system settings in the game.
  • Whats the point in that? I'm sure I'm not the only one to make mistakes then forced to start over. Also I'd have to wait 7 days to use my chars name again :(... These reasons are why I dislike pw: no skill resets/char deletion takes 7 days/stat resets are in small chunks not just completely reset.
  • Go to NPCs like tailor or blacksmith and click trade list then repair one item or repair all.
  • Yes its activated. The white flashes trigger when I move around, if I stay still then nothing happens. Its happening less often now but it still does it. Maybe its just lag in the connection from me to the server? On every other game I play theres no issues and they are more graphic intensive then pw. Makes no sense :(.…
  • My graphic settings have been that way =) since I got this game. I downloaded the optimizer yesterday to see if that would help and the results are the same. The only reason I assume its something server side is because I haven't changed anything on my end and for the month or so before the auto path thing, I had no issues…
  • No one knows how to fix this?
  • I'm having a similar issue, except my screen flashes white, I haven't been helped yet so hopefully they answer you so I can find out as well.
  • For the issue you are experiencing just put a check in the "Safe Login" box before you click login and that should fix it.
  • Operating System : Windows XP x64 Processor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ 3.2 GHz Memory : 1024MB RAM Display Tab - device box - Name: Radeon X1950 Pro Chip Type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x7280) Approx Total Memory: 256MB Display Tab - driver box - Main Driver : ati2dvag.dll Version : 6.14.0010.6891…
  • Are there any ideas for fixing this? I don't use firewalls, all of them are turned off, same settings I had prior to the auto-path update and ever since the update I've had the flashing white screens/connection issues resulting in lag outs/disconnects. I'm only able to play for a few minutes(at best) before I get the error…
  • I finished that then tried the game. The results were that it took a bit longer to happen but the same exact issue occurred.
  • All my questions were based on information from again stop bringing up useless topics, I've learned that this is just another mmorpg where everyone hates questions from the new guy, I wont ask anymore questions only to get smart *** remarks, just simply answer or dont post at all... This topic is dead, don't…
  • Does anyone know about this?
  • Actually no they didn't answer my questions, thats why I continued to ask about them. All they did was try to insult me(like you) or give me irrelevant information. Read my first, post it clearly states "I've read almost every guide" that includes the two stickys who really don't answer my questions since one is all pvp…
  • That didn't really help me with my questions. We have more aoe's than anyone, but anyways if someone could answer the questions(experienced wizard preferred). Thank you =).
  • "What exactly does spark eruption do? "Discharge one Spark to acquire 200% extra physical attack from weapons for 10 seconds and become invincible for 1 second after the discharge". Is what it says for the skill, but does that mean that you add physical attack to your magic skills or that you simply make your weapon's…
  • I wasn't talking about soloing in that post, I just asked some questions. If anyone could answer them that would be great. Thank you to those who have posted helpful tips for me =).
  • What exactly does spark eruption do? "Discharge one Spark to acquire 200% extra physical attack from weapons for 10 seconds and become invincible for 1 second after the discharge". Is what it says for the skill, but does that mean that you add physical attack to your magic skills or that you simply make your weapon's…
  • Well because of how I play and who I play with, but anyways. Does anyone know the answer for the "on the skills it says Sage/Demon version always does blah blah blah, does that mean you don't have to level up the skill to get the effect once you become Sage or Demon since it will always have the blah blah blah effect on…